12-14-2012, 11:46 PM
WWF - Attitude Era

Because it had a roster that will never be matched again in WWE or anywhere, great story lines/angles, great matches, did a lot to stay in business while going head to head directly with WCW. It really had everything anyone living in the society at that particular time wanted to see on TV. And I do mean everything and more. It also had two rebels (Stone Cold and in his own way, Undertaker) who you could live vicariously through when they defied authority. I mean, who didn't wanna do to their bosses what they did to Vince and his company?

WWE - Now

Because, PG rating aside, can't deny that WWE's really stepped up in the last couple of years or so. Nexus and now, The Shield's invasions, Ryback, Punk's rise to the top and now being the hottest thing (besides Ryback) in WWE right now (yes, even though he's a heel), Cena not always being in the main event, younger guys are getting a chance at the spotlight, Kane being back with the mask and I find his current stuff with Daniel Bryan pretty entertaining, a heel Big Show which is the best thing to happen to his career, JBL's return to commentary, and more emphasis on tag teams on just some of the reasons why.

12-15-2012, 11:39 AM
WWE - Now

Because, PG rating aside, can't deny that WWE's really stepped up in the last couple of years or so. Nexus and now, The Shield's invasions, Ryback, Punk's rise to the top and now being the hottest thing (besides Ryback) in WWE right now (yes, even though he's a heel), Cena not always being in the main event, younger guys are getting a chance at the spotlight, Kane being back with the mask and I find his current stuff with Daniel Bryan pretty entertaining, a heel Big Show which is the best thing to happen to his career, JBL's return to commentary, and more emphasis on tag teams on just some of the reasons why.

Honestly I am not a fan of WWE right now. It feels watered-down to me. I don't have cable so I can't watch it week to week. I think if that were an option I would like it better. I usually buy a dvd here and there if a match or two catches my eye.

Not a fan of the cliche Ryback and to me Kane was much more devastating without his mask. Punk is a favorite since he's one of the few that can deliver a great technical match. Also enjoy Sheamus but if I had to pick my favorite for right now it would be Jericho.

Bradshaw is back on commentary? Blech! He was the worst imo. Well not as bad as Ernest the Cat Miller.

12-16-2012, 12:17 AM
Honestly I am not a fan of WWE right now. It feels watered-down to me. I don't have cable so I can't watch it week to week. I think if that were an option I would like it better. I usually buy a dvd here and there if a match or two catches my eye.

Not a fan of the cliche Ryback and to me Kane was much more devastating without his mask. Punk is a favorite since he's one of the few that can deliver a great technical match. Also enjoy Sheamus but if I had to pick my favorite for right now it would be Jericho.

Bradshaw is back on commentary? Blech! He was the worst imo. Well not as bad as Ernest the Cat Miller.

Well I did ask for a WWF era too cause I knew some would say WWE sucks or watered down or something like that. I don't know if I agree with that. I felt it was watered down during the 2002-2005 period. Sure, some things during this time were great - HHH's return to RAW at MSG, Taker winning his 4th World Title, Taker vs Jeff Hardy in a Ladder match, Eddie Guererro's World Title run, the Rey/Eddie and Taker/Orton rivalries. But aside from that, they weren't the best years in WWE. IMO, things are better now as WWE's focusing on their future by pushing young talent unlike TNA which are for the most part, relying on talent that is already established. But I still respect your opinion on this.

You're the only one I have seen who's said Kane was more devastating without his mask. His most dominant times were in the 1997-2001 period where he did have his mask. Mask or no mask, his dominance ended in 2002 when he became a bit of a comedic character by humanizing himself a great deal by imitating others and such. Still, I do find him entertaining right now even if he isn't dominating. He doesn't need to be dominant now as he's nearly at the end of his career and has nothing to prove anymore, I'd like him to win a RR match though as he's been overdue for a win since his 2001 dominance in the match.

JBL....the worst? I prefer him over Josh Matthews & Booker T. But to be fair, they're still new at this. Still, I love JBL's commentary. He's better than Ernest Miller for sure. But he's also better than Jonathan Coachman's commentary.

As stated though, your opinions are respected.