Lightning Mage
02-26-2004, 12:39 AM
Does anyone think Squenix will make more FF stuff for the Gamecube or GBA?
Would anyone want that?
I think they should stick to Playstation. FFCC was a slight disapointment.

02-26-2004, 01:45 AM
Square has never been the type for mass producing games - I doubt we'll see anything more than the current line-up until at least next generation.

However, most GBA Square games have been at least moderately succesful, and FFTA was on the charts for a few weeks. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories is already nearing completion, which will bring S-E's GBA line-up up to three.

Although I haven't got Sword of Mana yet, I plan on buying it soon - and I think that the GBA would be the perfect system to re-release Secret of Mana and the previously-unreleased in Europe/Stateside 'Seiken Denestu 3'. (Sword is SD1, and Secret is SD2.)

However, this is unlikely - S-E is rumoured to be developing software for the PSP, and i'm expecting ports of their PlayStation games, and compilations (similar to FF Origins and FF Anthology) to reach Sony's new handheld.

Whatever the future is, I doubt S-E will be leaving Sony for mainstream FF anytime soon - i'm betting Final Fantasy XIII will be a launch game for the PlayStation3.

03-01-2004, 10:47 PM
i heard that ffxii might be coming to gamecube...
and about ffxiii...well probaly right but it depends on which nextgen console gets released first u see cos square-enix wont want to wait that long to release there next game!!!!

03-01-2004, 11:21 PM
Final Fantasy XII will be a PlayStation 2 exclusive. Games of that magnitude cannot just be 'ported', like Need for Speed or Return of the King. The entire game would have to be meticulously reprogrammed, and be entirely redeveloped, to be released for a platform whose sales would not make up the profit loss.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles was not a game that was years in development. It was a relatively quick release, just so Square Enix could say they could.

Final Fantasy XII is an epic game, incredibly important as it marks the first big release of Product Development Division-4, who have spent years preparing it.

As for Final Fantasy XIII, there is no way Square Enix would say 'you're out first, I choose you!'. If that was the case, Final Fantasy VII would have been released on the Sega Saturn, and FF would still be a niche series instead of the worldwide phenomenon it is today.

Also, no Square Enix game would be launched on the Xbox, or its successor first - the Japanese hate the Xbox (just look at its sales in Japan compared to the PS2), and a large chunk of the FF profit comes from Japan.

That means that FF13 will either be for the PS3, or Nintendo's next console. And Nintendo's current marketing strategy doesn't leave room for big, epic, THIRD PARTY developed games - they want all their big games to come from the big N. Just look at MGS: TTS - Nintendo not only wanted Silicon Knights to work on it with Konami, they wanted to get in on the action too. The last game codeveloped by Nintendo and Square was Super Mario RPG - and while it was a fun game, it wasn't exactly the Final Fantasy we know and love.

Which is why it's most likely FF13 will be for the PlayStation3. Call it an educated guess.

03-02-2004, 01:05 PM
............i dont know what to say............

emmmm its either n5 ps3 cos if u remember ff7 was meant 4 n64
and was in development 4 a long time but then switched to psx cos it was cd based and could handle what they were making

we know the both next gen consoles are gonna be cd based so it just depends on hardware specs and it COULD (yes,could)
depend on what console is released first..

just say ps3 comes out in 2006 and n5 comes out in 2005...
what consloe would u put the next ff game on with loads ff fans waiting 4 it? :whatever:

03-02-2004, 01:34 PM
of course uv heard worse cos that is pure genious even tho i dont think that will happen!!!

03-02-2004, 02:02 PM
Hiya boogybro87, please do not double-post. If you want to add something to your post, use the edit button.
My other suggestion is that you spell out the words instead of using "4" and similar stuff. :)

Bahamut ZERO
03-02-2004, 02:17 PM
Well: I haven't tried FF: Crystal Chronicles. But I get the feeling Square will end up making games for the next gen console which has the biggest selling potential. Like for the moment, the PS2 has the biggest market potential. That may change dependent on which console ends up being the better one to sell games for.

Ark Mune
03-02-2004, 08:43 PM
I don't see them leaving the ps2/3 for nintendo. They left nintendo because of the biiger chance of success on a sony console. N64 can only have 1 cartradge games, so ffvii would have been frickin short. disk had unlimited amount of them. Heck i would love to see a 8 disk game or a 2 disk dvd game. That would be ur moneys worth for sure.

They can't really develope the game on disks for like the ps2/3 and then find out n5(nintendo's next console) or nextbox is being released six monthst earlier then ps3. It would cost a lot more money and take like 6-12 months to redo ther game for what ever console. So in the long run it wouldn't be worth it.

03-02-2004, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by boogybro87
............i dont know what to say............

emmmm its either n5 ps3 cos if u remember ff7 was meant 4 n64
and was in development 4 a long time but then switched to psx cos it was cd based and could handle what they were making

Yes, and at the time Nintendo owned a whopping 83% of market share in video gaming - Sony was a relative upstart. Square-Enix took a risk, and won big time.

