01-15-2013, 09:55 PM
================================================== =============================
[TABLE] Table Of Contents
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1. [TABLE] Table Of Contents
2. [INTRO] Introduction\About This Project
3. [STAT] Status
3. [PICS] Pictures
4. [FAQS]Frequently Asked Questions
5. [VIDEO] Videos\Downloads
6. [RANDOM] Random Stuff

How To Find Stuff In 3 Easy Steps
1. Press Command + F (Mac)\Control + F (Windows)
2. Copy then Paste the code above [EXAMPLE]
3. Click Next\Find until you get there.

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[INTRO] Introduction
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Hey guys, it's Lamentizer here with awesome news. I'm making the Zelda games into Adventure Maps in Minecraft.

The first release will be:
The Legend Of Zelda - NES Adventure Map

You probably don't know this, but I am a huge Zelda fan, I own all of the games on every release - except Four Swords Anniversary Edition. Anyways, several months ago, I built Termina from Majora's Mask and Hyrule from Ocarina Of Time, but it just didn't feel right. Then last month I got the idea to make every single game into a Minecraft world, starting with the original classic 8-bit game.

So this project was started about a week ago. And, I've decided to share it with everybody. The Zelda 1 is not complete right now, but that doesn't matter at the moment cause it will be finished. This world, like all of the other world-to-be-made will be a 1:1 scale ratio. Everything from the NES game will be in the world - Old Man caves, Old Woman caves, all 9 dungeons, Money Making Game, etc.

I'll be making both the 1st and 2nd Quests. It won't be too hard to make the 2nd Quest. I'll just take the 1st Quest, change the terrain where needed, change the warping coordinates, redo the different parts of the dungeon, and BOOM! The 2nd Quest will be finished. I'm thinking that it won't take longer than a month.

I'm making this world and all the other Zelda world without using Mods. I think that they're stupid. The only other program I use when making Adventure Maps is MCEdit, and that's only in the case of something like "oh crap, this needs to be higher to clear the cloud line. Time for MCEdit!".

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[STAT] Status
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Overworld: 50%

Level 1 = 90% [just need to finish a few things here and there]
Level 2 = 0%
Level 3 = 0%
Level 4 = 0%
Level 5 = 0%
Level 6 = 0%
Level 7 = 0%
Level 8 = 0%
Level 9 = 0%
Caves = 5%

Zelda NES Texture Pack: 5%
Terrain folder: The moon, sun and moon phases .png's are complete.

10% complete
I'm formatting sound files that can be placed in the "resources folder" to enhance the Zelda Minecraft experience.

Need help with:
1. Lost Woods: The path through the Lost Woods is North West South West and you can't get to the next area if you mess up. How can i do this in Minecraft, so if they go NSSW, they have to start over and can't get to the next area unless they go NWSW?
2. Go Up Up: In the first quest, going up the mountain four times will lead you to the fifth dungeon. How can I do this to where a player has to go up the same section 4 times before being able to go the the dungeon?

================================================== =============================
[PICS] Pictures
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All the pictures that I take for this project can be found at this site: If I have any pictures of interest, they will be posted below this address

Short-cut to Textures Version 1.0
. html?sort=3&o=0

Special progress pictures that I make will be here. It's just a grid of the overworld with missing section. The missing sections are what I've made.
[short-cut link coming soon]

================================================== =============================
[FAQS] Frequently Asked Questions
================================================== =============================
Right now, there are none.

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[VIDEO] Videos\Downloads
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All the videos I film of this project can be found here. Please keep in mind that the visual quality of most of these videos will not be HD. I quickly film them, add some music, and save it as a completed video. It's just for show and tell, really Each video will start of with a brief tour of the overworld as we make our way to a dungeon. After a tour of the dungeon, we see more of the overworld. Each video will be somewhere between 5-10 minutes in length.

Level 1: (in this video, I also show off my custom-made skin, Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica)

Special Offer: (link removed on 1-21-2013)

Before the official release, I'm going to film a "walkthrough" video. The reason it's in quotes is because it won't be a real walkthrough video, but more like a grand tour of everything. You can choose to watch the video before or after you download the finished Adventure Map.

