Darth Meatbag
01-13-2013, 05:23 PM
Thought I'd post this request here as I thought if anyone might know this it would be someone here.

I'm wondering if it's possible to get ahold of the original full length version of Los Lobos' Bulletproof track from the movie Desperado? I have the original soundtrack CD which has the track on it, but it's quite short. I also have the movie on DVD and it makes use of the track on one of the menu screens, but it's not part of the track on the CD. So obviously there's a longer version. I've tried looking for reference on the net but it only ever leads me to the Desperado soundtrack which I've already got. I've also tried looking up albums by Los Lobos to see if it's on one of those, but if it is I couldn't find it. Does anyone have any info on where the full length version could be found or which album it's from?

Thanks to anyone that can help.