Also, the PSX ended up being released before the N64, so that disproves your other point.

we know the both next gen consoles are gonna be cd based

Do we? Microsoft just bought a Flash Memory company that specialises in high capacity memory devices. So who knows?

so it just depends on hardware specs

Of which we already know - PS3's CELL processor is patented technology that is decades ahead of the competition.

and it COULD (yes,could)
depend on what console is released first..

just say ps3 comes out in 2006 and n5 comes out in 2005...
what consloe would u put the next ff game on with loads ff fans waiting 4 it? :whatever:

Square Enix doesn't care about FF fans... they care about profits. And they also know that choosing the right console could either make or break the company - every console Square has thrown its weight behind has been successful. NES, SNES, PSX, PS2 - widely acknowledged as the leaders of the console markets in their respective times, and all of them Square produced games for almost exclusively. And from a business point of view, jumping on the first console to be released is ridiculous - for instance, Nintendo's DS handheld is coming out before Sony's PSP. However, it has been released that the DS has the power of a N64, while the PSP can outdo a PS2 - Square is working on the PSP, but not the DS. Simply because the PSP is more market viable.

03-02-2004, 08:56 PM
have u even seen the visual effects on the psp?
i have and the standard of the visual was nothing compared to the ps2 and they wornt fake pics either....
as for square enix supporting psp.....yeah so sony announced the psp early last year where as the big N has only jus announced the ds and already has konami, namco and sega supporting it....
i can assure you that square enix will develope games nintendo's new handheld....

as for thay double posting thing i didnt mean to post that on this thread....sorry!!!!

Ark Mune
03-02-2004, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by boogybro87
have u even seen the visual effects on the psp?
i have and the standard of the visual was nothing compared to the ps2 and they wornt fake pics either....

Yea, but they were early development pictures. And no actual games run on it yet since it isn't done yet. Wait till E3 and see how much the graphics and such improve.

03-03-2004, 08:55 PM
psp aint gonna have graphics as good as ps2....end of!!!!

anyway i dont think sqaure will be making n e major games for the handhelds anyway.....i think thay will consentrate on making games for the home consoles!!!!!

03-04-2004, 12:19 AM
sourced from IGN PS2 -

Moving onto 3rd party software developers, Square Enix would probably be the company on the minds of most gamers in Japan. Unfortunately, Square Enix CEO Yoichi Wada doesn't offer any specifics to the magazine. Wada comments that the company is still at the stage where they're considering what kind of software they should make, if they were to develop for the system. However, he does reaffirm the company's position of not releasing ports for the system.

So Square is developing for the system - and as much as their vaunted 'no-ports' policy is, they nevertheless ported Final Fantasy I, II and III to the WonderSwan Color. So time will tell.

sourced from IGN PS2 -

A "final" spec of the PSP was announced earlier this year, but Sony might have a trick or two up its sleeve. Even though the PSP compares favorably to the PS2 in terms of processing and graphics power, several developers have expressed concern over the 8MB of system RAM, only a quarter of what PS2 games can use. Sources in teams that are working on early software for the handheld are indicating that Sony will increase the memory in the system, but nothing official has been announced at this time.

The RAM issue has since been adressed. Therefore, the PSP will have the graphics power of a PS2.

Get your facts straight next time.

03-04-2004, 04:20 AM
just wait til the damn thing comes out!!!!

this is how im gonna look :D

this is how ur gonna look :mad:

facts isn't an issue cos u havn't got any facts urself!!!!

lets end this here and wait for the nextgens to actually be released yeah???

03-04-2004, 08:03 PM you have trouble with the whole referencing thing?

Because I can make it real easy for you. When Sony (being the company that makes such things as the PlayStation2, your camera, your stereo, and even your clock radio), announces something it gets released to the PRESS.

The press, which are the newspapers, news shows, and even news websites that some of us visit every day, then print what Sony has told them as news. Because this news has been officially released, it is a fact.

In my above posts there are links to a PlayStation2 news website with solid facts.

03-04-2004, 09:46 PM
nobody cares anymore!!!!!

give it a rest!!!!

03-05-2004, 01:33 PM
boogybro87, when people react to your posts, be a bit more polite and don't go all "I don't care" on them. Else, keep your opinions and theories to yourself.

Lightning Mage
03-05-2004, 03:57 PM
I was just wondering about the whole GC thing.
But little did i know that it would spawn a battle between boogybro87 and ExS. I'll just sit here and see if boogybro87 really does care.

