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11-13-2012, 04:52 PM
Apparently AMANDA has gotten JESSIE to demand that I remove all of my links, and it appears that AMANDA will be doing this on ALL of my future posts and links, so I will NOT be posting any reups on any links. You can PM Amanda and Jessie and thank them both!

I was going to post new links for the 14 disc box LLL set, but she's got some BUG up her tailpipe, and will not allow any links to be shared by me!


11-13-2012, 08:01 PM
Let's conclude a gentleman's agreement - not to share FLAC & MP3 320 with scans for 1-3 months - V0 or 128 will be enough, 'cause I'm afraid, that we can get another FSM's ST:TNG box situation.
Really, if you like this score - buy it. If you want to hear it in complete before ordering - don't ask for high quality - we already lost FSM CDs, and I think that we don't want to lose LLL CDs too... ;)

11-13-2012, 08:49 PM
Been collecting Film Music for about 35 years and have been a TOS fan since I was a kid. I never thought something like this release would ever happen,
there is no release in the last 35 years that I've wanted more then this one. I live on the east coast, so can't make the event, but I'd love to be there!!! Can't wait to get this!

11-14-2012, 01:42 PM
Okay, Gang, in anticipation of the upcoming TOS music box set release next month, I'm starting this thread for discussion of, and sharing with everyone, the release of the most awaited set of music in the history of soundtrack recordings. I know of no other film or television program that has had so many people awaiting any little bit of music than Star Trek the original series!
Now, I know you are all chomping at the bit (Like I am), but you're going to have to wait a little bit longer. So as to not leave you in the lurch, as it were, I've linked a little taste of music to come:

I plan to be at the event next month, with my wife and two daughters. My youngest is a big TOS fan, and the second set that I ordered is for her! :)

Enjoy, and let the discussions begin! Hehehehehe


Thanks for starting this thread! (You know, I had the same idea, and you clearly have stolen it from me, so I'll sue you, William! ;)

William, I would love to hear from your impressions of the event next month, so please feel free to tell us about it! And make sure to get to see Jeff Bond (author of "The Music of Star Trek" and frequent line noter for countless movie and tv soundtracks from various labels, including the TOS set from Lalaland) who will interview Gerald Fried, the last of the eight TOS composers still alive! Hopefully, some video footage of the event will surface on youtube!

Thanks for the sweet taste of music to come! Much appreciated!

And what ESB said (no FLAC/320 for a while): that seems to be a good idea and should be agreed of, BUT: I have a feeling that a lossless version will be available sooner than later, if not here, then elsewhere! You can't control the internet (for better or worse), as has been proven time and again! But pointing out that wish for a "gentleman's agreement" is much appreciated! There are tons of tv and movie soundtracks still to see the light of day, and Lalaland is one of the most important players in the industry to provide those gems in future releases! Let's not make them angry at us here on the shrine!

Now, I'm open to any discussion of this fantastic release (and I mean it in the true meaning of the word: discussion of the music, at least for now!), e.g.: what are you looking forward to the most in this release? My favourites are:

Fred Steiner:
- Who Mourns for Adonais? (quite excellent music, including ancient "Greek" music and spectacular action cues during the Apollo/Enterprise battle at the end!)
- Elaan of Troyius (love the romantic cues, later used again for Rayna in "Requiem for Methusaleh")
- Spock's Brain (brillant music for a... ahem... not-so-brillant episode!)

Gerald Fried:
- Catspaw (very mysterious, frightening cues, spectacular "fist-figth" music etc., several time used again in later episodes!)
- Friday's Child

Alexander Courage:
- Where No Man Has Gone Before (the Kirk/Mitchel fight music, at last!)
- The Man Trap
- The Enterprise Incident

George Duning:
- Return to Tomorrow
- Metamorphosis

Those are mostly scores never released before, either in original or re-recorded form; there are others I'm looking forward, too, since earlier releases oftentimes didn't include all the music composed for the various episodes. Also looking forward to the un-used recorded stuff, never heard before anywhere! That sounds exciting!


11-14-2012, 05:22 PM
AGREED!! Agreed 1001%!!! :)

Since it is obvious that many of the FSM people (and others) are constantly peeking in over here, it would be a very good idea to curb our sharing proclivities in a sort of "Moratorium" as such, and I am one who will be VERY interested to see and hear Mr. Bond (NO! don't go there, no 007 jokes!) and I'm just to the point of having to go down to the last remaining bookstore in my area and order his book, since it seems that NO library in all of greater Los Angeles county wants to carry even one copy for people to check out! AND, there seems not to be any Ebook copies for purchase from Amazon for my Ereader either! :(

I really hope that they will have a couple of surprises at the event, perhaps along with Jeff Bond, they can have a couple of composers get up and talk, even good old Fred Steiner could (He's still alive, right??? hehehehehe) and others! I've been waiting for my official invite, but since I only worked on the OTHER TV show, I guess they didn't feel that my input would be welcome! Hehehehehe (such is life, huh?) :)

Well, I agree that this would be an excellent area for discussion, and I only hope that there are more TOS fans out there that would want to jump in and talk about this with Soundtrekker, Scotty and myself!

If not, it's going to be really lonely, hehehehe :)


11-14-2012, 05:54 PM
Yes, but being true trekkers, meaning, space explorers, being lonely for a while shouldn't be much of a problem, don't you think? ;) And I'm quite content to discuss with just you and Scotty exclusively; but if anyone wants to chime in, the better!! This is an open forum, after all!! (Hey Scotty, what do you think, ol' pal?)

BTW, Fred Steiner passed away last year, so Gerald Fried is, indeed, the last surviving member of the (music) gang! (There was an obituary on by - you may have guessed it - James, sorry, Jeff Bond (couldn't resist!):
Obituary: Composer Fred Steiner Dead At 88 | (

Or was your mentioning talking to Fred Steiner a joke? Some kind of talking to a ghost, Ghost-Whisperer style? Well, he always had a big ego anyway, so I wouldn't exclude such an occuring completely! I'm just imagining him appearing, and in the background some eerie cues from his trek compositions, e.g. the cue when the Thasian from "Charlie X" appeared on the bridge, and then the Apollo battling cues, while he expresses his anger about releasing all his music without asking him! ;)

The Bond book about the music of Star Trek can still be found on ebay (just found 2 issues on, 35,00 and 54,00$, respectively, and on (new: 78,00 $, used: 32,00 $). I had the fortune to get it when it was released (for about 30,00 $, if I recall correctly). It's quite interesting and recommendable!

11-14-2012, 07:18 PM
Thanks so much.

11-14-2012, 07:23 PM
I am looking forward to "Set Course for Vulcan" such a great fanfare of the Enterprise theme.

11-14-2012, 07:42 PM
Well, I don't remember what I said EXACTLY about talking with Fred Steiner, but it had to have been LONG ago, surely before he died, hehehehehe

But then again, I am OLD! :)


11-14-2012, 07:55 PM
Well, I don't remember what I said EXACTLY about talking with Fred Steiner, but it had to have been LONG ago, surely before he died, heheheheheWilliam

You said it a few hours ago...

11-14-2012, 08:06 PM
No! Hehehheheehe, Soundtrekker was talking about the statement I made about speaking with Fred Steiner in the past! :)

Anyway, I THINK that is what he was referring to...... :(


11-14-2012, 08:52 PM
I really hope that they will have a couple of surprises at the event, perhaps along with Jeff Bond, they can have a couple of composers get up and talk, even good old Fred Steiner could (He's still alive, right??? hehehehehe) and others!


He meant this part.

11-14-2012, 10:32 PM
Okay, Gang, in anticipation of the upcoming TOS music box set release next month, I'm starting this thread for discussion of, and sharing with everyone, the release of the most awaited set of music in the history of soundtrack recordings. I know of no other film or television program that has had so many people awaiting any little bit of music than Star Trek the original series!
Now, I know you are all chomping at the bit (Like I am), but you're going to have to wait a little bit longer. So as to not leave you in the lurch, as it were, I've linked a little taste of music to come:

I plan to be at the event next month, with my wife and two daughters. My youngest is a big TOS fan, and the second set that I ordered is for her! :)

Enjoy, and let the discussions begin! Hehehehehe


I wish I was such a remarkable fan of TOS like you are Mr. William, but sadly everything started for me with TNG, I have never seen the TOS completely, just some random episodes, even with that I wish you and your lovely family have lots of fun attending to that event, I hope the upcoming box is what all of you want. And maybe, just maybe, they should make a complete release of the music of Star Trek: TNG, DS9 and VOY.

11-14-2012, 10:38 PM
As soon as i find it in 320, I will post it. You cannot enforce anything. If I find FLAC, I'd post that too, just as a matter of point. I'm no gentleman or lady, I am a pirate on a pitate site.

11-14-2012, 10:54 PM
He meant this part.

I really don't think so, Faleel!

Or was your mentioning talking to Fred Steiner a joke? Some kind of talking to a ghost, Ghost-Whisperer style? Well, he always had a big ego anyway, so I wouldn't exclude such an occuring completely! I'm just imagining him appearing, and in the background some eerie cues from his trek compositions, e.g. the cue when the Thasian from "Charlie X" appeared on the bridge, and then the Apollo battling cues, while he expresses his anger about releasing all his music without asking him! ;)

I think that he was remembering that I had said (MANY pages ago) that I had had a conversation with the "great one" many years ago, but that was a LONG time ago!

I wish I was such a remarkable fan of TOS like you are Mr. William, but sadly everything started for me with TNG, I have never seen the TOS completely, just some random episodes, even with that I wish you and your lovely family have lots of fun attending to that event, I hope the upcoming box is what all of you want. And maybe, just maybe, they should make a complete release of the music of Star Trek: TNG, DS9 and VOY.

I would second that, in a New York minute (Is that faster than a California minute?) I think you need to do what my youngest did, when she was about 10-11 years old, she sat down in front of the TV, and started with disc one of the TOS series, and just had a little TREK party, every day after school, with a couple of friends of hers, and they all got good and burned into the whole Star Trek universe from the beginning. THEN, she and her friends started watching the STTNG series, and had me give little insites into each episode that I worked on (All the ODD number productions, hehehehe). Of course, I was so close to the actual productions, that I was familiar with all the even number productions as well, constantly sticking my nose into what was going on.
Anyway, I think you just need to bite the bullet and dive into the classic series, and if you have any questions, bring them here, and we will do our best to enlighten you! :)


11-15-2012, 12:20 AM
Yes, but being true trekkers, meaning, space explorers, being lonely for a while shouldn't be much of a problem, don't you think? ;) And I'm quite content to discuss with just you and Scotty exclusively; but if anyone wants to chime in, the better!! This is an open forum, after all!! (Hey Scotty, what do you think, ol' pal?)

BTW, Fred Steiner passed away last year, so Gerald Fried is, indeed, the last surviving member of the (music) gang! (There was an obituary on by - you may have guessed it - James, sorry, Jeff Bond (couldn't resist!):
Obituary: Composer Fred Steiner Dead At 88 | (

Or was your mentioning talking to Fred Steiner a joke? Some kind of talking to a ghost, Ghost-Whisperer style? Well, he always had a big ego anyway, so I wouldn't exclude such an occuring completely! I'm just imagining him appearing, and in the background some eerie cues from his trek compositions, e.g. the cue when the Thasian from "Charlie X" appeared on the bridge, and then the Apollo battling cues, while he expresses his anger about releasing all his music without asking him! ;)

The Bond book about the music of Star Trek can still be found on ebay (just found 2 issues on, 35,00 and 54,00$, respectively, and on (new: 78,00 $, used: 32,00 $). I had the fortune to get it when it was released (for about 30,00 $, if I recall correctly). It's quite interesting and recommendable!

I'm with you both on your statements...I know several sites that well post the whole set of CD's as soon as they come out (as I'm sure we all do), but like soundtreakker said you can't govern the Internet totally. I have not had this feeling about anything coming out like this since my first son was born! this is truly momentous occasion to finely hear music we have only dreamed of for the past 45 years!! The fanfare (which is the same one a few people have been talking about...I think anyway?) that uses the first few bars of the Star Trek Theme, the brass and cymbals just gets my heart really pumping and "You Know The Enterprise (even without looking) is HERE" it's a wonder I am not totally deaf...I do love that short..what do you call it motif? or piece? what ever it's called..I still have a cassette tape that I recorded when I was a kid off our TV...sounds like crap but man it just really moves me, so it well be a God send to really have a great quality recording of all the music. William I hope you can take some pictures at this event? for those of us that can't go (sucks...but such is life) and hell yes I would love to hear your words of what happened!! There are a few of us out here that think you should be included on the panel and do love hearing your story's of what goes on in the land of entertainment!!

Remember the exchange Kirk and Spock had in ST-V towards the end! Kirk:"I thought I was going to die" Spock: "Not possible Captain...You where never along"... Spock:"Captain... not in front of the Klingon's" :) one day William you well have to sit down and write your memory's down, I'm sure your daughter would love to read it...I know I would.


---------- Post added at 03:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------

I'll second that William...Greatkenji, some of us old farts have watched Star Trek from the very beginning Thursday Night and to Friday Nights at 10:00 PM and have the VHS tapes of TOS (Yes I still have mine), books, Technical Manuals, etc. name it one of us has them. William is the only one I know that has a true insight into TNG production, so he's the one to go too on that matter. So ask away if you have questions!


---------- Post added at 03:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:14 PM ----------

As soon as i find it in 320, I will post it. You cannot enforce anything. If I find FLAC, I'd post that too, just as a matter of point. I'm no gentleman or lady, I am a pirate on a pitate site.

I beg to differ Amanda!! I was raised that "All women are considered Lady's until proven otherwise" Just my opinion.


11-15-2012, 12:25 AM
Hard to describe the anticipation for this. Like the feeling of Indy in the well of the souls as he's finally gazes on the ark? Spade when Captain Jacoby dies and drops the Black Bird at his feet? The Bradys when they win the singing contest for the mythical silver platter? It's gonna be sweet.

11-15-2012, 12:53 AM
I would second that, in a New York minute (Is that faster than a California minute?) I think you need to do what my youngest did, when she was about 10-11 years old, she sat down in front of the TV, and started with disc one of the TOS series, and just had a little TREK party, every day after school, with a couple of friends of hers, and they all got good and burned into the whole Star Trek universe from the beginning. THEN, she and her friends started watching the STTNG series, and had me give little insites into each episode that I worked on (All the ODD number productions, hehehehe). Of course, I was so close to the actual productions, that I was familiar with all the even number productions as well, constantly sticking my nose into what was going on.
Anyway, I think you just need to bite the bullet and dive into the classic series, and if you have any questions, bring them here, and we will do our best to enlighten you! :)


Hehehehe, that sounds like an interesting way to get into TOS, I'll do that too! :D Actually TOS and DS9 are the ST series which I'm not fond to... I always loved TNG and VOY and watched all the episodes, and I did the same with Enterprise, but I didn't like it that much... =OOO Sorry, Mr. William, but what did you mean with that of each episode you worked on :O? Thank you, I hope that when the time comes in the future of having children they get to love the stuff I like (anime, sci-fi, soccer xD). Cheers to that.

11-15-2012, 02:22 AM
Amanda, you may be a pirate, but you're still a Lady Pirate in my opinion! :)

11-15-2012, 03:07 AM
I'm still waiting for this to go live--when are the preorders going up? I put aside the $250 by shuffling money around from my various "fun" accounts, so I'm good to go.

darth porkins
11-15-2012, 03:57 AM
I really like the idea of not posting the download for a few months. I feel blessed to have found this site but I usually only download scores that are no longer available or things like recording sessions. I managed a video retail store for more than ten years and downloading didn't affect us much but whenever a customer brought it up, I became very angry. I prefer the actual physical disc and liner notes as well. We have to support the great labels like LaLaLand.

Still not sure if I'm going to buy TOS box because I like TNG and DS9 so much more but I do love to collect collectables.

11-15-2012, 04:05 AM
As soon as i find it in 320, I will post it. You cannot enforce anything. If I find FLAC, I'd post that too, just as a matter of point. I'm no gentleman or lady, I am a pirate on a pitate site.

What's a "Pitate"? LOL

11-15-2012, 06:03 AM
I really like the idea of not posting the download for a few months. I feel blessed to have found this site but I usually only download scores that are no longer available or things like recording sessions. I managed a video retail store for more than ten years and downloading didn't affect us much but whenever a customer brought it up, I became very angry. I prefer the actual physical disc and liner notes as well. We have to support the great labels like LaLaLand.

Still not sure if I'm going to buy TOS box because I like TNG and DS9 so much more but I do love to collect collectables.

I'm not gonna buy it cause it's over 200 dollars. I rarely can afford a 10 dollar digi download. I understand the love and quality put into this set, I do. But I also feel that it totally screws the average consumer, as it will be totally out of reach. And since it is a limited edition, the chance to save up over months probably won't be there. This set is made for elite collectors, not the average listener or fan. I am not bothered, I can think of half a dozen private surces off the top of my head. I will likely not up it, just due to the time involved. But, I certainly feel that if they did not want this pirated, they may have looked at a more affordable way to do this, perhaps in parts or volumes. ?

11-15-2012, 06:18 AM
What's a "Pitate"? LOL

LOOOOL Thats classic!!! Thanks for posting that one.


---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ----------

I'm not gonna buy it cause it's over 200 dollars. I rarely can afford a 10 dollar digi download. I understand the love and quality put into this set, I do. But I also feel that it totally screws the average consumer, as it will be totally out of reach. And since it is a limited edition, the chance to save up over months probably won't be there. This set is made for elite collectors, not the average listener or fan. I am not bothered, I can think of half a dozen private surces off the top of my head. I will likely not up it, just due to the time involved. But, I certainly feel that if they did not want this pirated, they may have looked at a more affordable way to do this, perhaps in parts or volumes. ?

