01-31-2013, 02:57 PM

An easy 8-Step Guide to download files:

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I've tested using Spectral analysis and the PC version is higher quality then the 360's XMA and I assume PS3 uses AT3 which are usually even worse. I've gone through about 2000 audio files above the >1 second mark looking for the music through a bunch of SFXs and here's the result. I've tagged most of them with the file ID, the titles of the song the file originates from. And no I won't be doing an OSV, the quality is too low and most of the tracks are ambient or instrumental pieces of the Combichrist songs.

But most importantly of all... F*** you Capcom for dismantling a niche franchise only to make even less money & Ninja Theory for your pretentious and disrespectful attitude against the old fans, I will have my REVENGEANCE!!!

Enjoy! :D

Pass is my username, and if that's too difficult of a guess... well then you'll need to LIKE this post before I tell you it exactly.
AdF.ly - shrink your URLs and get paid! (http://adf.ly/IIZ25)

01-31-2013, 04:11 PM
Thanks man, it does sound higher quality than the console versions but most of them are ambient music.

01-31-2013, 07:20 PM
THanks a bunch :).

Will you be doing Vergil's downfall to? :I

01-31-2013, 09:56 PM
THanks a bunch :).

Will you be doing Vergil's downfall to? :I

Probably not as you can see i'm not a big fan of going through thousands of files. I'll probably check to see if it's doable first.

01-31-2013, 10:20 PM
I love you.

01-31-2013, 10:51 PM
Thanks mate! Been waiting for instrumental Combichrist tracks)

02-01-2013, 07:46 AM
Sorry to hear you are not too fond of DmC as a successor to the series. I personally made my piece with it and enjoy it for what it is.
Funny how you bring up REVENGEANCE since it's basically the same thing done to MGS franchise. Some fans are still outraged about how heretic-ish it will be in regards to stealth-based formula of the series. A lot of things can be said when ever drastic changes like that are made. There's no chance developers will be able to please everyone so at the end of the day I think it's important if the game can stand on its own, if it's actually playable and has strong production values. And it seems to me my that DmC self-efficient in that way.

Thanks a lot for rip, had been looking forward to instrumental Combichrist as well.

EDIT: By the way can someone educate me on what's the difference between a gamerip like this and OSV?

Leon Scott Kennedy
02-01-2013, 10:23 AM
I believe that a game-rip would be merely comprised of audio files retaining most of their original "nature"... While !!!!!'s 'OSV' releases are more similar to expanded albums: tags, tracks arranged in order and all that stuff, I'd dare to say he puts a lot more effort into the latter in order to offer a better listening-experience.

As for the game, having tried the demo I'd have to say it is rather enjoyable, but as dumb it sounds... I can't really stand the new character design. I'll wait for a drop in price, until then I'll keep myself busy with the original HD Collection.

02-01-2013, 02:09 PM
Sorry to hear you are not too fond of DmC as a successor to the series. I personally made my piece with it and enjoy it for what it is.
Funny how you bring up REVENGEANCE since it's basically the same thing done to MGS franchise. Some fans are still outraged about how heretic-ish it will be in regards to stealth-based formula of the series. A lot of things can be said when ever drastic changes like that are made. There's no chance developers will be able to please everyone so at the end of the day I think it's important if the game can stand on its own, if it's actually playable and has strong production values. And it seems to me my that DmC self-efficient in that way.
Thanks a lot for rip, had been looking forward to instrumental Combichrist as well.
EDIT: By the way can someone educate me on what's the difference between a gamerip like this and OSV?

Revengeance is MGR: Lightning Bolt Action not MGS: Tactical Espionage Action; two completely different series that just takes place in the same universe. What was expected? A cyborg ninja who breakdances with Gekkos tied to his feet and stops Outer Haven single-handedly to be steathy? The studio for the original Rising explained that they couldn't find a balance between making Raiden fight like in the MGS4 cutscenes and being stealthy. The only thing remaining was a precise watermelon cutting mechanic. Thank goodness too, I hate prequels especially when the battle is already over with those characters. :p

They at least still have the MGS continuing with Ground Zeroes and MGS5 after.

