View Full Version : Thread 123612">Phideas� Christmas Collection & a few others [320 MP3]

11-24-2012, 01:57 AM
Phideas’ Christmas Collection [320 MP3]

After the premier of In Terra Pax Finzi took Vaughan Williams and his wife up the hill to the church where the bells had inspired the music. Already dying, he came in contact with children infected by chicken pox that compromised his failing immunity system and thus hastened his death.

“A frosty Christmas Eve when the stars are shining fared I forth alone where westword falls the hill, and from the village in the water’d valley distant music reach’d me peels of bells a-ringing; the constellated sounds ran sparking on earth’s floor, as the dark vault above with stars spangled o’er.”

“And lo, the angel of the lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them: fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy”

Gerald Finzi-
In Terra Pax Op. 39
1) A frosty Christmas Eve
2) And lo, the angel of the Lord

Herbert Howells-
3) There is a Little Door
4) Sing Lullaby
5)A Spotless Rose

Malcolm Arnold-
6) Commonwealth Christmas (premier recording... and very, very surprising)

Ralph Vaughan Williams
7) Fantasia On Christmas Carols

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Carols From Clare
Clare College Singers & Orchestra, conducted by John Rutter

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Christmas Day in the Morning
The Cambridge Singers with Stephen Varcoe, baritone
City of London Sinfonia, conducted by John Rutter

Christmas Night/ Carols of the Nativity
The Cambridge Singers
The City of London Sinfonia, conducted by John Rutter

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JOEL COHEN director

Joel Cohen & company present Christmas when it was ChristMass. The music is haunting and mystical in a way that engages the mystery of the Gospel of John. If you yearn for another time; a chapel clouded by frosted breath, smoky braziers swinging, incense laden, torch lit, chant of echoing voices and solo speakers reciting ancient prophecies all accompanied by traditional instruments- this will transport you there. An unforgettable collection of music.

1. ISAIAH'S PROPHECY (0:33) Hebrew cantillation THE SYBIL'S PROPHECY, Iudicii signum (1:11) Spanish, 10th c.
2. CONDUCTUS, Adest sponsus (1:34) Franco-Proven�al, 12th c.
3. GABRIEL'S PROPHECY, Oiet, virgines (4:53) Franco-Proven�al, 12th c.
4. CLAUSULA, Domino (2:12) French, 13th c.
5. HYMN, Conditor alme siderum (1:28) plainchant LAUDA, Verbum caro factum est (1:21) Italian, 15th c.
6. READING, On frymde was Word (6:59) Old Saxon, 10th c. ORGANUM, Iudea et Iherusalem (8:35) French, 13th c.
7. CONDUCTUS, Gedeonis area (2:47) French, 13th c.
8. READING, 0 moder mayde (1:25) Geoffrey Chaucer, ca. 1340-1400
9. HYMN, Ave maris stella plainchant SACRED SONG, 0 Maria, deu maire (4:23) Proven�al,13th c.
10. PROSA, Ave Maria (2:40) French, 12th c.
11. RESPONSORY, Gaude Maria (1:22) plainchant HYMN, Joseph, liber nefe min (1:12) German, 14th c.
12. CONDUCTUS WITH REFRAIN, Congaudet hodie Catalan, 12th c./ In dulci' iubilo Dutch, 15th c. HYMN, In dulci iubilo (4:58)German , 16th c.
13. READING, Hand by hand we shule us take (0:36) English, 4th c.
14. CONDUCTUS, Lux hodie...Orientis partibus (2:59) French, 12th c.

El Cid
11-24-2012, 02:31 AM
Do you have Samuel Barber's Die Natali? I can upload a recording if you like.