I'm sure LA LA Land will do that after a few years...


11-15-2012, 09:27 AM
Well, here's hoping the Star Trek love is spread around quickly and evenly (at least in 320). As for LLL, the F13 box set (although not as pricey) sold out very quickly, so I don't think there will be huge problem with sales with this one.

11-15-2012, 10:09 AM
I think that he was remembering that I had said (MANY pages ago) that I had had a conversation with the "great one" many years ago, but that was a LONG time ago!

Yes, I was very well aware that you had talked about it, and didn't (and still don't) question it. But in my post in this thread, I was referring to talking with Steiner next month at the Jeff Bond panel, and I was trying to find out if that was meant as a joke, which, as you have pointed out in the meantime, was not the case, meaning you still thought him being alive. It's really a pity that this release of the complete TOS music didn't come 2 years earlier, to include Fred Steiner in that panel. While Alexander Courage was the first one and created the main theme and some very fine scores in the beginning, the true soul of the TOS music was Fred Steiner, along with Gerald Fried and George Duning and the rest of the composers, who added some very different musical colors to the show.

11-15-2012, 12:24 PM
As soon as i find it in 320, I will post it. You cannot enforce anything. If I find FLAC, I'd post that too, just as a matter of point. I'm no gentleman or lady, I am a pirate on a pitate site.

Hello Amanda, nice to see you on this thread. Do what you have to do, we all love you for what you are: a true pirate! :)

11-15-2012, 12:26 PM
I know I sounded harsh, but I just ...well, never mind. I hope a balance is found, and all are happy with the result.

11-15-2012, 01:09 PM
I'm sure of it, Amanda! And no, you didn't sound harsh to me... I surely didn't mean to critizise you! You are always welcome wherever you go, at least for me! ;)

Hey, let me know which composer or which episode of TOS trek you are looking forward to the most.


11-15-2012, 01:12 PM
I dunno. I, uh, really don't know much about TOS music really. At least as far as who did what. Fot a long time, I ignored it, except for the ships and tech. But as I age, I enjoy it more. But a lot of the trivia and ins and outs of the thing, I just don't know. I am like that with a lot of the sci fi I watch. I can give you tech specs on any given starship, but no clue as to who stared in the show.....:rolleyes:

11-15-2012, 03:46 PM
Amanda, being a pirate do you get to wear one of those eye patches? :)

Have a parrot sit on your shoulder? :) :)

Have a wooden leg! Hehehehehehe


11-15-2012, 05:01 PM

Just in from Lalaland, as posted on the FSM board:

Posted: Nov 15, 2012 - 6:47 AM
By: La La Land Records (Member)


The Cage
Music Composed and Conducted by Alexander Courage
Episode #1, Recorded 1/21/65

1. Main Title* M10 1:00
2. Dr. Bartender M11 1:23
3. Survivors M21 1:45
4. Prime Specimen/Bottled M22–30/M31 5:08
5. Probing/Monster Illusion/Monster Fight/The Kibitzers M41/M42/M43/M44 5:40
6. Long Look/Vina’s Punishment M45/M51 2:02
7. Pike’s Punishment M52 0:36
8. The Picnic M53 2:17
9. True Love M61 1:24
10. Vina’s Dance M62 1:56
11. Torchy Girl/Under the Spell/Primitive Thoughts M63/M71/M72 1:10
12. Wrong Think M73 0:43
13. To Catch a T. M74 1:24
14. Going Up M75 1:10
15. Max’s Factor M81 2:12
16. Who Was Eve? & End Credits* M82 1:32

Total Time: 32:01

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry

Where No Man Has Gone Before
Music Composed and Conducted by Alexander Courage
Episode #2, Recorded 11/29/65
Aired #3, 9/22/66

17. Beyond the Pale (No Man Before)/Main Title M11/M12 1:06
18. Act 1 Card M13 0:37
19. Episode Titles M14 1:23
20. Force Field/Silver Orbs (Zooms Past) M15–20/M21 4:06
21. Crippled Ship M22 0:56
22. The Patient/Speedy Reader M23/M24 1:49
23. Some Corpse M31 2:21
24. Decision/Playtime/Megalomania/Stronger and Stronger/Hit the Button M32/M41/M42/M43/M44 3:03
25. On Delta Vega/Strangle by Wire M51/M52 1:14
26. When Your Eyes Have Turned to Silver M53 1:01
27. Instant Paradise M54 2:56
28. Power Mad/Situation Grave/Epilogue M61/M62/M63 6:09
29. End Title M64 0:23
30. End Credits M65 0:21

Total Time: 27:58

Total Disc Time: 60:06


No, I have to analyze that! :)

11-15-2012, 05:42 PM
Well, well, well! That is very interesting indeed. I would have thought that they would have the complete track listings of ALL discs available somewhere!

That being said, I also have a surprise. As some of you know, I've been looking all over for a copy of the book "The music of Star Trek" by Jeff Bond. Soundtrekker had offered to scan it for me, by hand (YIKES) one page at a time, but fortunately, a contact on another forum, an EBOOK forum, came through this morning with a PDF copy of the book, so I decided that it would be great to share it here! I mean, why not, this is a TOS thread, right?

Here is the link:

and, you know, it's just like money and manure, it's only good when you spread it around! :)


11-15-2012, 07:47 PM
I'm not gonna buy it cause it's over 200 dollars. I rarely can afford a 10 dollar digi download. I understand the love and quality put into this set, I do. But I also feel that it totally screws the average consumer, as it will be totally out of reach. And since it is a limited edition, the chance to save up over months probably won't be there. This set is made for elite collectors, not the average listener or fan. I am not bothered, I can think of half a dozen private surces off the top of my head. I will likely not up it, just due to the time involved. But, I certainly feel that if they did not want this pirated, they may have looked at a more affordable way to do this, perhaps in parts or volumes. ?

I totally agree with you Amanda. For me, this set is priced way out of my range. I can't afford the $220, forgetting the shipping and custom charges to the UK. I'd rather it have been a succession of volumes like the ST-NG volume or X-files Volume. I'd have bought those. Instead, I'm in the position where the only way I'll get to enjoy this music is through piracy. I can't help but feel bitter about this and assume that someone, somewhere wants a big hit of cash in one go, rather than drip feed releasing the scores. It's very disappointing.

11-15-2012, 07:48 PM
If it was sold as discs, or volumes, it would actually be more expensive.

11-15-2012, 08:21 PM
If it was sold as discs, or volumes, it would actually be more expensive.

I'm fine with that, because I could import it without getting a horrendous customs bill and spread the overall cost. It doesn't matter anyway, because they're selling it as a massive box set.

11-15-2012, 08:23 PM
Plus that would put the bonus material as a seperate volume (if you did it as seasons)

11-15-2012, 08:48 PM
That being said, I also have a surprise. As some of you know, I've been looking all over for a copy of the book "The music of Star Trek" by Jeff Bond. Soundtrekker had offered to scan it for me, by hand (YIKES) one page at a time, but fortunately, a contact on another forum, an EBOOK forum, came through this morning with a PDF copy of the book, so I decided that it would be great to share it here! I mean, why not, this is a TOS thread, right?

Here is the link:...Orgasmic! Thank you William!

I'm a huge Bond fan.....both of them .;)

11-15-2012, 09:06 PM
Well, well, well! That is very interesting indeed. I would have thought that they would have the complete track listings of ALL discs available somewhere!

That being said, I also have a surprise. As some of you know, I've been looking all over for a copy of the book "The music of Star Trek" by Jeff Bond. Soundtrekker had offered to scan it for me, by hand (YIKES) one page at a time, but fortunately, a contact on another forum, an EBOOK forum, came through this morning with a PDF copy of the book, so I decided that it would be great to share it here! I mean, why not, this is a TOS thread, right?

Here is the link:

and, you know, it's just like money and manure, it's only good when you spread it around! :)


Thanks My Friend! and you always spread the manure!! ;) errr the wealth, yeah that's it :)


11-15-2012, 09:11 PM
Well, well, well! That is very interesting indeed. I would have thought that they would have the complete track listings of ALL discs available somewhere!

Its a surprise... ;)

11-15-2012, 09:20 PM
It's looking good so far!! the "M" I take it means music that did not get into a episode? which means music we have never heard! Cool!!

Thank You my Friend!! will the Squire Of Gothos be playing some of these tunes? :)


11-15-2012, 09:25 PM
It's looking good so far!! the "M" I take it means music that did not get into a episode? Scott

No, those are the Reel numbers

like 1m1 2m1 etc. except the format they chose was M1, M14, M68 etc.

11-15-2012, 09:42 PM
No, those are the Reel numbers

like 1m1 2m1 etc. except the format they chose was M1, M14, M68 etc.

Rats!! "missed it by that much" Thanks Faleel


11-16-2012, 01:23 AM
Oh well, I guess I still have my dog...

11-16-2012, 04:19 AM
Oh well, I guess I still have my dog...

LOOOOOOL good one Misteretc...

More like "Your lucky I can't lift my leg"


11-16-2012, 09:18 AM
a agree to not sharing until the Boxes have been sold old. They sure deserve every bit of that money.
I really don't get the idea behind limited editions. We have few customers for a short period of time
if you can have many for ALL time?

11-16-2012, 09:54 AM
It's looking good so far!! the "M" I take it means music that did not get into a episode? which means music we have never heard! Cool!!

Thank You my Friend!! will the Squire Of Gothos be playing some of these tunes? :)


Yes, I'm playing the music all day, you know! Right now, I have a strong, hot coffee, while relaxing and playing the wonderful tune of "The Picnic" from "The Cage"!

Disc 1 and 2, according to the track list, don't seem to have any cues unheard so far, they are all from the two pilots as broadcast. "The Cage" even seems to be almost identical to the GNP release, with the exception of tracks 6 and 16, who seem to be expanded.

"Where No Man...", on the other hand, is extremely expanded compared to the GNP release, there are almost 12 minutes of unreleased music (see tracks 17, 22-25, and the absolute highlight of the score: track 28, which, finally, will include the fist fight between Kirk and Mitchell! Some of those tracks are expanded tracks from the GNP release, others are completely new).

As for un-USED music (meaning neither released before, nor used in the actual episodes's final cuts), we will have to see what the other discs will bring; I'm guessing those tracks will be marked individually (e.g. with a "+").

What I like the most is the fact that Lalaland chose to edit several short cues into longer tracks, as long as it made sense, so the flow of the music is much more streamlined and less fractured!

---------- Post added at 02:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 AM ----------

a agree to not sharing until the Boxes have been sold old. They sure deserve every bit of that money.
I really don't get the idea behind limited editions. We have few customers for a short period of time
if you can have many for ALL time?

Yes, doesn't make sense, if you see it that way, but maybe their thinking is: if you say "limited", there is much more pressure for potential buyers to buy it as soon as possible. They may even calculate that items will be bought only to re-sell it later, as soon as it is sold out, which, theoretically, will raise the price on the second market. In the end, all comes down to the demand, and it can get horribly wrong, as seen with the Ron Jones project!

And don't forget the market analysis done before by Lalaland: they asked their potential customers, and according to that figure, they may have calculated that 6000 units will saturate the first market sufficiently. (Does anyone know what the final market analysis of the potential buyers was, anyway?) If the demand is higher in the end, say an additional 1000 customers right now, and potentially many more in the next years, than the remaining customers have only three options: waiting for the box on the second market (ebay), waiting for a second edition from Lalaland, or pirating it.

Now the question is: can Lalaland sell all 6000 units? Sure, may very well be. Would they be able to sell 6000 units if they had it released as "unlimited" edition? I don't know. It's always risky either way for Lalaland. At least I hope they can bring in all the costs of this huge production and make some profit out of it, to be able to go to the next project! They have earned it, really!

11-16-2012, 11:37 AM
Why buy it when i can hum it?

11-16-2012, 03:26 PM
This got posted at Trekmovie by Jeff Bond:

"There�s 17 hours of music. Out of the 15 CDs, 12 consist of original scores written for the show by seven different composers, and three have �library cues� which range from adaptations of music previously recorded for the show�sometimes done with different tempi, different arrangements and other changes, and some is totally original music, but written �wild��i.e., not scored to a specific scene. So while there IS some repeated music, it�s a small percentage of the entire set, and it is different enough in performance and sound to differentiate it from the rest of the music on the set. There are also sound effects which were created musically, songs, and �source� music�Trelane playing the harpsichord, for example. It�s a huge variety of music and to my knowledge no television series has ever had all of its recorded music archived like this."

So you'll get Trelane on the harpsichord. :)

11-16-2012, 05:36 PM
Well, I think that we all will be in for some really great surprises with this set, and to answer your question SOUNDTREKKER: YES, I think that they will sell the 6,000 units in a heartbeat, and then some! As I stated previously, I think that they will be scrambling to get more copies printed, as they are flooded from every corner of the planet for copies. If Neil can sell 40,000 copies of the CD version of the sound effects (not counting the albums and cassette sales), and that was about 10-12 years ago that he passed the 40,000 unit mark, then LALALAND sure as HELL can sell that many! The price is way below normal, and it is totally acceptable for the average person to afford!

Oh, and Soundtrekker: Somewhere on my DVDs is an old video footage of the last "Bjo" convention, where they had THAT uniform from Trelane on display, with my old girlfriend at that time standing next to it, fawning over the costume (because she really LOVED Trelane's performance, she was really weird that way) I will try and find the footage and see if I can throw it on Youtube for everyone to see, providing my wife didn't throw it away, because it had HER in it, hehehehe :)

11-16-2012, 06:12 PM
Will this be in the Star Trek TOS collection too?

Space - YouTube (

11-19-2012, 01:58 PM
Will this be in the Star Trek TOS collection too?

Space - YouTube (

Yes! Look here, on the bottom to the left:

11-19-2012, 05:10 PM
Furthermore, an interesting posting from Lukas Kendall over at the FSM forum:

================================================== ======================

Posted: Nov 17, 2012 - 11:34 AM
By: Lukas Kendall (Member)

The first GNP album, The Cage/Where No Man..., was produced using Sandy Courage's personal tapes, as the original session masters to the series were not available at the time (they were subsequently acquired by GNP/Crescendo, and have been used for the new box set). Sandy's tapes were not in the best shape, and a few cues had to be left off. Our sound quality for the pilot scores is much better, and they are now complete, solely due to the source elements available.

I want to be clear: the past Trek albums were done using the best available sources and technology at the time. They were produced in a much different business environment that required a lot more risk and capital investment compared to today's boutique market. At the time, Neil Norman, who with his wife Melanie Clarkson is an executive producer on the box set, was (correct me if I'm wrong) the only album producer willing to pay the large AFM new-use fees to release episodic scores from cult TV shows of decades past—that took guts and a great passion for science fiction and for Star Trek, which Neil has.

GNP/Crescendo did great work on those albums—I have them all, as do many of us—and they acquired and took care of the Trek master tapes which were and are in pristine condition, especially given their age and the number of times they have changed hands.

For the box set, Crescendo has not only allowed the use of their tapes, but waived their exclusive rights to the scores previously released on their label, so that those episodes could be remastered, expanded and included along with the previously unreleased ones.

So, they're our partners, and I'd like to head off any comparison of the old vs. new albums because it's really apples and oranges.


================================================== =============

So does that mean, GNP had all of the original tapes in their hands, or does Lukas refer only to those masters that were the source for the 3 GNP albums (plus the cues on the "Best of" albums)? Not sure how to read that...

11-19-2012, 09:02 PM
Depending on how big those reels are and what speed they were recorded at, so who knows what else could be on the GNP tapes!! I know I saw a youtube video from LLL showing the Paramount vault in Arizona where all there tapes where stored and how they took them back to California to clean up the tapes and restore them, LLL could have only half of what GNP has and the only way to make the set complete was to include the GNP tapes with LLL! I trust William when he stated several months ago that he worked out a Gentleman's agreement with Neil Norman concerning the tapes William has on TOS (of course we all know Norman shafted William) which begs the question of "When will Norman shaft LLL?" I'm sure Norman is getting a piece of LLL new set! Norman is a man that will do what it takes to make a buck off anyone, he is not just going to sign over his rights and get nothing for it! remember Norman has a big piece of what LLL needs. Just my thoughts...


11-19-2012, 11:58 PM
Well, I don't know about any of that, but in the past, I do know that Neil was bitching about dishing out alot of money, which I had assumed was given over to Paramount/Gulf&western, who he was in constant meetings with, regarding these CDs. I know that he not only screwed me over for money, but he also screwed over Ralph Miller for all the editing and cleaning he did on the TOS sound effects, and even though he has turned into a little "Frimp" regarding our relationship, the TOS sound effects would not sound as good as they do, if not for Mr. Miller's hard work!
The only reels of Trek music that Neil had from me were the TOS sound effects, remastered at 15 IPS, and the ORIGINAL pilot reels from Sandy Courage, that Lukas is speaking of above. Those tapes were mine, and given to Neil to produce the first discs to get the stuff "out there" as Neil had played upon my love of the show, and the music. I do agree with Lukas that it took alot of guts to produce the discs and run the risk of failure and bankruptcy, but Neil was greatly successful, thanks to all the fans that clamored to buy all of his records, cassettes and discs, and he has a very large house in Malibu, totally paid for in one lump sum to show for his efforts!

That's all I know!


11-20-2012, 12:49 AM
"I hope he didn't kill anyone I know for it"

11-20-2012, 01:23 AM
I stand corrected William!! I had forgotten that it was the sound effects for TOS not the music... My bad. I remembered he squared you on the money too! and the credit. Thanks to Mr. Miller for his hard work, but you William should have had the big house too and a share of the credit...just my two cents worth.


