12-22-2012, 02:46 AM
I have a few here:
Breaking Bad - one more season left. This show's been critically acclaimed so don't understand why they won't extend it further beyond it's 5th season which is currently it's last.
Dexter - Same deal as Breaking Bad. It's great it lasted 8 seasons. But I feel they could possibly expand on some characters by giving them their own show. But spin offs usually don't go over well so...
666 Park Ave - Read that Hurricane Sandy damaged the sets. I believe it's ending (cancelled) for that reason because I have been really enjoying this show as have my many friends. We're all hoping this show will return at some point.

12-22-2012, 08:00 AM
It was cancelled a few months ago but 1000 Ways To Die. I really loved that show. It was entertaining in a morbid kind of way? The thing I always noticed about alot of deaths on there was they died from either karma or because they were just plain dumb. There wasn't enough sick minded people that enjoyed it I guess.

12-22-2012, 08:41 PM
It was cancelled a few months ago but 1000 Ways To Die. I really loved that show. It was entertaining in a morbid kind of way? The thing I always noticed about alot of deaths on there was they died from either karma or because they were just plain dumb. There wasn't enough sick minded people that enjoyed it I guess.

LOL. Yeah I can vouch for that haha. Never could get into it. And no, I'm not sick minded and that's why I couldn't get into it lol

twiztid lestat
02-16-2013, 08:50 AM
Spartacus: I am a HUGE fan of historical pieces like this (exaggerated or not, I love it, Rome, 300, The clash series, Immortals, Troy, Gladiator etc) This is the final season with RUMORS of a Ceasar spin off, but that isn't set in stone yet.

02-16-2013, 01:41 PM
Buffy and Angel come to mind.

Batman TAS - they really should have kept the original for at least one more season before revamping it. I didn't hate the revamp. I just liked the original better.