Darth Revan
02-28-2004, 08:09 AM
Hey everyone, here�s another one of my stories, this time based on the PS2 game, Dynasty Warriors 4, specifically it�s edit officer option. Yes, this is a story with Original characters in it, interacting with the officers of each main force. There�s going to be two original characters in this story, which I own both of them. The first officer is a Wu warrior called Shao Kang, and the second is his younger sister, Seung Mai.

Depending on how well received this story is, I may start to post my other Dynasty Warriors stories I�ve written here on FF Shrine as well. So if you like this one so far, please let me know. Anywayz, on with the story�.

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Chapter One :

The small Wu force, under the command of Sun Ce, was victorious over the much larger Shu force, led by Zhang Fei. Sun Ce himself, was elated with the victory as he leaned against the wall of a nearby hut, smiling to himself.

The damage to the small village was low, even with some of the fighting being the most fierce around the numerous buildings and civilian fatalities were nil. In Sun Ce�s eyes, it had been a very successful battle. He turned his gaze unto his men, who were assisting the villages in cleaning up whatever mess there was, strewn throughout the streets.

One of his warriors was helping a young woman tend to the wounded. It was this warrior Sun Ce was curious about the most. Shao Kang was an enigma, mystery surrounded him, ever since the first day Sun Ce and Zhou Yu had encountered the young man, during the final moments of the battle at Hu Lao Gate. At the time, the young warrior had been serving Lu Bu and Zhang Liao, and had already proven himself as a capable warrior, slaying nearly a hundred of the allied forces. It was after Dong Zhuo had fled, as did Lu Bu, Diao Chan and Zhang Liao, Shao Kang and the small troop of soliders left behind, found themselves surrounded by the allies. Cao Cao had wanted them put to death, Liu Bei was against the idea, stating that the individual now has a choice, a chance to relive his life. Yuan Shao studied Shao Kang, and looked at Sun Jian. The Wu lord nodded and Shao Kang�s life was saved. From that moment forth, he served Wu.

And now, ten months later, Sun Ce had to admit, having Shao Kang in the Wu army had been the right choice. He motioned for the young warrior to join him. Shao Kang nodded, spoke a few words to the woman he had been helping, and then approached his lord.

�Yes, Lord Sun Ce?�

Sun Ce sighed. He hated being addressed as �Lord�.

�Shao Kang, how many times, must I tell you to address me as Sun Ce. NOT �LORD�!�

Shao Kang chuckled as he brushed one of the bangs of his hair from covering his face.

�Sorry� Sun Ce. Force of habit.�

Sun Ce nodded.

�Yeah, I guess living and serving in Luo Yang, you have to address everyone in power as a Lord or such.�

Shao Kang smiled softly.

�You do. Especially if you are then picked to serve Zhang Liao, under Lu Bu.�

Sun Ce sighed.

�I have no problem with Zhang Liao. I know he�s a good warrior, with a high sense of honour and justice. Why he�s serving Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo, I�ll never know.�

Shao Kang shrugged.

�Yeah well, I respect Liao. Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo have a place reserved for them in the pit of Hell, even if I have to send them there myself!�

Sun Ce regarded the young warrior with a bemused look.

�You want to send them there yourself?�

Shao Kang nodded.

�Of course! Two �friends� of mine, members of the same unit, had accidentally let Red Hare loose, and almost lost it. Lu Bu was furious and beat them to death himself. Not even, Diao Chan, could stop him.�

Sun Ce noted the way Shao Kang spat the name of Lu Bu�s consort, and raised his eyebrow.

�Didn�t like Diao Chan, eh?�

Shao Kang frowned, and turned his gaze back over to the villagers working.

�Let�s just say� I knew her, before she was sent to the imperial court. Her �father�, was well known to me.�

Sun Ce put his hand on Shao Kang�s shoulder.

�Sorry I asked. Anyway, why don�t you go and help out. As soon as we�re done here, we�re heading back home.� He smiled �It�s fortunate that we�re so close to one of our own outposts. Heh, I bet Da Qiao is starting to worry everyone there no end.�

Shao Kang glanced at Sun Ce from the corner of his eye.

�Your wife keeping you in check, eh?�

Sun Ce paled and laughed nervously.

�Heh, heh, no, nothing like that. It�s just��

Shao Kang nodded.

�She has you wrapped around her little finger.�

�Yeah� Hey, NO!! It�s nothing��

�Like that, right?�

Sun Ce frowned.

�Ahh, let�s just hurry and help out, ok?�

Shao Kang chuckled.

�You�re the boss.�

Shao Kang turned and headed back to helping the wounded, leaving Sun Ce alone.

�Man, this guy really knows how to get someone going.� He paused and rubbed his chin �He�s rash, crazy in battle, and has no regards for his own safety in battle, if an ally is surrounded and losing. Heh, he reminds me of me!�

Sun Ce turned and headed towards some other soldiers, to check on their progress.