03-05-2004, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by Lightning Mage
I was just wondering about the whole GC thing.
But little did i know that it would spawn a battle between boogybro87 and ExS. I'll just sit here and see if boogybro87 really does care.

yeah i care but i dont want to keep having to reply to what ppl say BAD about nintendo and how it would be a bad idea to put any REAL final fantasy games on their system........if it hadn't had been for nes and snes there would probably have been no decent ff games today!!!!!and since that final fantasy has been on ps the series has been goin down hill if you ask me!!!!

03-06-2004, 02:32 AM
Purists arguments that Final Fantasy VI was the best game aside, FF didn't become mainstream until Final Fantasy VII... widely acknowledged as one of the most popular FF game ever released. (Note I didn't say best - i'm basing popularity on sales, rather than actual gameplay mechanics.)

And Final Fantasy X has even out-sold that... if Square is going downhill, they're obviously going in the right direction :D

03-06-2004, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by ExS
Purists arguments that Final Fantasy VI was the best game aside, FF didn't become mainstream until Final Fantasy VII... widely acknowledged as one of the most popular FF game ever released. (Note I didn't say best - i'm basing popularity on sales, rather than actual gameplay mechanics.)

And Final Fantasy X has even out-sold that... if Square is going downhill, they're obviously going in the right direction :D

yeah you'v gotta point there....but still....

Lightning Mage
03-07-2004, 11:26 PM
Square is just kinda loosing there touch a little.
FF10 had great graphics, but in my opinion, the characters were a little boring.
FF11 was an online game and I don't call it a Final Fantasy.
FF12 Looks to have awsome graphics and slightly better character devlopment.

03-08-2004, 11:02 AM
You can't tell much about character develpment without having played the game. Just because they look exciting, that's no guarantee...

03-10-2004, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by ExS
Whatever the future is, I doubt S-E will be leaving Sony for mainstream FF anytime soon - i'm betting Final Fantasy XIII will be a launch game for the PlayStation3.
I severely doubt that. They've never released an FF for a launch before, and doing so would mean they'd have to have it ready for a given date; something that square would have to take risks and liberties with the game to do.

03-10-2004, 03:30 PM
gc will ruin ff ... nooooo ff cc

03-10-2004, 03:53 PM
CC is a spin-off. Even if the series was on another console, that would have no effect on Square, or FF. Intelligent comments only, in future, okay Zephikast?

03-10-2004, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by mrmonkeyman

I severely doubt that. They've never released an FF for a launch before, and doing so would mean they'd have to have it ready for a given date; something that square would have to take risks and liberties with the game to do.

However, the PS3 is a ways off - at least another 2 years. Assuming FF12 is all well and done apart from localization, they've got time to start on FF13.

A lot of companies, including S-E, already have PS3 emulators to program off - it's likely they're testing the hardware, and already in the design stages of FF13.

03-23-2004, 02:10 AM
Im a GC owner and I have followed the FF series for years. You have no idea how torturing it is for me to have only played a couple hours of FFX and X-2. When you talk about making games for the most marketable source, you should consider that not everyone has a PS2(although for FFX, I would consider buying one) so why should the people who don't have one not have the priviledge to play FF Games?

Also, for those to flame FFCC, it's not as bad as you say. The multiplayer is where it shines. Its actually entertaining in small doses. It's not meant to be played for hours at a time.

03-23-2004, 08:50 PM
boogybro87 first you actided like you did care till ExS proved you wrong. To be honest mate the PSP will be better then nintendo's hand held just face it. Nintendo are a legendary company which has had great consoles during their era but things do change.

03-23-2004, 10:10 PM
and to be sound like a little kid "ah the psp is gonna be better then the new nintendo machine" how exactly can you prove that...the psp is hardly even a gaming device...
it's more like a multi media device, plays videos, music, it even
switches into a light sabre....

so when you argueing a point that you know absolutly nothing about, i suggest you step back and play cool cos you will just embaress yourself!!!

Bahamut ZERO
03-24-2004, 08:33 AM
I'd be interested to see a spec for the PSP to compare it with the GBA:SP. But this is off topic: So please can we stick with the topic at hand.

To be honest, I think Square will base where the next series goes on the hardware available, and the majority of FF fans will go and follow the trend. As ExS has said, it's probable that the software companies that Sony have had make a lot of games for their consoles beforehand know a lot about the PS3's capabilities. But we'll just have to see.

And as I haven't got a Gamecube: I can only imagine how good/bad FF:CC is.

03-24-2004, 09:30 AM
Yea I cant remeber if it was in this thread or not but someone said about SE not caring about the FF fans but they do because they are the majority that BUY the game so they get most money off them so I don't agree with that point. I do not think they will put it on the first available console.

Also you were saying that the nintendo one was going to be better so what are you on about? Try not to be abusive because to be honest your acting like a 12 year old school girl.