---------- Post added at 04:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

"I hope he didn't kill anyone I know for it"

If he did kill anyone you know...I do believe you'd know it! :)


HR Pufnstuf
11-20-2012, 02:03 AM
Well, I don't know about any of that, but in the past, I do know that Neil was bitching about dishing out alot of money, which I had assumed was given over to Paramount/Gulf&western, who he was in constant meetings with, regarding these CDs. I know that he not only screwed me over for money, but he also screwed over Ralph Miller for all the editing and cleaning he did on the TOS sound effects, and even though he has turned into a little "Frimp" regarding our relationship, the TOS sound effects would not sound as good as they do, if not for Mr. Miller's hard work!
The only reels of Trek music that Neil had from me were the TOS sound effects, remastered at 15 IPS, and the ORIGINAL pilot reels from Sandy Courage, that Lukas is speaking of above. Those tapes were mine, and given to Neil to produce the first discs to get the stuff "out there" as Neil had played upon my love of the show, and the music. I do agree with Lukas that it took alot of guts to produce the discs and run the risk of failure and bankruptcy, but Neil was greatly successful, thanks to all the fans that clamored to buy all of his records, cassettes and discs, and he has a very large house in Malibu, totally paid for in one lump sum to show for his efforts!

That's all I know!



I always enjoying reading your Trek history here. Thanks for sharing. The original liner notes for GNP's first and second Trek pilot CDs stated:

"The master tapes for this album are from the best sources available. They have endured fire and flood at Paramount and though they do betray their age, they are still in mint condition. For many years their whereabouts were cloaked in an aura of mystery. In my adventures as a Science Fiction archaeologist, my colleagues and I were finally able to unearth them! No expense has been spared to bring them to you in "state of the art" digital form."

Why the apparent malarkey on the liner notes about the master tapes enduring fire and flood at Paramount?

HR Pufnstuf

11-20-2012, 02:54 AM
You know, I have no freakin idea why that was put there. The tapes were LONG gone by the time the back lot and several soundstages caught fire. I was actually on the lot the morning before that fire, which broke out in the afternoon, and they were filming Trek 3, as I was on the set, watching the captain of the merchant ship get blown away by Kruge, and his lover girlfriend was wearing some sort of funeral mask, all silver and hanging down over her boobs, which she put on before the explosions. That scene was edited out of the final draft, but there were several promo shots from the set that showed the captain looking at the BOP on the viewscreen, and she's standing behind him, wearing this mask, thingy.
The music tapes were in my possession since before STTMP was even in production, and the Sound effects tapes were in storage over at Horta Editorial since the early 70's, from the cartoon Trek production. So, it is just a bunch of "Donkey Fazoo", to coin a phrase, hehehehehe
The way that Neil put that down there, and the way that Lukas had spoken of "Sandy Courages" tapes, sounds like Neil got them directly from Mr. Courage, which is just not factual! Mr. Courage may have had copies of the original, but this one was the original MUSIC master from the studio, and was going to be erased, so the techs could record something else on it. If I hadn't grabbed it when I did, and bribed the HELL out of one of the techs, then this music may never have gotten out, and the whole ball would have never gotten rolling in the first place. Neil was VERY unsure about how the SFX would sell, and kept dragging his feet on them, until the results of sales on the first record came in, only then would he commit (RIGHT!!! Hehehehe) to the project with me.

Oh, and speaking of Liner notes, I think I said this here before, but to repeat myself, Neil asked me to write down some notes for the SFX album, and I wrote down the history of the sound effects, the involvement of Douglas Adams, and the work of Ralph Miller, which Neil was not even going to put his name on the CD at all, until I insisted! Neil totally ignored what I had written, and wrote his own liner notes, which had nothing about Douglas Grindstaff at all, if I recall correctly, and nothing about Ralph Miller's editing job, and cleaning up of the original tracks, which I do remember correctly about that part, hehehe
Just really sticks in my kraw (Not KRAW.....KRAW.. Hehehehehe)


11-20-2012, 04:13 AM
"Are you asking for the Cone Of Silence?" lol


11-20-2012, 05:54 AM
I am actually hoping that this gets shared here as soon as possible, as this is likely the only way I'm going to be able to get my hands on this music. Even when I'm employed, which sadly is not currently the case, $225-ish is way out of my price range for any kind of non-grocery or non-rent-or-bill purchase.

11-20-2012, 06:54 AM
I am quite sure that it will be shared in this thread eventually. And since not every member shares the opinions expressed here, I would not be surprised to see several postings of it on the forum. Unless, of course, admin bans it. And I only express this because we just made an entire thread to be ready to share this thing, knowing Kendall et al do read this forum now. (envisions red steam coming out of ears). So we are really drawing a LOT of uneeded attention to us. But, there are several other spots to get it, and a nice healthy private system. So I have no worries about eventually getting it, but this discussion - so openly - seems...provocative and i would not be at all surprised to see consequences because of it. Jut my two cents.

11-20-2012, 11:03 AM
A few interesting links, in case you don't know them yet:

A special thread at FSM (, dedicated to the TOS set, where the track listings are published during the last week, about 1 disc per day (The tracks of the first 5 discs are published so far):
FSM Board: PR: La-La Land announces 15CD Star Trek Collection (

Over at, you'll find exclusive audio samples (in 320!) from the TOS set: :: Star Trek The Original Series Complete Box Set Soundtrack - Artwork and Exclusive Samples (

The samples are fantastic, love the jazzy "Maze fight" from Catspaw (by Gerald Fried), the beautiful love theme from Metamorphosis ("It's Her - Loveliness", by George Duning), and the brillant "Battle Music" from Elaan of Troyius (by Fred Steiner) - gave me goosebumps!

And, finally, the Film Music Magazine has released an exclucive 55 min. audio interview (called On the Score with �Star Trek: The Original Series Soundtrack Collection�) with the producers of the TOS set on its homepage:
Audio: On the Score with (

Haven't heard it yet, but it might be quite interesting - the official LLL promo video (while I loved the presentation and style) was way too short to really get into things!

11-20-2012, 04:40 PM
On another note, I wanted to share a VERY harrowing experience with the group that I had last night! I was on "Teh Paradox", downloading an episode of the old 1985 "Twilight Zone" series, and all of a sudden, my computer locked up, and a white sceen appeared on my laptop with a big "FBI" logo in the middle!!!! It said that my computer was targeted downloading copyrighted material, and my computer would be locked down until I paid a fine of $200.00 thru "Moneypak", an online financial site, similar to Paypal, and they even had a link to allow you to transfer the funds thru Paypal directly to Moneypak! My first impulse was "SCAM"!!! Anytime that someone online asks you, or in this case DEMANDS money, it has to be a scam, right? So, I turned off my computer, and rebooted in safe mode, and ran my "Microsoft security essentials" antivirus program, that ID'd the program as "Malware" and deleted it. I ran an update to the virus protection on my MSE, and it has not come back.
The reason that I wanted to share this with you, is that this program listed all the copyrighted material that I had downloaded in the last couple of days. ONLY those files, some of which I got here. I found out that this scam program is on Google under the search words "FBI Moneypak", and not only do they charge everyone a $200.00 fine, but other people are online, willing to "help" you to get rid of this virus, for the nominal fee of 69.99!!!! All you have to do is download any Malware protection program, or, if you don't have a copy of the MSE in your system, GET IT!!! It's alot better than AVAST, and it's from Microsoft, so you know, if you are running Windows (any version) it will protect your system! :)

Just hope that nobody here was dumb enough to pay these bastards, located in the middle east somewhere, any money!

Forewarned, and all that stuff.


11-20-2012, 05:02 PM
my computer locked up, and a white sceen appeared on my laptop with a big "FBI" logo in the middle!!!! It said that my computer was targeted downloading copyrighted material, and my computer would be locked down until I paid a fine of $200.00 thru "Moneypak", and online financial site, similar to Paypal, and they even had a link to allow you to transfer the funds thru Paypal directly to Moneypak! My first impulse was "SCAM"!!!

Dear "WilliamTaylor" not born anywhere close to 1969 even (we both know this, right?)
i have to inform you that this is indeed no scam and that we had to prosecute you in your
absence since we couldn't detect any webcam on your computer (pretty lame machine
by the way, at least get yourself a new cpu, will you?!) Anyways, we expect you pay the
fine within the hour or Executive Un-Producers will be send to you soon - and believe us
this will NOT be in your absence. Have a nice day, be smart, we don't want it to be your last one.

Yours sincecerly

Bureau of MQP*

* one of those pesky abbreviations which meanings we don't reveal to anyone so we appear more important


11-20-2012, 07:39 PM
Cute, very cute!


11-20-2012, 07:46 PM
Thanks for sharing what happened to you William, because I can see people getting suckered through pure fear. A colleague of work told me that he had a UK equivalent with the image of a Policeman holding out his hand. Whilst it sounds amusing, it effected his PC.

I'm with Amanda, with her POV on this thread. A discussion about the subject is fine but we don't want to draw undue attention on any potential downloads. I put my tuppence worth in earlier and shouldn't have done. I am peed off about the whole thing though. I would like to be able to buy individual Star Trek Cds :( This set is still a labour of love and we don't want to upset them before it's even released.

11-20-2012, 11:05 PM
On another note, I wanted to share a VERY harrowing experience with the group that I had last night! I was on "Teh Paradox", downloading an episode of the old 1985 "Twilight Zone" series, and all of a sudden, my computer locked up, and a white sceen appeared on my laptop with a big "FBI" logo in the middle!!!! It said that my computer was targeted downloading copyrighted material, and my computer would be locked down until I paid a fine of $200.00 thru "Moneypak", an online financial site, similar to Paypal, and they even had a link to allow you to transfer the funds thru Paypal directly to Moneypak! My first impulse was "SCAM"!!! Anytime that someone online asks you, or in this case DEMANDS money, it has to be a scam, right? So, I turned off my computer, and rebooted in safe mode, and ran my "Microsoft security essentials" antivirus program, that ID'd the program as "Malware" and deleted it. I ran an update to the virus protection on my MSE, and it has not come back.
The reason that I wanted to share this with you, is that this program listed all the copyrighted material that I had downloaded in the last couple of days. ONLY those files, some of which I got here. I found out that this scam program is on Google under the search words "FBI Moneypak", and not only do they charge everyone a $200.00 fine, but other people are online, willing to "help" you to get rid of this virus, for the nominal fee of 69.99!!!! All you have to do is download any Malware protection program, or, if you don't have a copy of the MSE in your system, GET IT!!! It's alot better than AVAST, and it's from Microsoft, so you know, if you are running Windows (any version) it will protect your system! :)

Just hope that nobody here was dumb enough to pay these bastards, located in the middle east somewhere, any money!

Forewarned, and all that stuff.


One of my cousins fell for this scam, before he called me for advise! by then it was to late, he gave them the money (he used his credit card) and access to his computer. This scam they said they where from "Windows" they did not ID themselves as "Microsoft" so for me that was a dead give-away! and second, Microsoft never calls windows users...if you need help, you have to call them!! but they had access to his computer for over 20 minutes, then they got greedy!! they wanted more money to fix his computer problem (which there was NO problem to began with) he (my cousin) had a image pop up on his screen, with a Windows logo saying "Your Computer has A Virus" something like that...anyway to make a long story short, they got his credit card info, bank account info! and to top it off they formated his hard drive!! so I spent the whole next day re-installing his OS, programs and games, my cousin had to cancel his credit cards, put a stop to his bank account and lost whatever files he had on his hard drive.

Personally I use Bullguard Internet Security 2013 and have not had any pop-ups, malware, or spyware, every now and then I get a tracking cookie and Bullguard deletes it. William, the FBI never alerts an individual about illegal downloading, you'll know when they just show up at your front door with a warrant and handcuffs. The FBI wants the BIG FISH, the ones hosting all those multi million dollar software sites, not us little minnows.


11-20-2012, 11:25 PM
On another note, I wanted to share a VERY harrowing experience with the group that I had last night! I was on "Teh Paradox", downloading an episode of the old 1985 "Twilight Zone" series, and all of a sudden, my computer locked up, and a white sceen appeared on my laptop with a big "FBI" logo in the middle!!!! It said that my computer was targeted downloading copyrighted material, and my computer would be locked down until I paid a fine of $200.00 thru "Moneypak", an online financial site, similar to Paypal, and they even had a link to allow you to transfer the funds thru Paypal directly to Moneypak! My first impulse was "SCAM"!!! Anytime that someone online asks you, or in this case DEMANDS money, it has to be a scam, right? So, I turned off my computer, and rebooted in safe mode, and ran my "Microsoft security essentials" antivirus program, that ID'd the program as "Malware" and deleted it. I ran an update to the virus protection on my MSE, and it has not come back.
The reason that I wanted to share this with you, is that this program listed all the copyrighted material that I had downloaded in the last couple of days. ONLY those files, some of which I got here. I found out that this scam program is on Google under the search words "FBI Moneypak", and not only do they charge everyone a $200.00 fine, but other people are online, willing to "help" you to get rid of this virus, for the nominal fee of 69.99!!!! All you have to do is download any Malware protection program, or, if you don't have a copy of the MSE in your system, GET IT!!! It's alot better than AVAST, and it's from Microsoft, so you know, if you are running Windows (any version) it will protect your system! :)

Just hope that nobody here was dumb enough to pay these bastards, located in the middle east somewhere, any money!

Forewarned, and all that stuff.


Yep, I had a similar think here in old blighty but mine was the metropolitan police. So it's not just a US operation :(

11-20-2012, 11:59 PM
A few interesting links, in case you don't know them yet:

A special thread at FSM (, dedicated to the TOS set, where the track listings are published during the last week, about 1 disc per day (The tracks of the first 5 discs are published so far):
FSM Board: PR: La-La Land announces 15CD Star Trek Collection (

Over at, you'll find exclusive audio samples (in 320!) from the TOS set: :: Star Trek The Original Series Complete Box Set Soundtrack - Artwork and Exclusive Samples (

The samples are fantastic, love the jazzy "Maze fight" from Catspaw (by Gerald Fried), the beautiful love theme from Metamorphosis ("It's Her - Loveliness", by George Duning), and the brillant "Battle Music" from Elaan of Troyius (by Fred Steiner) - gave me goosebumps!

And, finally, the Film Music Magazine has released an exclucive 55 min. audio interview (called On the Score with “Star Trek: The Original Series Soundtrack Collection”) with the producers of the TOS set on its homepage:
Audio: On the Score with (

Haven't heard it yet, but it might be quite interesting - the official LLL promo video (while I loved the presentation and style) was way too short to really get into things!

My Friend Soundtrekker you always come up with the best sites! and Info! I don't know how to thank you!!!!


---------- Post added at 02:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------

Dear "WilliamTaylor" not born anywhere close to 1969 even (we both know this, right?)
i have to inform you that this is indeed no scam and that we had to prosecute you in your
absence since we couldn't detect any webcam on your computer (pretty lame machine
by the way, at least get yourself a new cpu, will you?!) Anyways, we expect you pay the
fine within the hour or Executive Un-Producers will be send to you soon - and believe us
this will NOT be in your absence. Have a nice day, be smart, we don't want it to be your last one.

Yours sincecerly

Bureau of MQP*

* one of those pesky abbreviations which meanings we don't reveal to anyone so we appear more important


Okay I have just found out this is olaf sense of humor!! not funny as far as I'm concerned....Scott

11-23-2012, 04:17 PM
Not to worry, Scotty, it's all good. It's called "Confrontational humor", I did a paper in college in my "psych101" type class! :)

Groucho Marx and Don Rickles were masters of that craft.

And, as everyone knows, I already explained the whole "1969" thing in another thread, and also why I use the name of "William Taylor"! :)

As I say, it's all good!

And, Scotty, I'm asking for the "CONES of silence" for my WIFE! Hehehehehehehe She's gets very vocal during..... Er, never mind!


11-23-2012, 05:12 PM
Not to worry, Scotty, it's all good. It's called "Confrontational humor", I did a paper in college in my "psych101" type class! :)

It's not my only kind of humour and i only do it to folks who i have a sense of appreciation for and who understand it, well, and i just knew you are that kinda guy, William, one only needs to read your posts :)

11-23-2012, 06:08 PM
Yeah I ran into that a few months back.
Another way I found to get rid of it, is if you have another computer in your network that is Windows XP Pro or is running the Remote Registry Service:
a. start regedit
b. Connect Network Registry and specify the computer name on your network.
c. Once you get in, then go to this registry key under that computer:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Run
Look for the offending entry that starts that nonsense and delete it.
d. Also look at the same key under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Run

11-24-2012, 04:48 AM
Not to worry, Scotty, it's all good. It's called "Confrontational humor", I did a paper in college in my "psych101" type class! :)

Groucho Marx and Don Rickles were masters of that craft.

And, as everyone knows, I already explained the whole "1969" thing in another thread, and also why I use the name of "William Taylor"! :)

As I say, it's all good!

And, Scotty, I'm asking for the "CONES of silence" for my WIFE! Hehehehehehehe She's gets very vocal during..... Er, never mind!


"Lowering The Cone Of Silence"....but as we all know it never works, and we can hear everything! so tell her to let it RIP!! ;)

Groucho and Rickles are most assuredly Masters of that craft!! My apologizes Olaf for jumping to the wrong conclusion, I shell endeavor to not go off on all thrusters next time...please except my apology. I understand all to well William :)


11-24-2012, 03:59 PM
It's a good thing that I proofread all my posts after I hit the "post" button, because I had a typo, and your name came out "Snotty"!!! Hehehehehehe

Good thing I corrected that, if I got you mad at me, we'd be sitting dead in space, with NO engines at all, until I said that I'm sorry!

