02-04-2013, 04:46 PM
~Today they found the body of King Richard III~

Sir William Walton (1902-1983)

Shakespeare Scenarios
Arranged by Christopher Palmer
Sir Neville Marriner
The Academy of St. Martin in the Field


Henry V
Christopher Plummer ::: Narrator
1) Prologue
2) Embarkation
3) Interlude: Touch her soft lips and part
4) Halfleur
5) Agincourt
6) Interlude: At the French Court
7) Epilogue

Richard III
8) Prelude
9) Coronation
A) Fanfare & Homage
B) Fanfare & Processional
C) Sound Drums & Trumpets
D) Recessional

10) The Wooing
11) The Princes of Wales
12) The Princes in the Tower
13) Bosworth Field
14) Death of Richard & Finale

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02-04-2013, 05:20 PM
A million thanks my friend, excellent share!

02-04-2013, 06:16 PM
Yes, a much maligned king, partly because of his deformity and Shakespeare. The current occupants of the throne are usurpers as Richard's descendants would have had a greater right to it!

Thanks for the thrilling music and the great narration.

02-04-2013, 06:32 PM
I cut Gielgud out. His was not the right voice for 'Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this son of York.' The role still belongs to Olivier and his superlative film... from which this music originated.

The study of Richard III is fascinating. First reading Josephine Tey's delightful mystery classic THE DAUGHTER OF TIME lead to more research. Richard was the Last Plantagenet... the last English king to lose the crown in battle... and faced with the survival of his family or the families of his brother- he chose his own (poor, poor princes in The Tower). Shakespeare' play is a hoot- but history is always embroidered by fiction.

Never the less... this inspired music seemed right to bring to the front on the day they announced the ancient bones were indeed those of the INFAMOUS king.

02-04-2013, 09:03 PM
Indeed! Who else but an infamous king would claim:
"Conscience is but a word that cowards use,
devised at first to keep the strong in awe.
Our strong arms be our conscience, swords, our law".

Thank you very much for your share, my friend.

02-04-2013, 09:57 PM
"I'll be at charges for a looking glass
And entertain a score or two of tailors
To study fashions to adorn my body.
Shine ou, fair sun, till I have bought a glass,
That I may see my shadow as I pass."


02-05-2013, 04:29 AM
Thanks! :)