Lightning Mage
02-24-2004, 07:08 PM
Hello all. This story is just a storyline for my idea for Final Fantasy 15. It will not include the random battles. I hope you like it.



A shuttle hovers silently in space.

-Alarm sounds-

Soldier 1: Radio for help!
Soldier 2: There are no ships in the area!
Soldier 1: WHAT?! Well, we'll just take care of this problem ourselves.

-They leave the bridge and head down the flashing coridor-

-Soldier 1 opens a door and shoves his head in-

Soldier 1: Hurry! The computer has found three bodies in the cargo bay!

-The black haired soldier in the room jumps to his feet-

Wade: I'm comming!

-He grabs his weapon, which is a wrist blade with a 100mm machine gun attached-

-They hurry and gather troops to the cargo bay-

Wade: There's nothing here exept the bodies.
Soldier 3: Just wait. Whatever did this has to be around here somewhere.
Soldier 1: How come the computer didn't detect any hostile creatures onboard?
Wade: No idea.

-Suddenly a machine gun is fired at Soldier 1-

Soldier 2: What the hell did you do?!
Wade: What do you mean? I didn't do-

-He sees a black haired man that looks just like him standing over Soldier 1-

Wade: What the hell?

-Then everything goes black-

Wade: Was that me?
Voice: You can't deny your fate.
Wade: What are you talking about?
Voice: Your bottled up rage will exit your mind.
Wade: Wait, I don't understand. Is that vision of me supposed to represent my rage?
Voice: You can't deny your fate.

-The voice repeats itself as it flows farther away-

-The black haired soldier wakes up in his room, on the floor and sweaty-

Wade: What a weird dream.

-He walks out of his room to join his fellow soldiers in the mess hall-
-Wade enters mess hall and heads for the table on the left-

Wade: Guys, I just had the freakiest dream.
Soldier 1: Oh really. (sarcasticly)
Wade: Man, shut up.
Soldier 1: Sorry, sorry. Go on.
Wade: Well I was on the ship and...

-Wade tells Soldiers 1 through 6 about his dream-

Soldier 2: Oh my God. (sarcasticly)
Wade: You know what? I don't know why I even talk to you about this.

-Wade walks out of the mess hall-

Soldier 3: I swear he's goin' nuts.
Soldier 5: Hey dude, the're just dreams.
Soldier 3: Well whatever.
Soldier 2: Well if he does go insane he might kill all of us, so lay off the sarcasm.
Soldier 6: Like he's gonna kill all 12 of us. Ha!

-Wade walks down the corridor-

Wade: Tomarrow I'm resigning to another squad.

-Wade opens the cargo bay door-

Wade: I know it's just a dream, but it seemed so real. Then there was that voice.

-Wade sits down in a corner-

Wade: I hate those guys. I just want... to... t...h...i...s.............

-Wade begins to nod off-

-Starts to snore-

Voice: Wade.
Wade: Huh......... what?
Voice: What are you going to do?
Wade: I don't know.

-Wade is in a blood stained room on the ship-

Wade: What the...?!

-Wade walks out of the room unwillingly and heads for the bridge-

-Door opens-

Wade: Computer, begin reprograming sequence.
COM: Afirmitive.
Wade: We are no longer patroling the Zaseg galaxy. I'm the only creature on this ship. You will obey only me.
COM: Enter voice command.
Wade: Wade Gormite.
COM: Reprogramed data saved.
Wade: Good. Set a course for the Tylgath system.
COM: New course plotted. Estimated time of arival, 35 hours.
Wade: Perfect.

-Everything goes black-

Voice: Wade.
Wade: What?
Voice: Wade?
Wade: WHAT?!
Soldier 3: Wade, wake up ya' bum.
Wade: Oh, I fell asleep. Sorry.
Soldier 3: Did you have another dream? He he he.
Wade: Shut the hell up.

-Both walk out of the cargo bay-
-Wade stays in the corridor-

Wade: Why did I need to go to the Tylgath system?
Soldier 3: Will you hurry up?
Wade: Sorry.

-Wade follows Soldier 3 to the bridge-

Well that is part one of FFXV. Expect part two soon.:D

02-24-2004, 08:14 PM
Good start - though, in my opinion, it would work better without the Final Fantasy title.

Don't give Square Enix credit for something you created. :)

Lightning Mage
02-24-2004, 08:27 PM
I'm just using them because i'm not to good at naming games. Plus it just kinda works out that way because i will probably use some Final Fantasy stuff like Chocobos or Moogles or Cid. Stuff like that. If any of you can think up a name, tell me.