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[RANDOM] Random Stuff
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When the world is finished, if enough people like it, I'll put it up for download on MediaFire or 4-Shared. The only thing that I ask of you when you host 1 of my Zelda worlds is please not say that you made it, please give me credit. If you want to add in a new area or dungeon, then it's all right with me, but just say that I originally made it.

Here's a few things that are unique to this Texture Pack and the world:
- Emeralds become Rupy (1)
- Diamonds become Rupy (5)
- Butcher becomes the Shop Keeper
- Librarian becomes Old Woman
- Priest becomes Old Man
- Leather Armor become the green tunic
- Iron Armor becomes the red tunic
- Diamond Armor becomes the white tunic
- Bats become Keese
- Squids become Zoras (unless they make some other water-type monster)
- Enchanted Book becomes the Magic Book
- I'll be using the Command Block for all the caves, secret areas, and dungeons. To get the Command Block, type in /give [name] 137

This is a list of all the Zelda Adventure Maps that I'll be making. Some have been started, but they will be remade.
Until I can get Minecraft to work again, I'll be posting some of my thoughts about each world here.
- The Legend Of Zelda
+++ Already in progress
+++ Make both quests
- The Adventure Of Link
+++ Make 2 worlds: A top view straight from the map and the actual game itself.
- A Link To The Past
+++ Use the GBA release to include the Riddle Quest and Palace Of The Four Sword.
+++ Make the Dark World in the Nether.
- Link's Awakening
+++ Make 2 Texture Packs for this one: a full color one for DX and an all black and white one for the original release.
- Ocarina Of Time (40% complete - cancelled for now)
+++ Maybe make Ganon's Castle in the Nether.
- Majora's Mask
+++ 1st Zelda Minecraft project, needs tons of work. Wil probably start over
- Oracle Of Ages
- Oracle Of Seasons
- Four Swords
+++ This might be hard because every time I play it with my buddies, we start at a random level. Even though that's how the game was programmed, it'll hard to make all the levels that are playable
- The Wind Waker
+++ Make this on a flat-world ocean.
+++ Include awesome portal to the underwater Hyrule (going to be surrounded by glass blocks)
- Four Swords Adventures
- The Minish Cap
- Twilight Princess
+++ Make the Twilight Realm areas in the Nether.
- Phantom Hourglass
- Spirit Tracks
+++ Make the Dark Realm in the Nether.
- Ocarina Of Time 3DS
+++ I'll just take my completed Ocarina Of Time world and replace blocks here and there. Compare the room in the Deku Tree where you reflect the Deku Scrubs' Nut to see what I mean.
+++ Create a Texture Pack for this one as well.
+++ Make the Master Quest version of this world. Use MCEdit to flip what needs to be flipped.
- Skyward Sword

01-16-2013, 12:58 AM
I think somebody already made Link To The Past, complete With Light and Dark worlds. I think I'd be interested in seeing it in action, regardless, either by a live stream, or possibly being able to "be there" myself. I'll settle for pictures for now, as I've had trouble getting Minecraft to work on Linux, lately... :P

Also, can I/we assume you're using Minecraft vanilla [No Mods]?

01-16-2013, 01:31 AM
I think somebody already made Link To The Past, complete With Light and Dark worlds. I think I'd be interested in seeing it in action, regardless, either by a live stream, or possibly being able to "be there" myself. I'll settle for pictures for now, as I've had trouble getting Minecraft to work on Linux, lately... :P Also, can I/we assume you're using Minecraft vanilla [No Mods]?

I think that you're right saying that someone made ALTTP, but I want to be the 1st or one of the first to make all the games in minecraft. I don't use mods. I think that their kind of dumb. I actually like to find the fortresses, hidden caves, and secrets naturally, not with some

I'm making TLOZ NES in the sky above an ocean. Why? So there's plenty of room for the caves and dungeons. I plan to use this method with all the worlds.

Seed used: 167466437 (you spawn on a little island - perfect for making an adventure map in the sky) as far as I've explored, it's an endless ocean, a few tiny island here and there.

Here's a diagram incase your\everybody is confused about my method.