03-24-2004, 09:39 PM
if you are referring to me krytonic, i believe it was the other way round, someone was say that the psp was gonna be better then the new nintendo handheld (unlikely)...

let's just say this.....nintendo's rpg fans are growing in status (atleast in japan)...there are plenty of game's in japan that are considered better then final fantasy...
so all im saying is that it is a strong possability that s-enix may convert back to nintendo, that's all!!!

03-25-2004, 06:52 AM
Ok your calling me stupid saying that the psp will be better because im like a child doing it yet u say unlukly so in effect you ARE saying that nintendo's will be better. read dome of your past posts you do act like a child. and tell me what proof YOU have that nintendo's one will be better? I doubt s-enix will convert to nintendo because sony's consoles have sold a lot more games since they first started the first playstation and still are selling the most games therefor a buisness would do the guess of more sales in the ps3 + psp.

03-25-2004, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by Krytonic
boogybro87 first you actided like you did care till ExS proved you wrong. To be honest mate the PSP will be better then nintendo's hand held just face it. Nintendo are a legendary company which has had great consoles during their era but things do change.

that is a quote of you acting like a child....
tell me when i was acting like a child...
drop this i cant be arsed to argue with you anymore...

yes you do have a point that ff has sold more on the playstation..
that doesn't mean they wont convert.....
i never once said they will convert back to nintendo, i just said it was a possability....

03-25-2004, 12:34 PM
I think Crystal Chronicles is a great game. It's like a good 3D Gauntlet set in the FF-verse.

Honestly? My favorite Final Fantasy was on the SNES, but I'm really happy with the series under Sony's control. After FFVII, we started getting really good translations, X-2 had one of the best battle systems I've ever seen, and XII looks fantastic thus far. I'm happy with FF where it is.

What I would love is to be able to play old FF games on my SP.

Here's hoping they'll at least release them for the PSP.

The PSP just doesn't look as beautiful as my SP, though.

03-25-2004, 01:24 PM
You can use erm.. emulators and roms for the old onese but yea it would be good to be able to play them on the PSP.

What I am saying is there is a very LOW chance they will convert to nintendo as there is a bigger money oppertunity with sony. So don't get your hopes up mate.

03-25-2004, 09:21 PM
BZ, PSP specs have been released - I haven't got them on me, but they're using a minituarized version of the Emotion Engine. Needless to say it'll blow the SP out of the water. As for thd DS, it's got a GBA chip and an N64 chip - backwards compatibility and 3D.

Nintendo is the one that's looking out for it's handheld fanbase - a lot of people will go with Ninty's DS just because they can play all their current GBA and GB games on it.

The PSP, on the other hand, has the development world excited. Nearly ALL the major developers have acknowledged they're making games for it already.

Oh, and boogybro - could you point me in the direction of these RPGs in Japan that are more popular than Final Fantasy? It wouldn't be the Dragon Quest series would it? The Enix developed Dragon Quest series?

Last I checked, FF and DQ held the top two spots. S-E has a bloody monopoly. Meanwhile, Nintendo's RPG market is pretty much limited to it's handheld Golden Sun and Fire Emblem series - bloody good games, but nowhere near the fan base FF has.

Oh, Krytonic - playing the old FFs on the PSX rereleases is better than getting the roms. You get box art, manuals, and a shiny CD. Playing them on a handheld would be great, but for some reason Square chose the Wonderswan Colour... why? They're nuts. I'd import it, but I can't read Japanese ;_;. So far the lucky WSC owners have FF1, FF2 and FF4 for the handheld (once again, no FF3 - what's going on with that? I swear, it's a conspiracy).

And Mandi, the PSP is sexier than a SP. You know it's true. It's an OVAL. How cool is that?

03-25-2004, 09:54 PM
well i heard not so long ago that tales of symphonia was going down a storm i japan....
not to mention camalot are bringing out a secret game for the gamecube, most probably golden sun (in my opinion is the greatest handheld game in the gba)....
namco are also supposed to be working on a rpg for nintendo..
and the new game for the gba called boktai is gonna be the game to get for the gba....

i think s-enix might aswell give nintendo a chance and release a final fantasy from the series on a nintendo console and see how it goes....

and for the psp....i think they tried to make it too stylish...i bet it will be broke within a year...

03-26-2004, 08:58 AM
LoL only people who get pissed off and throw it will break it =p and I dont think nintendo should have a chance to be honest =p and EA games are in full support of the psp :D

03-26-2004, 11:28 AM
ha what does e.a have to do with final fantasy????

where as the ds already has support from namco konami and sega....

03-26-2004, 03:15 PM
"where as the ds already has support from namco konami and sega...." you have said that about a thousand times THATS why I said about EA giving full support to the PSP.

