01-24-2013, 02:50 PM
There may be some people asking for this.
Currently, The first album is not easy to find. Only Version 3 and Version 4 available if you are not naive with Japanese. I have Version 4 on hand. One of my friends has Version 3 on hand. Which I may like to ask to borrow later.

The Gamerip is from Battle Gear 3,PS2. After trial and error, result is okay. True 44100 Hz,Stereo. Slightly better than mp3 because of 'filter'. SONY has been doing good for decades, especially in lossy compression.

Link Below is AAC encoded,Q=1.00 VBR Gamerip

The link provided below for further reference- Content of Battle Gear 3: The Edge OST

02-28-2013, 09:50 PM
cool...wil lcheck out

02-28-2013, 10:56 PM
Thanks! I've been looking for this for a while!