(to scale - kinda)

^_^_^_..--__==++__^^_ (I like my landscape here. LOL.)
| Hyrule Overworld (in sky) |

%%%%%% clouds

This area of air is
for caves\dungeons

~~~~~~~ water levels
XXXXXXXX bedrock

If you look at the Zelda NES game screen, you see that it's just a bunch of squares that form 11x16. So 1 minecraft block = 1 game screen square.

Do you know how to fix my picture uploading problem? I can't share pictures until the problem gets resolved.

possibly being able to "be there" myself.

When I get more of the overworld made I might, for a limited time, put up a download link, but it will only be available for a few hours. Don't worry, I'll inform you\everybody about a week in advance and each day remind everybody that's it going to be available on ^#$%#$^#day at $%#@%#-$#%% o'clock.

So far in the over world, i have about a 1\4 of the game screens made. why so little? Well, getting the pictures is hard because I limit my playing on the NES to very little, almost about 30 minutes a month. It's old and slowly dying - you know what I mean? I've had it for years and it's almost like a sidekick.

01-16-2013, 01:45 AM
Do you know how to fix my picture uploading problem? I can't share pictures until the problem gets resolved.

I think you have to have so many posts [I think it's 50.] before you can post links and pictures. You might be able to use - Free image hosting service ( or IMGShr ( in the mean time, or just find somewhere to make 7 random posts! LOL!

01-16-2013, 03:03 AM
I think you have to have so many posts [I think it's 50.] before you can post links and pictures. You might be able to use - Free image hosting service ( or IMGShr ( in the mean time, or just find somewhere to make 7 random posts! LOL!

Well the thing is, I'm working on a complete score for Star Wars Episode III and I was able to post 3 links for songs I've made not to long ago. That was when I had very little posts. Weird.

7, i mean 6, random posts here I come!

Rumor has it the Feds are planning to shut down the Internet entirely and turn the USA into a giant prison, where we're all chained to our beds and forced to watch TV 24/7 and be force-fed McDonald's.


---------- Post added at 09:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 PM ----------

Link is in first post.

01-16-2013, 03:26 AM
I looked at your pics. It looks Interesting! I'm guessing you're going for a more basic look. It might be rather tricky trying to fit ALL of the dungeons in though, unless you put them at differing heights. Your screenshots do raise a question though:

Are you going to be placing "Ladder Chutes" to get in/out of the dungeons/secret areas?

One thing I might have done differently, is to do a 2x2x2 set of blocks per 1 block, just to make it scale a little better, but that's me! :)

This makes me think of my failed attempt at making Castle Greyskull from the old He-Man cartoon! I got frustrated with it and gave up. So I tip my hat to you, sir, for giving this a go!

01-16-2013, 03:44 AM
Well, I'll be using the command block to warp between the overworld and underworld.

Here's a diagram of how everything will work out"

Overworld Landscape

Caves - layer 1
Caves - layer 2
Dungeon 1
Dungeon 2
Dungeon 3
Dungeon 4
Dungeon 5
Dungeon 6
Dungeon 7
Dungeon 8
Dungeon 9
[maybe space left for other caves or stuff]

I like your 2x2x2 scale idea, but to me that seems a little too big. Well i'll make a game screen in mc and see.

I'll also be add\taking out screenshots as I go along. If I add any new ones, I make a post with the url address.

01-16-2013, 02:54 PM
I've added a new picture of what I mean in the above post.

Level 1 and the space for Levels 2-9 and the caves. Nightvision potion was on. photo by Lamentizer | Photobucket (

Doing a 2x2x2 scale just seems a little to big. I guess I'll make a few game screens and see how it goes.

You could say that I'm going with a "classic look" but that's until I make my Texture Pack. Because
Zelda NES Minecraft + Zelda NES Texture Pack = Full game experience The Legend Of Zelda.

01-17-2013, 12:25 AM
Okay, here's a special surprise. I've made a preview video. It's in the download link below.

