02-12-2013, 06:02 AM
There have been some favorite and worst movie threads but I thought this would be more general to not limit just favorite or least favorite movies ever, but also apply it to different genres like horror, action animated etc. Can be top 3,5,10 whatever you want... what are your favorite movies of all time and from each genre, and also your least favorites ever and from each genre. You don't have to do all genres if you wish if you only like horror for example. Since the posts might get lengthy, I recommend using spoilers and I might link posts to the OP.

Overall Favorites
1. The Lion King
2. Star Wars Original Trilogy
3. Taken + Taken 2
4. Underworld
5. Godzilla (all)
Favorite Horror
1. Halloween
2. Scream
3. Friday the 13th
4. A Nightmare on Elm Street
5. The Cabin in the Woods
Favorite Comedy
1. Scary Movie 1-4
2. Date Movie
3. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective + When Nature Calls
4. Dumb & Dumber
5. Austin Powers (all 3)
Favorite Animated
1. The Lion King
2. Spirited Away
3. Princess Mononoke
4. Toy Story (all 3)
5. Resident Evil: Degeneration + Damnation
Favorite Action
1. Taken + Taken 2
2. Total Recall (1990 + 2012)
3. Underworld (all 4)
4. Van Helsing
5. Fast Five
Favorite Sci-Fi
1. Star Wars
2. All Godzilla movies
3. Men In Black 1-3
4. The Chronicles of Riddick
5. Starship Troopers
Overall Least Favorites
1. Twilight
2. Paranormal Activity
3. Juno
4. Dukes of Hazzard
5. All the live action Resident Evil movies
Least Favorite Horror
1. Paranormal Activity (all)
2. Chucky (all)
3. Halloween 3
4. A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010)
Least Favorite Comedy
1. Beerfest
2. Hot Tub Time Machine
3. Knocked Up
4. Jackass (all)
5. Dukes of Hazzard
Least Favorite Animated
1. The Tale of Despereaux
2. Finding Nemo

I didn't do least favorite action or sci-fi since I haven't seen any I didn't really like.

02-12-2013, 06:30 AM
Surprised by some of your favorites/least favorites but to each their own.

02-12-2013, 06:31 AM
Just curious, which ones in particular?

02-12-2013, 06:40 AM
Mainly for Juno and Finding Nemo as least favorites

But also Van Helsing as a favorite

02-12-2013, 06:41 AM
Moon - Great film
Bayformers trilogy - Complete tripe

02-12-2013, 06:47 AM
Mainly for Juno and Finding Nemo as least favorites

I didn't really care for Finding Nemo and I thought Juno was a complete waste of time since it was basically about a smart alek girl who got knocked up and didn't want her baby and gave it to a different person. The end.

But also Van Helsing as a favorite

HA! I knew you were going to say this! I really like it since I really love werewolf movies and I think it has the best looking werewolves Hollywood has to offer.

I hope you'll make a list too. :p

02-12-2013, 07:05 AM
I thought Juno was a complete waste of time since it was basically about a smart alek girl who got knocked up and didn't want her baby and gave it to a different person. The end.

You know you could easily distill just about every movie ever made in this way.

Van Helsing: Monster hunter comes to town. Kills head vampire. The end.

I hope you'll make a list too. :p

Compiling a list right now

02-12-2013, 07:12 AM
You know you could easily distill just about every movie ever made in this way.

Van Helsing: Monster hunter comes to town. Kills head vampire. The end.


Compiling a list right now

Looking forward to it.

02-12-2013, 10:51 AM

die hard 1-4 (looking forward to the new one)
Alien (all)
Terminator (all)
Lord of the rings (all)
Star Trek (ALL)

a beautiful mind
Name of the Rose
devil's advocate
Blade Runner
Death & The Maiden
Sophie's Choice
The Bear (L'Ours)
12 angry men
Taken/96 hours
Dune (1984)
usual suspects
life of David Gale

(the list is very similar to the "movie collection thread")

it will be hard to the least favorite list though.

Least favorite:

i found "Heaven" boring, most of you will not know it, a Tom Tykwer movie.
starship troopers
Avengers (1998)

If I really see a movie I do not like, I stop watching and instantly forget....
I tend not to like comedy (Leslie Nielson, Ace Ventura etc) as humor sometimes is a complicated matter and it happens all people laugh and I do not. And vice versa.

So my least favorite GENRES:


Dr Faustus
02-12-2013, 12:47 PM
Juno was superb. I could watch it 100 times and not get bored.

So my least favorite GENRES:



I love a good Western. :ashine:

02-12-2013, 03:44 PM
Top 5 Favorite films

1.) May
2.) John Carpenter's The Thing (1982)
3.) Falling Down
4.) UHF
5.) Hot Fuzz

Other favorite films (in no particular order):

Super (2011)
Tales From the Crypt presents Demon Knight
Evil Dead 2
Black Swan
Blade Runner
The 'Burbs
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
I Love You, Man
The 40 Year Old Virgin
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
From Dusk Till Dawn
Lost in Translation
Tommy Boy
The Village

Least "favorites":

A.I. Artificial Intelligence
Van Helsing
I, Robot
Infection (2005)
Old School
Sherlock Holmes (2009)

02-12-2013, 03:53 PM

I love a good Western. :ashine:

now it is me who is shocked... ;)

well ok, i still like you :D

Dr Faustus
02-12-2013, 08:10 PM
John Carpenter's The Thing (1982)
Blade Runner
Lost in Translation

I have too many to list but these 3 are definitely on there. 2001: A Space Odyssey is my all-time favourite.

