03-01-2004, 08:19 PM
i've got KOTR, underwater materia, and final attack but emerald kills me every time. am i just being thick and missing something??
any help would be much appreciated!

Landlord of Sector 7
03-02-2004, 12:19 AM
Well.....since you have all of those I guess my question would be how strong are your characters? Also, do you have like mimes, 2-summon, and quadra magic or any of the master materia? Those could come in handy so could a few HP plusses. My advice would be level up your materia (if you know the duplicating items trick then go fight magic pots and dots inside of the crater or at I think around Mideel maybe? Anyways, get two mimes and keep doing w-summon bahamut zero and KORT or something like that.

03-02-2004, 02:22 AM
You should junction the Final Attack to Phoenix.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-02-2004, 11:58 AM
Yeah and I learned a little trick with like casting reflect on yourself and equipping some strong magic to mega-all and casting it on yourself so you can hit them three times. I think that is how it goes.

03-03-2004, 04:51 PM
the main thing is air tam storm that does 9999 damage, to stop that i believe what ever number of materia you have equiped is how much he will do, example:cloud has 3 materia, airtam does 3333 damage, get it
i beleive that was the trick a friend told me, haven't used it though, still workin on that damn ruby weapon, and i won't get into that history:mad:

Landlord of Sector 7
03-03-2004, 07:49 PM
I got it (maybe)! Use a W-Summon KOTRT and have 2 mimes (only one if you must) and keep doing that OR.....Cast Reflect on yourself and do a Quadra_Ultima_Mega-all (oh crap you can't do that can you?) oh well at least I tried.

03-03-2004, 09:24 PM
You COULD do it by miming KOTR but I find that to be somewhat cheating.

The way I did it, all those years back was simply figuring out my materia, Air Tam Storm was not an issue for me becuase I had all master materia, so that did sweet piss all. I dedicated one member to being a healer and using limit break whenever he got it. The other two were constantly going on magic and melee attacks. I had Quadra magic linked with Ultima, Final attack linked with Phoenix. I didn't actually use KOTR that much becuase I found it too boring having to sit through that entire thing.

Alls I can say is that it took me a good few goes to finish him, but when I did I deserved it. It is hardly a strategy to mime KOTR round and round.

Do it your own way but in such a way that you won't feel cheated when you kill him, it's worth the satisfaction of a clean win more than just saying you killed him.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-03-2004, 09:39 PM
yeah the Miming KOTR is sort of weak but I was just offering suggestions. Yeah Ruby Weapon is probably the hardest boss you will ever face in a FF series because he is so BAD ASS!

03-04-2004, 10:44 AM
badass doesn't even begin, that bastard ruby, man i hate him with a passion:mad: i think i will go fight him oday and try and win
theres 2 only tips i have for fighting him is these one
1. live long enough for him to run out of magic points
2.have all characters equiped with ribbon(morph master tonberry)

do that and it makes him a whole lot easier, especially if he quicksands your other characters

stupid ruby

03-04-2004, 01:06 PM
If you enter the battle with two of your charicters dead the will put his fingers in the ground, all you do then is revive the other two and quad summon Barhmet Zero, as KOTR just tempt him to cast Ultima...

Landlord of Sector 7
03-04-2004, 03:48 PM
yeah but can quad-magic-Bahamut Zero kill him? And why can't you use quad-magic KOTR? That makes me mad. yeah definetley go into the battle with two people dead because that helps.

Lu Bu
03-04-2004, 09:01 PM
i dont know if its true but i was told that the more mareria u have on the more air tam storm takes for example if u have ten materia then it takes 9999 but if u have about 2 or 3 then it will take 2000 or 3000 but i dont know if this is true

Landlord of Sector 7
03-04-2004, 09:57 PM
Yeah but how are you supposed to win with 2 or 3 materia? And I thought of another materia combination that could help. Counter Ultima or Bahamut Zero or something.

03-05-2004, 09:22 AM
i did that kill 2 guys thing but he still quicksanded me later on before i had the chance to stop it, man ruby is so BEAST!!

03-06-2004, 12:09 PM
the trick is like this...