Keep in mind that the visual quality is almost crap, but at least most stuff is clear. I start the video with showing my skin. It's Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, i designed the skin myself sense I a HUGE fan of the series. Anyways, in this video we see Old Man's cave, a brief overworld walk, and then Level 1. Level 1 is almost finished, I just need to add doors, warps, a ceiling to most rooms, add some keese\bats, and BOOM! Level 1 will be done. After the dungeon run through, I give a brief tour of more of the overworld. I even show the Lost Woods - is there any ways to recreate the area repeat effect is someone doesn't go North West South West? There's signs every where saying stuff like "terrain missing" "secret passage under bush" "remake this section" for my personal notes so I know what I need to do. The signs will not be in the finished version. I hope you guys like the video. It's about six minutes in length and is a .m4v file. If you need to convert it go here: Convert Files - free online file converter and flash video downloader.Convert videos, audio files, documents and ebooks.YouTube to MP3 ( I added some different Zelda NES songs and the the Main Theme from the 25th Anniversary CD. Thank you for all of your support. I'll answer any question that you guys have.

[Link moved to first post]

The sun and moon, which you see in the video is what they will look like in the Texture Pack. Since you don't see the moon or sun in the game, I decided that they should be included and have detail, not just the square you see on the norma default Texture Pack.

---------- Post added at 06:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:40 PM ----------

Here's a list of features for the Texture Pack:

The Mojang screen will have the Mojang logo and the Nintendo logo
The main menus will have the same design as the game
The sun and moon will have a new design
The steak food will become the Bait
The Iron Sword will be the White Sword
Diamond Sword will be the Magical Sword
A Written Book (/give 387) will be the Magic Book
Skeletons will be Stalfos
Zombies will be Moblins
The Boat will become the Raft

On Monday 21, I will up the world up for a trial run download. It will ONLY be available between 5:00PM to 8:00PM. As soon as it hits 8:00, the link will be deleted. After exploring, fill free to delete it from your hard drive. It will become outdated and useless.

01-17-2013, 01:11 AM
Wow. I'm not a big fan of Minecraft, but your work is IMPRESSIVE! Kudos to you and I hope we can see it finished!

01-17-2013, 09:22 PM
I'll be re-editing my first post to have it more organized. I'll be adding headers, search codes [EXAMPLE] and easy to find links.

Okay, the 1st post has been re-edited. More details are in it, and more will be added.

Tomorrow, if I get the time, I will film and post a video that show me making a game screen in Minecraft. If not tomorrow, then on Saturday.

On Monday 21, I will up the world up for a trial run download. It will ONLY be available between 5:00PM to 8:00PM. As soon as it hits 8:00, the link will be deleted. After exploring, fill free to delete it from your hard drive. It will become outdated and useless.

01-21-2013, 02:09 AM
I've made a few new textures for the Texture Pack.

On Monday 21, I will up the world up for a trial run download. It will ONLY be available between 5:00PM to 8:00PM. As soon as it hits 8:00, the link will be deleted. After exploring, fill free to delete it from your hard drive. It will become outdated and useless.

01-21-2013, 09:13 PM
I've made a few new textures for the Texture Pack.

On Monday 21, I will up the world up for a trial run download. It will ONLY be available between 5:00PM to 8:00PM. As soon as it hits 8:00, the link will be deleted. After exploring, fill free to delete it from your hard drive. It will become outdated and useless.

It didn't dawn on me right away, but what time zone are you in?

On another note, I was talking to a coworker about your project, and for the Lost Woods bit, he suggested teleport blocks. The only problem is that it's part of a mod he uses [I think it's Thaumcraft]

01-21-2013, 09:25 PM
Central USA.

I guess that's it's a error in my part for not saying what time zone I mean with 5:00PM-8:00PM.

I'll post the link at 5PM Central USA time.

---------- Post added at 02:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 PM ----------

I was talking to a coworker about your project, and for the Lost Woods bit, he suggested teleport blocks. The only problem is that it's part of a mod he uses [I think it's Thaumcraft]

Hmmm. Well I don't want to use mods, but if I have to - meaning no other way known to man-kind - then I will. I'm going to check it out right known.

01-21-2013, 09:59 PM
Central USA.

Hmmm. Well I don't want to use mods, but if I have to - meaning no other way known to man-kind - then I will. I'm going to check it out right known.

