11-30-2012, 01:22 AM
Good Morning, afternoon, day or night.

I have a request for ULTIMATE: MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3, particularly focusing on Character VOICES and sound effects, as well as the Announcer voices. If I had a capture card, I'd surely do this myself and upload accordingly - but I guess you could've figured that out from this post alone.

I've been on the hunt for the character voices and the ANNOUNCER voices for quite some time. I feel as though the character voices are a real thing seeing as how there are YouTube uploads per character that go down their entire list of voices and effects. However, just was curious as to whether there were something a bit more HIGH QUALITY floating around as opposed to that method of over-compression YouTube tends to put their content through.

Truly, the Announcer voices is the biggest part I'm searching for… I realize the other stuff can be tedious work going through each character, but the announcer is something I've yet to see. Some things like "Dude!" and "Viewtiful!" or even the stage names like "Shield Airshow!" and "Asgard: Sea of Space!" are along the likes of what I'm looking for. I'm not sure if it's at all possible to single out just the announcer and to be able to mute character voices and the sound effects, I should try it and see.

Thank you for any and all help in advance. I've back tracked a few months in pages to see if anyone asked for this already and found nothing. I may have overlooked something - if so, I sincerely apologize and will add my request to said topic!