I, Robot

I thought it was okay first time I watched it, and repeated viewings have made me really like it.
I love Asimov and think if they'd tried to replicate the book they'd have screwed it up so I was oddly pleased that Proyas took it some place else.

now it is me who is shocked... ;)

well ok, i still like you :D

Westerns and Samurai films have a lot in common, except one has guns and the other swords. I'm a sucker for both. :D

02-12-2013, 08:52 PM
Westerns and Samurai films have a lot in common, except one has guns and the other swords. I'm a sucker for both. :D

that may be so.
Still the westerns have a chewing-gum-atmosphere I do not really appreciate ;)
I do not like the genre but I DO like some westerns, like dances with wolves, like young guns, into the west, so: there are always exceptions ;)

02-12-2013, 10:25 PM
Overall Favorites:

1. Misery
2. Office Space
3. Sweeney Todd
4. Rocky Horror Picture Show
5. Wayne's World 1 + 2

Favorite Horror:

1. Misery
2. Sweeney Todd
3. The Mist
4. The Shawshank Redemption
5. The Devil's Rejects

Favorite Comedy:

1. Office Space
2. Wayne's World 1+2
3. Horrible Bosses
4. Juno (If that can be considered a comedy lol)
5. Scary Movie 1-3 (4 kinda sucked in my opinion...)

Favorite Animated:

1. South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut
2. The Simpsons Movie
3. Wreck-It Ralph

Favorite Drama/ Action/ Adventure:

1. Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Pt. 2
2. Compliance
3. Rocky Horror Picture Show
4. Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire
5. Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban

Overall Least Favorites:

1. Twilight (Any of them, I have only seen the first two though xD)
2. Cell 2
3. Paranormal Activity (Any of them)
4. Hostel
5. Disaster Movie

02-14-2013, 02:54 AM
I tend not to like comedy (Leslie Nielson, Ace Ventura etc) as humor sometimes is a complicated matter and it happens all people laugh and I do not. And vice versa.

What!? I love the Ace Ventura movies. I also thought Leslie Nielson was good in Airplane, Wrongfully accused, etc. Oh well, can't agree with everything. I do agree that comedy is probably my least favorite genre (after westerns) since there is a small number I actually like, and I like films that tend to be more serious. I like horror, action, and the older animated movies the best.

02-14-2013, 10:02 AM

i know, i know... it is an ODD feeling being in a cinema, everybody laughing, you yourself feeling bored.
It is a different kind of odd if all is silent and you start laughing.

i find humour to be a really delicate thing....

02-14-2013, 11:40 AM
The Shawshank Redemption is probably my favorite movie of all time. The original SAW and the original Hostel are probably my favorite horrors. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake is sweet too. Way too many favorite comedies. American Pie series, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, Anchorman, Napoleon Dynamite, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Knocked Up, Role Models, Step Brothers, Superbad, Talladega Nights and Get Him to the Greek are all classics. Tbh it is difficult to think of my least favorite movies as I only really remember movies I like.

02-14-2013, 09:04 PM
i know, i know... it is an ODD feeling being in a cinema, everybody laughing, you yourself feeling bored.
It is a different kind of odd if all is silent and you start laughing.

i find humour to be a really delicate thing....

This. I know the feeling. It's weird, but I usually laugh at the stuff that isn't funny... I especially find it annoying when people CONSTANTLY laugh at every little thing at the theater. It's ok to laugh, but it gets irritating when I'm trying to pay attention to the movie and all I hear is them. I know, I need to lighten up since I don't laugh much.

02-15-2013, 01:46 AM
The Shawshank Redemption is probably my favorite movie of all time.

yes that was a GREAT movie too,a ctually come to think of it, one i would like to have one day, on dvd. :D

I know, I need to lighten up since I don't laugh much.

me too. (lighten up)
I could laugh more too. Sometimes I forget.

02-15-2013, 01:49 AM
yes that was a GREAT movie too,a ctually come to think of it, one i would like to have one day, on dvd. :D

If you live near a Wal-Mart, I see the bare-bones version in the $5 bin a lot! Then I've seen a deluxe blu-ray for $15 or so, really good deal.

02-19-2013, 06:57 AM
My favorite movie is Gladiator and Titanic.
My favorite movie is the one where a spammer is tossed into a hole filled with hungry rats and, well...you know how it ends.


02-19-2013, 04:04 PM
What!? I love the Ace Ventura movies. I also thought Leslie Nielson was good in Airplane, Wrongfully accused, etc. Oh well, can't agree with everything. I do agree that comedy is probably my least favorite genre (after westerns) since there is a small number I actually like, and I like films that tend to be more serious. I like horror, action, and the older animated movies the best.

Agree with you Dragon. Regarding Ace Ventura, I found the first one better. I keep watching the entire movie repeatedly. For the second, I only like the beginning. After he used the slinky down the steps, I stopped because that's where the humor ends for me personally.

02-19-2013, 07:59 PM
If you live near a Wal-Mart, I see the bare-bones version in the $5 bin a lot! Then I've seen a deluxe blu-ray for $15 or so, really good deal.

that might be a good info, but i doubt there are wal-marts here in germany :)

...i bought it second hand. i had forgotten i did....

Roast Chicken
02-19-2013, 08:44 PM
This will take a lot of time...

Overall favorite
The Unknown (1927)
I hate this movie
Aladdin (Disney)
F. Adventure
Battle Royale
F. Animated
Alice in Wonderland (1951)
Chicken Run
Kiki's Delivery Service
Pinocchio (Disney)
F. Drama
La Inocente
Lolita (1997)
The Virgin Suicides
F. Live Action+Fantasy
The Adventures of Buratino
The Little Mermaid (Czech)

I finished...