tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
12-07-2012, 09:23 AM
Here's what i suggest we do here.

Instead of posting names of people that ask you to trade, post your name here if you don't want to be contacted by those looking to trade. I'll change the thread name,
move it to the Film/TV music section and sticky it. But only if the thread sees a lot of action.

Open trading on the forum is not allowed, as it's a sharing community, but if people want to do it in private, then i see no problem, as long as those that don't want to be contacted are left alone.

I, Sparktank, do not want to be contacted for trading.
I support this message and I believe in Harvey Dent.

12-07-2012, 10:02 AM
An example:

I posted The Mummy Returns Complete by Alan Silvestri in FLAC some time ago and i was immediately approached by people who wanted to trade. Let me put it this way: Whatever "rare" stuff i have - when i decide to share it, i share it with everybody.

I HATE the expression "rare" when it comes to these things. The original CD with original covers would be rare, but a copy of something rare? That is only rare because of greedy traders decide so. If you can make a copy of it, it is NOT rare and never will be. ONLY the original is rare, the rest is just a bunch of "1" and "0" that traders cling on to in the vain hope that they have something rare. Grow up, grow a pair and venture into the land of REAL rareness with real physical discs and let the copies flow freely...

12-07-2012, 10:12 AM
And has it ocurred to you idiots that if trading didn't exist, you wouldn't have seen rare sessions leaking at al? Why are you determined to think that people only have old kids movies to trade? Do you HONESTLY think Thin Red Line, HP2, Iron Man etc. would not have leaked if trading didn't exist? And you are so naive... if you have something, share it. What would you do, share everything and risk legal issues or keep quiet? Is there anything wrong with passing things privately? NO, there isn't, it's just that some people hate it because it means they don't ave access to everything.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
12-07-2012, 10:19 AM
I've actually had lists shared with me where it was only kids movies and scores that are not so great.

The only good sessions and complete scores I've seen are what Scorepranos publicly shares.

And I really have nothing. I've told some people I have nothing but they insisted that I do have stuff that hasn't been found publicly.
The trading in this forum has never ended well.

There used to be countless threads of complete scores/sessions and someone would brag about having a complete score/session and trading would commence.
Most often it would end up with the person sharing and not getting anything in return from the original Trader.
In some cases, money has been involved.
You can go look through this forum about certain incidents, Mr Feb 2012.

This forum has a history and I think it's good that all future folk know about it.
I could go through and search for posts and threads (now closed) about the whole shenanigans.

Trading is good yes.
Trading at this forum is not good.

12-07-2012, 10:23 AM
Well, I never claimed trading ON the forum is good. I mean, public posts like 'I have this...' are of course very bad. I know about people who traded for money, one of them was an idiot who only offers fake sessions in return so serves him right, and the other actually got good stuff. Sometimes, as you rightly pointed out, trading is just one person sharing everything and not receiving things in return, but if you have two decent people, trading pays off. This is a sharing forum,ut not everything can be shared, and trading is a good solution for those of us who want things that can't be made public. Look at the sessions for National Treasure, they were removed! And yo umentioned scorepranos... allow me to say that his sharing is dangerous, if you know where I'm going...

12-07-2012, 10:31 AM
i remember receiving a pm about a trade about a certain rare scores in exchange for a rare one he's looking for but i really wasn't a fan of doing such so i paid not much of attention to it and i even forgot who the guy was not that i cared anyway. i would rather post it freely rather than exchange it fr something else because within the confines of this forum the practice here is to offer what you would like to share and request for something directed to no particular person unless of course he's the one who posted it before. i'm not saying trading is a bad thing if there really is one whose willing to meet them at their bargain then by all means do so, but to do them openly on this forum is another matter altogether.

but with regards to what type of score one is enjoying, it's all up to ones preference and tastes. what could be magical to others maybe a crap to some either way it could go both ways.

12-07-2012, 10:40 AM
Well I only sent you a question, there is no need to be that rude...
Did I say that I had something? no. May be I was asking for someone else.
Denouncing people... Hum very good idea.. but dont get the moral high with me, when scorepranos shares something you are happy to get it whereas on the backstage there is certainly trading and lot of unethical things. It's like telling that sending a jew in a camp is bad but you are happy to eat in the hand of a gestapo officer.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
12-07-2012, 10:44 AM
It's like telling that sending a jew in a camp is bad but you are happy to eat in the hand of a gestapo officer.

