03-02-2004, 11:30 PM
Maybe it's morbid curiousity, or maybe I just want a chance to make fun of some bad games. But yes. Tell me. What is the worst rpg you've ever played.

Off the top of my head, the worst games that I can think of are Final Fantasy Mystic Quest and Quest 64. Oh, and Unlimited SaGa. That's the worst game I've ever payed money for.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-02-2004, 11:37 PM
Morraf's World or whatever it was called. The old dungeon-crawler on the 80386 IBM PC's. Eh, yeah, that should give you a good idea just how old I am...

Landlord of Sector 7
03-03-2004, 12:30 AM
The worst RPG I have ever played would have to be Super Mario RPG! That game was actually tight as hell but it was poorly made and it had it where you can see the monsters!! It was fun but it wasn't a good game so it was a bad but gooder one.

03-03-2004, 12:53 AM
I loved Super Mario RPG. ;_;

Lightning Mage
03-03-2004, 01:09 AM
Legaia 2.

'nuff said.

The Joker
03-03-2004, 02:18 AM
I hate to say this....but probably Koudelka. I like the game substantially, but I think it had as much ambition and didn't thoroughly examine its gameplay mechanics.

I've liked just about every RPG I ever played...this just happens to be my LEAST favorite, not a "I hate this game" just its on the bottom of the list.

Bahamut ZERO
03-03-2004, 07:18 AM
I think this topic is gonna cause some problems with people saying "but I loved this game!!!" So if you could give some reasons as to why you hated the game, then maybe peeps will be able to appreciate your opinion.

For me, the worst RPG in recent memory that I've played was Kingdom Hearts. Sure, the graphics were pretty, but the music was so goddamn irritating, the battle system was far too basic and involved just "hack, hack, hack, hack, hack, hack, hack, hack, hack, hack..... Hack, hack, hack, hack, hack, hack, hack, hack...." And you get the point. The controls were really quite horrible, especially when the camera would swing round mid jump and cause you to miss what you're jumping for, and the storyline really wasn't gripping me at all.

Legaia 2.

'nuff said

Granted, the storyline was awfully cliche (guy saves world from destruction at hands of another guy who has uber power.) But the graphics were pretty nice, the battle system was innovative (to me, I'd never played the first Legaia, and found the arts system to be refreshing.) Granted, it took me five hours to get out of the sewer (and imagine my reaction when I got told I had to go back there...) But at the end of the game, I thought it had built up quite nicely.

Though Maya was cuter when she didn't talk.

03-03-2004, 07:22 AM
Shadow Tower.....

Worse FPRPG.................... EVER.

03-03-2004, 08:19 AM
Saga Frontier 2.

Impressively, there's no story, almost no plot, not one interesting let alone appealing character, ergo no suspense.
The battle system is fun, but not fun enough. First time I ever felt I'd wasted money on a Square game.

Darth Revan
03-03-2004, 12:31 PM
One of the worst I've played is Saga Frontier 2, so I agree with Misao here, in practically everything she said. I would say another game, but I won't because I'd probably get flamed to Hell for it.

I regret paying money to hire out the Bouncer. THAT, IMO, was the worst Square game ever. But I've strayed off the topic of this thread, my bad.

Originally posted by Gandalf
I hate to say this....but probably Koudelka. I like the game substantially, but I think it had as much ambition and didn't thoroughly examine its gameplay mechanics.

I've liked just about every RPG I ever played...this just happens to be my LEAST favorite, not a "I hate this game" just its on the bottom of the list.

This was a good game, and it was the prequel to the PS2 RPG, Shadow Hearts. I can respect your opinion as to why you don't like this one much, but for myself, I played this before I got Shadow Hearts, and then played it after I finished SH, and it seemed to open a lot of the plot and questions I had left over, from when I finished Koudelka the first time.

Originally posted by Lightning Mage
Legaia 2.

'nuff said.

Can you please tell your reason why you dislike this game? I have both Legaia games, and have finished Legaia 2 a few times, and have found it to be a change from the standard RPG's available. Granted it can be annoying, as Bahamut Zero stated, about runnin around in the sewers for ages, getting through them and then having to return to them later, but then, every RPG has certain dungeons just like this. Look at the dungeons in Star Ocean 2 for crying outloud.

While it's your own opinion not to like this game, I would think you'd have at least a plausible reason why you don't like it.

The Joker
03-03-2004, 12:45 PM
Yeah, Koudelka definately helps you understand Shadow Hearts a lot better. The game is still a lot of fun as a stand alone too. The voice acting is especially great too.

I haven't played SG2...maybe I should, just to confirm the complaints?

Lightning Mage
03-03-2004, 05:09 PM
Well let me clarify.
Legaia 1 was awsome. It had great graphics for its time. The story was original, deep and full of emotion. The gameplay rocked. The music was beautifull. The bosses were just plain amazing.

