02-17-2004, 09:56 PM
Hi, I'm new here.
Is there anyone that played legend of dragoon?
(sorry for my english)

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
02-17-2004, 10:01 PM
Yeah, and it was an awesome game. I especially liked the refreshing (at the time) battle engine which relied on timed button-pressing to execute more advanced combos, and the counter-combo.

Excellent storyline, too.

BTW, I'm moving this to Role Playing Games, it belongs there rather than in just General FF as it isn't Final Fantasy.

Cloud's Clone
02-17-2004, 10:12 PM
I played it also. I was impressed with the way the story flowed. Plus, there were a few twists in the story to keep it fresh, so I enjoyed that too. I also thought that the way they could change into those, Dragoons I guess, was really cool. The fighting system was also interesting since I was used to selecting a command and the character caring it out.

02-17-2004, 10:13 PM
Hi, at what level have you finished this game?

Cloud's Clone
02-17-2004, 10:15 PM
To tell you the truth dude, I haven't played it in like 2 years so I don't really remember.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
02-17-2004, 10:16 PM
Well, I guess I has maxed everything out for all characters. Also had that nifty item later on in the game where the combos were automatically done for you (very useful for the high-level combos, as they were very long). Oh yeah, the Divine Dragon Dragoon(??) animation was nice in the last few battles.

Though, by the time I had done all that, the final boss was kinda easy....

Ah well, it was still a good story.

02-17-2004, 10:20 PM
I finished this game at about 55 level and the final boss was very easy, so what will appen at 100 level?

02-18-2004, 05:14 AM
probably u will juz the kill the final boss in less than one minute..

02-18-2004, 12:55 PM
That was bull I was pissed about how easy the last boss was. I was lvl 69.

02-20-2004, 01:18 PM
I loved Legend of the Dragoon. It had a great story, and the stuff you did with pressing certain buttons while attacking made the standard rpg type battle system feel more interactive. I never beat the game though- there was a scratch on the fourth disc that messed me up. I've since seen the ending, thanks to Merl and psmplay, but still, it's not gratifying like getting the ending yourself.

Darth Revan
02-23-2004, 03:40 AM
I've played and finished this game numerous times, and I like it a lot. I've played a lot of non FF RPG's, and some ppl I know say that non FF RPG's aren't any good. I disagree quite a bit there, as there are a lot of other RPG's out there which are great, and LoD is one of them.

Good storyline, great gameplay and haunting music, as well as good characters, make this a great game.

When I last played this game, about 6 months ago, I had Dart at Lvl 81, Albert Lvl 75, Kongol Lvl 80, Rose Lvl 78, Miranda Lvl 75 and Meru at Lvl 72. Plus having given them all of their magic and acquired the Divine Dragoon ability off of Lloyd for Dart. Hell, I even went up against the Magician Faust (I think he was called that.), and managed to unlock almost all of the secrets in the game. Although it did take me quite some time to do so.

I liked the game so much, I even got the figures of Dart, Shana, Lavitz, Kongol, Rose and Lloyd as well as the OST for it as well.

Still, LoD is a great game and anyone looking for a good RPG should give this one a try.

02-24-2004, 07:31 PM
I also played with Jade Cocoon, Tales of Destiny II, Jade Cocoon 2, FF VII, VIII, IX, X and Breath of fire III, I liked all these games and I agree with your opinion.
Also for me it's the same, I think that there are a lot of beautiful games that aren't FF.

Lightning Mage
02-24-2004, 10:14 PM
Never finished LOD yet. But I saw my friend beat it though. Great game.
Jade Cocoon rocks.
Never played JC2 yet. I wish to.

02-25-2004, 01:42 AM
Bought this game for my nephew, thinking of buying it for myself. It looked like a pretty cool game, from the cover and back atleast. And I heard about it a little when my nephew opened it up and started going through that game booklets

03-02-2004, 12:55 PM
How do I get the Divine Dragon stone, and how do I get this item to automatically do there follow-up moves? I'm in the last part, Mayfil The Death City.

03-02-2004, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Achs
How do I get the Divine Dragon stone, and how do I get this item to automatically do there follow-up moves? I'm in the last part, Mayfil The Death City.

you get the divine dragoon stone automaticly.. i belive from lloyd after zeig takes the redstone

i personally perfer the red one... the moves look cooler...

though i usually use gameshark and take dart out of the party and play using shanna, rose, and maru


Landlord of Sector 7
03-02-2004, 07:50 PM
I thought that the good parts of that game were the music, battle system and I especially liked the maps on it because they were larger than most other RPG's. I also think that some of the people (not all the people) are out of line saying that it is a rip off of FF7 cause they don't know how to back it up but there are times when I sort of agree with them.

Darth Revan
03-03-2004, 12:36 PM
In Legend of Dragoon, has everyone here, besides myself, gotten the ultimate attack item, the Psychedelic Bomb X, or just the regular Psychedelic Bomb, during the Aglis chapter of this game? Difference between the two isn�t much, except for the fact that the Psych. Bomb X has an unlimited useage. Meaning you can use it again and again. The regular Psych. Bomb can only be used once, unfortunately, seeing as if your characters are low in levels, you can use the Psych. Bomb X to level up greatly.

Also, during the trek through the ruins of Magrad, you have the option of fighting the optional boss, Polter Armor. A floating Helm, Sword and Armor. However, this boss is quite hard and only worthwhile to fight to retrieve the Soul Eater sword for Dart as well as the Smoke Ball item, which allows you to escape any non-boss battles successfully.

Two great items to find in this game, as it does make it easier to beat. However, there is one item in this game which is a MUST have. The Phantom Shield, which reduces the amount of damage your entire party receive, by 50%. Now you can buy this item in the item shop at Lohan for 10,000. The high price for this item, is worth it, believe me. Of course� If you want a REAL challenge in this game, collect all 50 of the Stardust and give them to Martel. Collecting all 50 is the only way to enter the area of Flandel and fighting the secret boss Faust.

Faust� he is an absolute a**hole! I hate this guy, because not only does he hit hard, he can attack in numerous times in a row. However, if you have the Psych. Bomb X and then hit with an Dragoon Special immediately, and if you have Albert in your party, equip him with a Wargod Calling ring, which will allow him to Dragoon Additions and normal additions automatically. Also, make sure your characters, in my case, are above lvl 50. As well as having a healthy supply of Healing Rains, and you should be able to beat him.

03-06-2004, 04:30 PM
Yeah Ive played it. It rocks.
Best battle system since chrono trigger!:D :D