...you just compared Scorepranos to a war criminal...

I don't think that's how it works when you use similes.

12-07-2012, 10:47 AM
Wouldn'ty ou call someone who SOLD sessions and then lekaed them for free a war criminal?

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
12-07-2012, 10:48 AM
Wouldn'ty ou call someone who SOLD sessions and then lekaed them for free a war criminal?

It depends. Did they kill anyone in the process?

12-07-2012, 10:49 AM
No, but someone lost a lot of money. You either leak your stuff, or you either sell it, but not both of them.

12-07-2012, 10:55 AM
No, but someone lost a lot of money. You either leak your stuff, or you either sell it, but not both of them.

Pardon me for asking, was it based on your own experience? or someone you knew?

12-07-2012, 10:56 AM
Someone I knew.

12-07-2012, 11:01 AM
I see well that would suck and unfortunate but the thing Is it's all up to whoever sold it then later on leaked them for free because he either felt that it's okay now to post it or its now a fair game and would sooner than later pop out anyhow.

12-07-2012, 11:04 AM
And has it ocurred to you idiots that if trading didn't exist, you wouldn't have seen rare sessions leaking at al? .

And has it occurred to YOU that you're supporting active, physical THEFT of soundtrack/session tapes?

And who's "al"? ;)

12-07-2012, 11:08 AM
Holy Christ, this discussion is so bloody pointless! If I trade, I don't steal music, I receive and deserve it in exchange for someone else. If things leak, and everyone downloads them, WHO IS THE THIEF THEN? Paying for a session or giving a session in return is no stealing if you ask me. Tell me, what exactly are you all trying to say? Shall I tell you what you're trying to say, all of you? That you don't like trading, because you're missing out on unleaked sessions. End of story. NO one forbids you to try and trade yourself, but actively asking people to betray traders...

12-07-2012, 11:17 AM
Going over the moralities and legalities of this issue is just a waste of time. If one plans to act clean and be called one, this certainly isn't the place to be. No justification would be enough to say that we are on clear ground here so why state the obvious?. If you want to trade go trade it somewhere else or in private end of story.

12-07-2012, 11:20 AM
Of coursse trading is private! But I repeat, what's the point of this thread? Sparktank starts it because he doesn't like PRIVATE MESSAGES asking to trade. What's wrong with that? You can't expect to upload stuff and then get no reaction... I'm just saying his thread is completely pointless, because there is just no general message except for 'stop pm'ing me' and 'trading is bad'. Well, fine, but I'm telling you that if trading didn't happen on the forum, 80% of the good leaks wouldn't have happened, or do you think people like scorepranos just get their sessions by clapping their hands?

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
12-07-2012, 11:31 AM
I did state in my second post trading is good.

Just not in this forum.
This forum has nothing bad reputation all around.
FLAC releases, trading, sessions.

I realize the conundrum of not trading.
But I have nothing to trade.
I don't when this trend started of asking around to trade stuff but it seems to have spiked very recently.
I brought it up in other threads where trading became a huge issue.

I've also had lists shared of stuff to trade that's already been publicly available. And certainly more than once on this forum.

12-07-2012, 11:33 AM
Okay, so just out of curiosity, when you say 'on the forum', do you mean trading publicly or also via PMs? And do you have recommendatoins for other trade places except ffshrine?

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
12-07-2012, 11:42 AM
Public or PM at this forum has never really ended well.
Or had anything to start off with.

I got no recommendations except whatever waters you traverse.

I would also largely recommend only PM'ing people who already post rare scores/sessions or have signatures that are open to such suggestions.

Like your sig. you have things to offer.

Sounds like the dude who thought I was a gold mine is definitely right for you.

Maybe you two would hit it off and I should ask amdins to rename this thread to "Traders Luv Cove: Find your trader today :love:"

I'm not attracted to traders.

Turn Offs: make offers but have impossible requests and easily let down. Upscaled material. Lossy sources. Looking for money and not love. Works for the EITC.
Turn ons: flac/5.1/24bit depth/48kHz. An open slut willing to love everyone. Uses Pirate lingo, yarr.

12-07-2012, 01:06 PM
We, here, believe if you truly want to share something, you publicly share it or just don't bring it up if you are asked not to share it.
It's not uncommon that you may come across something where your source has asked you to not share what you have been blessed with.