Legaia 2. It kept nothing from the first one except the fighting system and a dude with a vest and a cool sword. I was really disapointed with it. ( yes the graphics were good, but it doesn't make up for this)

Bahamut ZERO
03-03-2004, 08:07 PM
Aaah, I see Lightning Mage. You're judging your opinion of Legaia 2 on the predecessor. That's fair enough seeing as people did it with FF8 and FF7 back in the day.

To let you know: I haven't played Legaia, which is why I was quick to defend the sequel, because I enjoyed it. But this is straying a little bit off topic.

I remember now Legend of Kartia on the PSX... God that game's battle system really annoyed me. And the "storyline" wasn't really that great either.

03-04-2004, 01:41 AM
I really really wanted to like Koudelka.... but I didn't. I was bored after about 10 minutes. It was the battle system, it quite frankly sucked, and because the battle system was pretty damn important for that game, it ruined it. Luckily I only rented it, but I still felt ripped off even so.

Alice Wonderbra
03-04-2004, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
The worst RPG I have ever played would have to be Super Mario RPG! That game was actually tight as hell but it was poorly made and it had it where you can see the monsters!! It was fun but it wasn't a good game so it was a bad but gooder one.

tight as hell and the worst? your an oxymoron.

breath of fire 3. it seemed spanish somehow. i never finished it. the storyline was lame, the battle system sucked, the characters were weak, but the fairy village was a neat idea. of course, i never really got far enough to fully appreciate that.

ff mystic quest comes very close. my game got erased and i swore that i would never play it again, so i havent.

actually, the ff legends games are pretty bad too.

and ix.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-05-2004, 12:43 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by LEELOO 5

tight as hell and the worst? your an oxy[B]moron.

What I mean to say is that it was fun to play it but it wasn't a very good game. Like when I go skateboarding I always set up haggard ramps that are pieces of crap but i have fun skating them because it is true and nothing can take that away from me. Another bad one I think was Star Ocean. The only good thing about that game was the multiple endings.

Lightning Mage
03-05-2004, 08:14 PM
I didn't quite care for MonsterSeed. If you clasify that as an RPG.
It was ok and all, but the monster thing was a little boring. The battles were a little too short for a game like that.

Dhelor Aqari
03-13-2004, 07:11 AM
Eternal Ring. Sucks major donkey butt. I hate first person games, and first person RPGs (in my opinion) should not even exist. Three major thumbs down for Eternal Ring.

03-13-2004, 06:19 PM
Lunar 2:Eternal Blue. While there are games that aren't as well put together as this one that I simply didn't like, this one caused me to HATE it. That's rare for me. So it's the worst RPG.

03-13-2004, 11:32 PM
I had no idea Koudelka was a prequel to Shadow Hearts and that's one of my favorite RPGs ever. Gotta love the sticky pages. :D

As for worst RPG I'm voting on FF2. I really hated the stat system, it either made the game extremely hard or extremely easy.

Tactical Error #5
03-14-2004, 12:19 AM
I didn't care for the ffLegends games. If you ever set one aside for a month or so there's no way you'll get back on track. In truth they weren't even true FF's, I think they were SaGa to be honest but someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Other than that I'd have to say Eternal Ring was the biggest pile I've ever played. At least I didn't pay for it.

03-14-2004, 01:04 AM
The GB FF Legend games were part of the Romancing Saga series, I believe.

FF Legend 2 is great. My old time favorite(why is dad always leaving through the window? Echigoya is smuggling bananas! There's no magi in the sewer, ho ho ho!). 1 is laughable(go to castle of heart to get heart) and 3 was ok. Seemed pretty interesting with the time travel, but it didn't hold up.

iconoclastic pastry
03-21-2004, 01:15 AM
Secret of Evermore, hands down.

03-22-2004, 12:51 AM
Because I like running my mouth about things I'm not 100% certain about...

If I remember right, the FF Legends games were actually ports of NES games that were precursors to Romancing Saga. (They were just called "Saga" on the NES.) But it may be that the GB ones are ports of the SNES ones, and the NES ones were never translated at all... I used to know it all by heart and now I totally forget.

Whatever it may be, FF Legend 2 is awesome.

My least favorite RPG is Final Fantasy VIII, because in addition to being a turd, it was the sequel to the best game ever made. The first person to give me some "you're judging it by FF7's greatness" crap gets castrated with a butter knife. It could have been called Super Fun Elephant Power and have been released a year prior to FF7 and I'd still think it was a turd.

So you don't have to ask: The main character was annoying, the plot was brainless and everything about the gameplay was raped to the point where it gave me a headache just going through a battle.

Darth Revan
03-24-2004, 11:48 AM
I feel the need to change my choices.

Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter is my most hated RPG. I hate, loathe and despise this game. CAPCOM dropped the ball with this piece of steaming monkey crap.