12-25-2012, 03:47 AM
Best (in no particular order):
The Dark Knight Rises (the 3rd theatrical trailer - shown during Avengers) - music really got my attention here. But it was how the trailer was edited in that which dialogue from the movie they chose to have in the trailer also is what made it really good.
The Crow (official and theatrical trailers): Same reason(s) as Rises.
Dark City (theatrical trailer) - One of THE BEST trailers EVER! Not just because of the music. But it's unique in the sense that this sold me on the movie just by the scenes and text alone. No dialogue from the movie made it into the trailer.

None come to mind at the moment. I'll add if I think of any.

12-25-2012, 04:05 AM
Best one for me off the top of my head would be The Evil Dead and Repo! The Genetic Opera.