1st: Be sure the Phoenix materia is linked together w/ the final attack...
2nd: use KOTR, be sure all of the characters have KOTR mastered...
3rd: After using KOTR, Mime the move...
4th: repeat the 3rd step
5th: use limitbreak...(I prefer using white wind for healing esp when 1 of your characters hp is 9999)
6th: repeat the process... u have 5 continues (of course because of the mastered Phoenix materia and final attack)

you'll finish that beast right away.....

03-08-2004, 09:50 AM
Since we are on subject of how i got my ass ripped of and handed to me by ruby(which has happened to all of us) let me tell you exactly what happened,
okay, i had kotr-mp absorb , master magic, w-summon,w-magic, 3 mimes, mega all, and final attack revive plus some other stuff, anyway i killed barret and cid and went into battle, brought them back to life as soon as he did the claws thing started fighting, kept wall and haste and regen up during the battle, kept casting kotr(which brought my mp to max thanks to mp absorb) and mimed it, wen like this for 30 minutes, untill some how he quicksanded barret and cid
and this is when it got hard
it was ruby and cloud, one on one, i fought for another 20 minutes, he ran out of magic points during this last 20 minutes, and he was so easy i was just wasting him, then his stupid little claw slapped me and brought my hp to about 1000 and then ruby hit me with an attack which did about 1500, i died,

so gay, but such an awesome fight:D

Landlord of Sector 7
03-08-2004, 12:25 PM
As for that having all of the KOTR mastered on everybody, how the hell are you supposed to do that? That would take years and years and years and years to do. And if you had already wasted time getting Aeris' final limit break and getting a gold chocobo (which you would have if you have KOTR to fight Ruby Weapon because the only other way to get it is to defeat Ruby Weapon) and getting master materia we are talking around 300 hours of playing time seriously. And besides he will just cast Ultima over and over again.

03-08-2004, 05:23 PM
As for that having all of the KOTR mastered on everybody, how the hell are you supposed to do that? That would take years and years and years and years to do.
And the championship award for the Hyperbole Tournament of 2004 goes to... Landlord of Sector 7! (Beeping noises and flashing lights start up.) No seriously, it's called Master Materia, you get hooked up with it by either trading in the prize you get for fighting Emerald with the old guy in Kalm, or mastering all materia of a type. Or, to just master the KoTR, you get hooked up with Triple AP and go fight some Movers and other enemies in the Northern Cave, or...

and getting master materia we are talking around 300 hours of playing time seriously.
... or fight the Magic Pots and give them Elixirs and get lots and lots of AP. Use W-Item trick, or, if you think that's a cheat, steal some Elixirs from Tonberries and then give them to the Magic Pots.

03-08-2004, 05:28 PM
Do people think that the Materia setup to kill Ruby weapon extremely easy (the setup where you just need to setup the KotR HP-Absorb W-Summon and have it counter command mine with Final Attack Pheonix... and a bunch of other crap) is a "cheat"?

03-08-2004, 06:38 PM
Yeah, some do. Or at least cheap.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-08-2004, 07:23 PM
Ok, first of all, what is the Hyperbole tournament? Second, I only thought that you could get materia by mastering it all because I looked in the Brady Games strategy guide to make sure and it said that and I figured wow it will take a VERY long time to master ALL of them.

03-09-2004, 01:11 AM
Ok, first of all, what is the Hyperbole tournament?
A fictional tournament I made up. Go look up the definition of hyperbole.

Second, I only thought that you could get materia by mastering it all because I looked in the Brady Games strategy guide to make sure and it said that and I figured wow it will take a VERY long time to master ALL of them.
Well, it doesn't. Not if you use the tactics I said. Or get the master set by trading the Earth Harp (Emerald Weapon prize) to the guy in Kalm.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-09-2004, 01:41 AM
Ok well I am to lazy to look that up but does the Kalm guy give you ALL of the master materia for the Earth Harp or just specific ones?

03-09-2004, 03:27 AM
I am to lazy to look that up
(Scar mode) Why am not surprised?! I think I'm going to keel over and die with not surprise!

but does the Kalm guy give you ALL of the master materia for the Earth Harp or just specific ones?
Master Command, Master Magic, Master Summon. There are no Maste Independent or Master Support.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-09-2004, 12:09 PM
Wow that would be awesome. I never knew that so thank you Agent. I guess I will try to beat Emerald Weapon first this time but that will be no easy task I'm sure.

