Mr. Charles
12-01-2012, 10:33 PM
Not that fake-ass 63-track 3-disc DVD rip. Source is - Gladiator (Complete Score) (

12-01-2012, 11:53 PM
Mr Charles, keep away from that website, it's FULL of made-up tracklist and dangerous people. (Read my bit about Jokerxxx on the thread 'ATTENTION: the blog Hans Zimmer'. That site sucks.

Mr. Fate
12-02-2012, 12:06 AM
Um...Are you shitting me? Are you shitting us right now? It is only your fault that you thought you could trust some random stranger on an "almost official" Hans Zimmer site. All of the pages dedicated to Zimmer and RCP scores or either official releases or unofficial bootleg releases. You can trust the track listings posted by the people who run that site. You cannot trust dirtbags like JokerXXX, Felix, Mark G., Mr. Jones, or any of the other fakers.

12-02-2012, 02:09 PM
Mr Charles, keep away from that website, it's FULL of made-up tracklist and dangerous people. (Read my bit about Jokerxxx on the thread 'ATTENTION: the blog Hans Zimmer'. That site sucks.

Right you are!

12-02-2012, 07:01 PM
While there are many scores on there that are fake as shit, I don't think this one is. It seems legit. It doesn't look like it's missing anything

12-02-2012, 07:06 PM
Hmm, maybe you're right, it's just very difficult to trust anything fro that blog after the experiences I had with it...

Mr. Fate
12-02-2012, 07:16 PM
Yeah, let me get this straight. You think pages like: - Pirates Of The Caribbean - At World's End (Expanded Score) ( - Angels & Demons (Expanded Score) ( - Transformers - Revenge Of The Fallen (Complete Score) ( - Transformers (Complete Score) (

can't be trusted? I think you've had a misunderstanding about how works.

Mr. Fate
12-02-2012, 07:17 PM
Um. okay, cool. double post

12-02-2012, 07:19 PM
Hans-Zimmer works like this, or at least it does now: they have people there who lure people to them by posting e-mail addresses in the open claiming to have Inception, they get stuff, the other person doesn't get anything at all, and they have tracklists. Trust me, it isn't a coincidence that Gladiator appeared on that site... If you want to do the test yourself, I invite you to try! Read some of my posts and you'll know to whom you have to write.

12-02-2012, 07:34 PM
Yeah, let me get this straight. You think pages like: - Pirates Of The Caribbean - At World's End (Expanded Score) ( - Angels & Demons (Expanded Score) ( - Transformers - Revenge Of The Fallen (Complete Score) ( - Transformers (Complete Score) (

can't be trusted? I think you've had a misunderstanding about how works.

Well said, Mr. Fate

12-02-2012, 07:35 PM
OKay, fair enough... It's just that they only post tracklists, and a lot of people on that site are well, unthrustworthy.

Stygian XVII
12-02-2012, 08:19 PM
Um...Are you shitting me? Are you shitting us right now? It is only your fault that you thought you could trust some random stranger on an "almost official" Hans Zimmer site. All of the pages dedicated to Zimmer and RCP scores or either official releases or unofficial bootleg releases. You can trust the track listings posted by the people who run that site. You cannot trust dirtbags like JokerXXX, Felix, Mark G., Mr. Jones, or any of the other fakers.

lol Mark G.

12-02-2012, 09:18 PM
This bootleg is also fake, I made some research and it's another crappy edit... so don't waste your time searching for this piece of crap :(

12-02-2012, 09:19 PM
Thanks for confirming this!

12-03-2012, 12:06 AM
...I think there's some confusion as to the site that Mr. Charles linked to...this is the blogspot BLOG. This is a SITE, not a BLOG. Just to clarify. The BLOG is what you should avoid.

12-03-2012, 04:04 AM
This bootleg is also fake, I made some research and it's another crappy edit... so don't waste your time searching for this piece of crap :(

Ok, so...prove it. I made some research and decided the president is doing a crappy job. I also made some research and discovered I get paid for working.

12-03-2012, 09:09 AM
and I made some research and I discovered you're so rude... well, it makes me feel sick and tired that there are so many people out there who say that they have the recording sessions or the complete bootleg of *Insert the name of your favourite film here* and they use the information of the almost official Hans Zimmer site or a blogspot page with a marvelous tracklist that actually makes you think that there's something important out there that you don't have and you need, believe me, I've felt that before, and then the only thing I always got was nothing, amateurish edit work in the best cases. So it makes me feel sad to see posts like this in which someone is all excited about something that doesn't even exist, and it's not their fault either because in internet you can say whatever you want to say, and sometimes you believe in those things you read, I've done so; so the point is please fellas, as a film score addict who dream of having the recording sessions of Inception, The Spy Who Loved Me, Moonraker, Gladiator and so many more film scores to name; please don't believe in everything you read, even when a tracklist appears and it has a cute cover, or if someone sends you a PM saying that they got what you want but you need to give them something in return.