And, on another note, I'm reworking all the disc labels for the upcoming LALA land release, since the only HQ photo has some of the discs lain over one another, so I'm finding the EXACT photo that they used, which is really hard is some cases (Like the GORN of all people? They show him up against a gray background, and I cannot find any photos even close to that!) So I will gather them together when done and zip them up for you all! :)


11-24-2012, 09:11 PM
It's a good thing that I proofread all my posts after I hit the "post" button, because I had a typo, and your name came out "Snotty"!!! Hehehehehehe

Good thing I corrected that, if I got you mad at me, we'd be sitting dead in space, with NO engines at all, until I said that I'm sorry!

And, on another note, I'm reworking all the disc labels for the upcoming LALA land release, since the only HQ photo has some of the discs lain over one another, so I'm finding the EXACT photo that they used, which is really hard is some cases (Like the GORN of all people? They show him up against a gray background, and I cannot find any photos even close to that!) So I will gather them together when done and zip them up for you all! :)


Normally I do to! the medication I take causes me to become drowsy and I didn't double check what I wrote, I'll try and be more careful.
Snotty!! LOOOL sounds like my nose should run all the time...yuk what a mess that would cause, not to mention going into all the circuitry ;)

No Sir! you would always have me engines at your disposal.... As always, Warp Drive at your command!

cool can't wait for those!! you always do good work William.


11-25-2012, 12:44 AM
Not to mention the Spaceballs references! <grin>

justin boggan
11-25-2012, 01:00 AM
Yeah I ran into that a few months back.
Another way I found to get rid of it, is if you have another computer in your network that is Windows XP Pro or is running the Remote Registry Service:
a. start regedit
b. Connect Network Registry and specify the computer name on your network.
c. Once you get in, then go to this registry key under that computer:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Run
Look for the offending entry that starts that nonsense and delete it.
d. Also look at the same key under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Run

WHOOOOOAAAHHH, cowboy. NEVER delete random things from your computer's registry unless you know for sure it doesn't belong there. Plenty of legitimate Windows files, as well as files from legitimate programs you may have installed, look like nonsense or fake crap. ALWAYS search the name and make sure it's legitimate.

Deleting just the right things from the registry, for example, can give the Kiss of Death to a computer.

11-25-2012, 01:08 AM
I am buying it. Very excited. This is my second dream come true. My first was the 3 disc Star Trek The Motion Picture Remastered gift from heaven. Thanks guys...

11-25-2012, 05:02 PM
Well, wouldn't you just freaking know it! As soon as I put this thread up here, my file storage access is suspended, due to a "DMCA" complaint from "someone". I really LOVE it when they say that you got a complaint, but they won't tell you WHO complained, or which file was suspect! You have to take a copyright "test", which I passed with flying colors, by the way (hehehehe) and then they want you to review ALL of your files and remove any files that you may think are infringing on copyright laws! However, the strange thing is, I went through all of my files, and none of them are deleted or missing! Curiouser and curiouser!

It's a good thing that I have like 20 various IDs all over the internet, with 20 (or more) storage sites, hehehehehe

I guess that makes me a PIRATE!!! (arrrrgggg, matey!) :)


11-26-2012, 05:42 AM
Well, wouldn't you just freaking know it! As soon as I put this thread up here, my file storage access is suspended, due to a "DMCA" complaint from "someone". I really LOVE it when they say that you got a complaint, but they won't tell you WHO complained, or which file was suspect! You have to take a copyright "test", which I passed with flying colors, by the way (hehehehe) and then they want you to review ALL of your files and remove any files that you may think are infringing on copyright laws! However, the strange thing is, I went through all of my files, and none of them are deleted or missing! Curiouser and curiouser!

It's a good thing that I have like 20 various IDs all over the internet, with 20 (or more) storage sites, hehehehehe

I guess that makes me a PIRATE!!! (arrrrgggg, matey!) :)


According to DMCA 512(c) 1: "notice from the copyright owner, known as notice and take down, and 2) the existence of �red flags.� all someone has to do is notify the copyright holder and the copyright holder sends the "Take Down Notice" to the storage service and your account is suspended, then the legal fun starts.

Someone is downloading your files and then notifying the copyright holder(s) I don't know if you will ever find out who it is! but one things for sure...if he or she can do this to you, none of our files are safe.

William your in good company! if your a Pirate!! then we all are...arrrr you scurvy dogs!!! put your backs into it before the Captain has you keelhauled. :)


11-26-2012, 09:00 AM
I just watched this on youtube and thought you guys would like to see it, it's called "Star Trek: Evolution of the Enterprise" it's well done and comes on one of the Star Trek Enterprise DVD Extra's...which one I have no idea, Personally I only have the first season of Enterprise and have not decided if I want the others yet. Anyway Enjoy...

Star Trek: Evolution of the Enterprise - YouTube (


11-26-2012, 11:56 PM
But, Scotty, IMO the fourth season of Enterprise is the best! The Vulcan Katra story arc along with the Mirror Universe story being the standouts. Just steer clear of that AWFUL finale. Talk about stinking up the joint.... It is a good story if you fast forward through the horrid TNG parts, I guess. Why they couldn't have a proper series ending I don't know and will never understand.

11-27-2012, 12:58 AM
You notice, in that video that John Eaves doesn't mention that the NX-01 was actually a FAN design, and NON-CANON design, that they adapted for the show, and never gave that fan or his design credit! What a bunch of BASTARDS! They still won't admit it!


11-27-2012, 02:28 AM
You notice, in that video that John Eaves doesn't mention that the NX-01 was actually a FAN design, and NON-CANON design, that they adapted for the show, and never gave that fan or his design credit! What a bunch of BASTARDS! They still won't admit it!


Isn't it just pretty much a redesigned Akira class ship?

11-27-2012, 02:50 AM
You notice, in that video that John Eaves doesn't mention that the NX-01 was actually a FAN design, and NON-CANON design, that they adapted for the show, and never gave that fan or his design credit! What a bunch of BASTARDS! They still won't admit it!


Wait since when? I've never heard that before?

11-27-2012, 02:53 AM
Yes, the Akira was the fan design that was "borrowed" by the studio, almost exact copy of the Akira.


11-27-2012, 04:21 AM
The Akira class was created by an Industrial Light & Magic employee for Star Trek: first Contact.

Akira class - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki (

Yes, the Akira was the fan design that was "borrowed" by the studio, almost exact copy of the Akira.


11-27-2012, 05:21 AM
If it was created for first an employee working on the film...then how was it a fan non-canon design?

11-27-2012, 06:06 AM
If it was created for first an employee working on the film...then how was it a fan non-canon design?

I think you've hit the nail on the head.

11-27-2012, 06:26 AM
But, Scotty, IMO the fourth season of Enterprise is the best! The Vulcan Katra story arc along with the Mirror Universe story being the standouts. Just steer clear of that AWFUL finale. Talk about stinking up the joint.... It is a good story if you fast forward through the horrid TNG parts, I guess. Why they couldn't have a proper series ending I don't know and will never understand.

True! but $60.00 plus for only three seasons is asking a lot, especially the whole first season Judas Priest!! talk about destroying the whole canon that I grow up reading about...the only good thing was GR was not a live to see it. Oh I agree with you on the episodes you listed and the final did stink to high heaven...More likely Paramount did not give the producers enough time to end it right and even if they did, those knuckle heads ran out of story's or idea's! I do remember the producers started asking the public to submit story's to them and that was STTNG was running, so what makes the rest of think they can do a new Star Trek show when they can't even come up with new story's for TNG!! it shows...anyway thank for letting me rant. :)


---------- Post added at 09:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 PM ----------

Yes, the Akira was the fan design that was "borrowed" by the studio, almost exact copy of the Akira.


I can believe that....


---------- Post added at 09:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ----------

If it was created for first an employee working on the film...then how was it a fan non-canon design?

Do you really believe Paramount is going to credit a fan...your talking about big bucks they would have to pay out!!


11-27-2012, 06:47 AM
The Akira was indeed designed at ILM. Many of the making of books have copies of the design evolution. All the first sketches etc. ILM is an extremely detail oriented Company, and they archive **everything**

Follow this link: Alex Jaeger Week � The Akira Class � (

The designer of the Akira talks about the process, with finished CGI rendering and initial design sketches.

Speaking of which here are some of the 1701 cut-away, and the finished renders of the NX:

<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank">

11-27-2012, 03:31 PM
The designer of the Akira talks about the process, with finished CGI rendering and initial design sketches.

On that note: Doug Drexler's blog is completely awesome. You could spend days just plowing through his amazing posts. But he's been MIA for months now. From what I understand he's working on his own project as well as the ST:TNG Bluray team now, but I sure wish he would return to his blog. I'm totally in withdrawal.

11-27-2012, 04:42 PM
But, Scotty, IMO the fourth season of Enterprise is the best! The Vulcan Katra story arc along with the Mirror Universe story being the standouts. Just steer clear of that AWFUL finale. Talk about stinking up the joint.... It is a good story if you fast forward through the horrid TNG parts, I guess. Why they couldn't have a proper series ending I don't know and will never understand.

The double episode Terra Prime would have made a nice ending, if episodes before that would kind of had prepared for that ... :)

11-27-2012, 04:48 PM
yep, it's cool. I was thinking on posting more of the work. I figure, a thing is canon if it was seen ON SCREEN in any episode of any of the series and/or movies. The cut awauy of the TOS Enterprise above is actually of the Defiant, and was seen on board said ship during In A Mirror Darkly, so can be considered canon in my viewpoint.

The designing of the NX Enterprise is also talked about great detail on that page, as well as the other ships used in the First Contact Borg scenes.

Although, speaking of canon. I have heard that Mr. Roddenberry did not seem to consider most, if not all, of Trek 5 to be canon. But again, who would :))

11-27-2012, 05:05 PM
I have now finally obtained the scans of Fred Steiner's article "The Music for Star Trek. Scoring a Television Show in the Sixties". This 24-page essay is a historical analysis of the scoring and tracking for the original series. It appeared in the book "Wonderful Inventions: Motion Pictures, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound at the Library of Congress", ed. by Iris Newsom and was published by the Library of Congress, Washington, in 1985. (A shorter version of this article was published two years earlier in "The Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress", under the title "Keeping Score of the Scores. Music For Star Trek", page 4-15).

This may be a nice teaser for the upcoming TOS CD box set, and, together with Jeff Bond's book "The Music of Star Trek" and the new booklet from the box set, may answer many questions about the scoring of Star Trek.

Musicforstartrek.rar download - 2shared (

11-27-2012, 05:45 PM
That is awesome, Soundtrekker, thanks.

As for the Akira, I had seen that in FAN productions long before any ILM involvement with it. I saw some fans cheering on one website that a FAN created ship actually got included in the Battle at Wolf 359, and they were all asking this one person, online and public, how much Paramount had paid him for his design, etc. If someone at ILM had created it, why was it seen in fan publications years before? I will have to dig thru my stuff, but I think that I have a fan book of various ship designs with the Akira in it. Memory Alpha is not infalible also, they are just Earthlings, after all! :)

Now, I could be wrong also, but until I get PROOF, I will stand by my original memory traces of that subject!

Of course, we have no solid evidence for most of history, and as a matter of fact, there is no physical evidence for the exsistance of Jesus, either! History shows celebrations on or around December 25 going back 4-5,000 years before the time of Jesus, all the way back to the Sumarian celebration of Marduke, a 14 day gift giving celebration, honoring Marduke for keeping the demon of chaos away for another year! You can actually Google that, if you are curious. I just did! :)

Anyway, history has always been written by the winning side of any conflict, and always had a particular spin for one side over the other. We all hear about how evil the Nazi's were, but very little about all the mass murders and evil that the Japanese did, during their "forced walks" and POW camps in the philippines, or the monsterous evil that was done in Italy during the war. It's just had that spin put on it, due to all the murders of all the Jews in Germany, and it should have gotten out, but ALL of it, should be told! But there seems to be a design to downplay what the Japs did, even to the point that they apparently murdered Amelia Earhart
and her navagator, Frank by Japanese soldiers on Nikumaroro island in the pacific. There are natives on that island that have told that story, saying that Frank was shot and killed at once, but the white woman was sick or injured, but not allowed any medical attention, and she also died. There's alot of crap going down with history like that, I have found over the years.

Things are not always as they seem to be.


11-27-2012, 06:24 PM
Well William, I am not trying to create arguments. I would be very interested in these fan designs so I can see for myself. I do want to point out though that the page I linked above is not Memory Alpha but rather Drexler's blog and features a conversation with the ship's designer, including discussions on the ships size and design purpose. A lot of back and forth info in the follow up replies.

It is far bigger than the NX, it's saucer size was meant to be the same as the E's in width. It is true however that the producers wanted to use it as is for the NX, but were talked into compromising a tad here and there. These changes are discussed in the NX page of the same blog. But please, dig up the fan designs, so I can make my own decision rather than speculating.

11-27-2012, 07:29 PM
No, Amanda, "Gusmac" had put the link to Memory Alpha, not you!


justin boggan
11-27-2012, 08:56 PM
You notice, in that video that John Eaves doesn't mention that the NX-01 was actually a FAN design, and NON-CANON design, that they adapted for the show, and never gave that fan or his design credit! What a bunch of BASTARDS! They still won't admit it!


It's Hollywood. They do that, you know.

My sister's first speaking line in a popular (still running) TV series, was dubbed over by a staff member and she was not told, so they didn't have to pay her.

11-28-2012, 12:19 AM
I have now finally obtained the scans of Fred Steiner's article "The Music for Star Trek. Scoring a Television Show in the Sixties". This 24-page essay is a historical analysis of the scoring and tracking for the original series. It appeared in the book "Wonderful Inventions: Motion Pictures, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound at the Library of Congress", ed. by Iris Newsom and was published by the Library of Congress, Washington, in 1985. (A shorter version of this article was published two years earlier in "The Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress", under the title "Keeping Score of the Scores. Music For Star Trek", page 4-15).

This may be a nice teaser for the upcoming TOS CD box set, and, together with Jeff Bond's book "The Music of Star Trek" and the new booklet from the box set, may answer many questions about the scoring of Star Trek.

Musicforstartrek.rar download - 2shared (

I look forward to reading this...A BIG thanks Soundtrekker (aka Sir Squire of Gothos) :)


---------- Post added at 03:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------

It's Hollywood. They do that, you know.

My sister's first speaking line in a popular (still running) TV series, was dubbed over by a staff member and she was not told, so they didn't have to pay her.

So true Justin! a friend of the family started as a tour guide at Universal Studios, met and married a music editor there and got into hand modeling (thanks to her husband)...they never gave her screen credit and only paid her cash, so they did not have to pay her for any acting union wage.


11-28-2012, 04:54 AM
yep, it's cool. I was thinking on posting more of the work. I figure, a thing is canon if it was seen ON SCREEN in any episode of any of the series and/or movies. The cut awauy of the TOS Enterprise above is actually of the Defiant, and was seen on board said ship during In A Mirror Darkly, so can be considered canon in my viewpoint.

That cutaway of the Constitution class is amazing. The first time I believe it was published was when it was included as part of the Starship Creator 1.0 PC/Mac program by Simon & Schuster Software back in 1998:

Star Trek: Starship Creator - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki (

From what I understand, Doug Drexler drew it for that product, and he must have re-used it when he was senior illustrator for Enterprise. I think it also formed the basis for SciTechPub's cutaway poster that was released a couple years later as well.

Untitled Document (

Doug Talks about it's use on Enterprise a bit at his site here (no idea why he doesn't mention of it being used in Starship Creator, but I still have the software, and if you do also, you can find the drawing included there)

1701 Cutaway � (

11-28-2012, 05:16 AM
What i find interesting is that it shows the aft phasers and torpedoes which were never shown or hinted at in the original series. Then again, the filming model of the original series Enterprise shows the turbo shaft right behind the bridge dome, in the center. But the set obviously has the turbo shaft offset. So if one were to align the set and model into a plan, the bridge would have to be turned off center to the rest of the ship....

11-28-2012, 05:53 PM
More exciting stuff for us hardcore trekkers! ;) :: Star Trek The Original Series Complete Box Set Soundtrack - Neil S. Bulk (Producer) Interview (

11-28-2012, 08:08 PM
More exciting stuff for us hardcore trekkers! ;) :: Star Trek The Original Series Complete Box Set Soundtrack - Neil S. Bulk (Producer) Interview (

A great interview!! thanks soundtrekker...


11-29-2012, 01:39 AM
A few interesting links, in case you don't know them yet:...

Thanks for posting these!

---------- Post added at 06:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:27 PM ----------

I have now finally obtained the scans of Fred Steiner's article "The Music for Star Trek. Scoring a Television Show in the Sixties". ... This may be a nice teaser for the upcoming TOS CD box set, and, together with Jeff Bond's book "The Music of Star Trek" and the new booklet from the box set, may answer many questions about the scoring of Star Trek.

Thanks for the link--an excellent article!

11-29-2012, 03:51 AM
What i find interesting is that it shows the aft phasers and torpedoes which were never shown or hinted at in the original series. Then again, the filming model of the original series Enterprise shows the turbo shaft right behind the bridge dome, in the center. But the set obviously has the turbo shaft offset. So if one were to align the set and model into a plan, the bridge would have to be turned off center to the rest of the ship....

Yeah, I've always just chalked the whole off-axis bridge turbolift down to the earliest known instance of dimensionally transcendental engineering, it just appears shifted from the outside of the hull, it's perfectly aligned in another dimension.
But probably the worst and most glaring error in Doug's blueprints are the absolutely unforgivable absence of the ship's bowling alley. How on earth could they survive a five year mission without it?!