That'd be great.:D

02-25-2004, 01:57 PM
A name hu.... heres a couple
first one with a ff title= FINAL FANTASY XV-RANDOM ENCOUNTER.
or maybe DREAM GAZER.

oh and ill try and write my parts if you look on genral ff youll see some of my stuff which lightning mage has.

and great start.

Lightning Mage
02-25-2004, 08:30 PM
This is part 2-A. I think I'll call it Zalrok: The Tale of Wade Gormite.
You'll find out the name Zalrok will have a very important place in this story. Well here I go.

-Wade follows Soldier 3 onto the bridge-

Soldier 3: I found Nutso here in the cargo bay.
Soldier 1: HA! Next time Wade, go have crazy visions in your own room.
Wade: Shut up. So what is this all about?
Soldier 3: Well, we found the abandoned starship we were searching for. Now we're going to check it out. After that we can return to Arkeida.
Soldier 2: We'll need space suits though because there are a couple holes in the ship.
Soldier 4: Well that's it for the mission briefing.
Wade: Then let's go.
Soldier 2: No, you shouldn't go. You might get lost in your visions.
All Soldiers: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

-Wade stomps towards Soldier 2 and grabs his neck-

Wade: Shut your mouth! It was just a goddamn dream!
Soldier 1: Wade, step down, NOW!

-Wade lets go of him with an expression of pure anger on his face-

Soldier 1: Get ready for departure. Everyone head for the shuttle.
All: Sir! Yes, Sir!

-All of the soldiers head for the shuttle-

-The shuttle launches and departs for the abandoned ship-

Soldier 2: Ok, we'll be landing on the ship shortly. The ship is still somewhat functional so the artificial gravity is still operational.
Soldier 1: Equipment check. Space suit?
All: Check.
Soldier 1: Weapon?
All: Check
Soldier 1: Light source?
All: Check.
Soldier 1: Prepare for landing.

-The shuttle lands on the engine room of the ship-

-They exit the shuttle and Soldier 5 spots somthing-

Soldier 5: What's that?

- He points to a large creature with 6 legs and a pair of wings-

Soldier 3: I think it's a Deggth Moth.

-The Moth screeches and more moths appear and attack the soldiers-

-Machine guns fire everywhere as one moth flies toward Soldier 6-

Wade: Watch it! -Fires his Machine gun and kills the moth-
Soldier 6: Thanks dude.
Wade: Sure. -Slashes at Moths with his wrist blade-

-As the firing dies down Soldier 3 finishes of the last one-

Soldier 3: Well that looks like all of them. For now.
Soldier 1: Lets all split up and search for anything salvageable.

-They split up into groups of three-

-Wade goes with Soldiers 2 and 5-

Soldier 2: Well, where to?
Wade: Let's go to the bridge.
Soldier 5: Fine. Let's move.

-They exit the engine room and go into the hall-

Wade: Lets check some of these rooms.
-They open the room and some Deggth Moths leap out-

-They fire and slash at them and Soldier 3 gets injured-

Soldier 2: AAAHH! It got my arm!
Wade: Here's a Med Kit.

-Wade tosses a kit to Soldier 3-

Soldier 2: Thanks a lot!

-They clear the moths from the rooms and hall-

Soldier 5: Well. That was fun.
Wade: Sure it was.
Soldier 2: Well the bridge is just ahead.

-They open the door and are all shocked by what they see-

- A giant rocky nest sits where the control panels would be-

Wade: Holy shit!
Soldier 2: Quiet! I hear somthing.

-There is a clawing sound near the nest and suddenly a Queen Deggth Moth bursts through the side of the bridge nearest the nest-

Wade: Crap. Looks like we'll have to take care of it guys.
Soldier 5: Oh, boy.

-The Queen Moth Dives toward the three soldiers, fangs ready to pierce-

HA HA! Left you with a cliffhanger. I'll get part 2-B to you tommorow.:D :D :D :D

02-25-2004, 08:54 PM
Hmm...not as good as the first part, i'm afraid to say. While the first part focused on the character of Wade, and his mysterious dream, it was also building tension. By introducing an enemy straight away, you destroy all of that tension - which means you can't find anything 'scary' on the ship without rebuilding tension again.

If you want a fight, think Silent Hill rather than epic battle.

Lightning Mage
02-26-2004, 12:29 AM
I see your point.
I was just thinking the story shouldn't have just one nonstop storyline. I just wanted to have some other stuff now and then. Plus this still has a bit to do with Wades story. I'll get back to Wades story in part 2-B, then part of this one will fit in. Trust me.:cool:

P.S. I never played Silent Hill.

Lightning Mage
02-27-2004, 08:46 PM
Well hello again. Sorry for double postin', but I just had to get this out. This is part 2-B. Enjoy.

