02-28-2004, 09:03 PM
Moogles are cute little creatures,covered in white fur, who dwell in the final fantasy realm. Their backs are adorned with wings, giving them access to the skies through flight and there is a little red bon-bon thingy atop their heads. But do not let their teddy bear-like appearance decieve you, they can be fierce and skilled warriors, powerful wizards, and wise sages. They love to dance around and play and eat kupo nuts, but when the situation calls for it they can be totally serious and somber. And besides all this, they have the ability to sum up all that you or they are feeling, the plight of the world, or just life in only one word: kupo.

If you want to say anything about moogles, feel free to post!


02-29-2004, 06:57 AM
KUPO! Moogles rox

Top Cat
02-29-2004, 07:05 AM
I like annoying the Save Moogle in FFIX...

07-22-2004, 06:48 AM
they arethe best! ^^ i love them all but that moogly in ff VII is really nice you rememer that one you help learn flying? ^^

The Sage
07-22-2004, 09:42 AM
The saving moogles kind of suck... it's the animation.

Other than that moogles rock the world to it's foundations!

07-22-2004, 10:59 AM
the best moogles were stilzkin(9) and mog(6). they are definitely awesome. Ididnt like their presence on 7's slopes cause i always hit them TT

07-22-2004, 02:08 PM
I hate moogles in IX, they think they know everything and say they want to help but they really don't do anything else but save your progress, put up a tent for you (like I can't do that myself) make you deliver mail for them and sell important items and equipement when they FEEL like it, grr....

But in VI they rock, even if it's just Mog, Mog rocks, coolest character in the game. (next to setzer)

Alice Wonderbra
07-23-2004, 12:36 AM
they try to dance, but fall and piss me off.

07-23-2004, 12:52 AM
I love moogles everywhere but in TA.

They use "kupo" like it's smurf.

Having a fluffy little moogle like the ones in Crystal Chronicles as a pet would be nice. ^^

07-24-2004, 05:11 PM
Moogles rock! I liked them in Final Fantasy IX as well... I loved the line, "I'm kupo for kupo nuts!" Woo!

07-28-2004, 11:40 AM
hmm okay look at that doesn�t he looks cute i just love my littel moogly. when i�ve got a new hp i�ll post of my self drawn moogly pic. thats great about theme? they all cool kind of confused and cute.

Aerith Gainsborough
07-29-2004, 08:39 AM
I like moogles. :)

I like the ones on FF-VII. It is so cute, when they learn to fly....(in the mog-game) :rolleyes:

But the best one, is the FF-VI Mog! ;)

07-29-2004, 10:53 AM
Theres a band called Mog and the Kupos

and Moogles are cool.

07-29-2004, 11:01 AM
cool hehehe i like that song anyhow ^^
i what ff game you think mooglys play the importants part? maybe in ff 6?

08-05-2004, 01:50 PM
have you seen the moogles in FF:CC? they're the cutest yet. no body, just a ball of fur, that red bon on top, and wings! no arms, but they do have feet though. :) oh, and you get to paint them!

"Thy memories to the light shall flow
Forgotton jewels that lose their glow
In time they shall return anew
To be gathered like drops of dew..."

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles

08-05-2004, 10:49 PM
no heheh that is really cute !! but think i like the other�s more. a full whit mog looks good i guess. hmm i had once a airplane mog somewhere.. have to look for it!?

08-06-2004, 05:57 PM
I like the little red Bon-Bon thingy's on there head's!


Play ping-pong wit it!

08-06-2004, 08:38 PM
hmm look a bit closer to it do you also a littel bit a Pikatchu in it? (i be followed my pokemon!!! :erm:

08-07-2004, 02:38 AM
Yea ur right but only if he waz yellow

08-07-2004, 06:42 AM
yeah, it does look abit like pikachu... but don't shoot me, i think pikachu can get really, really irritating. moogles on the other hand... are gentle, docile and genteel yet stoic and resilent when the going gets tough.

lol, what am i rambling about! :p

"Thy memories to the light shall flow
Forgotton jewels that lose their glow
In time they shall return anew
To be gathered like drops of dew..."

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles

08-09-2004, 05:16 PM
Moogles rule! I luv the ones in ff9. STILTSKIN RULES!!!!

08-09-2004, 06:32 PM
moogles are cool,but why has the one in moombamage712's picture doesnt have any feet? or dont they have any feet, iv never noticed before

Lunatic HighVII
08-10-2004, 02:05 AM
Moogles... what can I say? Cute, furry, and they fly! Who couldn't love'em? I have to admit it was kind of annoying in ff IX when you were in a hurry to save and the moogle had to open his book, fly down, blah blah blah... but I still love moogles! Has anyone else had an urge to try a kupo nut?