11-29-2012, 06:03 PM
Now "Variety" has chimed in, there's an article by film music expert Jon Burlingame (author of "TV's Biggest Hits: The Story of Television Themes from Dragnet to Friends", 1996 and other books, regular columnist in various publications and magazines):

Complete 'Star Trek' music set warps in - Entertainment News, Music News, Media - Variety (

In this short article, there's not much new, except, maybe, this:

"La-La Land will unveil the new box Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood. Bond will moderate a discussion with "Star Trek" writer David Gerrold ("The Trouble With Tribbles") and composer Fried. Classic episodes "Amok Time" and "Mirror, Mirror" will be screened. Fried, 84, is the only survivor among the original "Trek" composers and still plays oboe. At the event, he will perform a suite for oboe and piano based on eight themes he wrote for the series."

For people who cannot attend the cerenomy (like me!), here's, at least, the suite for you to download (it was released in 2010 by BSX records as digital download, with Gerald Fried playing the oboe, accompanied by John Rangle at the piano):

fried music.rar download - 2shared (

Enjoy! :)

11-30-2012, 03:06 AM
Now "Variety" has chimed in, there's an article by film music expert Jon Burlingame (author of "TV's Biggest Hits: The Story of Television Themes from Dragnet to Friends", 1996 and other books, regular columnist in various publications and magazines):

Complete 'Star Trek' music set warps in - Entertainment News, Music News, Media - Variety (

In this short article, there's not much new, except, maybe, this:

"La-La Land will unveil the new box Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood. Bond will moderate a discussion with "Star Trek" writer David Gerrold ("The Trouble With Tribbles") and composer Fried. Classic episodes "Amok Time" and "Mirror, Mirror" will be screened. Fried, 84, is the only survivor among the original "Trek" composers and still plays oboe. At the event, he will perform a suite for oboe and piano based on eight themes he wrote for the series."

For people who cannot attend the cerenomy (like me!), here's, at least, the suite for you to download (it was released in 2010 by BSX records as digital download, with Gerald Fried playing the oboe, accompanied by John Rangle at the piano):

fried music.rar download - 2shared (

Enjoy! :)

Brilliant share, thank you! I love suites of music (one of the reasons I love the Label X stuff so much).

I'm starting to get nervous that this set's going to sell out, so I'm going to be on the computer right away at 1 PM on the 4th, credit card in hand.

11-30-2012, 04:17 AM
Yeah, I've always just chalked the whole off-axis bridge turbolift down to the earliest known instance of dimensionally transcendental engineering, it just appears shifted from the outside of the hull, it's perfectly aligned in another dimension.
But probably the worst and most glaring error in Doug's blueprints are the absolutely unforgivable absence of the ship's bowling alley. How on earth could they survive a five year mission without it?!

What about shuffle board!! ping pong!!.... ;)


11-30-2012, 03:52 PM
Thing is, was Riley serious or just being a drunken goof when he mentioned the bowling alley?

11-30-2012, 04:20 PM
Brilliant share, thank you! I love suites of music (one of the reasons I love the Label X stuff so much).

You're welcome! Yes, the Label X releases were great, the next best thing to the original recordings. They kept my trek music soul alive for the past 27 years, aside from GNP's original scores. One of the hightlights of the two albums was the suite to Gerald Fried's "The Paradise Syndrome", followed by Dunings's "Is There In Truth No Beauty?". And don't forget Fred Steiner's re-recorded suites: I always loved his interpretation of Duning's "Empath", and his own "Charlie X". Now it will be most interesting to get the "real" stuff, to see what was missing.

---------- Post added at 09:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 AM ----------

Thing is, was Riley serious or just being a drunken goof when he mentioned the bowling alley?

He was a serious drunken goof! :) The bowling alley is right behind the impulse engine, right Scotty? ;)

11-30-2012, 08:20 PM
This is great news!! but have you seen the cost is about �170.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!F***

11-30-2012, 08:32 PM
Soundtrekker, THANKS, buddy for that Fried music, that was GREAT! I wish that he and his piano partner would do MORE! :)


11-30-2012, 10:21 PM
Thing is, was Riley serious or just being a drunken goof when he mentioned the bowling alley?

If memory serves, the original Blueprints from the 1970's indicated a bowling alley on the NCC-1701 Enterprise.

...yup "Deck 21: Food Preparation Center; Backup Materials Fabrication and Reclamation Facilities; Backup Food Prep. Facility; Bowling Alley "

ref links here

12-01-2012, 12:10 AM
You're welcome! Yes, the Label X releases were great, the next best thing to the original recordings. They kept my trek music soul alive for the past 27 years, aside from GNP's original scores. One of the hightlights of the two albums was the suite to Gerald Fried's "The Paradise Syndrome", followed by Dunings's "Is There In Truth No Beauty?". And don't forget Fred Steiner's re-recorded suites: I always loved his interpretation of Duning's "Empath", and his own "Charlie X". Now it will be most interesting to get the "real" stuff, to see what was missing.

---------- Post added at 09:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 AM ----------

He was a serious drunken goof! :) The bowling alley is right behind the impulse engine, right Scotty? ;)

You are correct my friend...the only problem was we lost so many balls because the Impulse Engine Plasma Exhaust would shoot the ball out into space, right between the Warp Nacelles and that in turn would play all kinds havoc with the Magnetic Field Manipulation short it made me Engine Panels light up like a Christmas Tree! Mr. Riley will never be in me Engine Room should have seen what he left on the floor!! and I had to have maintenance clean it up and the smell!! good Lord stayed for weeks...The Capitan should have had him shot into space.


12-01-2012, 12:25 AM
Well, why do you think that you haven't seen him around for a couple of years? :) Ever since he kept throwing those GUTTER balls, and they smashed into the waste disposal systems, knocked the walls out, and we had s**t all over the lanes, and backing up into the toliets, it was a hell of a mess! I mean the women's shower was ankle deep in s**t, and they didn't want to take showers for weeks, grew their underarm hair, and leg hair really long, so none of the male crewmembers would even date them, and tensions ran hot all over the ship, all because of one drunk jackass! So.... we chucked him into space!

Nuff said! Hehehehehe


12-01-2012, 01:32 AM
If memory serves, the original Blueprints from the 1970's indicated a bowling alley on the NCC-1701 Enterprise.

...yup "Deck 21: Food Preparation Center; Backup Materials Fabrication and Reclamation Facilities; Backup Food Prep. Facility; Bowling Alley "

ref links here

Mr. Joseph never consulted me (in real life I did have the Honor of meeting him twice, and seeing his blue prints before they where ever sold to the public...a very warm and intelligent Professor at SDSU) and because of Star Fleet Security Regulations certain areas of the ship are Classified and could not be shown to the general public and our enemy's. :)


---------- Post added at 04:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 PM ----------

Well, why do you think that you haven't seen him around for a couple of years? :) Ever since he kept throwing those GUTTER balls, and they smashed into the waste disposal systems, knocked the walls out, and we had s**t all over the lanes, and backing up into the toliets, it was a hell of a mess! I mean the women's shower was ankle deep in s**t, and they didn't want to take showers for weeks, grew their underarm hair, and leg hair really long, so none of the male crewmembers would even date them, and tensions ran hot all over the ship, all because of one drunk jackass! So.... we chucked him into space!

Nuff said! Hehehehehe


And who had to clean it all up! ME and my crew...spent weeks with s**t up to my ankles...never got the smell off my boots, I had to shove them out the air lock with Mr. Riley remains, what a waste of a perfectly good pair of boots. Lets not talk about the arm pit hair Sir!! that scarred the s**t out of me, watching all those lovely lassy's walking down the corridors combing their arm pit's!! gave me nightmares for weeks...after a few weeks they all looked like Sasquatch! and smelled like it too.

Nuff said is right!!!


12-01-2012, 05:48 PM
Well, that is why Starfleet created the personal uniform code ST-PUC-1473 (B) on stardate 3724.05!!! Just because of your situation, Mr. Scott, and all the complaints that were received from the crew as well, which is why it was nicknamed "Montgomery's law"! :) Everytime those ladies had to use the modern version of the "Epilady" trimmer, they would scream out your name, almost like during sex, only louder, hehehe

I'll have to put thru a request for a new pair of work boots for you, hopefully they will be here in time for Christmas, and I hope that those jerks at Starfleet won't deduct them from your Christmas bonus! :)


12-01-2012, 10:16 PM
Well, that is why Starfleet created the personal uniform code ST-PUC-1473 (B) on stardate 3724.05!!! Just because of your situation, Mr. Scott, and all the complaints that were received from the crew as well, which is why it was nicknamed "Montgomery's law"! :) Everytime those ladies had to use the modern version of the "Epilady" trimmer, they would scream out your name, almost like during sex, only louder, hehehe LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Only in me dreams...Sir!!! (good one William)

I'll have to put thru a request for a new pair of work boots for you, hopefully they will be here in time for Christmas, and I hope that those jerks at Starfleet won't deduct them from your Christmas bonus! :) Know 'n the bean counters as we do, they'll deduced it for sure...remember what Dr. McCoy used to say.."The bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe" Scott


12-03-2012, 12:23 PM
Soundtrekker, THANKS, buddy for that Fried music, that was GREAT! I wish that he and his piano partner would do MORE! :)


You're welcome, William! Yes, he should expand on it, maybe he's doing right that today on the Soundtrack Celebration at the Egyptian in L.A., when he is performing as guest of honor, who knows?

I'm looking forward to your report on the event, William. Maybe you can make some audio or video documentations from the celebration and put it on youtube, or upload something? (Recordings in any form may be forbidden, though. Wouldn't be the first time...)

Anyway, I'm eagerly awaiting any coverage of the event from you the next days, in any form, that would be great!!

Now over to trekcore, with a new interview with Lukas Kendall and 5 MORE AUDIO SAMPLES!!!: :: Star Trek The Original Series Complete Box Set Soundtrack - Lukas Kendall (Producer) Interview (

12-03-2012, 04:46 PM
Let's conclude a gentleman's agreement - not to share FLAC & MP3 320 with scans for 1-3 months - V0 or 128 will be enough, 'cause I'm afraid, that we can get another FSM's ST:TNG box situation.
Really, if you like this score - buy it. If you want to hear it in complete before ordering - don't ask for high quality - we already lost FSM CDs, and I think that we don't want to lose LLL CDs too... ;)

I whole-heartedly agree. I myself do plan on buying this, but at $225 it'll be a while. Then, I'm gonna buy the Ron Jones Project.

12-03-2012, 10:00 PM
Well, working all day (YIKES), so hope to be home with plenty of time for the event tonight, I really HATE to rush for something, especially in LA!

But I want to share something with the group: I was pulling my navy blue suit out of the closet last night, to make sure it didn't have any massive wrinkles on it, and to brush it off completely, and it was hidden behind my tux, which I pulled out, and set aside. I put my blue suit across the room, on MY side of the bed, and went in to take a shower, totally forgetting about my tux. In the middle of my shower, my wife comes in, carrying my tux and said "SERIOUSLY??? You're wearing a TUX tomorrow night???" Hehehehehehe She must have thought that I was a complete trekkie nerd, who thought that any Star Trek event was a major tux situation! I explained the navy blue suit ordeal to her, but she still looked at me, like a mother looks at her mentally challeged son... Hehehehehe :)

I will be there, with my BLUE SUIT on, and will give you all a full report on the morrow! :)


12-04-2012, 02:52 AM
Well, working all day (YIKES), so hope to be home with plenty of time for the event tonight, I really HATE to rush for something, especially in LA!

But I want to share something with the group: I was pulling my navy blue suit out of the closet last night, to make sure it didn't have any massive wrinkles on it, and to brush it off completely, and it was hidden behind my tux, which I pulled out, and set aside. I put my blue suit across the room, on MY side of the bed, and went in to take a shower, totally forgetting about my tux. In the middle of my shower, my wife comes in, carrying my tux and said "SERIOUSLY??? You're wearing a TUX tomorrow night???" Hehehehehehe She must have thought that I was a complete trekkie nerd, who thought that any Star Trek event was a major tux situation! I explained the navy blue suit ordeal to her, but she still looked at me, like a mother looks at her mentally challeged son... Hehehehehe :)

I will be there, with my BLUE SUIT on, and will give you all a full report on the morrow! :)


Makes you wonder how we ever tie our shoes with out them ;) Looking forward to your report! and have a great time William :)


12-04-2012, 06:43 AM
I will be there, with my BLUE SUIT on, and will give you all a full report on the morrow! :)

Safer than wearing a red shirt. ;)

12-04-2012, 08:02 AM
Safer than wearing a red shirt. ;)

Mr. Scott survived and he wore a red shirt! :p


12-04-2012, 09:45 AM
Well, working all day (YIKES), so hope to be home with plenty of time for the event tonight, I really HATE to rush for something, especially in LA!

But I want to share something with the group: I was pulling my navy blue suit out of the closet last night, to make sure it didn't have any massive wrinkles on it, and to brush it off completely, and it was hidden behind my tux, which I pulled out, and set aside. I put my blue suit across the room, on MY side of the bed, and went in to take a shower, totally forgetting about my tux. In the middle of my shower, my wife comes in, carrying my tux and said "SERIOUSLY??? You're wearing a TUX tomorrow night???" Hehehehehehe She must have thought that I was a complete trekkie nerd, who thought that any Star Trek event was a major tux situation! I explained the navy blue suit ordeal to her, but she still looked at me, like a mother looks at her mentally challeged son... Hehehehehe :)

I will be there, with my BLUE SUIT on, and will give you all a full report on the morrow! :)


Looking forward to it. And: enjoy the celebration!!

12-04-2012, 10:21 AM
Want TOS Complete Box Set Soundtrack sooooo bad, but $250 is so much. I hope it's still available after Christmas :(

12-04-2012, 05:26 PM
Wheres the link to order the set? I dont see it on the website?

12-04-2012, 07:06 PM
I think the link will be available after 1:00 PM Pacific time, so in about 3 hours.

12-04-2012, 07:52 PM
Okay, gang, just got online, and I have to tell you, I was SO excited to be there, my daughter wanted me to buy her EVERYTHING!! Hehehehehehe. Was really disappointed to find out that they only gave out items to people who BOUGHT stuff at the event. I told them that I had already paid for two sets of the set, and was told that I would have to wait for them in the mail, I could NOT pick them up at the event, unless I paid for another set! (NICE, huh?) My wife told me that I should have just bought another two sets, got the free t-shirts or whatever, and then cancelled the first credit card payment! I was halfway considering doing that, but then moral awareness kicked in, and I caved! :) But I thought that it was really crappy for them to do that. Plus, they said that the actual release date was December 12!!! So, I guess they won't be shipping anything until after that date!

I did see several people that I knew and some that I didn't. Mike Okuda came up to me and asked "How the HELL did you get in here?", and I totally brushed him off without any comment, my wife thought that I was totally great, because she knows what a creep Okuda is! I did speak with Jeff Bond, who was excited to see me there, and we talked geektrek for awhile, and he showed me his Enterprise model on display, that he built, very impressive!

Other people at the event were Larry Nemecek, Robert Meyer Burnett, Lukas Kendall, Neil S. Bulk, Matt Verboys and MV Gerhard from "Lalaland". Jeff Bond did a great job hosting and he even moderated the panel with Gerald Fried and David Gerrold.

Gerald Fried performed what he referred to "eight songs from three episodes" which got big laughs from the group. AND, it sounded VERY much like the music that Soundtrekker had already given us! :)
BTW, there were NO seats left in the place, and alot of people standing in the back of the auditorium! I was totally blown away by that!

Here are some links for pictures:

And a Youtube video:

"8 Songs from 3 Episodes of Star Trek" featuring Gerald Fried - YouTube (

It was really enjoyable, except for that small disappointment in the beginning!

Enjoy, William

12-04-2012, 09:00 PM
pre-orders have not started yet... how did you already have sets on pre-order?? i have a tab open on LLL's page to order mine, i'd like to know how i could have gone ahead and ordered early!!

12-04-2012, 09:16 PM
Wait, what's that about you and Okuda?

12-04-2012, 09:22 PM
Let's conclude a gentleman's agreement - not to share FLAC & MP3 320 with scans for 1-3 months - V0 or 128 will be enough, 'cause I'm afraid, that we can get another FSM's ST:TNG box situation.
Really, if you like this score - buy it. If you want to hear it in complete before ordering - don't ask for high quality - we already lost FSM CDs, and I think that we don't want to lose LLL CDs too... ;)

Just a reminder of a modest proposal... which makes a lot of sense. I just got burned for standing up against FLAC for Intrada's Conan the Barbarian 3CD set just days after it came out, so here's proof that there are some responsible people in this forum who actually understand how these releases are rare and shouldn't be thrown to the wolves when they get out the door.

---------- Post added at 03:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:17 PM ----------

Here are some links for pictures:

Enjoy, William

Uh... do you realize that you just outed your identity by linking to these?

Blue Mountain
12-04-2012, 10:10 PM
Pre-orders are up u can order now!

12-04-2012, 10:15 PM
Here are some links for pictures:

And a Youtube video:

"8 Songs from 3 Episodes of Star Trek" featuring Gerald Fried - YouTube (
Enjoy, William

Wow. Thanks for posting! I really wish I could have been there. But just got my confirmation that my order was accepted so at least the set is finally on it's way to me!!! Honestly, I've been waiting almost 40 years for this day (since I first started recording the music off the TV with a cassette tape recorder). And all those years spent believing the masters were tossed or burnt! What a year it's been for Star Trek soundtrack collectors!

