12-09-2012, 05:12 PM
I did a search of the forums here, and didn't see any mention of this, so here you go!

Aubrey Hodges, composer of the PlayStation version of Doom's soundtrack from 1995 has officially released it for download HERE (http://aubreyhodges.bandcamp.com/album/doom-playstation-official-soundtrack).

A discussion about the release can be found at the Doomworld forums HERE (http://www.doomworld.com/vb/doom-general/62469-official-doom-playstation-soundtrack-release/).

According to the forum discussion, he'll eventually be releasing Doom 64, Final Doom, Quake 64, Quake 2 64, and Quake Arena for Dreamcast.

12-10-2012, 06:37 AM
Thanks. I just paid $9.90 AU and grabbed the FLAC version. I ripped it myself a long time ago but would love the Digital version so I will support him.

441MB :-)

Bit sluggish though.. Only getting ~ 50kb/s so will take some time

12-10-2012, 03:37 PM
One of the best video game soundtrack I ever heard, and been listening it since years. Just bought it :) Can't wait to listen it in lossless ^^

edit: downloading at 1.5MB/S here

12-11-2012, 12:43 AM
Yeah it started picking up. I just let it download at work while I went home :) Will try to songs when I get home. I was always a fan of the game and its music. Would of spent countless hours playing the game and getting all the secrets and secret levels etc :) Around the same time as Duke Nukem. Would play them both when I was growing up

12-11-2012, 03:03 PM
The Flacs Sound really clear and totally awesome :)

12-11-2012, 03:17 PM
I may pick this up soon, looking forward to the other Doom releases too.

12-11-2012, 03:23 PM
Yeah its very good. Just under 2 hours in total . It would be a shame for a link to be put up as I think every $10 helps the artist since it is impossible to find other than him he deserves every penny. Its only $9.90au what a bargain !! I am looking forward to the other releases also. I was totally surprised by the release. Another artist I wish did a similar thing would be Joe Lyford and his Gauntlet series music. I would pay a bit to have those songs in their original uncompressed format !! Would be an awesome xmas present. If only.. lol

12-11-2012, 03:59 PM
Bandcamp has really been great for vgm composers to get their music out there after so many years of having no official releases. It is a blessing for us all.

01-16-2013, 12:34 PM
The album got updated with 3 bonus tracks.

Also, Final doom and Doom 64 are released :)

01-16-2013, 01:11 PM
I asked him I f I can get the bonus 3 songs since the purchase I made did not contain them ;-) No harm trying

01-16-2013, 01:25 PM
Yeah had the same problem, download link expired... I wrote to bandcamp support. Still waiting the answer

01-17-2013, 10:47 AM
Bandcamp allowed me to download the album again, in order to get the added bonuses :)

01-17-2013, 01:55 PM
i love more the tracks from PC.

01-17-2013, 05:28 PM
Thanks for the heads up.

Purchased the PlayStation DOOM & FINAL DOOM Official Soundtracks. Never heard the tracks sounding this good, ever.

I'm actually quite surprised Aubrey Hodges decided to do this for such an old game.

Abnormal Freak
01-26-2013, 02:27 PM
I'm so happy Hodges did this—and that someone else already posted about it. ;) I've been listening to Elbryan42's excellent rips for ages, but those are only 128kbps so downloading ALACs will be mindblowing.

Spent $45 buying everything he has on Bandcamp right now, ha ha. The album of new music sounds promising based on the song "Shattered Tranquility". Really unnerving.

Can't WAIT for Quake 64 to be available.

Original poster mentioned Quake II N64, which is kinda weird, because Ken "Razor" Richmond did that score; I don't think Hodges was involved at all, but maybe I'm wrong—OR, maybe Hodges wasn't involved but wanted to get it released. I wonder if my pleading Hodges to do this had anything to do with all this? ;) Months back, I specifically asked in addition to his music if he could somehow contact somebody from Midway/Williams/Raster Productions if they could put the N64 Quake II score out. Really cool dark ambient music in the vein of Hodges' scores, except more "outer spacy." Hope that sees the light of day in lossless format.


Just read the thread OP linked:

Yes, I plan to release Quake64, Quake2 64 and Quake Arena for Dreamcast. The last 2 were released using my alter egos Ken "Razor" Richmond and "Razor" but they are still just me...it's a long story. hehe


All this time I've been living a lie!

10-06-2013, 11:20 AM
in my mind, aubrey hodges got possessed by a higher consciousness entity while making these albums, who defecated his mental agony through aubrey's mind, which turned into these soundtrack
in other words: these soundtracks contain some of the best music ever created for a video game
to me, the first doom soundtrack and the first quake soundtrack stand out as truly exceptional even while listening to them stand alone
just playing the Absolution conversion of the Doom 64 for the first time (never had a N64), and..wow. the music, the atmosphere, the monsters
and, finally, yeah.. we should all support him for taking the time and effort to find these gems (he wrote that he had to look through hundreds of unmarked zip and jazz discs in order to find the soundtracks), and even create remixes. what can i say? he's a legend

just like Abnormal, i contacted him a few months before these releases (like a lot of other people, i'd imagine) and we've talked via mail a few times - he's really sound, and always replies at great length. few composers would bother to do even that, even less to make the releases happen
so, hats off to aubrey!