02-03-2013, 05:43 AM



God is gone up

Welcome sweet and sacred feast

Three short elegies
1) Life a right shadow is
2) This world a hunting is
3) This life, which seems do fair

Thou didst delight my eyes

My lovely one

Let us now praise famous men

Seven Part Songs
1) I praise the tender flower
2) I have loved flowers that fade
3) My spirit sang all day
4) Clear and gentle stream
5) Nightingales
6) Haste on, my joys
7) Wherefore tonight so full of care

Magnificat (*)

White-flowering days

All this night

Lo, the full, final sacrifice

~Booklet enclosed~

(*) I would love to find a version of the Magnificat with orchestra(that sounds good). The work incorporates the familiar pendulum motion of Finzi�s sound. And if you have a very good stereo� this beautiful choral piece does something I have heard in no other: the chorus �decays� from the left and the right� narrowing more and more until just the central voices conclude the �Amen�.

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02-03-2013, 11:22 PM
Thank You Phideas,

Will listen

02-05-2013, 01:43 PM
Thank you very much for sharing, my friend.
Beautiful music and nice scans too.

02-05-2013, 07:24 PM

Glad you appreciated the scans. The WORDS are so important to these pieces. Finzi had an enormous collection of English literature and it was the works of certain poets that inspired so much of his music. As I have stated before, he claimed the music grew out of the words... it is interesting to listen to different composers of the period using the same Shakespeare lines for their songs.

The Chandos recording IF THERE WERE DREAMS TO SELL features Finzi's LET US GARLANDS BRING/five Shakespeare Songs... two songs are also creations of Roger Quilter....

One would suspect that if the Beatles had been around in this period they might have sourced Shakespeare as well.

I hope you caught the connection between the page from the Finzi biography and the cover of the CD booklet... the window created for Finzi that is inscribed with a multitude of composer's names.

02-06-2013, 12:25 AM
I wanted to satisfy my curiosity,
so I started searching and found this photo:

<a href="">