Kiros of the blood
05-25-2004, 10:03 AM
My brain thinks you can kill ruby with cait siths slots.

05-26-2004, 08:09 AM
Some suggested that you wait for Ruby to run out of its MP......

Use Elixir first or Last Elixir and keep on miming over and over again till it runs out of MP, how's that? I think it doesn't decrease the actuall number of Elixirs or Last Elixirs.

Well, I haven't tried yet but I geuss it works.

05-27-2004, 06:01 PM
what the heck was that 777????

first of all, there's no such thing as 'last elixer'. you can get it out of a treasure box, but it's just another elixer. and what does using an elixer have to do with him running out of MP???

anyways... if you REALLY want to beat emerald, here's a tip....
Equip two characters ideally (this would be with the enemy skill materia having such items as white wind, and big guard, and the like... you can look at the main site for tips on this. then you MUST have final attack, preferrably mastered, linked to phoenix, also mastered, maybe KOR and Mime, stuff to do damage, and barrier would help.)
This part is a MUST: Have one character able to have 9999 health with only 2 materia equipped (2 mastered HP Plus materia if you must) and during the battle with emerald, do your best to keep this character at 9999 health at all times possible. then at some point emerald will use "Aire Tam Stomp" (quit with the storm crap... it IS stomp) and if the 'special' character has 9999 health at the time, he/she will now have 7777 health... This will trigger a rage of lucky 7's and then you can watch this character attack emerald with 7777 damage for a long time (42 times for my try at this... i had vincent with all lucky 7's and he hit emerald 42 times, and it took over 5 minutes, lost count after that!)

for tips on ruby.... well i had cloud levelled up (99) and pretty strong, and equipped with ultima weapon, mystile, and ribbon. he had KOR (even though after using this ruby will counter with ultima, with mystile equipped he will miss most of the time) and the Final Attack-Phoenix combo (both mastered) the good enemy skill, (actually i think i used master summon for KOR and make sure to use Hades on both him and his tentacles, the status changes it does, like stop, is very useful along with the damage it does.) and w-item (for the cheat, and to be able to use hero drink twice, or a megalixer and a hero drink) then if you wish, after getting an omnislash limit break, you can use like 4 hero drinks, and then unleash on ruby... it will take a good little chunk... but this method was very effective for me! (even tho if you happen to die, then use phoenix, it will not only heal ruby, a very little, but it will revive both other characters, and like mentioned by someone else, this runs the risk of getting cloud whirlsanded... maybe if you use the final attack-revive (with life2) combo you can skip this problem... i should try that...)

05-27-2004, 07:45 PM
Cloud13 - don't just yell at people. "Last Elixir" is a common English translation from Japanese of what's called "Megalixir" in the U.S. version of the game.

05-27-2004, 08:34 PM
i wasn't yelling... I AM CALM!!!! lol... i was just trying to ask him what he meant... in a not as nice as it could be way... if you actually read my post... not very much of it was dedicated to the 'yelling' as you so call it... 3 lines... the rest was actually to inform ppl about the weapons

05-27-2004, 09:39 PM
U why not try Terry Lin's FAQ on defeating the weapons. It helped me beat them. Or Johannes Haglund's, or SoulEdge's.

Neway good luck....

05-28-2004, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Cloud13
what the heck was that 777????

first of all, there's no such thing as 'last elixer'. you can get it out of a treasure box, but it's just another elixer. and what does using an elixer have to do with him running out of MP???

Okay, I'll explain again.

I meant Megaelixer, not Last Elixer sorry for that.

What I'm trying to say is if you want RUBY to run out of its MP, why don't you mime using a Megaelixer or an Elixer so that you can survive forever as long as you want while it uses its MP to spell some magic. I think miming doesn't reduce the number of Elixers or Megaelixers, I'm not 100 % sure though.

After it runs out of its MP, it's really easy to kill it as some metioned, got it?

