Isaias Caetano
01-11-2013, 08:57 PM
A Late Quartet (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack by Angelo Badalamenti) 2013 d_zpsd14944d9.jpg

** I dedicate this thread to Great Kenji **

The entire plot is entirely shaped around the crisis threatening to put an end to the successful 25 years career of The Fugue, a world-famous quartet. It naturally targets first and foremost classical music amateurs, not only those who listen to it but are also interested in the musicians playing it professionally. Adorned with a distinguished cast including Philip Seymour Hoffman, Christopher Walken and Catherine Keener, top flight musical performers on the soundtrack and with one of Beethoven’s last string quartets, Op.131, providing most of the music, this may not be an all-around crowd pleaser but in its own specific niche, it’s bound to be a winner.

Daniel Lerner (Mark Iwanir), a promising young violinist, started the Fugue with the help of his musical mentor, cellist Peter Mitchell (Christopher Walken) who then drafted a second violinist, Robert Gelbart (Hoffman) and Gelbart’s soon to become spouse, viola player Juliet (Keener). Now, at the peak of their careers, the four of them are preparing a festive performance of Beethoven’s monumental string quartet, reputed to be the composer’s favorite.

A physical as well as a musical challenge, the performance - and with it the future of The Fugue - are endangered when Mitchell is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, still in an early stage, and announces that he intends to retire immediately.

This decision opens a Pandora’s Box of conflicts and confrontations that had been kept under lid for years, when every member of this tightly knit musical family was too concerned with their common career to allow their own personal considerations to interfere. Now, while Mitchell is waiting to see if medication can help him pursue his career a little longer, Gelbart decides he is no longer willing to be the eternal second violin and demands equal standing with Lerner, an obsessively driven perfectionist who turns him down.

On top of which, the Gelbarts have their own marital problems bringing them to the brink of separation and their daughter, Alexandra (Imogene Poots), a young and aspiring violinist, spits out her frustration for being neglected all through her childhood by her parents who were too busy touring and rehearsing to pay attention to her. Whether out of spite or sincerity, she starts a tentative affair with the reclusive Lerner, who takes it all more seriously than he should.

Music, however, remains the core. Everything being motivated by it and the way it fashions the personal lives of all the characters. Gelbart complains not only that his wife is closer to Lerner than she is to him, he also rebels against Lerner’s musical leadership that, he claims, leads the entire quartet into musical rigidity and stagnation. Juliet has trouble facing a professional future without Peter’s patriarchal presence and guidance, while Peter himself is still mourning for his wife, a distinguished soprano who had passed away a year earlier (a brief but lovely flashback of opera singer Ann-Sofie von Otter which offers yet another treat for the aficionados).

Smart, intelligent and moving performances by the leading foursome, who seem to grow more confident and assured in their roles as the film goes on; a script abounding in sensitive observations about the close ties established between four people who went through a quarter of a century in the company of each other, very similar and eventually even stronger and more painful to dissemble than an actual marriage, and some remarkable bits of musical performances on the soundtrack fill up a bill that no music lover should complain about.

A Late Quartet Soundtrack Set For Release From DECCA On November 6th Featuring Music From The Motion Picture Opening November 2nd.

A Late Quartet, directed, written and produced by Yaron Zilberman, tells the story of a world-renowned New York-based string quartet whose members struggle to stay together on the eve of their 25th anniversary season. The film stars Philip Seymour Hoffman, Christopher Walken, Catherine Keener, Mark Ivanir, and Imogen Poots. Following the film’s limited opening on November 2nd, A Late Quartet soundtrack will be released on November 6th on Decca. To achieve his musical and artistic vision, Zilberman collaborated with composer Angelo Badalamenti (Mullholland Drive) and the dynamic Brentano String Quartet. The internationally acclaimed, Grammy Award-winning, mezzo-soprano Anne Sofie von Otter is featured on the recording and in the movie as well.

