12-31-2012, 06:14 PM
Howdy folks. This thread is where we say what we thought was the 2012 Game & Soundtrack of the Year. For it to count, it could also be a game or soundtrack that you've never played/heard before but loved it to death, basically.

So without further ado, the Game of the Year for me was Atelier Meruru and the Soundtrack of the Year was Rave Racer, an old Arcade game with a killer soundtrack.

12-31-2012, 07:50 PM
My favorite 2012 video game soundtrack was Fez ( Totally smitten with it.

EDIT: And I'll add this. I don't know if anyone else plays flash games, but the best flash game soundtrack from the year, as far as I can think, was for Knightmare Tower ( Really unexpected stuff in there for the genre that counterbalanced the repetitiveness of the game.

01-02-2013, 06:12 AM
For me, it was kind of a down year for video game music. There were a few key contenders coming into the year, but I don't think that Mass Effect 3 or Halo 4 really lived up to my expectations for the soundtrack. Both were solid, but the previous efforts in the series set a very high bar that was difficult to overcome.

As far as Game of the Year... kind of shocking really, but I'll go with SMITE from Hi-Rez Software. The music in the game is nothing to write home about, fine for the first 20 hours or so of multiplayer, but I've been on Spotify and internet radio streams for about a month while playing it now, which isn't such a bad thing as I don't get much time to listen to music much anymore. Runner-up would be Halo 4. Biggest disappointment is by far Mass Effect 3.

01-02-2013, 06:38 AM
Hmm... for game of the year: Rayman Origins since I bought and started playing it this year. Super fun game! For soundtrack, Sota Fujimori's 4th album SYNTHESIZED4. It's not really a soundtrack but it's still video game music that I love and listen to all the time and in my car too.

01-03-2013, 04:59 PM
Don't even have to think for a second about that! Disasterpeace's FEZ soundtrack is my personal OST of the year. After playing FEZ listening to the soundtrack puts me into this totally existential state of mind, if that makes any sense. Not to mention that it reminds of the soundtracks space documentaries of the 80's used to have, so awesome!

01-14-2013, 01:11 AM
For me, I'd say Mass Effect 3 for the soundtrack, and either ME3 or Far Cry 3 for GOTY.