I'm cemtral, also, so... awesome!

As far as the mods go, I'm not 100% sure that it's Thaumcraft, but I do know that teleport blocks aren't in Vanilla Minecraft...

01-21-2013, 10:03 PM
but I do know that teleport blocks aren't in Vanilla Minecraft...

When you say "teleport blocks", you don't mean Command Blocks, right?

01-21-2013, 10:15 PM
When you say "teleport blocks", you don't mean Command Blocks, right?

I'm not familiar with Command Blocks, so I really don't know what all you can do with them.

01-21-2013, 10:19 PM
Well, their a great means of warping.
/give [name] 137.

Here's a few commands:
/say = displays a message on screen.
/ban = bans a player from entering your world.
tp @p ### ### ### = warps player somewhere. ### = coordinates: tp @p 123, 456, 789

01-21-2013, 11:59 PM
Okay guys! Here's the long awaited Zelda NES preview! The link is in my first post under "video". The link will be deleted at 8:00 PM.

A few things to point out:
1. The world up for download is slightly outdated. You're playing 1.5, I'm on 2.0 - the only difference is that 2.0 has the Graveyard and desert, not much to miss out on.
2. Don't steal my work and claim it as you're own. That's all I ask. You can even spread the word of this project to your friends, colleagues, your boss, etc.
3. There's a beacon on the "start screen". Go there to start the small quest, there's even some other info there.

Tomorrow, I will be putting up a few pictures of the designs for the Texture Pack as well as a test video for Zelda II. It's a world with a few locations from the Overworld, just so I know what to do when I officially start making Zelda II.

And one more thing. I'm trying to get Zelda 1 NES world to be universal - meaning it can look great with or with out the Texture Pack.

01-22-2013, 04:34 PM
Now that you guys have had a chance to play the Zelda NES world, what do you guys think? Any suggestions?

01-22-2013, 05:59 PM
I've posted a short-cut Link to the Zelda NES Textures in my first post.

01-23-2013, 09:02 PM
Now that you guys have had a chance to play the Zelda NES world, what do you guys think? Any suggestions?

Unfortunately, I was unable to get it. Had to go home and I'm "Netless" there. Maybe I can catch the next one. Will get the TexPac though!

01-27-2013, 09:22 PM
It might be a while before I can work on my Zelda wolds. I've incountered 2 major problems. The first 1 is with the landscaping of the original NES map but I'm trying to solve that problem - it's with the different terrain increases and decreases. The 2nd is with my minecraft. I can't play it anymore.

I click on the minecraft program in the downloads folder on my mac. I click the enter button. Then the screen goes black and after a few seconds it says "minecraft has crashed". I copied my worlds on to my desktop and uninstalled then reinstalled minecraft again, but it keeps saying "minecraft has crashed".

Do you know what to do?

01-27-2013, 10:30 PM
no idea. Maybe try updating Java..?

If you check the Minecraft forums, you might find an answer there...

or here ( might give you an idea of where to look...

01-27-2013, 11:18 PM
I tried updating java, and it said something to the extent of "you don't have the rights to update".

01-28-2013, 10:20 PM
I tried updating java, and it said something to the extent of "you don't have the rights to update".
That can't be good. Especially when I tried to Google your problem, and the only link that came up was the very page we're reading. Serious sadface!

Best I could recommend [keep in mind, I'm not a Mac user!] would be to reinstall your OS and/or look around on some Mac forums for some help...

01-29-2013, 12:15 AM
I'm not a Mac user

Let me guess, you use Linux or Windows.

But I might have to get a new laptop It's a new MacBook Air. But the thing has been acting up. Man, life might get pretty boring without Minecraft. :(

I'll probably add updates to my first post about random things that I think of for each world.

But I will continue to work on the Texture Pack. So that may be finished before the Minecraft world is.

01-29-2013, 12:19 AM
Let me guess, you use Linux or Windows.

I actually use both, but I tend to favor Linux. I have windows pretty much for Minecraft, and FruityLoops. I do pretty much everything else on Linux. LOL!

01-29-2013, 12:38 AM
I actually use both, but I tend to favor Linux. I have windows pretty much for Minecraft, and FruityLoops. I do pretty much everything else on Linux. LOL!

I've actually used Linux, but very little usage.

01-29-2013, 06:54 PM