A Late Quartet centers around the beloved cellist of a world-renowned string quartet who receives a life changing diagnosis. The group's future suddenly hangs in the balance: suppressed emotions, competing egos, and uncontrollable passions threaten to derail years of friendship and collaboration. As they are about to play their 25th anniversary concert, quite possibly their last, only their intimate bond and the power of music can preserve their legacy. Inspired by and structured around Beethoven's Opus 131 String Quartet in C-sharp minor, A Late Quartet pays homage to chamber music and the cultural world of New York.

Director Yaron Zilberman explains his inspiration for the film; “I first came up with the idea for A Late Quartet while traveling with Watermarks, the film I had just completed. I wanted my next film to be an intense relationship drama which explored the complex iconic bonds formed between parents and their children, between siblings, and long- term married couples. As an avid fan of chamber music since my teens, I thought that the close- knit dynamic between the members of a string quartet could be the ideal setting for this journey. Becoming an established string quartet involves years of intimate, intense rehearsals and performances, punctuated by frequent arguments over every note and every sentiment. While each individual has the potential to star as a soloist, their success is dependent on their ability to rise above their egos and complement each other despite their individual differences.”

Zilberman continues, “To anchor the film musically, I chose, as its centerpiece, Beethoven’s groundbreaking and favorite quartet Opus 131 in C-sharp minor. Musically speaking, Opus 131 takes us on an emotional rollercoaster ranging from the deepest valleys of inner contemplation to the cathartic peaks of explosive energy.”

To watch the trailer for A Late Quartet click here: A Late Quartet Trailer (2012) - YouTube (

A Late Quartet Soundtrack Track Listing:
Conducted by Joseph LoDuca & Jeff Grace

Album: A Late Quartet
Angelo Badalamenti (1937-)
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Cristian Puig
Year: 2013
LABEL: Decca Music
Style: soundtracks
Format: Mp3
Quality: 256 kbps
Total Time: 1:17:00
Siza: 143 Mb

01. A Late Quartet: Overture
02. Movements
03. Diagnosis
04. Reflections
05. A Jog In The Park
06. Stop Right Here
07. 11:42 PM
08. Premonition
09. Winter Love
10. Eternal Quest
11. Old Men Know
12. Breaking Up
13. Fire Escape
14. Longing For Miriam
15. A Late Quartet: Bidding Farewell
16. Die Tote Stadt op. 12 by Erich Wolfgang Korngold "Gl�ck, das mir verblieb" (Marietta's Lied)
Anne Sofie von Otter Bengt Forsberg (Piano), Ulf Forsberg (Violin), Kjell Lysell (Violin), Nils-Erik Sparf (Viola), Mats Lidstr�m (Cello)- "Gluck, das mir verblieb" (Marietta's Lied) - "Gluck, das mir verblieb" (Marietta's Lied)
(Erich Wolfgang Korngold (1897-1957)
17. Cristian Puig - Bulerias Del Encuentro
Performer (vocal and guitar): Cristian Puig
Composition & Lyrics by: Cristian Puig

String Quartet No. 14 in C sharp minor Op. 131 by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
18. Brentano String Quartet - Adagio, Ma Non Troppo E Molto Espressivo - Adagio, Ma Non Troppo E Molto Espressivo
19. Brentano String Quartet - Allegro Molto Vivace - Allegro Molto Vivace
20. Brentano String Quartet - Allegro Moderato - Allegro Moderato
21. Brentano String Quartet - Andante, Ma Non Troppo e Molto Cantabile - Andante, Ma Non Troppo e Molto Cantabile
22. Brentano String Quartet - Presto - Presto
23. Brentano String Quartet - Adagio, Quasi Un Poco Andante - Adagio, Quasi Un Poco Andante
24. Brentano String Quartet - Allegro - Allegro

Quartet for Strings no 14 in C sharp minor, Op. 131 by Ludwig van Beethoven
Orchestra/Ensemble: Brentano String Quartet
Written: 1826

01-11-2013, 10:03 PM
Hi There! First. Thank you SO much for posting this great score. One quick favor, this download site is not available in the US. Is there anyway you could possibly post it one that is like: Mediafire, Rapidshare, Deposit Files. Any would be great. Thanks again for the score!