Top Cat
03-26-2004, 03:36 PM
Coupla points here Boogy:

Originally posted by boogybro87

i think s-enix might aswell give nintendo a chance and release a final fantasy from the series on a nintendo console and see how it goes....
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicals (GC)
Final Fantasy: Tactics Advance (GBA)

Although neither of them are from the series, they should show us exactly how profitable Nintendo are nowadays for S-E...
Not to mention the fact that Sony own about 40% of S-E, Nintendo would only let S-E develop TA in exchange for CC and the PS3's technology is meant to be years ahead of the compitition so it would be more profitable to develop for the PS3. I know the last point has been said before, but it's important.


Originally posted by Boogybro87
and for the psp....i think they tried to make it too stylish...i bet it will be broke within a year...

Originally posted by ExS
PSP specs have been released - I haven't got them on me, but they're using a minituarized version of the Emotion Engine. Needless to say it'll blow the SP out of the water.
A machine with a minature PS2 inside it, not to mention financial and technical support from Sony, who make electronics systems as a company, will not only be technically brilliant but also well- supported.

So, Krytonic, Boogybro, stop acting like children and look at technical specs, possible profit margins and other factors (PS' have been market leaders for years) and resolve your issues. Of course, I don't have DS specs, but looking at the PSP and PS3 specs I have to say it seems unlikely that
1)FF will be going back to Nintendo anytime soon.
2)PSP will crash and burn.

03-26-2004, 03:40 PM
"1)FF will be going back to Nintendo anytime soon.
2)PSP will crash and burn."

thats the point i was trying to make.

03-26-2004, 08:42 PM
that is not the point you have been trying to make, so dont lie...

i agree with pretty much everything you just said ieatmako...
and this IS starting to get childish so i'll stop things here...
all im saying is s-enix will be bringing out a game from the series for a nintendo console...that's my opinion, disagree with me all you want im not arguing with you anymore...

03-27-2004, 11:28 AM
Well first of all it was the point I was trying to make and second of all they have already brang out two FF games for nintendo.

Ark Mune
03-27-2004, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Krytonic
Well first of all it was the point I was trying to make and second of all they have already brang out two FF games for nintendo.

Yes, but that was a deal that was made. S-E wanted to make a game for the GBA, and Nintendo wanted them to make one for the GC. So they made one for each. More or less to give Nintendo likers a FF game after such a long time. But that was it and mostlikely go no further.

03-27-2004, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by ieatmako
A machine with a minature PS2 inside it, not to mention financial and technical support from Sony, who make electronics systems as a company, will not only be technically brilliant but also well- supported.

Massive technical specs do not a good machine make. Particularly when we're talking about handhelds. Take a look at any other handheld with insane specs from the past. They sound impressive on paper, but they have godawful battery life, or they aim for too much and fail spectacularly by being practically undevelopable for. It's not too difficult to imagine the same thing happening to the PSP. Already developers have started to complain about it having a rather meagre amount of RAM. And if it really is anything like a portable PS2, that would probably put an immense strain on the battery. Imagine having to recharge the thing every 4 hours? Sounds nice until you realise it won't even last a long car journey. Also, it's quite possible that many of the games will be ports of old PS/2 games. That will probably be an incentive for many people to go buy the console, but if we've learned anything from the N-Gage, it's that 3D games ported to handhelds play rather disastrously. A completely portable PS2 sounds exciting, but if the games are barely playable, what's the point? And if people see the games are quite poor, then it's pretty likely they won't buy much software. Since most console manufacturers develop and sell the console at a loss, and then make that back through software sales/licensing, that would mean Sony are kinda screwed if the games suck, which is likely since we can most probably look forward to a glut of sub-standard, unplayable PS ports. Even the few original titles will be hampered if they overload the machine with fancy hardware thus reducing battery-life.

And like I said, all you have to do it look back at previous handheld console wars. The consoles that tried too hard to have massive specs fell flat on their faces and lost to the low-tech consoles with a better range and quality of games. (i.e., Nintendo and Gameboy).

03-28-2004, 12:04 AM
great point there udo....

may i bring something else up?!?
if the psp is based on the ps2 hardware then it is definately going to suck...the reaon being the ps2 had problems rendering things clearly (anti aliasing if you know what i mean).this also made things hard for the makers of the game....i've heard some many reports of makers complaining about the ps2...

03-28-2004, 06:56 AM
boogy first of all the PS2 doesnt suck because it has some great games all consoles have you cant just base a consoul on its specs but the games that run on it. Also what makes you think all the games will not be able to run on it very well and all that? Just because others couldnt do it, it doesnt neccessarily(bloody spelling) mean that it will suck or that the battary will drain. All tho I do agree with the battary bit because think of the old GameGear alltho its only 16-bit but it toke 6 battarys which didnt last long so god knows how the PSP will mangle it.

Ark Mune
03-28-2004, 12:57 PM
i think sony's a brewen somethin up there. They prolly have it all figured out. they r prolly aiming to provail where Nintendo and other companies failed. PSP is only their first handheld gaming system, where Nintendo is on their 5th handheld out and working on their sixth. So u can not expect too much. It took Nintendo 5 tries and they r still going at it, so they truely sux.

