11-28-2012, 06:22 PM
Hi everyone,

Here's hoping that someone can help me out with my current dilemma. I have been in love with this score since the first time I saw this movie as a child. I know that there is a suite from this score on the Maurice Jarre at Abbey Road CD --- but I am insatiable! I want MORE of this wonderful, wonderful music!!

After browsing around online, it seems that this was never released as an OST (unfortunately, seems to be all too common with Jarre's film work). So, I guess my question is, has anyone tried ripping this score from the DVD? I don't believe it has an isolated score feature (rats). I will be the first to admit that I am a complete and utter n00b at this (be gentle please!), but I would be willing to make an attempt to rip it myself. Is there any way to successfully do this (in other words, eliminate sfx and dialogue) without some kind of fancy and expensive equipment? Any guidance or direction that I can get on this would be much appreciated - thanks!

The Dimensioner
11-28-2012, 10:44 PM
Thread 84885

11-29-2012, 03:48 AM
Hi Dimensioner - Thank you for sending along these detailed instructions! I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates your time and effort in writing this all out.

Well, here goes nothing! I'm going to try to follow these, and see how far I get with it. If I come up with something half decent in quality, I will of course share it with everyone on the forum :)

12-19-2012, 05:27 PM
Best of luck! I share your appreciation of the music of Prancer by Maurice Jarre, and I look forward to hearing it if you succeed! It really is an amazing one of a kind score! Thank you for your efforts!

12-20-2012, 03:29 PM
Best of luck! I share your appreciation of the music of Prancer by Maurice Jarre, and I look forward to hearing it if you succeed! It really is an amazing one of a kind score! Thank you for your efforts!

Thanks RareOSTsRock - I'm glad someone else enjoys this score as much as I do! It truly is, as you say, one of a kind :)

Well, so far, all I've managed to do is isolate one little bit of the score at the very beginning of the film. I'm a little discouraged at this point because I can still hear the SFX (and this was a part that had no dialogue!). Are there any decent youtube tutorials for Audacity? If anyone knows of any, I would really appreciate any links you could send me :)

Hopefully I will have some more time to work on this over the Xmas holidays....

02-25-2013, 06:30 AM
Hi everyone,

Here's hoping that someone can help me out with my current dilemma. I have been in love with this score since the first time I saw this movie as a child. I know that there is a suite from this score on the Maurice Jarre at Abbey Road CD --- but I am insatiable! I want MORE of this wonderful, wonderful music!!

After browsing around online, it seems that this was never released as an OST (unfortunately, seems to be all too common with Jarre's film work). So, I guess my question is, has anyone tried ripping this score from the DVD? I don't believe it has an isolated score feature (rats). I will be the first to admit that I am a complete and utter n00b at this (be gentle please!), but I would be willing to make an attempt to rip it myself. Is there any way to successfully do this (in other words, eliminate sfx and dialogue) without some kind of fancy and expensive equipment? Any guidance or direction that I can get on this would be much appreciated - thanks!

02-25-2013, 02:49 PM
Wow, really?! I wasn't even sure if there was an OST released - would you be willing to share (pretty please)? :)

02-25-2013, 05:57 PM
Wow, really?! I wasn't even sure if there was an OST released - would you be willing to share (pretty please)? :)

I have no problem with sharing the OST with you.

It was sent to me by a friend and I am in the process of 'remastering' it.
Send me your email address, and I will notify you when I am done remastering.
This may take a week or so since I have a back log of LP remastering.

You can contact me at:

[email protected]

---------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 AM ----------

Wow, really?! I wasn't even sure if there was an OST released - would you be willing to share (pretty please)? :)

Almost forgot to mention, it has 24 tracks.

justin boggan
02-26-2013, 02:36 AM
There's a rare boot, usually paired with another score.

"Prancer" (12 tracks, 26:07, mono) / "Sunchaser" (2 tracks, 17:01)

07-14-2017, 01:26 AM
Hi, Denys , from Brazil.
If you don�t have the soundtrack take a look on my link, you'll like it very much:


Hugs ...

Denys P.R.

Lady Amalthea
07-14-2017, 02:31 AM
Many thanks, Denys! I love it! :)

07-14-2017, 04:46 AM
Hi, I was downloading Maurice Jarre with the program SOULSEEK (internet changes) and the name PRANCER got my attention.

The music is too beautiful, this was not released on Lp that time.

Hugs from Santos City, Brazil...

Denys P.R.