The Iron Goat
01-14-2013, 09:13 PM
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* This page is obsolete. Please visit Thread 129013 for the current rip and download links. *
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Composers: Original arcade tracks: Hal Canon, Earl Vickers / New tracks - Masaharu Iwata, Hitoshi Sakimoto

Here is the OST for Gauntlet IV, because HOLY CRAP THIS SOUNDTRACK RULES! Audio was recorded from the headphone jack of a Model 1 Genesis with a VA3 revision motherboard, and was captured using a Behringer U-Phono UFO202 and Audacity 2.0.1. Aside from some volume optimization, this is raw audio straight from an actual console, no emulation. Each looping track was allowed to play twice, then given a 10-second fade-out. Tracks are named and ordered according to the sound test mode.

Total time: 34:45
Archive: 250 MB RAR w/recovery record, no password
Ripped by the Iron Goat on January 13-14, 2013

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* This page is obsolete. Please visit Thread 129013 for the current rip and download links. *
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01-15-2013, 02:01 AM
Thank you

01-20-2013, 02:04 PM
Thank you SO much for this and all of your other high quality posts. Your hard work is extremely appreciated.

01-20-2013, 04:47 PM
Thasnk you. The quality for your rips it's improving even more :)

01-21-2013, 06:00 AM
Wow. Nice rip indeed. Many thanks for this.

Oh, this is a Sakimoto soundtrack too.

01-21-2013, 09:53 AM
Thank you SO much for this and all of your other high quality posts.