08-10-2004, 03:02 PM
sure they can walk! ^.^ . the kid mooglys in ff7 and ff9 were great they are even cuter as there parents!

08-10-2004, 04:01 PM
i luv moogles

08-10-2004, 06:18 PM
Moogle Moogle MOOGLE!

08-18-2004, 07:52 PM
okay let us sing a moogle song:
oh moogle you�re so pfluffi and cute
oh moogly we lov�a we lov�a
you bring us joy, you bring us fun
let�s prays him up the moogly song!

08-18-2004, 08:18 PM
YAAAAH MOOGLES! if i had a box of moogles id send one to each of my friends.

08-19-2004, 03:52 AM
Originally posted by Masaiju
okay let us sing a moogle song:
oh moogle you�re so pfluffi and cute
oh moogly we lov�a we lov�a
you bring us joy, you bring us fun
let�s prays him up the moogly song!


I'll sing it right now hehehe! :D

*Start's to sing the hilarious Moogle Song*

Lunatic HighVII
08-19-2004, 10:24 PM
*joins along with her*

08-19-2004, 11:08 PM
I hate the moogles in FF9,but i dunt know why,i just do...

08-20-2004, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by HeartsofSpades
I hate the moogles in FF9,but i dunt know why,i just do...

*starts to cry* BOO-HOO...WAHHHHH-HHHHHHHH



i loved the Moogles in ff9!!!

i loved to save,there little flip!!!

hehe :D

Lunatic HighVII
08-20-2004, 02:49 AM
You don't know why you hate them?? There's gotta be a reason, 'cause moogles aren't easy creatures to hate! It's ok ff-gurl, im crying too ;) Not really, but I really do like moogles... What's there to hate about' em?

08-20-2004, 05:38 AM
dude i love moogles so much i dressed up like one for a covention.
also in other places that i chat, i always say Kupo! at the end of everything i say. *bows on her knees and praise the moogles*Kupo!

08-20-2004, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by animation_girl2000
dude i love moogles so much i dressed up like one for a covention.
also in other places that i chat, i always say Kupo! at the end of everything i say. *bows on her knees and praise the moogles*Kupo!

That is quite worrying. If you have a suit though ....;)

08-26-2004, 02:16 AM
I LOVE MOOGLES!!!!!!!!!! THE ARE SOO COOL. I WISH I COULD HAVE ONE AND HUGE ONE AND EVERYTHING. KUPO PO KUPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-22-2004, 05:15 PM
@animation_girl2000 is that pic in the net? because i found one and i really love it it lokes so cute. what do you think of that mooglys?:
isn�t it really cute? is that maybe you animation_girl2000?

09-23-2004, 02:28 AM
that is really cool

09-23-2004, 02:39 AM
*starts to sing the song agian*

la la la Moogle Moogle Moogle la la la

09-23-2004, 02:51 AM

09-23-2004, 11:23 AM
I have said it before, i will say it again... i wonder what moogles taste like.

Aerith Gainsborough
09-23-2004, 02:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by 1_W1nged_Angel

I have said it before, i will say it again... i wonder what moogles taste like.

Like chicken maybe? :laugh:

09-23-2004, 05:45 PM
Or Beef ^ ^

09-24-2004, 11:00 PM
How would you like your moogle? Barbequed or roasted?

09-25-2004, 03:05 AM
Ooooooooh, how 'bout a Moogle restarant ^ ^

everything is Moogles, Moogle Ice Cream, Moogle Salad, even just plain Moogle!


09-25-2004, 04:57 AM

09-29-2004, 01:24 AM
Mooglie Mooglie Mooglie!!!

Cuddly Cuddly Cuddly!!!


Kefka: Ultimate Evil
10-02-2004, 01:53 AM
Mog is the king of all moogles. Man, he was quite an awesome little puffy white dude.

Btw, does Cait Sith(I think I spelt his name wrong) count as a moogle? I know hes just a machine, but still hes shaped like fat moogle.

10-02-2004, 01:58 AM
Cait Sith RIDES Ontop of a toy Moogle he magicaly brought to life, you should read the manual lol

10-02-2004, 02:03 AM
Originally posted by FF-Gurl
Cait Sith RIDES Ontop of a toy Moogle he magicaly brought to life, you should read the manual lol

Cait Sith, the whole thing, is a robot.

You should pay attention to the game. "lol"

By the way, stop chatting/spamming.