-As the Queen Moth flies toward the three soldiers, Wade readies his wrist blade-

Wade: Let's exterminate this pest.
Soldier 2: Wade, you take it head on and we'll take the sides.
Wade: Got it!

-Wade jumps up just as the moth's fangs hit the ground where his feet just were. He brings his blade steadily down and splits the moths back open. The moth screams a bloodcurtiling scream as Soldiers 2 and 5 open fire on its wings, trying to disable it-

Wade: Ugh. Deggth Moth guts. -Wips off guts from his blade-
Soldier 5: Don't worry about your blade, just as long as it can still be effective.
Soldier 2: Just keep attack-

-The moth smacks its tail into Soldier 2. He slams against the east wall, unconcious-

Wade: Well, it's just us.
Soldier 5: Yup. But we can handle it.

-They both split up and Soldier 5 pulls out an old battle knife to cut off its left wing. Wade slashes horrizontily at its right wing, cleanly decapitating it-

Wade: I removed its right wing!
Soldier 5: Good, now attack its head. I have to deal with its other wing.

-Wade runs around to the shrieking head and uses his machine gun to damage its eyes. The beast tries to head-but Wade and he falls under the moth and narrowly avoids the attack-

Soldier 5: Wade?! You ok?
Wade: Yeah. Just keep firing on it.

-As Soldier 5 does so the moth releases a noxious cloud of spores. Soldier 5 coughs as Wade impales the moth with his blade. The moth lets out a low screech as it falls to the floor-

Wade: (releived) Holy crap.
Soldier 5: Damn (cough) that was freaky. (hack)
Wade: Well get him and lets head back for the shuttle. There's nothing here.

-They make it back and the soldiers board the shuttle. Wade lays Soldier 2 down on the ramp as he hears a familiar scream. Suddenly the Queen Moth bursts through the wall-

Wade: SHIT! -grabs Soldier 2, boards the ship and closes the ramp. The ship lifts off and the Queen follows-

Soldier 5: I thought we killed that thing!
Wade: It must have more than one heart, or... or it can regenerate itself like a plant.
Soldier 1: Well whatever. Just blast the damn thing!

-Soldier 3 activates the blaster cannons and shoots the moth. After many shots the moth finnaly returns to the ship where it came-

Wade: Blast the ship!

-The abandoned ship soon explodes in a ball of flame-

-The shuttle returns to the ship. The soldiers head for their quarters and then go into the mess hall. Wade enters and heads to join some soldiers.

Soldier 2: So anyway. I thought we would die for sure because Wade was on our team.
All exept Wade: HA HA HA HA HAAAA!
Wade: What's your problem?!
Soldier 2: What do you care? You may not remember it tommorow.
All exept Wade: HA HA HA HA!

-Wade walks over and picks up Soldier 2 and throws him against a wall. Wade startes to punch his face. Many soldiers try to pull him off. Eventually they pull him off. Soldier 2 heads for the infirmory-

Soldier 1: Wade Gormite! What the hell did you think you were doing?!
Wade: ............

- Wade storms out and locks himself in his room-

Wade: That's it! I'm going to teach them not to mess with me.

-Wade nods off for a couple of hours. He then wakes up with a grin. He opens the door and walks quietly towards the cargo bay-

- After Wade returns from the cargo bay he falls asleep, with the same grin on his face-

-Alarm sounds-

Soldier 1: Radio for help!
Soldier 2: There are no ships in the area!
Soldier 1: WHAT?! Well, we'll just take care of this problem ourselves.

-They leave the bridge and head down the flashing coridor-

-Soldier 1 opens Wades door and shoves his head in-

Soldier 1: Hurry! The computer has found three bodies in the cargo bay!

- Wade wakes up and puts a serious look on his face-

Wade: I'm coming!

There you go. I hope you liked it. Now everything starts to unfold. :cool:

03-02-2004, 08:03 AM
ya that was good but i think you went to over the top a little with the moth thing. hey come on i'm no expert but its just an opinion. but i have to say it was a hell bit of action. that was awsome.

03-03-2004, 06:32 PM
i'm loving these scripts, great work lads

03-03-2004, 08:04 PM
The only real critizism that i have is that you may need to work on your story's battles, but other then that i liked it.

Lightning Mage
03-03-2004, 11:22 PM
How do you mean?
Should I just leave 'em out?


03-03-2004, 11:34 PM
I don't exactly know, it just doesn't seem as real as it could be, like how Wade cut off the wing just like that. Anyways, the fighting is still pretty good. Not fully sure how you would change it much, it would be hard to imitate a FF battle in writing.

Lightning Mage
03-03-2004, 11:49 PM
Well, my writing strategy is in storyline. But if it gets to long I try to fit in some action to lure in other people.