03-28-2004, 03:46 PM
But every Gameboy system was awesome. And Sony mostly sucks for games. Sorry, PSP doesn't have a chance. (If not at being successful, then at least at having more than 3 decent games on it ;D).

03-28-2004, 04:40 PM
If sony sux on games then what has that got to do with the PSP when it plays game it isnt one itself. Plus the PS2 was better then the gamecube too so i dont see how it will suck. Also you cant say a new system is gunna suck even tho you know almost nothing about it and you cant judge it on past onese.

Ark Mune
03-28-2004, 07:51 PM
wait until it comes out. thats all i can say

03-28-2004, 07:54 PM
Yup and I dont think it is going to be crap like he sais.

03-28-2004, 08:31 PM
Sony isn't crap on games - I mean, how cool is Gran Turismo? Not to mention that Final Fantasy VII was originally published by Sony Computer Entertainment, before Square started publishing its own stuff.

And then you've got Naughty Dog, the undisputed wholly owned by Sony kings of the platform world.

EA support means that you'll be seeing all of EA's games on the system - Need for Speed, Lord of the Rings, etc.

Basing it on the Emotion Engine means easy porting - it'll cost the companies no development time or money. So, a heap of companies will be just porting their PS2 properties over.

Battery life could be a problem, but not necessarily - look at third generation mobiles. Many of them are capable of playing AVIs, and other graphics things, and they still have the life of an average mobile. Also, Sony has developed long-life batteries for their CyberShot camera range - I use my CyberShot batteries in my GBA, and I only have to recharge once every 3 weeks. And I play at least 4 hours a day.

Also, Sony won't just be marketing PSP as a games system - they're marketing it as the new walkman. With Memory Stick capability and an MP3 player, people can carry their entire MP3 collection on a 2 GB Memory Stick PRO, if they want to fork out the cash. Otherwise they can just pay $20 for a 64mb Memory Stick and just switch over their tunes.

802.11 support means easy synch with other 802.11 standards (laptops, wireless internet access points... the PS3?).

And, to top it off, Sony has said the PSP will be 'competively priced'. Which probably means they'll release it at the same price Nintendo will charge for the DS. Sure, they'll take a loss - but hardware companies are used to that. Sony has taken a loss with every PS2 sold since the price dropped under US$300.

All I can say is that 2004, and the start of 2005 is going to be an interesting time for the gaming market :)

03-28-2004, 08:35 PM
Indeed, and the info on that PSP... WOW

03-29-2004, 04:00 AM
all that info doesn't mean shit to me....the only reason ps(wateverthefuk) sell's welll is bcause they have too many game's on there console good or shit (mostly shit)and the shit game's seem to sell better then the good one's
gamecube is a well underated console and everyone who say's pswatever is better is just a plain fool......

arue all you want now cos im leaving this site altogether...
this site suck's....

03-29-2004, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by Krytonic
If sony sux on games then what has that got to do with the PSP when it plays game it isnt one itself. Plus the PS2 was better then the gamecube too so i dont see how it will suck. Also you cant say a new system is gunna suck even tho you know almost nothing about it and you cant judge it on past onese.

PS2 better than Gamecube? IF THAT WAS SARCASM IT WAS EXQUISITE. The GC is *FARRRRRRRRR* superior to the PS2. Both technologically, and in terms of games. GC has a fairly small range of games, but loads of them are A-List. PS2 has a shitload of games, but for every truly inspired classic, there's 10 piles of rubbish based on big liceneses (probably developed by EA) ;D Also, the good games on the GC are generally better than the goos one on PS2.

Originally posted by ExS
Sony isn't crap on games - I mean, how cool is Gran Turismo? Not to mention that Final Fantasy VII was originally published by Sony Computer Entertainment, before Square started publishing its own stuff.

Wow, 2 cases of good games (one of which wasn't even developed by them, having an eye for games that will make big returns isn't the same thing as being a good developer). Conclusive evidence that Sony are the most talented videogame developers EVER. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by ExS
And then you've got Naughty Dog, the undisputed wholly owned by Sony kings of the platform world.

lol. Bullshit.

Originally posted by ExS
EA support means that you'll be seeing all of EA's games on the system - Need for Speed, Lord of the Rings, etc.

EA are the *WORST DEVELOPERS EVER*. If anything, that only serves as further evidence that the PSP will be a creatively stagnant platform. NFL MADDED NBA FUTBALZ 2005 PSP!1 What innovation!

Originally posted by ExS
Basing it on the Emotion Engine means easy porting - it'll cost the companies no development time or money. So, a heap of companies will be just porting their PS2 properties over.

Once again, this only serves to back up my point. Direct ports from console to handheld are an awful idea, particularly in 3D. Reason being: the controls of a handhelds aren't presently suited to playing 3D games. Play TR on the N-Gage and try to deny this. ;) Also, you need to enlarge things for the small screen. There's just a different set of mechanics in play for handheld gaming, particularly in 3D.