12-04-2012, 10:57 PM
YES!!!! and "no", I didn't "out" myself, those are NOT my links, hehehehehe :) I had actually used some connections to get my pre-ordered sets thru LALALAND directly! I had a confirmation faxed over to the studio, and was hoping that if I could get some seats, that maybe they would be nice, and just give me the two sets last night! But, looks like I'll have to wait on the old US snail mail, like everyone else! AND, Stinkor, if you had read all of my posts on the "Official star trek" thread, you would know all the dirt about "Mikey"! How he and Sternbach got Andy Probert fired from STTNG after the first season! Okuda went from #3, right up to #1, with Sternbach remaining at #2! This guy is a REAL piece of work. Andy, and a fellow named Robert Walker, who worked with Andy on STTMP, had created the LCARS displays, before anyone knew what LCARS were. Mikey took credit for the naming of them, but was confronted at a convention by a fan who knew that the name actually came from D.C. Fontana, who DID give the displays that name, after working with Andy on season one! The whole idea of touch screen, and moving displays, before they were green-screened in, was ANDY'S idea. Mikey had been riding his shirt-tails from day one! He came along way from a student who was hired just to do some Klingon graphics, while he was living in Hawaii! He brown-nosed his way into the business, and "Killed' anyone who got in his way! This little turd just never seems to stop, now he's nosed his way into NASA, acting as if he's been a part of the program since 1956! Geezzzz, this guy's EGO gives me a complete PAIN!

Well, I'm going to lunch and cool down, hehehehehe


12-04-2012, 11:31 PM
Interesting. And he knows you on sight? I didn't read that other thread because I have all the Trek scores I want on CD. Speaking of, I just ordered this set today. $236! That's a big chunk of change. Probably the most I've ever spent on any one collectible item to-date.

12-04-2012, 11:54 PM
Well, my friend, you should go over there and read all the pages, little by little, you might find some interesting surprises! Hehehehehe :)


12-05-2012, 12:30 AM
Well, my friend, you should go over there and read all the pages, little by little, you might find some interesting surprises! Hehehehehe :)


Yes, you will. I know I did when I read through it.

12-05-2012, 12:53 AM
AND... as a final TOS treat before I head out, here is a very nice painting over at Deviantart, which includes EVERYONE who appeared in the TOS series, supposedly that is, I haven't looked at it closeup to see if they are all there... Hehehehehehe

Enjoy, William

12-05-2012, 01:13 AM
Thank You William for all the links and the info on the celebration!! well done my friend. Some people just can not except the fact that Hollywood is filled with some really ugly people that will do just about anything to get ahead...anyway, glade you and your family had a good time!

Good thing I have son's...I don't know how you say NO! to your daughter ;) I could not! ask my nieces lol and you handled Okuda very tactfully all things considered and what a piece of work he is. It's great to hear the place was packed and heart warming to know there are still a lot of people out there that still love TOS!

Thanks Again William....Scott

12-05-2012, 05:00 AM
So, anyone get it at the event? What's it like?

12-05-2012, 05:45 AM
Awesome picture!
How long do LLL's discs normally take to arrive?

12-05-2012, 05:57 AM
My order says it'll ship in 2-3 days. So.....

12-05-2012, 06:04 AM
I was at the Star Trek event at the Egyptian theater in LA too. Got there a little late but saw the most of everything. LLL had a table outside the theater selling the new TOS 15 disc box set with other Star Trek ost's. I took the plunge and dropped the $225 to get it. I also got a t-shirt =-D

I'm not sure where you were sitting but there were lots of seats available. More towards closer to the screen. I really enjoyed the event and hope there's another one.

Im ripping the TOS 15 discs to FLAC as I type ;-)

12-05-2012, 08:37 AM
Ripping for sharing?

12-05-2012, 09:01 AM
I think I also will ask that we please NOT post FLAC rips of this set openly for now. I tell you it will be more trouble than it is worth....

12-05-2012, 12:32 PM
That is some awesome artwork!!!! However, there are quite a few notable characters from the show that are missing. Still, awesome pic and thank you very much for sharing the link!!!

12-05-2012, 01:38 PM
I did see several people that I knew and some that I didn't. Mike Okuda came up to me and asked "How the HELL did you get in here?", and I totally brushed him off without any comment, my wife thought that I was totally great, because she knows what a creep Okuda is! I did speak with Jeff Bond, who was excited to see me there, and we talked geektrek for awhile, and he showed me his Enterprise model on display, that he built, very impressive!

Other people at the event were Larry Nemecek, Robert Meyer Burnett, Lukas Kendall, Neil S. Bulk, Matt Verboys and MV Gerhard from "Lalaland". Jeff Bond did a great job hosting and he even moderated the panel with Gerald Fried and David Gerrold.

Gerald Fried performed what he referred to "eight songs from three episodes" which got big laughs from the group. AND, it sounded VERY much like the music that Soundtrekker had already given us! :)
BTW, there were NO seats left in the place, and alot of people standing in the back of the auditorium! I was totally blown away by that!

Here are some links for pictures:

And a Youtube video:

"8 Songs from 3 Episodes of Star Trek" featuring Gerald Fried - YouTube (

It was really enjoyable, except for that small disappointment in the beginning!

Enjoy, William

Thanks for giving us your impressions on the event. The youtube clip was great (even if filmed at great distance, the sound was well enough to get an authentic experience of the performance). It was great to see Gerald Fried play his suite on stage for an enthusiastic crowd (some cheering when the people recognized some scenes connected with the "songs"). While he had some difficulties with some parts of the partiture, giving his age of 84 he did rather well. And, yes, it's exactly the arrangement of the digital BSX release!

It's, again, interesting to get another insider view on some of the star trek people (in this case M. Okuda), and the story behind how they became famous in the franchise. Much appreciated!

It's nice to see you're good friends with Jeff Bond, though, so I gather he's a great guy! And considering his many postings at, FSM boards etc., he always seemed to be a down-to-earth "one-of-us" guy!

I'm glad you enjoyed the experience, William! Looking foward to hear from you again, when you get your box set and can tell us more about how you like it!

12-05-2012, 10:04 PM
Here's some of the labels of the TOS set:

We were seated up in the balcony, pretty much on the other side from the Youtube video, and it was jammed up there. Didn't see any empty seats all that much, some here and there, but I noticed on LALALAND's site yesterday, they had placed a "ALL SEATS SOLD OUT" sign on their site, referring to Monday night's event, and that is what I saw at the event, standing room only up there!

I had not met with Jeff Bond before Monday night, so I could not, in all honesty call him my friend, but he was a great guy to talk to, very down to Earth, as you said, and just the same as me, a regular Trek nerd! :) My wife kept rolling her eyes, when he and I would share an inside joke, and then we would laugh like idiots, but my daughter got some of them, and would laugh along with us (she follows after her father, and is even working on her first TOS dress uniform, like Uhura's!) (Really makes her old man very proud!)

And I know that when I do get the box sets in the mail, or via UPS (whatever) I will be taking a LONG time out to listen to them, while reading all of Jeff's liner notes, to be sure! :)


12-05-2012, 10:25 PM
So? Reviews? I'm itching to know what it's like. Mine's not shipping yet (why??) so I won't get it until next week.

12-06-2012, 12:24 AM
Didn't you listen to the samples? They are FANTASTIC! hehehehehe:)


12-06-2012, 12:38 AM
Beautiful scans William!! thank you for sharing them. With 15 CD's and the liner notes! yeah it would be like weeks if not a whole month to digest all of them!! plus to fight the urge to re-listen to your favorite tracks, and thats not even including all the music we have never heard before!! you'll have to take some serous time away from everything in order to fully enjoy it...good luck my friend, I hope you can build that much time in your schedule. :) I'm sure you will...tell your wife you love her and give her a big kiss, and just after that is when you say "thats to last for the next month" then run like hell hehehehe ;)


p.s. I'm sure she already knows your going to disappear for awhile when you get this set.

12-06-2012, 12:48 AM
OH, HELL NO!! :) She's taking the plastic, and going to go SHOPPING with the oldest daughter! Hehehehehe :)

That should keep her busy for WEEKS! Hehehehehehe


12-06-2012, 12:58 AM
OH, HELL NO!! :) She's taking the plastic, and going to go SHOPPING with the oldest daughter! Hehehehehe :)

That should keep her busy for WEEKS! Hehehehehehe


LOOOOOOOL Until you get the bill!!! quickest way to a womans heart!! j/k


12-06-2012, 03:06 AM
It's not just the samples, we all know those tracks would be ok. It's the lost tracks, the stereo tracks, the liner notes, etc. What goodies are there?

12-06-2012, 04:04 AM
What's the typical shipping time for a LLL title? I can't remember how long it took to get my STTMP discs.

12-06-2012, 05:15 AM
I think I also will ask that we please NOT post FLAC rips of this set openly for now. I tell you it will be more trouble than it is worth....

Well, I'd say not to post FLAC or 320 or MP3s or anything for a least a couple of months. Let these guys make some money!

Blue Mountain
12-06-2012, 06:59 AM
Well, I'd say not to post FLAC or 320 or MP3s or anything for a least a couple of months. Let these guys make some money!

I Agree!

12-06-2012, 07:12 AM
Aaaaannnnd the arguments start up all over again. First no FLAC. Now you say no 320 mp3.

Look, we all have our opposing viewpoints on this, which we've been through over and over again ad nauseum in various threads. Bottom line is, if someone wants to share, that's up to them whether it be a day later or a year later. If you don't agree with them sharing it, that's fine too, but ye probably be sailin' to the wrong site. Arr! :)

I will say, however, that given the size and nature of this set, I agree with Amanda that it might be best to share in 320 mp3, and not in FLAC (or if sharing with FLAC, perhaps do it via PM). But once again, however someone wishes to share is up to them.

12-06-2012, 08:24 AM
I'd just be happy with 320! Otherwise I'll never get to hear these. Simply outside my finances :( Anyone?

12-06-2012, 10:31 AM
Didn't you listen to the samples? They are FANTASTIC! hehehehehe:)


Yes, they are, undoubtedly! I've all of them (37 tracks) on my mp3 player, they are 60 minutes of pure bliss and give a pretty good impression of what to expect! Some of the Steiner cues are incredible (the one from "Spock's Brain" is brilliant and never had such an impact on me when hidden behind SFX and dialogue in the episode. This is, btw, the cue which plays in the teaser of the "Phase II" episode "Blood and Fire", where it's used for a short space battle!)

Thanks for the scans, they are beautiful (would love to get the remaining 5, too!).

Now back to the samples (again!). :)

12-06-2012, 05:32 PM
Okay, gang, someone had wanted a track list of all 15 discs, so HERE THEY ARE:


The Cage
Music Composed and Conducted by Alexander Courage
Episode #1, Recorded 1/21/65

1. Main Title* M10 1:00
2. Dr. Bartender M11 1:23
3. Survivors M21 1:45
4. Prime Specimen/Bottled M22–30/M31 5:08
5. Probing/Monster Illusion/Monster Fight/The Kibitzers M41/M42/M43/M44 5:40
6. Long Look/Vina’s Punishment M45/M51 2:02
7. Pike’s Punishment M52 0:36
8. The Picnic M53 2:17
9. True Love M61 1:24
10. Vina’s Dance M62 1:56
11. Torchy Girl/Under the Spell/Primitive Thoughts M63/M71/M72 1:10
12. Wrong Think M73 0:43
13. To Catch a T. M74 1:24
14. Going Up M75 1:10
15. Max’s Factor M81 2:12
16. Who Was Eve? & End Credits* M82 1:32

Total Time: 32:01

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry

Where No Man Has Gone Before
Music Composed and Conducted by Alexander Courage
Episode #2, Recorded 11/29/65
Aired #3, 9/22/66

17. Beyond the Pale (No Man Before)/Main Title M11/M12 1:06
18. Act 1 Card M13 0:37
19. Episode Titles M14 1:23
20. Force Field/Silver Orbs (Zooms Past) M15–20/M21 4:06
21. Crippled Ship M22 0:56
22. The Patient/Speedy Reader M23/M24 1:49
23. Some Corpse M31 2:21
24. Decision/Playtime/Megalomania/Stronger and Stronger/Hit the Button M32/M41/M42/M43/M44 3:03
25. On Delta Vega/Strangle by Wire M51/M52 1:14
26. When Your Eyes Have Turned to Silver M53 1:01
27. Instant Paradise M54 2:56
28. Power Mad/Situation Grave/Epilogue M61/M62/M63 6:09
29. End Title M64 0:23
30. End Credits M65 0:21

Total Time: 27:58


The Man Trap
Music Composed and Conducted by Alexander Courage
Episode #6, Recorded 8/19/66
Aired #1, 9/8/66

1. Main Title* (electric violin version) 0:50
2. Small Planet Visit/The Changeling M10/M11 3:26
3. Episode Titles/Genuine Affection M12/M13 0:59
4. First Goner/Salty Cat/Dressing Down M14–21/M22/M23 1:52
5. Circle One/Monitor Gizzard/Down Again/Grey to Greene M24/M25/M26/M31 3:16
6. Salt Chaser M32 1:34
7. Noisy Plant M33 1:05
8. At First Sight/Pill Tosser M34/M35–41 2:52
9. Nancy Schmancy M42 1:54
10. The Unreal McCoy M43 2:02
11. Top Security/Lazer Dazer/Dodo Girl M44/M45–51/M52 4:02
12. Conference M53 4:47
13. Dead Crater/Last of the Last M54/M61 4:13
14. Warp One* M62 0:43
15. Trailer (“The Man Trap”) 1:02

Total Time: 35:15

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry

The Naked Time
Music Composed and Conducted by Alexander Courage
Episode #7, Recorded 8/31/66
Aired #4, 9/29/66

16. Brass Monkeys*/Out of Glove M10/M11 2:58
17. Breaking Planet*/Sweaty Palm/Itchy Hand M12/M13/M14 1:20
18. Joe Berserk M21 3:01
19. Pulled Down*/It Spreads M22/M23 1:12
20. Joe Goes/Sulu Finks Out M24/M31 1:00
21. Up the Rebels/D’Artagnan-san M32/M33 3:09
22. Banana Farm M34 2:11
23. Out of Control/Lurch Time/Punchy Kid M41/M42/M43 1:48
24. Party Time M44 1:34
25. Medicine Girl/Hot Skin M45–51/M52 4:29
26. Off the Cloud M53 1:06
27. Captain’s Wig M54–61 4:01
28. The Big Go M62 2:42
29. Time Reverse*/Future Risk and End Title* M63/M64 1:45
30. Trailer (“Mudd’s Women”) 1:02
31. End Title* (electric violin version) 0:46

Total Time: 34:44

Total Disc Time: 70:07


Charlie X
Music Composed and Conducted by Fred Steiner
Episode #8, Recorded 8/29/66
Aired #2, 8/15/66

1. Main Title* (cello version, arr./cond. Steiner) 0:51
2. Space Orbit†/Charlie X/That’s a Girl M10/M11+M11S/M12+M12 chimes 1:20
3. Kirk’s Command/Charlie’s Mystery/Charlie’s Gift M13/M14+M14S/M15–20 3:03
4. Card Tricks M22 1:40
5. Zap the Antares/Kirk Is Worried M23+M23S/M24 0:46
6. Kirk’s Command #2/Chess Game M31/M32+M32S 1:33
7. Charlie’s Yen M33 1:04
8. Kirk Puzzled M34 0:51
9. Zap Sam/Zap the Pistol M41/M42 1:37
10. Standoff M43 1:12
11. Kirk Waits/Charlie in Control M44/M45 1:08
12. Charlie’s Mad M51 1:10
13. Zap Janice M52 0:56
14. Zap the Cap M53 1:32
15. Zap the Spaceship M54 1:26
16. Zap the Broad/Charlie’s Friend M55/M61 2:02
17. Goodbye Charlie/Finale† M62/M63 1:50

Total Time: 24:40

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry
†Based on a Theme by Alexander Courage

Mudd’s Women
Music Composed and Conducted by Fred Steiner
Episode #4, Recorded 9/7/66
Aired #6, 10/13/66

18. Distant Spaceship/Hint of Danger M11/M12 0:55
19. Still in Danger/Meet Mr. Mudd/Three Venuses M13/M14/M15 1:58
20. Venus Walks/Hello Girls M16/M21 1:29
21. Venus Aboard/Exit Mr. Mudd/Venus Aboard #2/Strange Glances/The Last Crystal/Mudd Laffs M22/M23/M24/M24A/M31/M32 2:50
22. Hello Ruth M33 1:03
23. Eve to Magda/Mudd Plan/Mudd’s Perfidy M34–41/M42/M43 1:07
24. The Venus Drug/Dwindling Power M44/M45 3:02
25. Planet Rigel M51 0:43
26. Space Radio M52 2:45
27. Planet Rigel #2/Eve Is Out M53/M54 1:19
28. Eve Cooks/Eve Is Tired/Pretty Eve M55/M56–61/M62 3:06
29. Mudd’s Farewell/Back in Orbit† M63/M64 1:20

Total Time: 22:01

†Based on a Theme by Alexander Courage

The Corbomite Maneuver
Music Composed and Conducted by Fred Steiner
Episode #3, Recorded 9/20/66
Aired #10, 11/10/66

30. Space Cube/Condition Alert M12/M13 1:22
31. Quiet Cube/Radiation M12A/M23A 1:10
32. Cube Radiation M23 1:20
33. Fesarius/Fesarius Approaches M31/M31A 2:06
34. Hideous Balok M33 0:27
35. Baby Balok M61A 0:35

Total Time: 7:11

Balance of Terror
Music Composed and Conducted by Fred Steiner
Episode #9, Recorded 9/20/66
Aired #14, 12/15/66

