12-28-2012, 07:25 AM

I pick those teo cause it'd be interesting to see how they got to wherever they were in the first part of Season 1. Yeah, it's been told through flashbacks. But just sayin.....

Non prequel:
Fresh Prince
Saved By The Bell
Boy Meets World

Would be interesting to see a reunion movie on these shows. Wouldn't be as successful as the shows themselves, but I'd still pay to see them. Of all of them, I'd say Saved By The Bell is least likely since the cast has moved on. I know the cast from the others shows have probably moved on too. But they would probably be easier to persuade to return the the SBTB cast (especially Dustin)

Another Batman TAS movie - Mask Of The Phantasm was the only one in theaters. The rest were on direct to video. It'd be awesome to another in theaters. Not anytime soon though since Nolan's trilogy just finished. I'd want the animated movie to have all the main characters besides Batman (Robin, Batgirl and later in the movie, Nightwing, Alfred, Gordon) have their time in the movie. Villain(s) would be Croc (on his own as a sub-villain), Penguin and Two-Face would have an alliance with each other as the two main ones. Robin would split from Batman and become Nightwing. Thus Robin is no more unless they get someone of appropriate age (rather than a little kid) to don the suit.