05-28-2004, 01:29 PM
It sounds like a good strategy to me, just so long as you have Ribbon on to protect against the status effects. Or, just use the items themselves, it's not like you can't just restock them using the W-Item duplicate trick.

05-28-2004, 10:46 PM
sorry for the misundrestanding 777. (btw, also sorry i came off so rude sounding... i wasn't serious... i juat wanted to understand you...) and as far as miming goes, at least in the PS version, it does reduce the number of items you have, but you can duplicate with w-item like agent0042 said... but i think doing that is a horrible waste of time, cuz i think they have waaay too much MP and they can kill you in 1 hit, and theyhave physical attacks too!

05-28-2004, 11:39 PM
I agree, it does seem unnecessarily time-consuming. Just do what I always do. I guarantee this will work as long as your characters are good. Kill off the two characters other than Cloud before going into the battle. Have Cloud W-Summon Phoenix, followed by Hades. Your characters are now revived and Ruby Weapon is frozen stiff. Then, have either him or one of the other characters W-Summon Hades followed by Knights of the Round. Mime until Ruby's dead. Execute it quickly, and he'll never unfreeze.

05-29-2004, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by Cloud13
sorry for the misundrestanding 777. (btw, also sorry i came off so rude sounding... i wasn't serious... i juat wanted to understand you...) and as far as miming goes, at least in the PS version, it does reduce the number of items you have, but you can duplicate with w-item like agent0042 said... but i think doing that is a horrible waste of time, cuz i think they have waaay too much MP and they can kill you in 1 hit, and theyhave physical attacks too!

Have you alredy tried it or by doing other thing did you know that miming still decreases the number of items?

Yeah, actually if you can duplicate items, you can let one of your party members just use a Megaelixer while others attack Ruby.

By the way, I didn't care how you sounded cause I thougut my first explanation wasn't good enough for others to understand as well including saying Lastelixer instead of Megaelixer, I won't say it again that was good to learn, yeah.

Kiros of the blood
06-09-2004, 05:21 AM
the weapons do'nt run out of mp I scanned weapon and he had 0 mp!

06-09-2004, 06:02 AM
I think it does cause I heard so many people saying it and I also read some book which says it.

By the way, I thought Scan doesn't work on Bosses does it?....

06-13-2004, 12:23 PM
Agreed with 777... could be rong tho

06-14-2004, 02:25 PM
Sorry, but that's not true. Scan does work on bosses, at least sometimes. Not all the time, I don't think. It can fail (miss) and there may be some it doesn't work on.

And bosses do have MP. Godo is an example. You can use Magic Hammer to drain all his MP to keep him from using his Cure magic. If any enemy, be it a boss or a normal monster runs out MP, you will get a message saying "(Monster)'s skill power has been used up." whenever they try to use a move that consumes MP.

06-15-2004, 03:55 AM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Sorry, but that's not true. Scan does work on bosses, at least sometimes. Not all the time, I don't think. It can fail (miss) and there may be some it doesn't work on.

And bosses do have MP. Godo is an example. You can use Magic Hammer to drain all his MP to keep him from using his Cure magic. If any enemy, be it a boss or a normal monster runs out MP, you will get a message saying "(Monster)'s skill power has been used up." whenever they try to use a move that consumes MP.

Yeah, I know Scan works on normal bosses but not on Ruby and Emerald that's why noone knew how much HP they have.

I agree to it too, every monster can run out MP, I think.

06-15-2004, 03:43 PM
Got it. One other thing, I'm curious about this notion that miming reduces the number of items. After all, if you cast a spell and then Mime it, it doesn't take up any more MP. I kinda wanna try that myself and see.

06-16-2004, 03:47 AM
i got a good strategy... evn though i probably guna gt in trouble for being pointless... neway my strategy is................................................ .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................................................DO NT DIE!!!

06-16-2004, 03:52 AM
Originally posted by 1_W1nged_Angel
i got a good strategy... evn though i probably guna gt in trouble for being pointless... neway my strategy is................................................ .................................................. ....DONT DIE!!!

Well, actually it could be some kind of strategy though it is really clumsy.

06-17-2004, 06:57 AM