02-16-2004, 08:26 PM
**Note (cont.): If you object to material of an adult nature, please don't read any further as naughty/dirty things from the sick minds of some Shriners may be posted, You have been warned!**

With X-2 and AC, i've been wondering, what happened with the other characters from VI, VIII, IX etc. after they finished their respective quests?

how bout we make up our own stories! anything goes and i mean anything (as u could most likely tell from the warning):D

come on budding writers, it's ur time to shine!

02-16-2004, 08:56 PM
hmm... well...

viii... that's a good qestion.. i mean withh the sorceress threat gone, why do they need SeeD any more right?... *thinks* i'll getback to you on this one, sounds fun

02-16-2004, 09:07 PM
which would mean a lot of mercenaries. and.......shit, i'm gettin' an idea for VIII-2 here, thanx Neko. i'll go over basic crap here for the mo so i don't forgte and pick up with a new thread or somethin later

let's see......SeeD has dispanded, the world's at peace. those fromer SeeDs who havn't settled down with another job have become mercenaries (including our previuos friends, at this point at least, i'll come up with different jobs and expand on this idea later). Squall for definate is a mercenarie!

a new threat arises, former SeeDs are being hired on both sides (maybe all three or four sides?). so former friends become enemies.

our old heroes -most at least ; )- are on good side, at least it seems like the gd side at teh start. at a point in the middle or later, they find out they've been fighting for the wrong side. the former heroes (including Squall) who were on the supposedly gd side are re-united with the other heroes who they had been fighting up to this point.

ooh boy, this is sounding gd (and i'm very critical of my own work). i'll elaborate more later, all this info will be transfered to a new thread in a few days.

this current thread shall be a kind of breeding ground for the basic ideas of other stuff and abstract ideas (i.e., XXX ideas)

Lightning Mage
02-17-2004, 09:00 PM
Mercenaries eh? Sounds slightly darker than the original.
Cool idea.
I haven't beaten FF8 so I can't give much ideas.