02-09-2013, 10:29 AM
One of the finest cycles of Shostakovich Symphonies ever! This set of 12 (SA)CDs took everyone
by surprise when it was released in 2005. While Dmitri Kita(j)enko had long been known as a distinguished and
intelligent Russian conductor, no one quite expected this level of excellence from him, or, for that matter, from the
Cologne-based G�rzenich-Orchester, the orchestra of the Cologne Municipal Opera. The cycle met with mostly
rave reviews, for the performances as much as for the often demonstration class sound.

Film music fans will find much to enjoy here, from the "soundtrack-like" 7th, 11th and 12th Symphonies to the
austere, even experimental 2nd and 3rd, and the stark, elegiac 4th, 8th and 10th Symphonies -
not to forget the spry, sarcastic 9th and 15th - but there's a particular place for the moving, heart-wrenching
13th (Babi Yar), too.

Along with Kondrashin (Melodiya), Mravinsky (incomplete) and Barshai (Brilliant, recorded with the other Cologne orchestra),
the Kita(j)enko Shosty cycle remains one of the reference recordings in these works, some of which are among the
defining symphonies of the 20th century.

Enjoy! Don't share! Buy the originals! :)

Music Composed by Dmitri Shostakovich
Played by the G�rzenich-Orchester Cologne Philharmonic
With the Prague Philharmonic Chorus
And Arutjun Kotchinian (bass) & Marina Shaguch (mezzo-soprano)
Conducted by Dmitri Kita(j)enko

"When this cycle of the symphonies of Shostakovich with Dmitri Kitajenko conducting the G�rzenich-Orchester K�ln
was released in 2005, Shostakovich cycles were no longer the novelties they had been in the latter years of the twentieth
century. There were already several superlative cycles in circulation -- the monumental Kondrashin, the modernist
Rozhdestvensky, the anguished Barshai -- and a pair of superlative cycles nearing completion -- the commanding Jansons
and the compelling Gergiev -- when the Kitajenko -- K�ln cycle was issued on Capriccio in superaudio sound. Listeners
who knew Kitajenko only from his recordings made before the collapse of Communism for Melodiya were caught off guard
by his complete mastery of the music, of his grasp of its every nuance of heroism and subtlety of irony, of his understanding
of its gradations between pathos and bathos, of his control over its most desiccated melody and its most crushing sonority.
Listeners who knew the G�rzenich-Orchester K�ln from its tremendous recordings with Wand and Conlon were not so
much surprised as pleased to hear the orchestra sound so splendid here. The power of its tone, the brilliance of its
colors, the strength of the rhythms, and the depth of its commitment proved no less than the finest orchestras of the
former USSR. While longtime Shostakovich listeners were amazed, they found that in the Kitajenko/K�ln cycle they had
a cycle in the same league as the best that had heretofore been released. Made during the early days of superaudio
sound, Capriccio's sound is incredibly lifelike; when it was released, listeners were stunned by the delicacy of the bells
and staggered by the immediacy of the tympani."
All Music

"This set of Shostakovich�s Complete Symphonies by Dmitrij Kitajenko conducting the G�rzenich-Orchester K�ln is
overall the best Shostakovich musically and sonically I have ever heard. Bravo Capriccio!... Kitajenko's Symphony No.4
is sonically and musically superb; it may very well end up being my favorite Shostakovich Symphony. I was also
surprised by home much I loved Symphony No. 14, as I was never taken by it before, this one is really enjoyable.

Sonics vary ranging from excellent to magnificent and the dynamic range is huge, timbre is accurate and soundstaging
is excellent. Some are live recordings and others are studio recordings. Some sound closely mic�ed while others
more distant. The engineering is near perfect as is the conducting. Mr. Kitayenko's tempos are slower on some
symphonies than some other conductors however the more I hear his versions, the others sound rushed. This
is Shostakovich done right!

Every symphony in this set in performance beats all other versions I've heard with the exception of Symphony No.10,
although it is an excellent performance as well. This is the best Shostakovich complete symphony cycle sonically
and musically. Shostakovich is one of my favorite composers so this being on SACD is a total blessing for me.

I highly recommend this set!"
SACD Lives!

Source: Capriccio SACDs (my rip!)
Format: mp3, 320k/s (CBR), DDD Stereo
File Size: 1.58 GB (incl. covers)

Download Link: DepositFiles (http://dfiles.eu/files/ozn5xj8h5)

Please also take note of my other classical music threads, like:
Tcherepnin: Complete Symphonies & Piano Concertos: - Thread 127373
Prokofiev: Complete Symphonies - Thread 127274
Tansman: The Symphonies + Misc. Orchestral Works - http://forums.ffshrine.org/search.php?searchid=2382872
Sibelius: Complete Symphonies - Thread 122839
Wimpel's "COULD-BE-FILM MUSIC CLASSICAL THREAD" (300+ CDs) - Thread 121898

Enjoy! Don't share! Buy the originals! :)

Please don't ask for lossless!

A note of "Thanks" might get you more stuff! ;)

02-09-2013, 12:30 PM
Thanks! I know the versions by Rozhdestvensky and by Rostropovich, but this one I'm curious about.

Akashi San
02-09-2013, 09:55 PM
I'll give Kita(j)enko's cycle a try. I hope it's an improvement over patches of Bernstein's and Haitink's interpretations that I have...
Thank you again, wimpel. Your collection apparently seems bottomless. :D

02-10-2013, 02:57 AM
What a treat! I look forward to hearing this cycle! Thank you! :)

02-10-2013, 02:32 PM
Thank you very much, once again, wimpel69!

02-11-2013, 06:00 AM

02-11-2013, 07:39 AM
The hits keep on coming. This guy is a treasure trove!

Herr Salat
02-12-2013, 01:00 PM
Thank you! :'D

02-12-2013, 01:42 PM
Thank, wimpel69.

06-15-2013, 08:55 PM
Link is dead -- RIP. Any chance of reviving it in Mega?

06-15-2013, 09:15 PM
Link is dead -- RIP. Any chance of reviving it in Mega?

Music For All: NEW-UP. Dmitri Shostakovitch: The Complete Simphonies (discs 09-12 of 12) - Dmitrij Kitajenko, G�rzenich-Orchester K�ln. SACD-ISO, FLAC 24bit 88.2kHz 2.0 (http://organ-music-for-all.blogspot.gr/2013/06/new-up-dmitri-shostakovitch-complete_3.html)
Music For All: NEW-UP. Dmitri Shostakovitch: The Complete Simphonies (discs 05-08 of 12) - Dmitrij Kitajenko, G�rzenich-Orchester K�ln. SACD-ISO, FLAC 24bit 88.2kHz 2.0 (http://organ-music-for-all.blogspot.gr/2013/06/new-up-dmitri-shostakovitch-complete.html)
Music For All: NEW-UP. Dmitri Shostakovitch: The Complete Simphonies (discs 01-04 of 12) - Dmitrij Kitajenko, G�rzenich-Orchester K�ln. SACD-ISO, FLAC 24bit 88.2kHz 2.0 (http://organ-music-for-all.blogspot.gr/2013/05/new-up-dmitri-shostakovitch-complete.html)

08-09-2013, 09:38 AM
An alternative boxset!!

Odeon: Shostakovich - Symphonies - Rudolf Barshai (http://odeonmusic.blogspot.gr/2013/08/shostakovich-symphonies-rudolf-barshai.html)