With DmC it's completely different. The series has been rebooted with DmC to be a PERMANENT replacement in which most gameplay mechanics take a deep regression (no lock-on, no styles, launch button, two grapples mapped to diff. buttons, not many enemy types with recolors, bosses with similar patterns, artificial difficulty only, etc) and existing mechanics with little effort put into them which can break the game completely. (Jump-Canceling, Aerial Combat, Style Meter that lowers only when hit) There are NO improvements at all to the combat. Even DMC2 added two gameplay mechanics: quick weapon switching and the precursor of the styles system. The game alone is an average hack & slash. Compared to prior DMCs it's laughable and the story is Ninja Theory's worst. Hell NT gives the middle finger to old fans in the first 15 minutes. The production values may be good for the constantly shifting limbo (and at a lower frame rate then prior entries) but at the same time, forces an unnecessary change that much of the fanbase detests. The only thing DMC lacked was decent platforming, a fully controllable camera, and a damn good story.

Yeah this is more like a VGM Legacy rip. OSVs are put together like an OST.

I believe that a game-rip would be merely comprised of audio files retaining most of their original "nature"... While !!!!!'s 'OSV' releases are more similar to expanded albums: tags, tracks arranged in order and all that stuff, I'd dare to say he puts a lot more effort into the latter in order to offer a better listening-experience.
As for the game, having tried the demo I'd have to say it is rather enjoyable, but as dumb it sounds... I can't really stand the new character design. I'll wait for a drop in price, until then I'll keep myself busy with the original HD Collection.

I appreciate the compliment. :)

Lol there's no shame in not liking the character design. Dante's quite the unappealing sexual deviant. Give DmC a rent at most.

02-02-2013, 11:22 AM
Well, first of all, thanks for the awesome rip!

Secondly, my opinion about the game:

1. I expected way less from the gameplay: I really love it, even though it makes the game too easy with that half assed AI and it still feels incomplete without lock-on.

2. I expected more about the cinematics, they used Avatar's studio to get the animation done, granted. But, not even a choreographed fight? I was disappointed a bit since 3 and 4 (and even a bit in 2) had some awesome fights...

3. I expected WAY MORE from Dante. Yeah, I really got my hopes up that this new Dante would be a better and more interesting character than one of the past ones (Even though they're the same character, I consider them different according to their attitude in each game); but no! He starts being a cool, realistic character; ends up being a self-conflicted teenager in love with super powers...

4. The music is awesome, viva Noisia and Combichrist for their good work! It may not be as deep or original as Tetsuya Shibata or Masami Ueda's compositions, but they did an awesome work that didn't made me miss the old soundtracks as much as I thought I would.

5. And most impotantly, I miss taunting...

Overall, it's a nice game, totally worth my money. The AI was weak but one can always just try to humiliate it to reward their slow and predictable moves. BUT, fuck, that ending really blowed me away. It sucks, it just sucks. It makes me wish a sequel never gets made and the good old Capcom (which doesn't exists anymore) continues with the old series... I really hope Vergil's Downfall makes me change my mind.

02-02-2013, 11:59 AM

02-03-2013, 08:28 AM
oh sorry, but how you extract ogg?
im try use umodel and ogg extractor and nothing work.

02-03-2013, 09:23 AM
WHY do not working to me?? download is down or what :(

02-03-2013, 09:39 AM
WHY do not working to me?? download is down or what :(

It's working for me. What's the issue exactly?

02-03-2013, 10:11 AM
"On the next page uncheck "Download file easily with download manager." and click on the "download" link right beneath the giant green arrow." this is not worked and I dont know why

MT Silver
02-04-2013, 06:07 PM
Thank you very much, !!!!! :)
Much appreciated!

02-05-2013, 12:09 AM
Well, first of all, thanks for the awesome rip!

Secondly, my opinion about the game:

1. I expected way less from the gameplay: I really love it, even though it makes the game too easy with that half assed AI and it still feels incomplete without lock-on.

2. I expected more about the cinematics, they used Avatar's studio to get the animation done, granted. But, not even a choreographed fight? I was disappointed a bit since 3 and 4 (and even a bit in 2) had some awesome fights...

3. I expected WAY MORE from Dante. Yeah, I really got my hopes up that this new Dante would be a better and more interesting character than one of the past ones (Even though they're the same character, I consider them different according to their attitude in each game); but no! He starts being a cool, realistic character; ends up being a self-conflicted teenager in love with super powers...

4. The music is awesome, viva Noisia and Combichrist for their good work! It may not be as deep or original as Tetsuya Shibata or Masami Ueda's compositions, but they did an awesome work that didn't made me miss the old soundtracks as much as I thought I would.

5. And most impotantly, I miss taunting...

Overall, it's a nice game, totally worth my money. The AI was weak but one can always just try to humiliate it to reward their slow and predictable moves. BUT, fuck, that ending really blowed me away. It sucks, it just sucks. It makes me wish a sequel never gets made and the good old Capcom (which doesn't exists anymore) continues with the old series... I really hope Vergil's Downfall makes me change my mind.

