02-29-2004, 06:21 PM
grrr.....they make me so mad, i spit on them! they really are fucking annoying, i'd rather see the enemy and have a chance to avoid them

Lightning Mage
02-29-2004, 08:15 PM
Well, considering the alternative, I like 'em.
The alternative is walking around and you see the enemies outside of battle. Random battles allow you to level up faster.
But they do sometimes piss me off.

02-29-2004, 08:33 PM
they help you level up alot faster and aren't too bad, then you get to a decent amount of levels and after a while they get annoying cuz you can just trash everything.

03-01-2004, 12:35 AM
They're esp. annoying when ur hopelessly lost..

Landlord of Sector 7
03-01-2004, 12:48 AM
I have already talked about this in another post but I agree with everyone on the fact that random battles suck because you can't predict them and all that cool stuff. ESPECIALLY when you are lost.

03-01-2004, 10:51 AM
I like Grandas system, where you can see the enemy before you engage in battle. Though I have nothing agaisnt random encounters, either. The only thing is, they can be slightly irritating if they occur too frequently. And random encounters don't necessarily equate to faster levelling up, it depends on the game mechanics. And there's ample room to continually enage in battles with enemies by re-entering dungeons and levelling up that way.

The Joker
03-01-2004, 12:43 PM
Random encounters are stupid and should be done away with. I'm glad games like Xenosaga, Chrono, and Vagrant Story have done away with them.

It adds another depth and mechanics to the gameplay if you can run, avoid, or setup traps for enemies.

Rabid Monkey
03-01-2004, 02:30 PM
Normally I would say "yeah, random battles suck", but the thing is that most games that employ random battles also have at least one item in them that prevents random battles from occurring. If you don't like them just use that item and you're all set. If you don�t have that item yet then chances are you�re at a point in the game where random battles are what makes it challenging still and not so over powered that random battles are tedious, in which case I say suck it up and fight or run.

03-01-2004, 03:15 PM
yeah, it was cool in VIII where u could get Diabolus to learn Enc. Half and then Enc. None but alas no more

Top Cat
03-01-2004, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by The Immortal
yeah, it was cool in VIII where u could get Diabolus to learn Enc. Half and then Enc. None but alas no more
Uh.. in FFX No Encounters is a weapon ability.

The Joker
03-01-2004, 06:36 PM
Thats true, you can typically run away with items or commands you get...but I think if you can see and avoid enemies, you add a lot more to the gameplay than just giving a bunch of random battles.

Like if your trying to get a specific enemy for example, you might get a half million random battles before you get that enemy. It would be cool to have a game where there are no random battles, but you can use items to attract or deter some monsters (like mosquito repellent making insects leave you alone or there being more near you if your wet?)

I have to admit, that Xenosaga actually doesn't let you escape unless you have an item, last time I checked. Which seems kind of odd, and they should've given some kind of escape option before it was released...but it lets you try to outrun enemies, use stealth, or use compustable items to give you an edge in battle like first turn or enemy damage up.

The point being, I think you can do far more creative things if you do not have random encounters.

03-02-2004, 02:16 AM
In FFX, No Encounters is an armor ability, with a bug that sometimes alllows you to get it on a weapon dropped in one and only one particular battle. In FFX-2, it's available fairly early in the game.

I think random encounters are okay as long as:

1. The encounter ratio isn't turned up too high.

2. They're controllable (FFX-2)

03-02-2004, 11:09 AM
Random encuonters aren't too bad, at least not when your playing at 2 am. In those situations a sudden battle accompanied by some battle music helps keep me awake.

03-05-2004, 10:15 AM
i like random encounters, they can piss you off and the way xenosaga did their encounter was the hotness, but random encounters cool and i hate havin to leave a dungeon just to fight more monsters

03-06-2004, 09:49 AM
Yes, and i�ve played Grandia and the only thing I did was attack every monster I got to, because I didn�t want to miss any Exp...

So I guess Random encounter can be sucky definitly when you�re lost but it is just a system for battles and in most games I�ve played there are options to ignore battles so....

03-06-2004, 09:56 AM
yeah, there should be an option before entering a random battle: "Would you like to fight" or something like that so you don't get put in a battle and have to wait till your characters run away if your not in the mood to fight. something as simple as that would be great

03-06-2004, 02:39 PM
random encounters are the worst thing of all when your trying to get something done or when your trying to get somewere thats far away and they keep poping up. that sucks. It would be kinda cool if it were like chrono where you can see enemys walking around.
But if you play alot of ff thats just something you just have to be used to by now.;) ;)

03-06-2004, 02:58 PM
Or Kingdom Hearts, the Disney / Square game that included FF characters. In that one, you couldn't see them walking around. They would just sort of materialize at random, but you could totally bully your way past them, or ignore them a lot of the time.

03-06-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by The Immortal
grrr.....they make me so mad, i spit on them! they really are fucking annoying, i'd rather see the enemy and have a chance to avoid them

Play "Mystic Quest." :P

Or any of the other games mentioned. But that's the only one (maybe one or more of the gameboy games had the walking around monsters too) with the label 'Final Fantasy' tacked onto it.

I personally don't mind random encounters. They keep tweaking with the rate though. V was sort of often, VI was very, and VII was just a little more than V.

And that's only three of them.

03-07-2004, 06:12 PM
the thing that most annoyed me was when you were in Bran Bal in FF9 and you were following that girl and you kept getting random encounters and it just spoilt the moment for me

i think getting rid of random encounters is ruining a FF tradition all though it would be better if you didnt get random encounters in some places such as the latter.

Top Cat
03-07-2004, 06:24 PM
Rnadom encouters can be very annoying, especially when, as Incubus said, you're following someone or something and suddenely you're inturrupted by a battle agaist a wolf thingy. But, when you want to level up, there's never enough of them. I think they need to be sorted so that there is a level of them good enough to allow you to level up a bt, but to be rarer or stop during certain situations.

03-07-2004, 07:48 PM
Well thats why its cool when theres like something that turns them off like that charm thingy in well x-2 shhh! Anyway there only a pain in the ass when your doing somthin It would be such a releif if you level up when you willing to instead of out of nowhere!
But yeah there should be like a turn off option that would just make rpgs in general a hell of a lot better.;)

03-08-2004, 09:57 AM
i've also notice that when you are looking for for battles they are rare but when you arn't then there's buttloads of fight,
its like legos..........