02-13-2013, 10:11 AM

Jerry Goldsmith Psycho II (1983) 9 titles

1.Murder 2.Main Title 3.Don't Take Me 4.Mother's Room 5.It's not your mother 6.New Furniture 7.The Cellar 8.Blood Bath 9.End Title

Psycho 2 (

03-20-2013, 06:43 AM
Totally didn't expect to find this on here but I'm glad I did. Only recently was introduced to the score through another goldsmith film which tracked some of it into it and wow, loving it!

PS: One track is a wma but I'm not complaining, all the tracks are there in mp3 but one got duplicated.

Thanks for this!

03-20-2013, 07:51 AM
I would love to see complete score for this, because I believe official release isn't full of music from this movie...

03-20-2013, 09:55 AM
thanks..��... very rare..���

03-20-2013, 03:49 PM
Thanks :)

03-20-2013, 05:24 PM

03-20-2013, 07:01 PM
Thanks for this treasure!

03-21-2013, 01:31 AM
Many thanks!

03-21-2013, 03:58 AM
What a great soundtrack. Thanks for sharing!

03-23-2013, 04:47 PM
a short but interesting score, not to compare with bernard herrmann's for the original film ; thank you

Isaias Caetano
03-23-2013, 05:48 PM
Thanks for sharing.....

Psycho II (Music From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack by Jerry Goldsmith)


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Review In digitalmeltd0wn.blogspot

t's time for a new theme for "Halloween Countdown 2010", and I'm calling this one "Attack of the Sequels". The last time I participated in the Halloween Countdown event was 2008, having missed last year's event because I was in the middle of a move. That year I posted soundtracks to a number of the most legendary horror films of the modern era. Each of these films had a tremendous effect when they were released, and subsequently influenced a plethora of horror movies for years to come. This year I will be following up my 2008 posts by posting soundtracks from the sequels to these films. The first film up is the sequel to one of the most influential horror films of all time, having revolutionized the horror genre overnight with its innovative and shocking approach, and helped to usher in the age of the modern slasher flick. Not only did it help change the horror genre, but it became a film that cemented itself within the public conscious. Just as Jaws forever changed people's perception of swimming at the beach, those who watched Psycho entered the shower with a bit more unease than existed before.

Nearly 23 years passed before a sequel appeared to Hitchcock's masterpiece. Oddly enough, the primary motivating factor behind the decision to make the film was to oppose the 1982 novel, "Psycho II", written by Robert Bloch as a sequel to his original novel. According to Bloch, Universal Pictures loathed the novel, which was intended to critique Hollywood splatter films, and suggested that he abandon the novel alltogether. Bloch refused and released the novel anyway, which would become a commercial success much to the sugrin of Universal. Universal then decided to create their own version sequel which contrasted sharply with Bloch's novel, drafted together a different story for the screenplay, and refused to invite Bloch to any of the screenings of the film.

Despite almost being rejected by Alfred Hitchcock, Bernard Herrmann's score for Psycho has become one of the most iconic and well recognized in the horror genre, particularly the terrifying screeching violins that can be heard during the infamous shower stabbing scene, which would become synonymous with the series. The director, Richard Franklin, knew that Bernard Herrmann would be a tough act to follow, so he chose one of the few men capable of following in his footsteps, the legendary Jerry Goldsmith.

Two different versions of this soundtrack have been released, both of which have been out of print for at least a decade. Below you will find a 320kbps download of the original soundtrack released on vinyl by MCA in 1983, as well as the 1990 CD reissue by Var�se Sarabande in FLAC. The Var�se Sarabande reissue contains brief liner notes (included in the download) written by Kevin Mulhall. The following passage is a brief excerpt from the notes describing the difficult task Franklin and Goldsmith faced in following up the original film:

"When Jerry Goldsmith accepted director Richard Franklin's offer to score Psycho II, he understood that the film would undoubtedly be compared with the original Psycho. Goldsmith and Franklin were courting artistic danger. Any attempt to emulate or equal Psycho on its own artistic level would have been an act of folly. Their only option was to create a sequel styllistically and identifiably different from the original film, without insulting the memory of Psycho.

For example, Franklin was informed that he could use the original music cues from Psycho in the sequel, but he rejected the idea: " our picture emerged and began to assert its own personality, it became evident Psycho II deserved its own score. Jerry Goldsmith was my favorite composer and therefore our first choice." The only cue re-used by Goldsmith was the famouse "shower scene," which opens the sequel and this recording. While conducting "The Murder," Goldsmith remarked, "Hermann must be turning over in his grave." Like other composers, Goldsmith had been frequently criticized by the enigmatic Herrmann (both worked at CBS in the 1950s), usually for no rational reason. But when he reflected upon his early years, Goldsmith eloquently conceded that "in spite of his own animosities and idiosyncracies, Herrmann was a musician to the core and his own musical instincts could not be denied and that is where he was most honest."