Originally posted by ExS
Battery life could be a problem, but not necessarily - look at third generation mobiles. Many of them are capable of playing AVIs, and other graphics things, and they still have the life of an average mobile. Also, Sony has developed long-life batteries for their CyberShot camera range - I use my CyberShot batteries in my GBA, and I only have to recharge once every 3 weeks. And I play at least 4 hours a day.

Battery life may or may not be a problem, but I'm betting it will....

Originally posted by ExS
Also, Sony won't just be marketing PSP as a games system - they're marketing it as the new walkman. With Memory Stick capability and an MP3 player, people can carry their entire MP3 collection on a 2 GB Memory Stick PRO, if they want to fork out the cash. Otherwise they can just pay $20 for a 64mb Memory Stick and just switch over their tunes.

802.11 support means easy synch with other 802.11 standards (laptops, wireless internet access points... the PS3?).

And, to top it off, Sony has said the PSP will be 'competively priced'. Which probably means they'll release it at the same price Nintendo will charge for the DS. Sure, they'll take a loss - but hardware companies are used to that. Sony has taken a loss with every PS2 sold since the price dropped under US$300.

All I can say is that 2004, and the start of 2005 is going to be an interesting time for the gaming market :)

... because if it's really overloaded with all that fancy technology, then that's most probably going to be a significant drain on power. ^_^

Anyways, I don't doubt morons will go out and buy it, *I* may even buy it, because even the worst systems ususally have 1 or 2 games of note, but it's definitely going to have a helluva lot of dross on it. The boring rubbish big licenses are what sell, and that's all Sony ever aims for. You can say whatever you like about its awesome technology, but its gaming catalogue is going to be 90% crap. Point in case : PS2.

03-29-2004, 11:51 AM
I hardly like any of the GC only games most of them ARE crap. Also that guy said he is leaving the site? haha whats wrong cant face it that everyone doesnt say that gc is the best all tho it sux?

03-29-2004, 11:53 AM
How many GC games have you played? :)

03-29-2004, 11:56 AM
I go down my mates house every week and he has one so quet a few.

03-29-2004, 12:06 PM
So you've played it a bit every week. Fantastic. You sure must have some great knowledge of the games there, skip. :B I THINK WE SHOULD MAKE U GOVERNMENT SPOKESPERSON ON GAMEZ GAMEMASTER. You clearly have the intelligence.

And what games have you played? You're just a moron who's missing out on great games and playing shit ones because you're a kid who wants to look grown-up. ^_^

03-29-2004, 03:04 PM
I had a GC for like a month but sold it because I didnt like it.

You are saying I am a kid that needs to grow up but you are the one going around abusing everyone. Your the one who needs to grow up.

03-29-2004, 03:08 PM
I never said you need to grow up. :B It's your own loss, GC is awesome, I don't care if you're too childish to look past its kiddy-ish exterior and enjoy the great gameplay. ;D

03-29-2004, 03:10 PM
"too childish to look past its kiddy-ish exterior" that is basicly calling me a child lmao and ur the one going around abusing ppl.

03-29-2004, 03:13 PM
Excuse me? That doesn't even make any sense! ;D Apparently you don't understand the sentence. :o My point is, GC has a rather childish appearance, and a lot of people (kids) are like "OH THAT'S FOR KIDS IM A GROWN UP". But once again, it's their own loss. ;O

And abusing people doesn't make you childish. Weird reasoning there. Hmm.

03-29-2004, 03:35 PM
I do not disslike the GC by thinking its childish, so try to think of something else

03-29-2004, 08:21 PM
Eh, I can't talk. I don't judge a game buy it's system. Games are what I like, and to enjoy the full range of games, I had to go out and buy three BLOODY EXPENSIVE machines.

There are TERRIFIC games on the GameCube - Eternal Darkness and Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes proves that anything Konami do, Silicon Knights can do better. Rogue Squadron II is almost as cool as X-Wing vs Tie Fighter. MARIO PARTY 4 IS THE SHIZNIT.

...the sad part is, i'm not joking about the last one ;_;

But in all honesty, I know just as many brilliant games that I love on the PS2 - and just as many again on the X-Box. Whoever makes the machine doesn't make the games. Duo, i'd be like you - 90% of the games on the PSP will be crap, just like the PS2... but the other 10% are usually something special. For every EA-developed dross like Madden, there's a gem like Need for Speed Underground. For every Mary Kate and Ashley game, there's a Final Fantasy.

And even if there's no good games, i'm long overdue for a walkman upgrade, anyway. I've still got one of the CASSETTE ones.

03-29-2004, 08:49 PM
Honestly, the only thing I prefer about the PS2 is the controller. The X-box controller is too beastly, even the s controller, and the Gamecube controller isn't heavy enough for my tastes.

