12-03-2012, 07:33 AM
Blood Wings Sinfonia proudly presents to you our newest musical accomplishment: a massive 77 minute, 6 movement symphony entitled The Incident at Goose Creek that takes the tone established in Symphony No. 1: Blood Wings and amps it up to the max level. This symphony was created using just my keen musical recall and several grand ideas I just threw in a blender and like Blood Wings, several ideas just stuck right from the onset. This symphony has a much more serious and hard-hitting tone than Blood Wings and is guaranteed to have you rooted to your seat cheering on or booing the protagonists your mind draws up from it�s exciting opening to its less than optimistic finale.

Synopsis: December 21, 2012 is very much a real Armageddon of a day for the inhabitants of Goose Creek, Kentucky. On a seemingly ordinary day, hell breaks loose. The inhabitants must endure alien invasions, psycho killers, bath salt-infused zombies, the spawn of hell and many more all while trying to circumvent the birth of the prophecied Antichrist. Can they do it? Listen for yourselves in this dark musical fable that is sure to stick with you long after its finish.

All of this is brought to fruition by inspiring music from horror/sci-fi/suspense greats John Williams, Christopher Young, Bennett Salvay, John Ottman and many many more. This is a high-octane ride so don't hop in if you can't handle the ride because we will push you out of this car going 80 miles an hour, stop, and back over you again and again and again and just when you think it's over, SHAKA BRAH, we'll hit you again. Heed my warning as it may be your only path to survival.

As an FYI, this does make for an excellent and unforgettable experience when driving on the expressway/interstate and sounds even better when played on a 5.1 home theatre with the latest pro-logic capabilities. It adds new meaning to blowing your mind.

6 tracks, TRT: 1:16:25


https://mega.co.nz/#!ctlyUD4Q!YwVbUSB4VVa799LA3kUGTFWgnb4OaYzz9ChkBqs _Pvw
https://mega.co.nz/#!48dBUYqC!YnG8QwxKXylMryv6g1lg0k67UChibwcxbqq_T5P K15k




12-03-2012, 01:25 PM
looks interesting. do you have any album art?

12-03-2012, 04:56 PM
Thanks, but, any more info in what is this?


12-03-2012, 07:12 PM
Synopsis: December 21, 2012 is very much a real Armageddon of a day for the inhabitants of Goose Creek, Kentucky. On a seemingly ordinary day, hell breaks loose. The inhabitants must endure alien invasions, psycho killers, bath salt-infused zombies, the spawn of hell and many more all while trying to circumvent the birth of the prophecied Antichrist. Can they do it? Listen for yourselves in this dark musical fable that is sure to stick with you long after its finish.

All of this is brought to fruition by inspiring music from horror/sci-fi/suspense greats John Williams, Christopher Young, Bennett Salvay, John Ottman and many many more. This is a high-octane ride so don't hop in if you can't handle the ride because we will push you out of this car going 80 miles an hour, stop, and back over you again and again and again and just when you think it's over, SHAKA BRAH, we'll hit you again. Heed my warning as it may be your only path to survival.

12-03-2012, 11:56 PM
For those who want to volunteer to create a cover, here are the first images to set you off on the right path: http://instagram.com/p/O-hRtVA4nE/, http://instagram.com/p/QsVPZyA4sv/, http://instagram.com/p/O-hdvpA4nN/, http://instagram.com/p/R2E8X6A4sx/, http://instagram.com/p/RlTWTMg4iV/, http://instagram.com/p/O-hRTYA4nD/. Have fun and I look forward to what you create. Also, you don't have to use my supplied photos if you choose not to. Just use your imagination is all I ask.

12-05-2012, 07:29 AM
New 24-bit FLAC version coming soon with vastly improved sound. Keep an eye out. In the process of packing and uploading now. Should be up sometime tomorrow.

12-05-2012, 08:53 AM
thank you for this one

12-05-2012, 09:45 AM
320 MP3 version available, link added to original post. MP3 version is downmixed from the 24-bit FLAC remaster that I will be posting soon.

12-05-2012, 09:35 PM
24-bit FLAC version now up. Enjoy to the fullest potential! This project was compiled using lossy MP3, FLAC, and WAV files, all originally sourced in 16bit, that were up-converted to 32-bit during editing and downmixed to 24-bit FLAC for the final product so some of this product is legit lossless from original audio CD's from my collection but the entire presentation sounds equally consistent and odds are you will never be able to tell the lossless from the lossy files in this mix anyway so good luck trying and just try to enjoy it. I strive for the absolute best sound quality and I don't think we will hear too many complaints here.

12-06-2012, 01:45 AM
thank you for this one

You're welcome! :)

12-11-2012, 08:42 PM
Here is chapter 1 of the novel if you'd like to follow along: The Incident at Goose Creek *Work in Progress* -- Chapter: 0 (http://www.goodreads.com/story/show/322051-the-incident-at-goose-creek-work-in-progress?chapter=0).

It will updated whenever I have the time.

12-20-2012, 11:08 PM
I went in to re-master and re-mix this utilizing some new mastering techniques I found and the sound quality is DRAMATICALLY (can't stress that enough) improved. I extended some movements, deleted some extraneous cues and tweaked some transitions to where they don't sound so jump-cutty as they sounded to me before.

To improve on the sound quality, I did not use the Normalize tool this time, I manually went in and adjusted individual sections using just the adjust volume option to make each movement sound more consistently even and sharp. In my opinion, that method works much better as the bass is much tighter, the percussion has more oomph and bite, and there's more clarity than there was before.

I assure you now that the version you will soon be hearing is the FINAL and ABSOLUTE BEST mix that I can offer and I appreciate those who support this project. Enjoy it now as I will no longer be making additions/edits to this album in order to spend more time doing other things.

