02-23-2004, 12:55 AM
...I still want to know what other ppl think. So I would like ppl to post what they think is the most emotional moment in the final fantasy series. It can be happiest saddest most exciting, whatever.

Lightning Mage
02-24-2004, 08:38 PM
***** POSSIBLE SPOILERS!!!!******

Actually, unlike most people, mine is not Aeris' death.
FF7: Maybe when the Midgar HQ was blown up. I hated to see Rufus die. He rocked the jazz ass.
FF8: Beginning sequence. C'mon, it's so cool!
FF9: When Black Waltz #3 kills all the black mages. Vivi looked so heartbroken.:(

Yup, those are my thoughts.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
02-24-2004, 11:20 PM

Nothing really to do with storyline. But in FF7 when I beat Sephiroth in only two turns (one for each of his forms), I was so pissed at the lack of challenge that I threw the controller down and almost stormed out before watching the ending sequence.

Oh, and when the monsters dripped off of the moon in FF8, that pissed me off, too. As it made no sense whatsoever. That and the time compression thing. But maybe that's because they didn't spend enough time explaining exactly how it would work, other than saying "Yah, it won't be good if that happens. Like we'll all die."

As for funniest, it's got to be when Zidane and Garnet were getting on that airship in FF9 and Zidane grabbed her ass while she was climbing the ladder and exlaimed "Oh, soft!".

02-24-2004, 11:46 PM
FF7: Cloud's disappearance... my strongest character and he went missing...

FF8: Squall opens up his feelings

FF9: Zidane tossing his cloak up, shouting : Bring my dagger back to me!!! (Ending sequence)

02-25-2004, 02:35 PM
The most emotional moment for me was in FFVI when Cyan says his final goodbys to his wife and kid on the ghost train.

The thing that caused me the most anger in a FF is at the end of FFIV when Palom and Porom come back to life

When your just floating in space in FFVII is a pretty good moment as well.

02-25-2004, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Durendal

When your just floating in space in FFVII is a pretty good moment as well. [/B]

I think u meant FFVIII...

02-26-2004, 07:58 PM
No I meant FFVII, when your in rocketown the spaceship blasts off with you in it right? Or am I just imagining scenes, I hope not then everyone will have been right about me all along...

crazy joe
02-27-2004, 04:33 PM
no you're right, after the spaceship explodes you're in the little escape shuttle watchin it go Boom! :eek:

My fav moment has gotta be the whole assasination bit in FFVIII, when it keeps switchin between the character's dilemmas. Ace stuff!

02-27-2004, 07:10 PM
Just to name a few....

The death of General Leo in FFVI

The scaceship scene with Squall and Rinoa in FFVIII

The black mage massacre in FFIX

When Tidus disapears in FFX

02-29-2004, 05:04 AM
Originally posted by Durendal
No I meant FFVII, when your in rocketown the spaceship blasts off with you in it right? Or am I just imagining scenes, I hope not then everyone will have been right about me all along...

oh yeah it slipped my mind..

Top Cat
03-01-2004, 05:48 PM
Favourite emotional moment in FF (SPOILER)-

The bit where the FFVIII party realise they all went to the same orphanage. It's meant to be so emotional, but it's REALLY FUNNY!

03-11-2004, 12:22 PM
The only bit thats really hit me emotionally is the end of ff10 when Tidus holds Yuna then walks through her. I think that actually hearing the dialogue really helps convey the emotion. Thank you please.