For Psycho II, Goldsmith assembled a large and unique orchestra, consisting primarily of strings, woodwinds, some brass, synthesizers, piano and percussion (including gongs and cow bells!) The main theme is gently orchestrated for piano, strings, synthesizer and clarinet, and is interpolated throughout the score ("New Furniture"). As Norman's state of mind changes, his theme is modified accordingly, assuming a more demented character. Goldsmith assists Franklin in building suspense through cues such as "Don't Take Him," "Mother's Room," "The Cellar" and "Blood Bath." The tension reaches a climax in "It's Not Your Mother," one of the score's highlights. By the end of the film, six murders have taken place. Although the evidence points towards Norman, he is absolved of guilt by the police, remaining innocent ("End Title")." - Kevin Mulhall

04-16-2013, 05:52 PM
Thank, soundtrack1967.

04-16-2013, 06:38 PM

04-18-2013, 05:04 PM
Thanks! Hoping Intrada gives us a complete version soon...

12-14-2013, 11:14 PM
Thank You

Which Doctor?
04-01-2014, 12:17 AM


Intrada proudly presents eerie, terrifying original soundtrack by Jerry Goldsmith from Richard Franklin follow-up to famed Alfred Hitchcock thriller about Norman Bates and those twelve vacancies at his Bates Motel. Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles reprise their iconic roles with newcomers Meg Tilly, Dennis Franz adding to suspense, chills. Goldsmith takes sensational approach to horror tale by anchoring entire score not with scary theme but with incredibly gentle, minor key idea that generates significant amount of sympathy for Norman, his attempts to go straight after years in prison. That said, horrific events follow and composer launches riveting action material in kind. Orchestration is unique: requisite strings in tribute to classic Bernard Herrmann original play key role but composer adds array of colors courtesy piano, large woodwind section, synthesizer. Goldsmith tacets all brass save French horns, allowing the expressive instruments to rip, tear and bray through numerous frightening passages. An unusually intense additional color comes from wild "knife slashes" written into score. With all these sizeable shadings of sound, resulting music ranges from gently beautiful, hauntingly sad to wildly aggressive, strikingly intense. Complete score presented in dynamic stereo courtesy multi-track session masters vaulted in pristine condition at Universal. For original 1982 album, Goldsmith did considerable editing within cues, dropped major sequences entirely to keep duration at a half hour. In some cases he also attached names of certain cues to others instead. Scoring session paperwork and cue sheets allowed us to properly identify everything for the first time. Fun to discover Goldsmith wrote two separate sequences titled "Mothers Room", "Mother's Room #2" plus two additional alternate versions featuring different bells, chimes, electronic effects within. All four appear on our CD. Also fun to discover haunting "End Title" was originally scored with striking pizzicato strings that plucked rhythmic accompaniment to introduction of gentle theme. This unused alternate also appears on our CD in "extras" section. Goldsmith also recorded two Beethoven piano excerpts at his sessions to be heard as Bates plays piano onscreen. Both also appear as extras, as does alternate version of "Peep Hole #2". Highlights of new music are many but deserving spotlight are intense "Toomy's Death", stark two-part voicings of French horns during "Expected Guest". Flipper cover allows listeners to select new artwork or original MCA album cover. Jerry Goldsmith conducts. Intrada Special Collection release available while quantities and interest remain!

Track List:

01. The Murder (Bernard Herrmann) (0:59)
02. Psycho II � Main Title (1:39)
03. The House (1:51)
04. Mother�s Hand (1:54)
05. Old Weapons (0:41)
06. Cheese Sandwich (0:31)
07. Mother�s Room (2:05)
08. Out To Lunch (2:00)
09. No Note (1:05)
10. The Peep Hole (1:47)
11. Toomy�s Death (1:11)
12. Peep Hole #2 (Revised) (0:55)
13. Mother�s Room #2 (4:28)
14. Basement Killing (1:18)
15. New Furniture (0:44)
16. It�s Starting Again (0:40)
17. A Night Cap (1:08)
18. Blood Bath (4:01)

19. Don�t Take Me (5:39)
20. She�s Not Dead (1:16)
21. Hello Mother (2:52)
22. The Cellar (4:48)
23. It�s Not Your Mother (5:11)
24. Expected Guest (2:44)
25. Psycho II � End Title (Revised) (4:18)
Time: 56:41

The Extras
26. Sonata #14 [Moonlight], Op. 27, No. 2 � 1st Mvt (Beethoven) (1:51)
27. Sonata #8 [Pathetique], Op. 13 � 2nd Mvt (Beethoven) (1:04)
28. Peep Hole #2 (Original) (0:56)
29. Mother�s Room #2 (Alternate No. 1) (4:28)
30. Mother�s Room #2 (Alternate No. 2) (4:28)
31. Psycho II � End Title (Original Version) (4:18)
The Extras Time: 17:18

04-01-2014, 05:08 AM
The question now is, does anyone have this Psycho II Expanded Soundtrack?

Which Doctor?
04-02-2014, 03:49 AM
The question now is, does anyone have this Psycho II Expanded Soundtrack?

Just started shipping today, so I'm sure someone will have it by the weekend.

04-02-2014, 04:21 AM

What he said.

04-02-2014, 07:58 AM
WOW, I own the original CD release, but I also want this version of the complete score.
No April 1st joke? Produced by Douglass Fake :-P
"Check" This is the real deal... Epic 80's score!

04-02-2014, 08:31 AM
What he said.

^^ +1! :)

04-02-2014, 10:41 AM

04-02-2014, 11:29 AM
Amazing i can't wait to have this!!