Other then that, I pretty much like all my systems equally.

I've heard rumors that they're releasing FFVII for the PSP. That'll definitely sell a lot of PSPs if that's true.

03-29-2004, 09:16 PM
kryptonite surely you must be shit at games?!?!
there's noway you could have played no good game's a be a good game player!!!what's your favourite game!?! gta?!?! gt3??

ever played zelda, mario, metroid, soul calibur 2 , eternal darkness, mgs:twin snakes, smash bros., mario kart or f-zero?!?
cos if you have and still think the ps2 is better then gamecube for quality game's, then clearly you need to get your 1 eye checked, cos your seeing somwthing completely differant from everyone else!!!

You are saying I am a kid that needs to grow up but you are the one going around abusing everyone. Your the one who needs to grow up.

no he isn't going aroung abusing everyone....he's abusing you!!!why?? cos your the one acting like a kid!!!!!

ahhh.....i aint gonna leave this site yet, i think i will start up a "which console is best" thread and see what happens!!!

ps. the gamecube has the best version of soul calibur!!!

03-30-2004, 11:36 AM
First of all my name is not "kryptonite" so learn how to read. Second of all its the matter of opinion on what games are best therefor it would not make me a bad gamer. Third of all didnt you say you were quitting the forums.

03-30-2004, 01:03 PM
Right, judge a system by it's games. ;D And GC has plenty of fine games. You're just missing out by dissing it. :( At least tell us WHAT games were so bad. <3 Of course, what I'm saying about the PSP is only speculation, but Sony want it to be popular, and most commercially popular games are pretty average stuff. :B Mostly, I was disappointed, even by most of the games which were supposed to be special, for the PS2 (except GTA). Ah, maybe it's just me. So I don't know if the PSP will be much different. Still, it's just speculation. Time will tell, eh. ;D

03-30-2004, 01:32 PM
So the only game that was said to be special and was good in your view was GTA? So you dont like MGS2?

03-30-2004, 02:13 PM
MGS2 was a horrible pile of poo, as I've said at length many times. ;D The story was what made the original special, but it's beyond awful in 2. :(

And you still haven't even listed one bad game for the GC. Maybe you're playing the wrong ones. :O You didn't get anything by EA, did you?

03-30-2004, 02:16 PM
The gameplay on MGS2 was good in my view and plus the final fantasy games we all know and love. Also that mario sunshine game, now my kinda game if you ask me and same for the sonic onese on it I preferes the old original onese where all you can do is go left and right and jump :P

03-30-2004, 02:21 PM
The only FF on the PS2 is X. Which is... uh... whatever. 2 was alright, if that's your sot of thing, but the gameplay wasn't as original and innovative as the first one. You know, the Mantis battle, Meryl's codec, stuff like that really made it special. Combine that with how unique the gameplay was at the time, and the awesome plot. Classic. 2 was... uh... the plot was silly, there were no really special sections, and where it tried to do something unique, it was either kind of similar to the first game or just.... odd. As opposed to where those things were really nice surprises. And Mario Sunshine and the Sonic games... are... uh, yeah. I wouldn't buy them before renting them. Should've got stuff like Metroid Prime, Mario Kart DD, the Wind Waker, etc.

03-30-2004, 02:27 PM
i dont like mario cart cc

03-30-2004, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Krytonic
i dont like mario cart cc

What the hell is "mario car cc"?

Mario Cart Crystal Chronicles?

03-30-2004, 07:47 PM
For me uh, they're the ones who must decide for what they should do for them.;) because it doesn't affect us, players, even if they produce other ff to another game console right? because i know that they'll also produce an ff game in PC just like ff8 and the others.:D

03-31-2004, 09:38 AM
It does effect us on what console they produce FF on due to the performance difference and the controllers.

03-31-2004, 09:43 AM
PS2 is the weakest performer at the moment. (Technology wise). They'll be pretty good no matter what system they're on. ;D

09-20-2004, 02:23 AM
I will be honest i have a PS2 and a Gamecube and i like both equaly but both have there good games and bad games and if you want to see some stuff in the next generation systems check out my thread in general gaming section its called Next Generation and it has a link to a webpage with some info on the next consels

09-26-2004, 05:12 AM
Yeah, i agree with Demon-man, more there is better in my books

Kefka: Ultimate Evil
10-02-2004, 03:48 AM
Originally posted by ud�
MGS2 was a horrible pile of poo, as I've said at length many times. ;D The story was what made the original special, but it's beyond awful in 2. :(

Oh no doubt. I mean come on...who the hell is Rayden? Do we care? NO! WE WANT SNAKE DAMN IT!


btw - I have both PS2 and GC. I like GC for the RE series, since all games are available on it, and that RE4 is exclusive for the GC. Not to mention the MGS remake is on it. SHAAAWEET!