01-30-2013, 08:16 PM
Arnold Bax is an acquired taste. I explored his tone poems, which are fine. Then explored his symphonies, which are maddening. Then I discovered his work for piano. That instrument is strangely neglected by British composers of the early 20th century. His solo piano pieces are lovely. His piano sonatas are mesmerizing, especially the turbulent 3rd. He did not write piano concertos. But he did write work for orchestra and piano. Interesting, yes?

These two pieces were composed after he had finished rogering Harriet Cohen (she owned the earlier work created for her until she pegged out).

Winter Legends is something exciting for orchestra and also exciting for the piano. �At its heart is an extended piano solo, a wayward dream� various elements for the forging of a great climax.� �This conclusion,� wrote Bax, �may possibly suggest the return of sun and warm airs from the south after the long northern winters� the music ends in a burst of light.�

There are no specific legends. No hint at the Celtic. It is just unique and unexpected orchestration; offering a tantalizing scent of a time lost.

Winter Legends for piano and orchestra
1) Allegro
2) Lento
3) Molto Moderato
4) Epilogue: Molto cantabile

Saga Frament for piano and small orchestra

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01-31-2013, 12:36 AM
Phideas, with your gifts you lure us into depths, where we never knew we could see.
On the other hand, you raise us to a level where exist only perfections.
Thus it is that the beauty of this music seems timeless, yet concrete.
Thank you very much.

01-31-2013, 09:11 AM
Unusual, which is always interesting. Thanks.