Isaias Caetano
01-28-2013, 12:31 AM
Scottish National Jazz Orchestra - Rhapsody in Blue Live (2009) g
To The Group members: "Friends of Faith, Brothers, Comrades"
and all lovers of Jazz

Heard at the Edinburgh & Brecon Jazz Festivals in 2006, this seemed an absolute model for big-band projects, with Tommy Smith's re-orchestration of Gershwin's original
played with love and passion by a very young group, and piano soloist Brian Kellock showing his genius for differing idioms throughout.The recording (from Edinburgh's
Queen's Hall) takes a few minutes to get going but once you dig in, there's a continual round of treats as the hour ticks by. The standout is Smith's brilliant
invention of an Afro-Cuban section, horns blazing.

"From its 1924 premi�re onwards, George Gershwin's 'Rhapsody in Blue' has been a monumental piece of composed jazz, a 'prestige' project revisited, usually with an air of respectful reverence, either by classical orchestras wishing to dip their toes in jazz, or by jazz pianists keen to attract the attention of an audience outside their customary orbit.

Oddly � given the fact that its composer is responsible for providing the jazz world with some of its most durable and adaptable improvising vehicles, 'I Got Rhythm' only the most obvious example � it has seldom, if ever, been taken as a stepping-off point for such an adventurous jazz arrangement as the one provided here to pianist Brian Kellock and the SNJO by saxophonist Tommy Smith.

From the very start of this live recording from the Edinburgh Jazz Festival 2006, it is obvious that the above-mentioned stultifying reverence has been cast aside: instead of the most celebrated clarinet glissando in the music, it begins with what liner-note writer Rob Adams rightly describes as 'an emphatic statement of the theme...leading into Kellock's first feature, a kind of rhapsody in blues'.

Thereafter, Gershwin's composition is used as inspiration and thematic anchor for lusty big-band swing, exuberant latin excursions, a joyous stride-piano/trumpet duet etc., all skilfully integrated into an entirely convincing whole by the sheer quality of Smith's writing and the virtuosic piano playing of Kellock (who performed the piece as a student in 1981).

Also featuring powerful contributions from, among others, alto player Martin Kershaw, trumpeter Ryan Quigley and Smith himself, this is an ambitious but wholly successful adaptation of a wonderful piece of music, and comes warmly recommended. "

01. Rhapsody in Blue [53:57.45]

The file was cut into two parts, the integrity of the Track could only happen with the download of both parties.

GG RapBlueLive.part1 - Download - 4shared - Isaias Caetano da Silva (
GG RapBlueLive.part2 - Download - 4shared - Isaias Caetano da Silva (

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Thank you

01-28-2013, 01:48 AM
Thanks, looking forward to hearing this!

01-28-2013, 04:38 AM
Thank you very much!

01-28-2013, 04:46 AM
Is this version better than the one on the Disney movie Fantasia 2000?

01-28-2013, 05:10 AM
Thanks, Isaias.


01-28-2013, 05:53 AM

Very good my friend :)

Isaias Caetano
01-28-2013, 12:13 PM
Is this version better than the one on the Disney movie Fantasia 2000?

The version that is heard in Fantasia 2000, Ferde Grofe's what was orchestrated for piano and orchestra. Has a duration of 16:00 minutes.
This was re-orchestrated by Tommy Smith, lasts about 1 hour.
She is full of variations of several soloists and orchestra, also uses the different trends in the world of jazz. Being almost an homage to jazz greats. It was a live concert.

01-28-2013, 05:24 PM
Thank you very much, my friend.

01-28-2013, 08:53 PM
Thanks a lot!

01-23-2017, 05:34 AM
Can anyone re-upload this?