If it feels too easy, bumping the difficulty up helps. If you want a pristine challenge... Hell and Hell without Super Dante. Saying the AI is half assed is really subjective if you're playing on Nephilim or below difficulties...

02-05-2013, 09:14 AM
If it feels too easy, bumping the difficulty up helps. If you want a pristine challenge... Hell and Hell without Super Dante. Saying the AI is half assed is really subjective if you're playing on Nephilim or below difficulties...

I'm playing right now Hell and Hell, buddy. I'm in chapter 14, and have just died (ran out of gold orbs) twice in chapter 2 I think. As in Gold Orbs, I've used at least one per chapter. And nope, I'm not using Super Dante.

I must admit, the game IS hard for new audiences... But in no way it's near hard as past DMC's, IMO.

02-05-2013, 11:16 AM
I'm playing right now Hell and Hell, buddy. I'm in chapter 14, and have just died (ran out of gold orbs) twice in chapter 2 I think. As in Gold Orbs, I've used at least one per chapter. And nope, I'm not using Super Dante.

I must admit, the game IS hard for new audiences... But in no way it's near hard as past DMC's, IMO.

hell yeah. I STILL can't beat the first boss in the original Devil May Cry. Even on "normal" difficulty. LOL

02-06-2013, 02:57 AM
hell yeah. I STILL can't beat the first boss in the original Devil May Cry. Even on "normal" difficulty. LOL

Even the minibosses from DMC were harder than most bosses from DmC!

In DMC, I got stuck in the final battle with Mundus in Dante Must Die mode, I really tried my best for like 3 days until I finally decided to give up and restart the game with Sparda, some people say that the only way to beat Mundus in DMC for a non hardcore-you-can't-touch-me player, is to buy a shitload of Holy Waters and Vital Stars.

And look! New Mundus In Dante Must Die takes 3 Arbiter combos in each hand and two on his face and he's dead! :(

02-08-2013, 06:43 AM
Just wanted to say thanks for the rip!

02-11-2013, 06:00 AM
Thanks so much for this rip, I'm looking for Empty (Game Version).

02-27-2013, 07:40 AM
Thanks very much!

02-27-2013, 04:11 PM
Thank you, sir.

03-06-2013, 01:07 PM

Son of Kalas
03-07-2013, 08:37 AM
thanks a ton !!!!!, I loved the music.... but you won't be doing VD ? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

it was great, also i can't see it being thousands of audio files, its just 6 levels

03-17-2013, 11:24 AM
Nice job on the rip ! Thanks for sharing !

03-18-2013, 10:50 AM
Thanks! Can't wait to listen.

03-19-2013, 04:41 AM
I really hate to ask this but could you loop the 0:11 -0:22 part of the Bob Barbas V1 theme? I checked the gamerip and i couldn't find it. In the bob barbas fight when you are thrown into a different area and he reports different bad things about you (like being in gangs) it plays. Heres an example

DmC Devil May Cry - Bob Barbas Boss Fight - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uJR9Q6uVZo)

Starts at 7:00m. Just a small request but thanks for the rip :3.

04-09-2013, 02:20 PM

04-24-2013, 08:20 PM
Thanks a ton. Always appreciate soundtrack sharers.

Devin Hades
05-13-2013, 04:19 AM
It keeps saying wrong IP right after I clicked download.

05-28-2013, 09:43 PM

Kosuke Kurogane
05-29-2013, 04:16 AM
Thank You for this Buddy :3

05-29-2013, 06:02 AM
Absolutely excellent! Been looking everywhere for some trace of the real theme for the Mundus Spawn boss battle, thank you for the rip!

06-02-2013, 07:32 PM
can you please reply as to how you did this?

06-02-2013, 09:13 PM
can you please reply as to how you did this?

XeNTaX ? View topic - DMC Devi May Cry (http://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=10091)

06-18-2013, 07:52 AM


10-02-2013, 05:44 PM
sir...I find the DMC5 se(not bgm) day and day...
use my poor english search in google night and night
Finally I found Your link,
but it shows me:
Error:your foloder doesn't exist.................

11-07-2013, 04:44 AM
XeNTaX ? View topic - DMC Devi May Cry (http://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=10091)

It doesn't explain where and how to extract the audio

12-30-2013, 11:36 AM
Can someone please re-up this? I'd appreciate it.

09-28-2015, 04:34 AM
If i may, if not too late get a re-up please

Shin Hayate
11-26-2015, 07:17 PM
re-up please and thank you

10-28-2017, 06:07 AM
reupload :( please