12-03-2012, 10:52 PM
Thx in advance!

12-03-2012, 11:26 PM
All it does is take music from other games and doesn't bother to change it iirc.

12-04-2012, 07:31 AM
All it does is take music from other games and doesn't bother to change it iirc.

Ummm what? Have you listened to the previews? Also it's an ARRANGEMENT album what do you expect it to do completely change the song? It keeps the melody there as an arrangement SHOULD and add's it's own flair to it. Which you can evidently hear in the 3 tracks they've shown

12-04-2012, 10:07 AM
Ummm what? Have you listened to the previews? Also it's an ARRANGEMENT album what do you expect it to do completely change the song? It keeps the melody there as an arrangement SHOULD and add's it's own flair to it. Which you can evidently hear in the 3 tracks they've shown
I think someone is mistaken about something.
But that's okay. Not everybody has to do their homework before posting.

This is what the guy is requesting music from:
Rockman Xover First Gameplay - YouTube (

I believe you somehow (I have no idea how) mistook it for Rockman Holic or whatever.