How do you change the texture of the lava, water, and fire and have them work properly?

05-13-2013, 11:44 PM
Hey! Sorry to have disappeared for a while! Life got crazy insane for me temporarily!

As far as I know, you can't use custom Lava, Water, or Fire without a mod. I may be wrong...

05-14-2013, 03:48 PM
Yeah, I kind of vanished for a little while as well. With the new 1.5 out, I found how to change the lave, fire and water. You just need to go into the texture file and locate the lave_still, lave_flow, water_still, water_flow .pngs and change them.

05-14-2013, 04:51 PM
I've gotten Minecraft to work again a couple of months ago. I don't know if I've said that before, but whatever. IT WORKS!!! But I haven't working on the Zelda NES adventure map for a couple of months because I've been busy with the Texture Pack. Here are a few TP updates:

1. Emerald: the texture is that of the 1 Rupy. The texture file now flashes from orange to blue.
2. Some of the menu screens (like enchant, furnace, chest) are finished. The only files left are gui (90%), furnace (90%), inventory (50%), alchemy (75%), allitems (0%), beacon (90%), book (0%), and enchant (95%).
3. en_US.lang - This is about 25% complete. This is one of the files used for the chosen language. I'm changing the text so the game says what the original NES said. For example: the achievement name "Sniper Duel" becomes "IF YOU GO IN THE DIRECTION OF THE ARROW.", Skeletons are called Stalfos, the "Delete" button on the world menu is called "ELIMINATION MODE".
4. "The skeleton.png" is complete. There's just one problem, in the game, the Stalfos use two swords, the Skeletons use a single Bow. I could make a mod to correct the problem, but this is being made mod free. It's in my contract "In the conditions of an error occurring between Minecraft" and "Zelda", no mods shall be used or created to fix said problem."
5. There will be 2 "win.txt" files. One for the 1st Quest and one for the 2nd Quest. For now both are labeled as "1credits.txt" and "2credits.txt". To use the one you want, just remove the number at the beginning.
6. mojang.png has the sprite of Link holding up the sign that tells you to look at the manual for more game details.
7. "splashes.txt" is almost finished. This will display the messages from the game, like "IT'S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE! TAKE THIS." and " WALK INTO THE WATERFALL.".
8. As much I really love to, the font can't be that of the game. Minecraft has each letter in "default.png" and "alternate.png" use 7x5 pixels. The pixels for Zelda NES letters are 7x7. It works but the words get all mixed up and it looks like a 3 year old tried to write Oliver Twist using only the flat end of a crayon. In other words, it looks really bad. I'm in the process of changing each letter a little.
9. "arrows.png" in the "item" folder is complete.
10. All the chests look the same. The only thing that shows which chest is an ender chest, trap chest, christmas chest, or normal chest is the front lock. Which is located in the top left of each chest file. The lock colors are as follows: Ender = orange, normal = gray, Christmas = blue, and Trap = red. I'm think of switching the Christmas and Trap lock colors. It makes since right? Red for Christmas. Originally red was on the locked chest to mean "it's a trap", but i think blue would be better instead.
11. the "bat.png" aka Keese is complete.
12. The death screen test in "en_US.lang" has been changed to say in "GAME OVER" (hardcore and all other modes), "CONTINUE" (respawn), "RETRY" (delete world), "SAVE", "LEAVE GAME" (leaving server) ("LEAVE GAME" is not in the original Zelda NES, but is added for the purpose of the Texture Pack.), and "YOU CAN NOT RESPAWN IN HERO MODE." (when you die in hardcore).
13. The "win.txt" displays the message Princess Zelda says when you save her. I've included it in a spoiler tab below. Copy and paste it and give it a go.
14. The different villagers will resemble the different characters. The butcher is the Hungry Goriya ("grumble, grumble"), the farmer is the Secret Moblin ("it's a secret to everyone"), the librarian is Old Woman, the priest is Old Man, and the smith is the Merchant ("buy something will ya!"). And yes, the characters will not have that stupid, stupid, stupid Squidward nose. I hate that nose! I HATE IT! IT HATE THAT DAMN MOTHER F*****G NOSE! ROAAAAR!!!

[Please stand by while Lamentizer destroys the city because the villager's nose makes them look extremely stupid. We're sorry for the inconvenience.]

This sure beats the extremely long End Poem.