The MP3 version is currently being uploaded and a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW 48k/24bit FLAC version will follow it later.

Remember, tomorrow is the end of the world and what better way to spend it than listening to my rendition of the multiple conspiracy theories in a musical sense that will be sure to blow you away faster than a nuclear bomb on December 21, 2012 ever will?

12-20-2012, 11:17 PM
Photo by codemaster88 • Instagram (http://instagram.com/p/O-hRTYA4nD/)

I don't know why, but this reminds me of Sinister

12-20-2012, 11:55 PM
New MP3 link posted in original post. Brand new FLAC version coming later.

12-21-2012, 12:16 AM
Wow! This is very, VERY impressive! Amazing sound design that blew me away right from the opening bars.
It's interesting hearing how you mixed different score elements from various sources to create this beast! Very clever.
Talk about atmospheric music on steroids!!! Perfect for the last day on Earth!
I thought Blood Wings Symphony was great. This one even more so!
Thank you for sharing this codyap09!

12-21-2012, 05:01 AM
Wow! This is very, VERY impressive! Amazing sound design that blew me away right from the opening bars.
It's interesting hearing how you mixed different score elements from various sources to create this beast! Very clever.
Talk about atmospheric music on steroids!!! Perfect for the last day on Earth!
I thought Blood Wings Symphony was great. This one even more so!
Thank you for sharing this codyap09!

Seriously and take my word on this: replay this from a system that has excellent bass reproduction if you have not yet. The bass is meant to play as much of a part as the music itself. You're supposed to feel like you're a character in the film and you most definitely will feel every punch, stab, explosion, etc. Finding that balance between supporting bass rather than overpowering was the toughest part of this project and in the end, it amplifies the terror in my opinion and I was quite pleased.

12-21-2012, 06:36 AM
Brand spankin' new FLAC files added to the original post.

12-21-2012, 10:51 AM
Blood Wings Sinfonia is currently looking for aspiring composers to provide additional score to what will end up being one of the biggest movies of all time. The film is still years off in the future but what I am trying to do now is capture the essence of 2012 as far as music goes. The film will run about 3 hours and while I will try to license the cues I used for this symphony and with a projected total score time of 2 hours 46 minutes, that levels out to roughly 75 minutes of new material needed. The 77 minute symphony can be broken up into different ways to fill time but what I'm looking for is 90 minutes of additional score (15 minutes more than I need but I like to play it safe since my mind likes to expand as I create so you can never be too careful) to accompany this massive project.

The only restrictions being that both symphonies must be listened to and the nature of the content included must also be taken into account. Given the wild variation in moods and genres in the Goose Creek symphony, it's still missing a common theme. I introduced multiple motifs but I'm looking for more thematic material that can listened to in accordance with the symphony and feel more like a cohesive experience but still be original. Basically to add the extra human layer to it. I prefer something original versus similar to this as when the film does get made, rights issues are already going to be a factor with the compilation I've posted here so I don't need anymore.

Also, this is time for those of you who create to express your talents and get your name out there. I prefer the music to be written now as I want to capture the current essence of 2012. As we only have December 21, 2012 I'd prefer it to be represented in a more fantastical sense as it's still fresh in your mind. If we wait until shooting, sure we will have the latest in musical technological advances but that's not what I'm going for. I want to have a time capsule of sorts to help me complete this project because without it, it could go as just another idea that just never came to be which would be disappointing to me because it has so much potential. I need to keep it fresh in my mind to avoid losing focus. There is so much psychological involvement with the 12/21/12 phenomena that it really makes one's creative juices flow.

This is my ultimate gift to the community that helped raise me. I await your responses.

04-11-2013, 07:45 AM
New link up for FLAC!

04-15-2013, 07:02 AM
Once again another link posted for those having issues downloading the previous link. Enjoy!

05-28-2013, 01:29 PM
New links posted for both MP3 and FLAC. Enjoy!

06-25-2013, 06:58 PM
Upon my millionth re-listening I've finally come up with titles:

Movement 1: Prelude/Alien Visitors/Bath Salt Factory Explosion/Attempted Escape from Goose Creek/Freeway Mothership Collision
Movement 2: Investigating the Mothership/Hellbirds/Chase to Barn
Movement 3: Deceitful Angelic Presence/The Shit Hits the Fan/Safe?!/Nope
Movement 4: Revelations/The Shower/Psychotic Chase/Biker Entry/Psycho Killed
Movement 5: Hellbirds Final Showdown/Hell Spills Forth
Movement 6: Descent into Antichrist Lair/Final Confrontation/Unholy Birth

07-17-2013, 02:43 PM
Alternate track title for Movement 4: Intensum Maximus.

03-14-2014, 08:11 PM
When this movie is eventually made, the tagline will be: This is the way the world ends; With a bang and a whimper.

05-19-2015, 11:49 PM
Got the Links...Thanks again.

05-20-2015, 03:30 AM
Here's all of my projects re-uploaded into one pack. Symphony number 8 has been updated since this and I will upload the updates when I get my PC set back up. I'm currently in transition right now so I'm having to sacrifice a lot of conveniences for the time being due to a new living situation.

https://mega.co.nz/#!x4MiACzA!bQZUVcMFWfd_TpZW8wDCovIcVMADFgrXcuIWI2o IDxw

05-20-2015, 07:27 PM

05-22-2015, 07:31 PM
Revised tracks for symphony no. 8: https://mega.co.nz/#!ghtVxZoD!kfl1ZZEyHOm0EF5IdpZ7ZM-fa5LVUPt4IbOJ7nFrHHE