36. The Enterprise/In the Chapel† M11/M11A 1:23
37. Romulan Agitato 9MB 0:58
38. Romulan B.G. 9MC 0:41
39. Romulan Theme M22 0:56
40. Theme From Star Trek*/Romulan Warship/Romulan Theme 9MA pt 4/M31/M22A tk 3 0:56
41. Romulan Centurion M43 0:32

Total Time: 5:35

What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Music Composed and Conducted by Fred Steiner
Episode #10, Recorded 9/20/66
Aired #7, 10/20/66

42. Big Ruk M17A/M17/M17B 0:56
43. Meet Andrea/Android Kirk M22/M22A/M42 1:10
44. Ruk Protect/Ruk Attacks M43/M43A 3:18
45. Ruk Attacks/Enter Andrea M43AB/M54 1:47
46. End Title* (cello version, arr./cond. Steiner) 0:45
47. Desilu I.D. (Wilbur Hatch) 0:04

Total Time: 8:11

Total Disc Time: 68:04


The Enemy Within
Music Composed and Conducted by Sol Kaplan
Episode #5, Recorded 9/14/66
Aired #5, 10/6/66

1. The Rock Slide*/Beam Up*/The Evil Kirk M11/M12/M13 1:11
2. Alter Ego* M14 1:00
3. The Tired Captain* M15 0:42
4. Brandy M16 0:48
5. The Lascivious Captain M17–21 2:37
6. Bruised Knuckles/An Impostor M22/M23 1:34
7. Kirk’s Log*/Indecisive/Evil Fury M24/M31/M32 2:47
8. Confrontation M33 2:17
9. The Prone Body*/Shivering Sulu*/No Repair M34–41/M42/M43 0:37
10. What to Do?* M44 0:42
11. Another Brandy/The Evil Grin/Double Dog Death* M45/M46/M51 1:24
12. Spock Takes Over*/Help Me* M52/M53 2:03
13. Evil Triumphs M54–61 1:05
14. Two Into One* M62 2:18
15. One Captain Kirk*/Thank You, Yeoman* M63/M64 1:19

Total Time: 22:58

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry

The Conscience of the King
Music Composed and Conducted by Joseph Mullendore
Episode #13, Recorded 11/2/66
Aired #13, 12/8/66

16. Dagger Sweet’ner/Go for Baroque/Play-Off #1 M11A/M11/M12 1:26
17. Spaceship Titles*/Dr. Leighton’s Face/Bridge #1* M13/M14/M15 1:11
18. Quasi-Sex* (Theme From Star Trek, jazz version; Courage/Roddenberry, arr. Mullendore) LM5 1:37
19. Lenore M16–21 1:45
20. Kirk and Lenore*/He’s Dead M22/M23 1:42
21. Spaceship*/5 Sex and a �/Play-Off #2* M24/M25/M26 1:10
22. Spaceship Play-On*/Toast and Corridor*/Lenore’s Kiss/Short Bridge M27/M31/M32/M33 2:31
23. Beyond Antares (Wilbur Hatch; vocal: Nichelle Nichols) MV1R 2:36
24. Poison M41 0:37
25. Play-On #2*/Quick Ship*/Phaser Overload M42/M43/M44 1:39
26. Kodos?/Voice Test M45/M46 1:33
27. Everything Is Later*/Play-Off #3* M51/M52 1:52
28. Ship Play-On*/Woodwind Fanfare/Reilly Gone M53/M54/M55 1:09
29. Go for Baroque M11 (M56) 1:25
30. I Know That Voice/All Ghosts Dead M57/M58–61 3:02
31. Opheliamania*/Bridge #2*/Last Cue* M62/M63/M64 3:01

Total Time: 28:51

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry

Shore Leave
Music Composed and Conducted by Gerald Fried
Episode #17, Recorded 12/2/66
Aired #15, 12/29/66

32. New Planet/Rabbit Music M10A/10B 2:21
33. School Chum/Finnegan M23/M23A 1:40
34. 2nd Ruth (Ruth) M31A 2:38
35. Old English/Tiger/Costume/Birds/Samurai M33/M33A/M33B/M34/M34A 3:51
36. Knight/Joust M41/M41A 1:27
37. Dummy/Like Real M43/M44 0:56
38. A Clue/Finnegan’s Return/The Leg Trick/Dirt Trick M45–50 Pt. 1/M45–50 Pt. 2/M51/M53 4:34
39. Tiger Thoughts/Strafing/2nd Samurai/Caretaker/Lazarus M55–60/M55–60A/M55–60B/M61/M62 2:02
40. 2nd Ruth/Ruth to Commercial (2nd Ruth) M31A/M24B 0:49

Total Time: 20:34

Total Disc Time: 72:36


The City on the Edge of Forever
Music Composed and Conducted by Fred Steiner
Interpolating “Goodnight, Sweetheart” by Jimmy Campbell, Reginald Connelly and Ray Noble
Episode #28, Recorded 3/24/67
Aired #28, 4/6/67

1. Main Title* (cello version; Courage/Roddenberry, arr. Steiner) 0:52
2006 Recording Conducted and Produced by Gregory Smith

2. New York 1930 M26–30+M26–30B 1:37
3. Edith’s Theme M33 1:25
4. Edith Suspects M43 1:20
5. Goodnight, Sweetheart (vocal)† M44 1:28
6. Edith’s Fate/Edith Must Die M47/M47A 1:16
7. Edith’s Vision M51 0:45
8. Edith Falls M61 0:55
9. Edith’s Death M65 0:37

Total Time: 10:38

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry
†Contains “Goodnight, Sweetheart” by Jimmy Campbell, Reginald Connelly and Ray Noble, published by Campbell, Connelly Inc. and EMI Robbins Catalog Inc. (ASCAP).

First Season Library Music
Music Composed by Joseph Mullendore

10. Impension* LM1 1:10
11. Lonely to Dramatic* LM3 1:27
12. Romantic Scene* LM6 0:46
13. Pensive Mood* 13LM2 2:09
14. Play-Off (with button)* 13LM5 0:15
15. Play-Off (with sustain)* 13LM5A 0:18

Music Composed by Wilbur Hatch

16. Love Scene* 13LHM3 1:29
17. Humoresque* 13LHM7 0:43
18. Humoresque (tag)* 13LHM7A 0:13

Total Time (10–18): 8:48

Tracks 10–12 and disc 4, track 18 recorded with “The Corbomite Maneuver,” “Balance of Terror” and “What Are Little Girls Made Of?”
Tracks 13–18 recorded with “The Consience of the King”

Music Composed and Conducted by Fred Steiner
From “Charlie X”:

19. That’s a Girl M12X 0:42
20. Kirk’s Command M13X 0:57
21. Charlie’s Mystery M14X 0:45
22. Kirk Puzzled M34X 0:38
23. Kirk Puzzled M34Y 0:22
24. Kirk Puzzled M34Z 0:15
25. Zap Sam M41X 1:01
26. Zap the Pistol M42X tk 1 0:42
27. Zap the Pistol M42X tk 2 0:11
28. Standoff M43X 0:54
29. Standoff M43Y 0:17
30. Standoff M43Z 0:08
31. Zap Janice M52X 1:00
32. Zap the Spaceship M54X tk 1 0:08
33. Zap the Spaceship M54X tk 2 0:04
34. Charlie’s Friend M61X tk 1 0:40
35. Charlie’s Friend M61X tk 3 0:10

From “Mudd’s Women”:

36. The Last Crystal M31X 0:14
37. The Last Crystal M31X tk 3 0:07

From “The Corbomite Manuever”:

38. Condition Alert M13A 0:14
39. Hideous Balok M33A 0:25
40. Baby Balok M61 0:31

From “Balance of Terror”:

41. Theme From Star Trek* 9MA pt 1 0:12
42. Theme From Star Trek* 9MA pt 2 0:14
43. Theme From Star Trek* 9MA pt 3 0:11
44. Theme From Star Trek* 9MA pt 4 0:12
45. Romulan Theme M22/M22A tk 1 0:52

From “The City on the Edge of Forever”:

46. Edith Must Die M47B 0:12

Source Music, Sound Effects and Outtakes

Source Music From “Charlie X”:

47. Weird Guitar M21 (Steiner) 0:12
48. Charlie Is My Darling M21A/M21B (traditional, arr. Steiner; vocal: Nichelle Nichols) 2:17

First Season Score Alternates:

49. Joe Berserk M21 tk 3 (from “The Naked Time,” Courage) 0:14
50. Leg Trick M51/M51A (from “Shore Leave,” Fried) 1:02

Total Time (19–50): 17:14

The Squire of Gothos
Source Music Performed by Ivan Ditmars
Episode #18, Recorded 12/16/66
Aired #17, 1/12/67

51. A Major Sonata (Domenico Scarlatti) M21/M21A/M22 1:19
52. F Minor Sonata (Scarlatti) M31/M32 1:18
53. Southern Roses (Johann Strauss) M33–40 3:47

Total Time: 6:29

The Cage Pre-Recording

54. Vina’s Dance (Wilbur Hatch) 2:09

Sound Effects

55. Transporter Effect (“The Cage”) M4 tk 3 0:14
56. Planet Atmosphere (“The Cage”) [Series Transporter Effect] M16 tk 3 2:02
57. Pike Window Bump (“The Cage”) M8 tk 1 0:11
58. Talosian Door Effect (“The Cage”) M14 tk 6 0:08
59. Disappearance Effect (“The Cage”) MRV tk 1 0:14
60. Sickbay Scanner, High (“Where No Man Has Gone Before”) MFX3 tk 1 0:33
61. Sickbay Scanner, Low (“Where No Man Has Gone Before”) MFX2 tk 1 0:47

Unused Sound Effects

62. Computer Processing (“The Cage”) M11 tk 1 0:35
63. Computer Transmission (“Where No Man Has Gone Before”) MFX1 tk 1 0:23
64. Planet Atmosphere Alternate #1 (“The Cage”) M1 tk 1 0:34
65. Planet Atmosphere Alternate #2 (“The Cage”) M2 tk 2 0:34
66. Planet Atmosphere Alternate #3 (“The Cage”) M3 tk 1 0:36
67. Planet Atmosphere Alternate #4 (“The Cage”) M16 tk 4 2:01
68. Pike Window Bump (“The Cage”) M8 tk 2–6 0:14
69. Bass Twangs (“The Cage”) M10 tk 1, 2 0:46

Sound Effects Rehearsals and Outtakes

70. Planet Atmosphere (“The Cage”) [Series Transporter Effect] M16 tk 2 (Alexander Courage rehearsal) 1:05
71. Enterprise Fly-By (“The Naked Time”) MX1 tk 1 (Alexander Courage vocal effect) 0:28
72. Virus Sound (“The Naked Time”) MX4 tk 1, 2 0:41

Total Time (55–72): 12:56

Theme Music Outtakes

73. Main Title* (electric violin version; arr./cond. Courage) MT tk 1–5, 7 5:03
74. Main Title* (cello version, arr./cond. Steiner) M10A tk 1–3 3:02
75. End Title* (electric violin version, arr./cond. Courage) ET tk 1 0:57
76. End Title* (cello version, arr./cond. Steiner) META tk 1–3, 5–6 5:20

Total Time: 14:31

Total Disc Time: 73:21


Music Composed and Conducted by Gerald Fried
Episode #30, Recorded 6/21/67
Aired #36, 10/27/67

1. Main Title* (soprano version, arr./cond. Courage) 1:01
2. Starship*/Captain Kirk M11/M12+M12X 1:13
3. Orbiting Ship*/Fog Planet M13/M13A+M13B 1:51
4. Thicker Fog/Witches M14+M14A/M15 1:47
5. Fog Storm/Castle/Second Castle M16–20+M16–20A/M21/M22 2:28
6. Cat Music/Enterprise* M22X/M22A 1:05
7. Follow That Cat/Brain-Washed M23/M24 2:10
8. Drugged/Scene Change Sweetener/Korob/Lap Kitten/Cat as Hostess/Free Meal/The Bribe M25/M25A/M26/M31/M32/M33+M33A/M34 3:27
9. Sylvia/Unguarded Entrances/Sympathetic Magic M35/M36/M37+M37X 2:41
10. Cooking Lesson/Force Field M41/M42 1:31
11. Defeated Captain/Music to Dent Force Fields By M43/M44 1:06
12. Bones, the Zombie M45 0:44
13. Love, Sort Of M51 3:26
14. Kirk Caught/Rescue M52/M53 0:52
15. Racial Memories/Captain Kirk/Mace Fight M54–60/M54–60A/M61 3:32
16. Giant Cat M62+M25A 1:31
17. Wand-Breaking/The Prototypes/Five to Beam Up* M63+M25A/M64+64B/M64A 1:32

Total Time: 32:36

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry

Friday’s Child
Music Composed and Conducted by Gerald Fried
Episode #32, Recorded 7/7/67
Aired #40, 12/1/67

18. Ship*/Capella IV M11/M12 1:09
19. Captain’s Log* M13A/M13 2:06
20. Klingon Ship/Music for Fruits/The Teer M14/M15/M16-20 1:26
21. The Challenge/Klingon Blip M21/M21A 1:09
22. Distress Signal M22 1:42
23. Arm Barbeque/Slow Turn/Call of Duty M24/M25/M26 0:56
24. Scott/Bones’ Good Idea/Capellan Desert M31/M32/M33A 2:16
25. Belly Feeler M34 2:13
26. Sonic Ambush/Bouncing Boulder M35/M36 1:03
27. Kras on the Rocks/Paternity Case/New Capellan in Town M41/M45/M51 1:42
28. Negative Report/Old Russian Saying/The Mother Splits M53/M54/M55 1:34
29. The Baby Sitter/Road Hog M56/M57 0:44
30. Down the Throat M58 1:13
31. Arrows M61 1:28
32. Forfeit M62 1:31
33. Coochy Coo/Godfathers M63/M64 0:39
34. End Title* (soprano version, arr./cond. Courage) 0:46

Total Time: 24:13

Total Disc Time: 56:56


Amok Time
Music Composed and Conducted by Gerald Fried
Episode #34, Recorded 7/19/67
Aired #30, 9/15/67

1. Main Title* (soprano version, enhanced stereo; arr./cond. Courage) 1:01
2. Enterprise/Prying M11/M12 0:47
3. Episode Title*/Mr. Spock/Log* M13/M14/M14A 1:59
4. Deep Thought*/Contrary Order/Prognosis/The Big Question/Message From T’Pring M15/M16–20/M16–20A/M21/M22/M23 5:01
5. Vulcan Biology/Pon Farr M24/M24A 3:44
6. More Soup* M26–30B 1:51
7. T’Pring M32 0:53
8. Vulcan M33 1:03
9. Processional M34–40 1:36
10. The Challenge M41 3:01
11. War Sash M42 0:43
12. Ritual/To the Death M43/M44 1:54
13. The Ancient Combat/2nd Kroykah M51/M52/M52A 5:09
14. Remorse/Vulcan Logic/Marriage Counseling M53–60/M53–60A/M53–60B 2:48
15. Resignation*/Lazarus Returned/Pig’s Eye* M61/M62/M63 0:44

Total Time: 32:46

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry

The Doomsday Machine
Music Composed and Conducted by Sol Kaplan
Episode #35, Recorded 8/30/67
Aired #35, 10/20/67

16. Approach of the Enterprise*/Distress Signal/The Ship Search*/The Constellation M11/M12/M13/M13A 2:05
17. The Dead Ship*/Going Aboard M14/M15 2:00
18. Commodore Matt Decker/The Crew That Was M16–20/M21 1:59
19. What Is a Doomsday Machine?/The Planet Killer* M22/M23 2:02
20. Gaining Speed*/The Strange Beam* M24/M25–30 0:53
21. No Casualties*/Decker Takes Over M31/M32 2:41
22. The New Commander*/The Approaching Killer* M33/M33A 1:38
23. Light Beams*/Tractor Beam M34–40/M41 3:27
24. Violent Shakes* M42+M42A 2:45
25. Spock Takes Command/Decker’s Foil/The Sneaky Commodore* M43/M51/M51A 2:44
26. Goodbye M. Decker* M52/M52A 3:04
27. Condolences*/Power Drain* M53/M61 1:11
28. Kirk Does It Again* M62 3:45
29. One’s Enough* M63 0:24
30. End Title* (soprano version, enhanced stereo; arr./cond. Courage) 0:47

Total Time: 31:51

Total Disc Time: 64:45


Who Mourns for Adonais?
Music Composed and Conducted by Fred Steiner
Episode #33, Recorded 7/12/67
Aired #31, 9/22/67

1. Ship of Stars/Green Hand M11/M12 1:50
2. Giant Hand M13 1:13
3. Apollo Motif M14/M14A 1:12
4. Apollo’s Power/Kirk’s Theme/Apollo’s Temple M21/M22/M23 3:16
5. Stingers/Giant Apollo M24/M24A/M24B/M24C/M24D/M25 1:02
6. Spaceship Stuck/Apollo Fades/Kirk to Apollo M26/M27/M28 1:17
7. Apollo Digs Carolyn/Apollo’s Fist/New Venus M29–30/M31/M32 2:37
8. Computer Generator M33 0:34
9. Apollo’s Temple #2 M34 2:58
10. Apollo Zaps M35–40 1:02
11. Apollo Weakens/Kirk to Enterprise/Bridge to Apollo M41/M42/M43 1:13
12. Kirk Worried M44–50 0:40
13. Apollo in Love M51 0:44
14. Dreamy Venus/Kirk and Carolyn/Spaceship Stuck Again M52/M53/M54 2:34
15. Apollo’s Kiss/Apollo’s Storm/Final Battle M55/M56-60/M61 3:35
16. End of Apollo/Spaceship Orbit† M62/M63 2:48

