View Full Version : Thread 125339">Please�somebody help!

01-01-2013, 07:36 PM
While I'm still relatively new to this site, I've already benefited from it in ways I couldn't have imagined. I've also read in various threads that there are a lot more takers than sharers around here�and I'd hate to limit myself to the former category, if it can be avoided. I'd like nothing more than to repay some of the extraordinary generosity I've been shown since I got here. I know I have scores that folks around here have been looking for. I want to make them available.

But here's the thing: I don't know how.

I asked for some pointers in another forum on this site, and I did receive a response. It was probably a very informative one, too. Too bad it was in fluent, flowing Greek (at least as far as I'm concerned). He talked about multi-mirror services, and hotlinks, and MF, and backups, and a bunch of other unintelligible stuff. Unintelligible, that is, to the uneducated�which is me. You've gotta understand, I don't know the first thing about the first thing when it comes to file uploading. The only "multi-mirror" service I've encountered before now was in a fun house maze. I don't know what the term means in this context. After puzzling over it for several hours, I did manage to make the connection that MF is MediaFire. That's about as far as I got.

So now I'm asking for help from you guys�whom I hope will see some significant return for taking the time to educate a total neophyte. Here's where I am so far: I've hooked up with (and signed up for) both Packupload and Sendspace. They make the process look pretty easy; looks like all I have to do is drag & drop files in order to upload them. Seems simple enough. Only when I do that, nothing happens. It just sits there. No response. Is it working? How the hell do you tell? Same thing happens when I use the "Browse" option. I select a file, click "upload," and . . . nothing.

Is there a way to do this with an entire folder (containing all the tracks), or do I have to do it one track at a time? If it's the latter, how do I organize them into a folder once they're uploaded? How do I get the URL link for posting here once it's done?

I trust you're beginning to see what sort of newbie you're dealing with here. I'm neither ashamed nor afraid to make it clear how ignorant I am, but I'm stuck up a stump until someone can explain this to me . . . and in layman's terms, if you don't mind.

Thanks in advance. Again, I hope you'll be helping yourself by helping me.

01-01-2013, 07:41 PM
You need to use a free program like WinRar to convert the standard folder of music into a .rar file that can be uploaded via the file host of your choosing.

I sent you a video tutorial on how to use WinRar.

01-01-2013, 08:17 PM
And that's it. Simple as that. I didn't realize I had to convert a file to .rar before trying to upload it. Small step, but obviously necessary.

And it's already working. You're a frickin' genius, man. Thanks for the help.

So . . . any particular scores you're looking for? (First to answer should have first dibs, after all.)