01-11-2013, 11:56 PM
Angelo Badalamenti is one of my favorites.
Thank you very much for this excellent score, Isaias.

Isaias Caetano
01-12-2013, 02:20 AM
New Link Add

01-12-2013, 11:51 AM
Both links down already: exhausted traffic (Rapidshare) and unibytes (not free)?

01-12-2013, 04:47 PM
Could someone make reupload to stable, normal server... links down here are not support free downloading. (rapid is exhausted)

thank you.

01-12-2013, 05:34 PM
Not able to download from any of the links.

Isaias Caetano
01-12-2013, 09:09 PM
New Link (4shared)

01-14-2013, 12:32 AM

01-15-2013, 01:52 PM
...Thank Isaia Great Post !!!
And Rapidshare has work for me very well

01-15-2013, 07:06 PM
Is it possible to move this soundtrack to a link without inscription. And, Rapidshare doesn't work.
Thanks in advance...

01-16-2013, 04:51 PM
thanks for score, 4shared link has work

Isaias Caetano
01-17-2013, 06:06 PM
New Link in Mediafire

01-17-2013, 09:42 PM
none of the links are working for me

Isaias Caetano
01-18-2013, 02:03 PM
none of the links are working for me

I tested the links today ... and are working
Neither 4shared? Is Needed to subscribe .... it's free

01-24-2013, 09:00 PM
thank you much much

01-25-2013, 11:40 AM
Thank's a lot. Wanted to buy the album online from hdtracks - "Not allowed for your territory" ... "Only for US citizens"...blah..blah. Their loss! Okay, it's not high resolution but what can you do.
I know it�s complicated with rights but it is music (!)! I could be able to *hear* the music a few weeks before it�s officially for sale in Europe. Big deal. Pathetic.

Isaias Caetano
01-25-2013, 03:17 PM
Thank's a lot.

See their "MY PROFILE "

01-25-2013, 04:42 PM
I just listened to the whole album: great quality!!
Maybe it wasn't such a great idea to buy from hdtracks in the first place...I am not sure what to make of this:
HD Tracks quality? Please share your experience about this download service (

@Isaias Caetano
I don't speak Portuguese. I tried GoogleTranslator, so it may sound funny to you:
Eu queria comprar online o cd (hdtracks), mas ele n�o estava dispon�vel no meu pa�s. � assim que eu encontrei este site. A qualidade � excelente. Muito obrigado!

01-31-2013, 10:07 AM
non vanno nex qualcuno ha dei link aggiornati?

02-15-2013, 05:39 PM
Thanks - broke down and joined 4shared so I could enjoy this!

03-31-2013, 04:04 PM
muito obrigado, isaias! fant�stico!

04-01-2013, 04:09 AM
Thanks for sharing this! :)

04-01-2013, 04:15 AM

09-06-2013, 03:02 PM
thank you

09-06-2013, 11:49 PM
Thanks a lot

Tyler Bourbon
09-07-2013, 12:11 AM
Great film, impressive music, Badalamenti!
Thank you very much for the share.

09-07-2013, 08:27 PM
Many thanks. Great work!

07-29-2014, 08:06 PM

11-26-2014, 08:07 AM
Thank you very much for sharing this.

11-26-2014, 03:23 PM
thanks for the share, just watched this a few days ago.

jack london
11-27-2014, 10:26 AM
Thanks a lot!

11-27-2014, 11:41 PM
thank you

11-16-2015, 05:36 AM
Mediafire link is still good! Thanks for sharing this!

Sexton Blix
11-16-2015, 01:27 PM
Thank you very much!

11-16-2015, 07:49 PM
Thank you for this share.

11-16-2015, 08:22 PM
Thank you very much

11-17-2015, 12:38 AM
Thank you very much

11-17-2015, 01:55 AM

11-19-2015, 11:29 AM
Fantastic!! thanks so much for sharing this materpiece

jack london
11-19-2015, 05:36 PM
Thanks a lot!