As for you DAKoftheOTA, you can waste your time searching something that is not remotely what you want.

And for the rest of the people who are truly interested in the real recording sessions of Gladiator, we must wait, maybe someday a good bootleg will be leaked, maybe we'll have to wait for a official expanded commercial release, but let's be patients, there's a lot of good music out there we can listen to while we wait. :)

Mr. Fate
12-03-2012, 01:49 PM
First of all: if you are 'making research', then there is already something wrong with this. People don't make research. I'm not sure if that's just a mistranslation or what, but around here, saying that you made some research is just about the equivalent of saying, "I'm bullshitting everything right now." We do research.

And can you provide me with the research you've made verifying this is just another crappy edit?

Second of all: do you know how to make paragraphs?

Third of all: nobody here or there is even saying that they have the track list that Mr. Charles has linked to. You and some others seem to be confused as to the purpose of That's it. The people who come to that site are nothing like those who came to it ages ago. It used to be a civilized place where people actually discussed their favorite music. It was, once upon a time, a place where people discussed whispers of something bigger out there and occasionally posted something legitimate, or if it was not legitimate they would state, "and here is an expanded bootleg with a bit of SFX as it is a DVD rip."

These days, everyone and their mother claims they have the "Super Fantastic Most Ultamitest Complete Extra Bonus Secret Recording Sessions" when in fact it was just a track list pulled out of a troll's sweaty ass. The place is filled with barbarians, trolls, ogres, and worst of all: the poor innocent folk who believe everything they see on there.

Well news flash: some of it is really legitimate. Allow me to repeat myself: the page that Mr. Charles has linked to is not some guy in comments saying "OMG, I have this. Send me your email and credit card infromation and you can have it also." No, it's an official page posted by the people who run the site.

Doing a Google search for some of the track titles results in one result. This: - Gladiator (Complete Score) ( So, wherever you're doing your research, GreatKenji, it cannot be somewhere that is indexed on Google.

12-03-2012, 06:06 PM
So now it's also wrong to want to trade scores...? Some of you just don't understand that things CANNOT be shared in the open and that there are those of us who need trading...

Mr. Fate
12-03-2012, 06:35 PM
Well, it is certainly not okay to want to trade scores with an attitude like that! And it's the people like you who go out of the way to break barriers which fucks everything up.

Who and where did someone say it wasn't okay to begin with? Some of you who need trading? What does that mean? Like some kind of bizarro-world life-support? If you can't trade with someone, you're going to perish? Some things in this life were just not meant to be, and no matter what you do to try to bend reality in your favor, there will always be something to prevent you from doing so.

12-03-2012, 06:51 PM
Trading is a fact of life. But it is not encouraged to be openly solicited on the forum. What people do privately is...err..private. And it happens. How do we all think these things get leaked? You guys, saying "when is it gonna be released?" NEVER. That is the point. A release is an official thing done by a label. These are LEAKS. Stolen goods. There is no regular time table. This talk of elitists is out of control. Y'all have actually accused ME of being one. Granted, you did not know it, but still. There is no secret council somewhere dictating when the poor huddled masses has suffered enough to warrant a "release". There are "elitists". But there always will be.

(look, a new paragraph) :awsm:

Anyway, a lot of these promos and such are fairly limited things, private shares and/or resume type things. So a big ticket, like say, Inception (**shudder**). So a guy has the sessions. He shares privately with a buddy. The buddy makes a copy, and trades it for, say, Dead Man's Chest. New guy takes Inception, passes it around the "higher circles". Somewhere somehow, that gets given/traded to someone who "leaks" it, and there we go. That is how it gets done, gentlemen. Greasing the wheels. And by THAT point, the original share can't be traced back, so no one loses their job, no one goes to jail. IF a person has Inception, and only that one (Or two or three), and the post it, it is fairly obvious where it came from. So when a site like Illuminati has an "exclusive", it is to shield the poster. Then it can be spread without connection. When the site is hacked (as it was), then the share and links get taken, and the info leads back to the origin. (as it did). Then that source is burned so to speak. (it was) And hence we get nothing from that direction again. (we won't).

As for that site. I guess i see it. I dunno. Posting a list, saying looky what i got, and leaving it like that is odd. But if you read follow up comments, it can sometimes be interesting. But, just because a list is real does not mean the item is leaked. Or, able to be shared. I don't like it either, but that's just the deal folks.

**says thanks that the abomination known as inception remains clothed in eternal darkness if the void from which it was spewed** :awsm: