01-24-2013, 06:36 PM
Any horror film can go here. Whether it be the iconic slashers like Myers, Jason, etc or something like Jeeper's Creepers, The Grudge, Disturbia, etc.

Favorites: Halloween 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, H20. Friday The 13th, 2, 3, 6. Elm Street 1, 2, 3. Hellraiser 1 (when she solves The Pandora Box at the hospital) and 2 (till the original Cenobites died.) Child's Play 1 and 2. Texas Chainsaw: The Beginning and most of the originals. Mimic. Mirrors. The Grudge.

Worst: Halloween 3. Jason Goes To Hell. Jason X. All the Hellraiser's following 2. Child's Play 3 and on.

That's about it for me right now. Will add more as they come to me.

01-24-2013, 07:14 PM
Favorites: Halloween series (-3), Scream series, Friday the 13th series, Nightmare on Elm Street

Worst: Paranormal Activity, these are nothing more than a few "jump in your seat at the theater" movies but everyone seems to like them for some reason... I'm not one of them. I haven't really seen much I don't like. Can't think of a huge list right now.

01-24-2013, 07:18 PM
Favorites: Halloween series (-3), Scream series, Friday the 13th series, Nightmare on Elm Street

Worst: Paranormal Activity, these are nothing more than a few "jump in your seat at the theater" movies but everyone seems to like them for some reason... I'm not one of them. I haven't really seen much I don't like. Can't think of a huge list right now.

Remakes generally suck. The Friday (2009) and Elm Street (2010) remakes are no exceptions. My friend paid for my ticket just to get me to go with him to see Elm Street. I walked out. First movie I ever walked out of.

Worst....yeah. I pretty much stated the worst ones by now. Some forgotten ones are left out. Forgotten for good reason lol!!!

01-24-2013, 07:37 PM
I actually enjoyed the Friday the 13th remake. I think I'm the only one.

01-24-2013, 07:40 PM
I actually enjoyed the Friday the 13th remake. I think I'm the only one.

Your not. I liked it too. Both original and remake.

01-24-2013, 11:56 PM
Your not. I liked it too. Both original and remake.

History in the making here lol. Something you and I don't agree with. It's ok. Can't always agree on everything.

02-12-2013, 04:34 AM
My favorite film ever is Misery but I also love Sweeney Todd [The one with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter], The Devil's Rejects (The very last scene is the definition of epic!), and the last Saw was also pretty good in my opinion. My least favorite horror movies I trade away so I don't have to watch them again (lol) but from the top of my head I was not a fan of any of the Paranormal Activity movies, Cell 2 (Just an awful, awful movie), Jeeper's Creepers, and Creepshow 3.

02-12-2013, 06:06 AM
My favorite film is May which is in the genre but my favorite scary movie would be The Exorcist.

Other favorites include:

John Carpenter's The Thing (imo more horror than sci-fi)
Evil Dead 1&2
Films of Takashi Shimizu (Ju-On, Reincarnation, Marebito)
Italian horror from directors Lucio Fulci (The Beyond, City of the Living Dead, The Black Cat), Mario Bava (Black Sunday, Black Sabbath, Bay of Blood), Dario Argento (Suspiria, Deep Red, Inferno)
Films of Guillermo del Toro (The Devil's Backbone, Chronos, Mimic)
The Cube films
Dawn of the Dead (original)
Tales From the Crypt presents Demon Knight
From Dusk Till Dawn
Films of Kaneto Shindo (Onibaba, Kuroneko)
The Relic

Looked through my 1 star ratings list on Netflix and came up with a list of some least favorite horror films. The ones which really stuck with me as terrible:

Apollo 18
The Hills Have Eyes (original)
The Howling (original)
My Bloody Valentine (remake)
The Ruins
Van Helsing
Wrong Turn 2-4

Dr Faustus
02-21-2013, 08:06 PM

The Thing
Evil Dead I + II
Dark Water
Ringu I + II
The Exorcist
The Shining
Mulholland Drive (not strictly horror but it has one scene that scares the bejesus out of me)

There's likely more but that's all I can think of right now (most of which I stole from avilslare's list!).

90% of my horror stuff was on VHS. I gave away all my vids and have yet to replace some essentials on dvd.

05-01-2013, 06:55 AM
I am not a HUGE horror movie person, but my fav would be "The Descent". I am pretty claustrophobic, so that movie made me fucking nervous.
The remake of [REC], Quarantine may be the worst. So. damn. bad.

05-01-2013, 11:40 AM
I am not a HUGE horror movie person, but my fav would be "The Descent". I am pretty claustrophobic, so that movie made me fucking nervous.
The remake of [REC], Quarantine may be the worst. So. damn. bad.

While there may be a few exceptions depending on the opinions of those who saw them, just about every remake fits in the so damn bad list.

05-01-2013, 04:35 PM
While there may be a few exceptions depending on the opinions of those who saw them, just about every remake fits in the so damn bad list.

haha, fair point. I try not to watch any of them, but I fell for the trap with this one

05-01-2013, 09:10 PM
haha, fair point. I try not to watch any of them, but I fell for the trap with this one

Yeah it happens. Some movies are best left alone like The Crow for instance, which I know isn't a horror film. But using it to illustrate this point.