Shao Kang, meanwhile, while helping administer aid to the wounded, his thoughts wandered back to his younger years, living with his mother and Aunt, in the abode of Minister of the Interior, Wang Yun. Wang Yun had devised a way to tear the union of Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu apart, and it involved his �daughter�, Diao Chan. Diao Chan, in reality, was one of the household singing girls, and Wang Yun doted on her. He ignored his own two children, Shao Kang and Seung Mai, and focused on creating Diao Chan into a seductive songstress and temptress.

Even before this �plan�, he ignored the two siblings, and even their mothers. Shao Kang�s mother, was Wang Yun�s first wife, Shao Mina, while Seung Mai�s mother, Seung Hai, was Wang Yun�s second wife. Shortly after her birth, Seung Hai passed away, leaving the young girl to be raised with Shao Kang.

Shao Kang shook his head, dispelling those thoughts.

�Got to stop thinking of the past. Wherever my sister is, I�m sure she�s safe.�

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So, what do you all think? Any criticism will be received with an open mind, except any flaming comments. Depending on what sort of feedback I receive in regards to this story, I�ll post the next chapter with the next fortnight or so, so please let me know what you think.

Thank you.

Darth Revan
08-22-2004, 03:25 PM
Hey everyone. Chapter two of this story up and ready. Whereas my other Dynasty Warriors were based off of Dynasty Warriors 3, this one is based off of Dynasty Warriors 4, because the two main characters in this one are based off of the edit character function in DW4. Enjoy.

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Chapter Two :

Near Mt. Ding Jun, a small convoy of refugees made their way through the treacherous terrain, heading towards the Shu/Wu border. Among them, was a young woman, with the appearance of a noble, but clothed in battle garb, a fencer�s shield worn on her right wrist and a sheathed rapier hanging from her hip. Her name was Seung Mai, the daughter of an Imperial Minister and his second wife. She had been raised by her father�s first wife, alongside her older brother, Shao Kang. She had been among the civilian survivors from the burning former capital of Luo Yang, after Hu Lao Gate fell, and the allied forces of Yuan Shao stormed into the capital, searching for the tyrant, Dong Zhuo.

Seung Mai sighed as she leaned back in the saddle of her horse, and looked back at the convoy. The refugees had fled towards Yi Ling, and hid near the mountains, waiting for the time to return. Now, after a year, they were returning to their homeland. The young warrior had a bad feeling about this, �sojourn� back to Luo Yang, but her voice wasn�t listened to. Her father, Wang Yun, had �asked� her to accompany this convoy, but she knew he had another reason for her to be here. Ever since her stepmother, Shao Mina had passed away, a month after the battle at Hu Lao Gate, Wang Yun had been avoiding her, and spending time with a woman, who was the same age as his daughter. Seung Mai was glad to be leaving, as she now had the chance to do what she wanted the most, to search for the only member of her family who cared about her, Shao Kang, her brother.

One of the nobles, who had been a minor dignitary in the imperial court, rode his horse close to Seung Mai.

�Tell me, this land, is it dangerous?�

Seung Mai looked at him, from the corner of her eye.

�This is Shu territory, but they have been rumours of bandits somewhere nearby.� She frowned �I wish we had more armed soldiers with us, instead of just fifty-eight.�

The noble nodded.

�True, a convoy this size should have at least a thousand troops providing guard. Wang Yun should�ve known better! But he had the rest of the soldiers remain with him, just to protect him.� The noble grunted �He�s scared that Lu Bu or Dong Zhuo will go after him.�

The young warrior turned her gaze onto the road before them.

�He should know better, but then, father never even treated his two wives well. He even�� she stopped �I apologise. I shouldn�t be speaking about my father in such a manner.�

The noble smiled softly.

�I know all about that. I knew your mother and stepmother well, and the way Wang Yun treated them� It was a wonder he let your brother join the Imperial Army. Zhang Liao will be sure to look out for him.�

Seung Mai frowned. She had no doubts about Zhang Liao, just his lord. She had heard numerous tales about Lu Bu, and what she heard about him, worried her immensely. As she rode, her thoughts went back to times long past, times she spent with her brother and mother. Even the many times she had begged and pleaded to be taught in the art of warfare. Her brother, supported her interest, and with their mother�s consent, taught her everything he new about fighting and war.

A smile pulled at the corners of her lips, as she remembered the day she turned 14, when she and her brother received their weapons. She had received a rapier. Shao Kang had a been given a sword, but after he joined the Imperial Army, he had impressed his immediate superior, Zhang Liao, to the point he was instructed to have the sword reforged into a high sword. Now, two years later, she still wielded the same weapon she had been given.

She was preoccupied with her thoughts, it took one of the guards shaking her, to bring her back.

�Wha� what?�

The guard pointed.


