02-29-2004, 03:08 AM
I need help badly. I am replaying this game, but for some reason I cannot seem to get Barret or anyone else to learn their final limit breaks. I have their level 3 limits complete, I have all their last weapons and the manuals, but they still seem to not learn. Did I forget to do something or is it a glitch???

Landlord of Sector 7
02-29-2004, 03:19 AM
Check to make sure that they have learned both of they're level three limit breaks. I know I thought I could use mine but with some of them I dind't notice they had another one to go. Otherwise it sounds like a glitch.

02-29-2004, 07:18 AM
I got this from a FAQ site...

A Glitch in the System
There is a known glitch in the limit break system that can cause some major
problems with your game. This glitch generally does one of two things.

1) When you start a new game sometimes this glitch will occur. When this
happens you will find that instead of starting out with just your 1/1 limit
break your character(s) will have all limit breaks already learned. This may
appear as a wonderful occurrence at first but don't count it as a blessing just
yet. I'm not sure what ramifications if any this has later in the game. It's
possible this could screw a few things up later on, such as getting Final
Attack from Battle Arena since you need to buy Omnislash and teach it to Cloud
as one of the requirements to access the special battle. You can't exactly
teach it to him if he already knows it and I'm not sure if the game will count
it or not. I haven't had this glitch happen to me so I'm not sure if this would
really happen but it definitely seems possible. Anyone who has learned
omnislash via GameShark will know that the game doesn't count it when you try
to access the special battle, so it's quite possible the game won't count the
glitch either. If anyone knows for certain that there are problems caused by
this glitch please let me know so I can list them here.

2) The second occurrence of the glitch can be even more frustrating. Have you
ever learned all of a character's limits except the last one and then tried to
use his/her manual but the game still won't let you learn the level 4 limit?
Well that would be the glitch coming into play again. Once again I haven't had
this happen to me, but I know a few people who have, and by all reports they've
never found a way to fix the problem short of starting a new game. Basically
you just have to start all over or just keep playing without use of the level 4
limit for the character(s) that this happens to.

Those are the two most common results of the glitch. There are a few other that
I've heard of but I don't know for certain if there is any truth to them, never
having personally witnessed them. I'll list them anyway for reference.

1) You can't learn limits at all. You get stuck with your 1/1 limit for the
entire game no matter how many times you meet the requirements to learn the new

2) Learning a new limit gets delayed. You make the required number of kills or
uses to get the next limit but you still don't learn it. Then later on,
sometimes after learning the limits after the one that wouldn't work, you'll
suddenly learn the limit you missed for no apparent reason.

02-29-2004, 02:45 PM
This sucks :(, thanks for the help though.

Landlord of Sector 7
02-29-2004, 07:26 PM
Your welcome

Rabid Monkey
02-29-2004, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by FFFanatic
2) Learning a new limit gets delayed. You make the required number of kills or uses to get the next limit but you still don't learn it. Then later on, sometimes after learning the limits after the one that wouldn't work, you'll suddenly learn the limit you missed for no apparent reason.

I actually had that happen to me the very first time I ever played the game, but I didn't think anything of it because... well, it was my first time playing it.

Landlord of Sector 7
02-29-2004, 09:02 PM
Well I used a gameshark once for something and every single turn after that cloud had a limit break. I ended up starting over.

02-29-2004, 09:37 PM
That's what you get for using a gameshark.

And Saviour, before worrying about glitches - have you got all your limit breaks? To learn Level 4, you must have both Level 1, both Level 2 and both Level 3 limit breaks. If you've skipped ahead a level (it's possible to gain the first Level 2 limit break without getting the second one, for instance).

If you've skipped ahead like that, you need to set your limit break down again until you've gotten both limit breaks - and once you've learned all six, Cloud can then learn Omnislash.

Landlord of Sector 7
02-29-2004, 09:52 PM
you'll be happpy to know that that is the ONLY time I have ever used a gameshark on a Final Fantasy game. I just wanted to see how ridiculously strong I could make myself. It worked sort of.

02-29-2004, 11:54 PM
I used a GameShark once on FFVII but for some strange reason my saved game didnt get deleted.. so within 5 battles Cloud was lvl 86...

Landlord of Sector 7
03-01-2004, 12:07 AM
What do you mean your game didn't get deleted? Were you expecting it too?

03-01-2004, 12:09 AM
I was kinda expectin it but no the game didnt get deleted..