And quite recently, a lot of users have been PM'ing others about trading sessions for sessions.

Largely a waste of time.
Most of you have boring kids movies to share from garbage scores with inferior quality and bitrates.
Present Lordly-status sharers not withstanding.

I see nothing wrong with people trading privately among themselves. It sounds a bit like you're upset that you're not getting in on the action, because you might not have something not publicly available (i. e. "rare"). If you limit yourself just to stuff you find on the forum, you might be missing out on a bunch of cool blogs from rippers who actually may be the source for a lot of the soundtracks which make it to this board. Sure we have ffshrine rippers, and quite a few, but if you Google some of the links for the soundtracks posted on the front page, you'll find them posted previously in other blogs, in a lot of cases. That's how I found some caches of cool blogs to sample some good music from.

The fact you may not care much for animation films soundtracks, doesn't make them 'garbage music' (just listen to The Black Cauldron, or Nightmare before Christmas). It is really a very subjective thing to say, unless you're referring exclusively to the quality of the shares, and even then it just sounds like you're referring to very specific shares, instead of a general opinion on these Sessions trades happening.

Have you received a PM about trading?
Post their names here and their message.
Examples are to be made and names are to be monitored for any shady ongoings in the darkest recesses of Shrine.

I don't see how public shaming of people trying to be discrete is going to serve any purpose. I'd rather see FLAC for new releases be banned or something. It just brings bad attention to the forum from the labels, anyway. If someone gets a request for a trade and they don't have anything, well just scratch that person off. Whatever they're sharing will end up popping up somewhere anyway. Instead ask people who get stuff from trades to post it openly afterwards, that would be much more efficient in pissing off these people pretending to have the next best thing since sliced bread. They might throw a huff and 'claim never to post again' though...
I understand that if they've been given something 'rare' they have to respect their commitment and either they don't share it or just go ahead and post it openly, breaking any kind of condition for the music they've been given, but everyone's flexible. There's people we meet online who earn our respect and if they are discrete in turn, we can provide them with a copy of our prized possession in return for another good unreleased score... I understand that.

It's when people post everything indiscriminately in FLAC that it spoils it for everyone. Let's say Composer X gave you a CD to listen to and you ripped it to FLAC before returning it. Or you work in a studio and you got your hands on a DAT and made a copy. That is a risky situation for sure. Is it stealing? The original tape is still there, so it's not really stealing, but it is spoiling any future plans for that music. I understand some members around here are very iffy about Recording Sessions because they claim they are always stolen property. They're right. But a lot of these will get released anyway. Sometimes people complain about the quality of these things and don't stop to realize it's probably because the support it was ripped from (by someone who might not know the best way to rip something) was never supposed to be a master tape to begin with? And releasing it in FLAC is just spoiling all the work that might be planned into mixing it better and making a proper disc for release.

It's a complicated topic of discussion for sure. I don't usually go for Recording Sessions anyway, I find them to be too big and full of alternate takes of music that sometimes are completely unnecessary. In the rare cases I got Recording Sessions, there was already a released soundtrack.

Also, stop PMing me.
Wherever you get your information that you should talk to me is disinformation.
I have nothing that hasn't already been publicly shared.
Everything I have, I owe to the wonderful, innocent people of Shrine who publicly share their music.

Again, if you limit yourself to the Shrine, you are missing out on other sources. Google around, type in names of scores and sometimes the actual titles of the Shrine threads and you'll start to find a lot of places where good stuff also pops up unexpectedly.

12-07-2012, 01:30 PM
Fuck it. I've traded via PM. Before my name gets posted, I admit to it. Whatcha gonna do? People trade, fucking deal with it. It's called PRIVATE MESSAGING for a damn reason, everyone. I could sell drugs via PM if I wanted to. It's strictly between you and the other person you're private messaging

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
12-07-2012, 01:47 PM
Maybe the people in this thread should PM each other.
So far I see a lot of people willing to trade.

Better than going around randomly PM'ing people.
I get enough telemarketers in real life wanting to trade their services and surveys for my money, my time or my soul.

Not once did I indicate I have anything to trade so I don't why I got about 30 emails from people shooting in the dark.


12-07-2012, 01:48 PM
What's the opposite of Savvy? Cause I don't "Savvy". Savvy?

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
12-07-2012, 01:52 PM
:itsamystery: I actually don't know...

Maybe just a gif response?