Seung Mai�s eyes narrowed and she drew her blade. She spoke quickly to the guard next to her.

�Send a man back to my father, riding the fastest horse we have, and request help! The rest are to assume a strong defensive posture around the refugees. We must hold until help arrives!�

The guard nodded, and barked orders to one of the others. The noble next to her, drew his own sword.

�Seung Mai, know that you shall receive aid from Shu.�

Seung Mai looked at him.

�What do you mean? We�re far from Shu patrols!�

The �noble� smiled.

�Seung Mai, I served the Imperial Court, as a spy for Lord Liu Bei. My name is Chen Shi.�

A group of men stepped out from the huddled mass of refugees, shucking their disguises. The group, numbering around thirty, had drawn their own weapons and stood next to the guards under Seung Mai�s command. They wore the green armour of Shu Warriors. Seung Mai looked at Chen Shi.

�My lord, I am grateful for your aid.�

Chen Shi smiled.

�My dear, let�s show these bandits what it means to fight against soldiers of the former Imperial Army and the Shu Kingdom!�

Seung Mai nodded, and readied herself. Her guards surrounded the refugees as best they could, while Chen Shi�s men strode forward, into flanking positions behind Chen Shi and Seung Mai. The bandits came closer and closer, and were almost on top of the convoy, when arrows rained down onto them from the nearby trees. Seung Mai looked around.

�What the?�

Chen Shi smiled.

�Lord Liu Bei, knew of Wang Yun�s intentions to send a convoy back to Luo Yang. Myself, and three others, were sent to aid you.�

Seung Mai narrowly dodged a bandit arrow, and gritted her teeth.

�Three others? Who are they?!�

Chen Shi smiled and pointed.

�Two are there.�

On a nearby hill, two horses were standing next to each other, their riders observing the attack. One was a woman wielding a spear type weapon and her companion was clothed in a long white coat and bore a white fan. Seung Mai recognised them instantly.

�Zhuge Liang and Yue Ying��

Chen Shi nodded.

�And now� we attack!�

Chen Shi led the charge from the convoy, Seung Mai and her forward guard following. Erupting from the surrounding scrub, another Shu general appeared, wielding a well known and deadly looking weapon. The general, known as Guan Yu, attacked the bandits from behind, while Chen Shi and Seung Mai attacked from the front, with Zhuge Liang�s archers firing into the middle of the bandits. Yue Ying looked at her husband.

�These bandits are no match for us. We shall defeat them utterly.�

Zhuge Liang nodded slowly, preoccupied with studying a certain warrior on the battlefield.

�I know, my wife. I�m curious about the young woman fighting alongside Chen Shi.�

Yue Ying followed her husband�s gaze.

�I am not familiar with that fighting style. She is proficient in the use of her weapon.�

Zhuge Liang nodded.

�Indeed. Wielding a rapier in battle, while rare, is nothing unheard of. There was a warrior, Nu Wa, who bore a rapier in battle. However, nothing has been said of her for quite some time. It would seem Chen Shi�s companion, the daughter of Wang Yun, is already an accomplished warrior.�

Yue Ying frowned slightly.

�You mean to recruit her to Shu?�

Zhuge Liang smiled.

�Am I that transparent? Of course I mean to recruit her, however, I have a feeling she will decline, and that will sit well with me.�

Yue Ying shook her head.

�You know more than it seems husband. Very well, it�s time I became involved in this fight,�

Yue Ying rode her horse down the hill, her bodyguards and troop in time with her. Zhuge Liang watched her go.

�Having already foreseen the outcome of this fight, I shall protect the convoy, until the bandits are defeated.� He looked at one of his officers �Afterwards, we shall accompany them to their destination.�

The officer nodded and bowed.

�By your leave, my lord.�

Zhuge Liang nodded once, and glanced back at Seung Mai.

�Yes, she is a powerful warrior, for one as young as she. She would be a great asset to Shu� and with her brother, the perfect addition to Lord Liu Bei�s campaign of restoring the Han Dynasty. However, they must both join simultaneously, or not at all.� A thin smile appeared on his face �A challenge, that I, Zhuge Liang, may not even accomplish.�

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Unfortunately, almost all of my stories have been on the back burner, ever since I started work on my Final Fantasy gamefic, Rise of the Red Mages. However, I intend to work on all of my stories as well as my FF story, and keep them all up to date (Except maybe my first FF story, Final Fantasy VIII : Lionwing, which is also on this site as well.). Let me know what you think so far.

One dreamers path
08-22-2004, 03:32 PM
Getting better Greg ^____^

Hang in there buddy.

I liked the introduction, it was nice and relaxed. But I'm not really drawn into stories like this, I'm more into things like Stephen King, you know?

But in your class, you're very good, as many tell you.

08-22-2004, 05:54 PM

You just.....cut it off at the good part...:(