As I said i'm best in a storyline. Don't expect in-depth action.

03-04-2004, 12:47 AM
That's good to hear, because in most cases, the action just takes away from the storyline. If you need to 'draw people in', they're not the audience you're aiming for anyway.

The three bodies in the cargo bay is a better cliff hanger than the boss battle about to ensue, as well ;)

03-04-2004, 01:56 AM
I haven't read the whole thing yet, but I do like what I've read so far... The main problem with the battles probably lies in the fact that in order to get do a good battle in writing, you pretty much have to stick to novelistic format. Screenplay format has always had descriptive limitations, than most screenwriters who have overcome them did so either by using illustrated story boards, or writing in depth paragraphs or sometimes even essays to describe objects and actions within instances. If it is something important to the story, the it is probably a very good idea to try out giving the most in depths description you can muster.

03-04-2004, 02:20 PM
don't go too much into battles, it's the story that really counts

Lightning Mage
03-04-2004, 02:27 PM
Well I probably won't have long battles. Just ones like when Wade grabbed and punched the soldier. Short ones. I'm just gonna concentrate on plot.

-They hurry and gather troops to the cargo bay-

Wade: There's nothing here exept the bodies.
Soldier 3: Just wait. Whatever did this has to be around here somewhere.
Soldier 1: How come the computer didn't detect any hostile creatures onboard?
Wade: No idea.

-Wade grins and sneaks behind Soldier 1. He then activates his machine gun and fires at him-

Soldier 2: What the hell did you-

-Wade fires at Soldier 2-

Wade: Ha ha ha! Now who's crazzy? Oh, by the way, the com didn't detect any hostile creatures onboard because i'm not recorded as hostile.

-Wade crouches down behind a barrel as the rest of the soldiers scramble in-

Soldier 5: What the?
Soldier 7: They're dead!

-Wade jumps out from behind the barrel and aim his weapon at Soldier 3-

Wade: Yes they are. Won't you say Hi to them for me?

-Wade maniacly fires at all of the soldiers. They all fall at his knees. Wade sits down in the blood stained room. Suddenly he hears a faint voice-

Voice: You know what to do, Wade.
Wade: ugh.

-Wade gets up in a haze-

Wade: Holy shit! What happened-
Voice: What are you going to do, Wade?
Wade: uh-

-Wade walks towards the bridge of the ship-

-Door opens-

Wade: Computer, begin reprograming sequence.
COM: Afirmitive.
Wade: We are no longer patroling the Zaseg galaxy. I'm the only creature on this ship. You will obey only me.
COM: Enter voice command.
Wade: Wade Gormite.
COM: Reprogramed data saved.
Wade: Good. Set a course for the Tylgath system.
COM: New course plotted. Estimated time of arival, 35 hours.
Wade: Perfect.

-Wade sits down in a chair and falls asleep-

Voice: Wade you have done me well. And you WILL continue to do so, won't you?
Wade: Yes, sir.

-Wade is floating in space. Suddenly he realizes what's going on-

Wade: Huh? What the? Who the hell are you?
Voice: I am Zalrok and I'm tired of these constant interuptions.

-Zalrok appears as a cloud of smoke. Then he jumps into Wades head-

Zalrok: Now do as I command, Wade.
Wade: UH- ..... Yes, sir.

-Wade wakes up and sees that there are only a couple more minutes untill he lands on Tylgath-

Wade: Well here we are.

-Wade walks down the ramp and look for a worker. Wade sees one and walks towards him-

Wade: Excuse me?
Worker: Yes?
Wade: Yeah um, that ship right there? I'm going to leave it here. You can scrap it if you want, I won't need it. Oh, and you won't tell anyone what you find onboard, right?

-Wade secretly hands the worker 2000 credits-

Worker: Certainly!
Wade: And when you see me anywhere else, call me Mr. Smith.
Worker: Of course, Mr. Smith.

-Wade heads out of the dock and into the streets-

Wade: Well, now where do I go? There's a cantina.

-Wade opens the door to the cantina and strides in-

Some of you might be figuring somthing out. You'll just have to wait and see if you're right.

03-04-2004, 10:49 PM
Whoa, whoa, whoa - too many plot developments, too fast! It was obvious Wade was being manipulated by some outside force, but you needed to keep the 'is he, isn't he' going on for longer.

That, and you need to establish the 'good' Wade from the 'bad' Wade better in your script - it makes it difficult to read otherwise.

Lightning Mage
03-04-2004, 11:45 PM
I'm great at making begginings. But the middles tend to seem rushed. Especial when i'm typing. I'm like, sub-consiously lazy. I try not to be but it just comes out, so I sometimes don't put as much time into the story as I want to. I'm trying to develop more.