12-08-2012, 09:50 AM
Just let the people who want to trade, trade!
because there's nothing wrong with that!

12-08-2012, 11:02 AM
Lol I don't know who any of you people are, apart from sparktank. There are other parts of the forum besides GD?

12-08-2012, 05:44 PM
LOL how do you think recording sessions are posted here? Because they are traded! If nobody would trade, there wouldn't be any rare recording sessions posted here.

12-08-2012, 05:49 PM
LOL how do you think recording sessions are posted here? Because they are traded! If nobody would trade, there wouldn't be any rare recording sessions posted here.

Right you are!!!

12-08-2012, 06:35 PM
Here's what i suggest we do here.

Instead of posting names of people that ask you to trade, post your name here if you don't want to be contacted by those looking to trade. I'll change the thread name,
move it to the Film/TV music section and sticky it. But only if the thread sees a lot of action.

Open trading on the forum is not allowed, as it's a sharing community, but if people want to do it in private, then i see no problem, as long as those that don't want to be contacted are left alone.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
12-09-2012, 01:14 AM
I, Sparktank, do not want to be contacted for trading.
I support this message and I believe in Harvey Dent.

12-09-2012, 03:26 AM
Harvy Dent is a tool. But, I Amanda will not trade. Mainly because I have nothing to trade. But still..

DO NOT PM ME. I do not have any shiny toys not already posted.

12-10-2012, 08:37 AM
sometime the week before, somebody sent me a pm asking for trade.
trade what? i only uploaded the hellsing nazi cd and thats it. sure, i have downloaded several osts, but i dont tend to keep them complete, i delete the tracks im not interested in.
one time, i had to download the entire MGS4 expanded ost (1 link, close to a gig in size) just to obtain ONE theme.

so i too do not wish to be disturbed with trade, as i have NOTHING to trade.

12-10-2012, 04:05 PM
Traders aren't traitors. They're occasionally irritating. But if you get asked and you're not into it, or you have nothing to trade, all you have to do is say "I don't want to, thanks." and move on.

12-10-2012, 10:34 PM
I, JHFan, do not want to be contacted for trading because I DO NOT HAVE anything to trade.

I did believe in Harvey Dent but that didn't turn out so well as we all know. I'm definitely a believer in The Batman, even if you're not.

12-11-2012, 03:39 PM
No need to contact me, Harvey Dent, because IF i have anything worth trading, i will share it with everyone when the time comes.


P.S. I'm not really Harvey Dent, seriously... but i was telling the truth about the trading ;)

12-12-2012, 07:18 PM
Okay folks, regardless of the argument I got into on this thread a few days ago, I'd like to warn all of you here. First, if anyone wants to trade anything (sessions or complete scores only), I'm open to speak with everyone! But most important of all, please, PLEASE DO NOT START MAKING TRADES WITH GARAGE! The only real sessions he has, he got from unknowing people who were promised sessions in return. Other than that, he spends his time faking sessions which he then claims to be legit, or inventing 'contacts' who give him these sessions. So, just watch out for him, he's a very dubious individual - a trading traitor - who sould be banned from the entire forum.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
12-12-2012, 10:26 PM
Shenanigans are afoot.

07-29-2013, 06:28 AM
?? I am not sure of the point, or to which post this references. It is always startling to see the dead thread walking. And this topic gets so heated and personal. Resurrecting it will surely just bring the badness out to play.....

Leon Scott Kennedy
07-29-2013, 07:11 AM
?? I am not sure of the point, or to which post this references. It is always startling to see the dead thread walking. And this topic gets so heated and personal. Resurrecting it will surely just bring the badness out to play.....
Lulz. Dead thread and all, I know, but the "thing" above your post is just a spamming bot, of the kind which copies other users' message as some sort of "camouflage"... Here's there original post, left on December, 7th, 2012:

No, but someone lost a lot of money. You either leak your stuff, or you either sell it, but not both of them.

07-29-2013, 07:12 AM
It applies only when the traders previously promised not to share it in public from his source, but do so without noticed or approval from the latter. Traitors? well, never heard of it here. I'll ask first Capt. Hook or Capt. Jack and submit it to the merry bands of misfits called pirates.Ship's ahoy!

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
07-29-2013, 09:51 AM
It is always startling to see the dead thread walking

:this: Head shot. The only way to kill a Walker.

---------- Post added at 01:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 AM ----------

just a spamming bot
