01-04-2013, 07:54 PM
34 tracks, all named.


Beyond Oasis (Genesis) Soundtrack (


1. Introduction - 2:34
2. Awakening - 0:31
3. To Begin - 1:01
4. Battle - 1:39
5. Peaceful - 2:06
6. The Story Of Thor - 4:37
7. Holiness - 1:30
8. Aqua - 2:06
9. Burning Cave - 2:20
10. Fortress - 2:44
11. Vessel - 2:55
12. Indication - 0:44
13. Stone Place - 4:11
14. Boundless Cliff - 1:27
15. Raging Wind - 1:08
16. Abyss - 1:08
17. Mysterious Green - 3:21
18. Chaos - 2:37
19. Evil Territory - 1:41
20. Water Cave - 3:36
21. The Huge Creature - 1:02
22. Voice From Darkside - 1:40
23. Last Battle - 2:46
24. Triumph - 0:05
25. Item Get! - 0:02
26. Magic Jewel - 0:01
27. Encounter - 0:39
28. Requiem - 0:07
29. Concentration - 4:01
30. Fireball - 1:15
31. Deep Hole - 4:27
32. Confession - 2:44
33. Ending - 5:21
34. Master Mind - 1:02

05-27-2014, 01:40 PM
Fantastic Game,and also an fantastic OST.
Thanks very much for the DL

/toy/ room dumbie
01-04-2015, 02:23 PM
Thank you very much!!!

La Grenouille
01-04-2015, 04:51 PM
Thanks for this share !!

02-05-2016, 08:06 PM