Total Time: 29:07

†Based on a Theme by Alexander Courage

Mirror, Mirror
Music Composed and Conducted by Fred Steiner
Episode #39, Recorded 9/8/67
Aired #33, 10/6/67

17. Mirror Mirror/Blackship Theme/The Agonizer M12/M12A/M12B 2:22
18. Blackship in Space/Blackship Underscore M13/M14 1:20
19. Thematic Bridge*/Blackship Tension M21/M21A 2:19
20. Suspicion M23 1:13
21. Evil Kirk/Evil Kirk #2 M32/M33 0:38
22. Meet Marlena/Short Curtain M36/37 2:01
23. Blackship Theme M12AA 0:46
24. Pretty Marlena M46 1:21
25. Goodbye Marlena M47–50 1:41

Total Time: 13:59

By Any Other Name
Music Composed and Conducted by Fred Steiner
Episode #50, Recorded 12/27/67
Aired #51, 2/23/68

26. Kelvan Theme/Neutralizer M12/M12A+M12AS 1:31
27. More Neutralizer M14 0:55
28. Rojan’s Revenge/Rojan’s Blocks/Broken Block M22/M23/M24 3:03
29. More Blocks/Rallentando M41/M42 2:05
30. Pretty Words/Short Playoff M52/M55 1:48
31. Kelinda’s Question/Rojan Roars/Kelinda’s Kiss M59/M61/M61A 1:40
32. Finale/Thematic Playoff*† M64/M64A 1:12

Total Time: 12:28

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry
†Based on a Theme by Alexander Courage

The Omega Glory
“Star-Spangled Enterprise”
Incorporating “Theme From Star Trek” and “The Star-Spangled Banner”
Devised and Conducted by Fred Steiner
Episode #54, Recorded 12/27/67 (With “By Any Other Name”)
Aired #52, 3/1/68

33. Drums 0:20
34. Star-Spangled Enterprise (act out)* MX-1/MX-6 0:20
35. Star-Spangled Enterprise (episode medley)* MX-5/MX-4/MX-2 0:38
36. Star-Spangled Enterprise (outtakes medley)* MX-3/MX-7/MX-6 0:37

Total Time: 2:01

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry

Second Season Library Music
Composed and Conducted by Fred Steiner

From “Who Mourns for Adonais?”:

37. Kirk to Apollo M28A 0:26

From “Mirror, Mirror”:

38. The Agonizer M12BA 0:25
39. Blackship in Space M13A 0:38
40. Blackship in Space M13B 0:22
41. Blackship Tension M21AA 1:02
42. Blackship Tension M21A 0:35
43. Suspicion M23A 0:37
44. Meet Marlena M36A 0:49

From “By Any Other Name”:

45. Kelvan Theme M12 tk 5 0:40
46. Neutralizer M12AA 0:59
47. Rojan’s Blocks M23A tk 3 0:41
48. Short Playoff M55A 0:15

From “Charlie X”:

49. Chess Game (M32, recorded with “Who Mourns for Adonais?”) LM50 1:24
50. Zap Sam (M41, recorded with “Who Mourns for Adonais?”) LM51 1:11
51. Goodbye Charlie (M62, 2 versions, recorded with “By Any Other Name”) LM53 1:31

From “The Corbomite Maneuver”:

52. Fesarius Approaches (M31A, recorded with “Mirror, Mirror”) LM52 2:15

Total Time (37–52): 14:24

Total Disc Time: 72:26


Music Composed and Conducted by George Duning
Episode #31, Recorded 6/28/67
Aired #38, 11/10/67

1. Shuttlecraft/Shuttle Helpless M11/M12 2:09
2. The Planetoid/Most Unusual M13/M14 1:15
3. Cochrane* M15 1:35
4. Looks Familiar M21 0:50
5. Companion*/Still Alive M22+M22X/M23 0:42
6. Zefram/Nancy Flips* M24/M25 1:14
7. You’ve Got It/Angry Companion* M26/M27–30+M27–30X 1:12
8. Cochrane Calls M31+M31X 2:14
9. Spock OK/Judas Goat M32/M33/M33A 2:06
10. Mad Companion* M34+M34X 1:36
11. Starship*/Scott Anxious M41 tk 3/M42 0:37
12. Transition*/Companion Talks/Kirk Frustrated M43/M44/M44A 4:22
13. Cochrane Angry/Spock Puzzled/Nancy Sobs* M45/M46–50/M51 1:11
14. Kirk Pleads/New Nancy M52+M52X/M53 3:06
15. It’s Her/Loveliness M54/M55–60 2:57
16. You Loved Me M61 1:45
17. Cochrane’s Decision* M62 1:11

Total Time: 30:36

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry

Return to Tomorrow
Music Composed and Conducted by George Duning
Episode #51, Recorded 12/29/67
Aired #49, 2/9/68

18. The Voice* M12 1:07
19. Who Are You/The Globes* M15/M21 1:20
20. Sargon Transfers/Sargon Requests M22/M23 2:23
21. Thalassa/Kirk Returns M24/M31 1:14
22. Kirk’s Philosophy* M32 0:57
23. Ready Sargon M33 0:52
24. Thalassa Recalls M34–40 1:53
25. Henoch†/I Remember M41/M44 1:13
26. Thalassa Worried†/Nurse Puzzled†/Thalassa Concerned/Thalassa Pleads M45/M45A/M46/M51 2:33
27. Sargon Inert† M52 0:56
28. Nurse Chapel*/Spock Alive M55–60/M63 1:34
29. Last Moments* M64 1:41

Total Time: 18:09

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry
†Contains “Blackship Theme” Composed by Fred Steiner

Patterns of Force
Music Composed and Conducted by George Duning
Episode #52, Recorded 12/29/67 (With “Return to Tomorrow”)
Aired #50, 2/16/68

30. Military Mite (Nazi March) M10 tk 1 1:41
31. Military Mite (Nazi March) (soft version) M10 tk 2 1:17
32. Military Mite (Nazi March) (10 bars, soft opening) M10 tk 3 0:24
33. Military Mite (Nazi March) (10 bars, hard opening) M10 tk 4 0:26
34. Military Mite (Nazi March) (6 bars, long ending) M10 tk 5 0:14
35. Military Mite (Nazi March) (6 bars, short ending) M10 tk 6 0:14
36. Military Mite (Nazi March) (horn motive) M10 tk 7 0:08
37. Military Mite (Nazi March) (horn theme) M10 tk 9 0:14
38. Military Mite (Nazi March) (percussion only) M10 tk 10 1:42

Total Time: 6:35

The Apple
Unused Percussion Tracks
Composed and Conducted by Gerald Fried
Episode #38, Recorded 7/10/67 (With “Friday’s Child”)
Aired #34, 10/13/67

39. M1 tk 1 1:35
40. M2 tk 1 0:59
41. M3 tk 2 0:20
42. M4 tk 1 1:33
43. M5 tk 1 1:02
44. M6 tk 1 0:20

Total Time: 5:59

Wolf in the Fold
Unused Belly Dancer Music
Composed and Conducted by Gerald Fried
Episode #36, Recorded 7/19/67 (With “Amok Time”)
Aired #43, 12/22/67

45. Navel Maneuvers M1/M1A 3:05

Total Disc Time: 64:51


I, Mudd
Music Composed and Conducted by Samuel Matlovsky
Episode #41, Recorded 9/22/67
Aired #37, 11/3/67

1. Main Title* (soprano version, second season mix; arr. Courage) 1:03
2006 Recording Conducted and Produced by Gregory Smith

2. Please*/You Listen M21/M23 1:25
3. Harry Mudd/Mudd’s Series M24/M25 1:00
4. Stella M31 0:44
5. Control Room M32 0:55
6. Eternal Beauty/Crew Gone M33/M36 0:42
7. We Are Real M40 1:12
8. A Gilded Cage/Not Programmed M41/M42 1:09
9. Mudd’s Farewell/Stella’s Reprise M43/M44 0:59
10. Alice in Wonderland M55 2:08
11. Love’s Hate M56 0:50
12. Tired of Happiness M62 1:26
13. The Last Straw M63 2:12
14. Mudd’s Detention/Stella 500 M65/M66 1:38

Total Time: 17:50

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry

The Trouble With Tribbles
Music Composed and Conducted by Jerry Fielding
Episode #42, Recorded 10/5/67
Aired #44, 12/29/67

15. The Muzak Maker M16 0:55
16. They Quibble Over Tribble/Kirk Out M21+M21S/M31 0:58
17. The Scherzo Maker M34 0:44
18. Bartender Bit M35 0:28
19. Big Fite M36/M36A/M36B 2:15
20. A Matter of Pride/Barrel of Tribbles/Tribble Hooks Kirk/My Chicken Sandwich/Come on Spock!/Raining Tribbles M42/M43+M43S/M44/M44A+M44AS/M44B/M51/M51A+M51AS /M52/M54+M54S 4:03
21. Dead Heap!/Close That Door/Hissing Tribbles/Poor Jonesy/No Tribble at All M55/M56/M57/M63+M63S/M65 2:30

Total Time: 12:05

Second Season Library Music
Conducted by Alexander Courage
Recorded 6/16/67
Composed by Alexander Courage:

22. Ship in Orbit* (Big) LM6 0:39
23. Sad and Thoughtful on Captain’s Theme LM8 2:29
24. Captain Playoff No. 1 (Heavy) LM2 0:07
25. Smooth Neutral Ship Theme* LM7 0:39
26. Playoff on M.T. Theme LM1 0:21
27. Fight on Captain’s Theme LM5/LM5A 1:44
28. Captain Playoff No. 2 (Neutral—Slightly Ominous) LM3 0:07
29. Stingers LM17A/LM17B/LM17C/LM17D 0:50
30. New Sexy Exotic LM9 2:16
31. Captain Playoff No. 3 (Sad and Alone) LM4 0:19
32. Prime Specimen (“The Cage” M21–30) LM19 3:14
33. Monster Illusion (“The Cage” M42) LM18 2:33
34. Mr. Spock (“Captain’s Wig” From “The Naked Time” M54–61) LM16 3:26
35. The Big Go (“The Naked Time” M62) LM15 2:29

Composed by Fred Steiner:

36. Mudd’s Perfidy (“Mudd’s Women” M43) LM10A/LM10 0:33
37. Zap the Cap (“Charlie X” M53) LM11 1:33
38. Zap the Cap (“Charlie X” M53) LM11A tk 1 0:08
39. Zap the Cap (“Charlie X” M53) LM11A tk 2 0:05
40. Zap the Spaceship (“Charlie X” M54) LM12 1:28
41. Zap the Spaceship (“Charlie X” M54) LM12A 0:33
42. Zap the Spaceship (“Charlie X” M54) LM12B 0:07
43. Ruk Attacks (“What Are Little Girls Made Of?” M43A) LM13 1:40

Composed by Gerald Fried:

44. 2nd Ruth (“Shore Leave” M31A, orch. Gus Levene) LM14 2:35

Total Time (22–44): 30:43

Second Season Alternates and Outtakes

45. Neck Pinch Sweetener (“Catspaw” M61A) (Fried) 0:04
46. More Soup* (“Amok Time” M26–30/M26–30A) (Fried) 1:52
47. Resignation* (“Amok Time” M61A) (Fried) 0:08
48. Approach of the Enterprise* (“The Doomsday Machine” M11A) (Kaplan) 0:23
49. Approach of the Enterprise* (“The Doomsday Machine” M11A/M11S) (Kaplan, with Fred Steiner brass sweetener) 0:24
50. One’s Enough* (“The Doomsday Machine” M63A/M63) (Kaplan) 0:24
51. Shuttle Helpless (“Metamorphosis” M12A) (Duning) 0:38
52. Starship* (“Metamorphosis” M41 tk 2) (Duning) 0:14
53. Nancy Sobs* (“Metamorphosis” M51A) (Duning) 0:19
54. Nancy Sobs* (“Metamorphosis” M51B) (Duning) 0:10
55. You Loved Me (“Metamorphosis” M61A) (Duning) 0:20
56. Cochrane’s Decision* (“Metamorphosis” M62B) (Duning) 0:13
57. We Are Real (“I, Mudd” M40A) (Matlovsky) 1:11
58. No Tribble at All (“The Trouble With Tribbles” M65A) (Fielding) 0:13
59. Poor Jonesy (“The Trouble With Tribbles” M63, orchestra only) (Fielding) 0:29
60. Poor Jonesy (“The Trouble With Tribbles” M63S, trombone sweetener at recorded speed) (Fielding) 0:53
61. Tribbles FX (unused) (Matlovsky) 0:52

Total Time: 9:23


Spectre of the Gun
Music Composed and Conducted by Jerry Fielding
Episode #56, Recorded 7/5/68
Aired #61, 10/25/68

1. Main Title* (soprano version, stereo; arr. Courage, cond. Hatch) 1:01
2. Melkots’ Warning*/Hailing Frequencies* M11/M12 5:04
3. It Is Done! M14 1:04
4. Tombstone M15–20 1:19
5. The Clantons Lost/Death Is Real!/Tack Piano (Weird) M21/M22/M23 1:30
6. Good Morning Gents/Draw Clanton M31/M32 1:03
7. Taos Lightning/Teeth Pulling M33/M34 1:22
8. My Name—Doc Holliday/Love Scene in Old West/Chekov Gets Killed M35–40/M41/M42 4:50
9. Not Yet Our Time M44 0:46
10. One Other Place/Any Way You Can/Ten Minutes M51/M52/M53 1:15
11. We’re Trapped/Shoot Out, Part 1 M54/M55–60 3:15
12. Shoot Out, Part 2/Kirk Wins! M55–60/M61/M61A 1:11
13. It’s Gone Sir M62 0:44
14. No Title/Final Curtain* M63+M63B/M63A 1:18

Total Time: 26:10

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry

The Paradise Syndrome
Music Composed and Conducted by Gerald Fried
Episode #58, Recorded 7/19/68
Aired #58, 10/4/68

15. Pine Trees/The Amerikinds/Tahiti Syndrome/The Brain Wash M11/M12/M13/M14 3:38
16. Episode Title/Puzzled Kirk/Miramanee/Maximum Warp/Engine Strain M21/M22/M23/M24/M25 3:34
17. Bad Memory*/Breath of Life*/The New God/Deflection M26/M27/M27A/M28–30 3:34
18. Asteroid/Dilithium M31/M31A 1:54
19. Washday/Salish Fluffed/Potter Kirk/Naming the God/Target M32/M33/M34/M35/M36 4:19
20. Lazy Lazer/Joining Day M37/M38–40 1:57
21. Meditating Spock/Wedding Dress/Challenge M41/M42/M42A 1:46
22. The Fight/The Ceremony/Listless Spock/Spock Cheats Doctor/Forest Montage/Troubling Dreams/Mud Map M43/M43A/M45/M46/M47–50/M47–50A/M47–50B/M50A 5:11
23. Forever Cooking/Wind/False God M51/M52/M53 2:50
24. Check-Up/Death to a False God/Mind Fusion M54/M55/M61 2:29
25. Back to Reality/The Right Words/Wounded Girl M62/M62A/M62B 2:15
26. The Right Button/Death of Miramanee/End M63/M64+M64A/M65 3:08
27. End Title* (soprano version, stereo; arr. Courage, cond. Hatch) 0:43

Total Time: 37:58

Total Disc Time: 64:15


Elaan of Troyius
Music Composed and Conducted by Fred Steiner
Episode #57, Recorded 7/12/68
Aired #68, 12/6/68

1. Mission to Elas/Meet Kryton/Meet Elaan M11/M12/M13 2:24
2. Elaan of Elas/Impulse Drive/Elaan Is Annoyed/Peevish Elaan/Thematic Bridge*/Elaan’s Interest M15/M16/M17/M21/M22/M23 2:40
3. Mysterious Things/Klingon Warship/Elaan in Trouble M24/M25/M26 2:01
4. Medical Man/Elaan Motif/Elaan Eats M27/M28/M29–30 1:00
5. Elaan Angry/Enemy Warship/Bad Kryton M31/M32/M33 2:57
6. More Trouble/Elaan’s Temper M34/M35 1:23
7. Magic Tears/The Intruder/Kryton Vanishes M36–40/M41/M42 3:40
8. Afterwards M43 1:26
9. Realization/Battle Stations M44/M45 1:54
10. Close Call M46 1:12
11. Elaan Pleads M51 1:34
12. Klingon Command M52 1:55
13. Elaan’s Jewels/Confrontation M53/M54 1:54
14. Battle Music M55–60 2:06
15. Thematic Bridge*/Goodbye Elaan/Kirk in Command M61/M62/M63 2:28

Total Time: 31:05

Spock’s Brain
Music Composed and Conducted by Fred Steiner
Episode #61, Recorded 8/26/68
Aired #56, 9/20/68

16. Alien Ship/Meet Kara M11/M12 3:08
17. Awakening/Poor Spock M13/M14 1:26
18. No Mind/Tense Moment/Tracking the Alien/The Question M15/M16/M21/M22A/M22 1:10
19. Icy Planet/Caveman/Caveman Fight M23/M24/25 2:56
20. Caveman Run/Cave Music/Corpus Spock/Hello Luma/Kara Zaps Kirk M31/M32/M33/M34/M36 4:06
21. Chicken Delight/Kirk Caught/The Answer/The Agonizer/Sulu’s Log M41/M42/M43/M44/M45 2:57
22. Communicators/Scientific Fight M46/M47A 1:54
23. Spock Walks/Agonizer #2/Spooky Spock M49–50+M50A/M51/M52 tk 3 3:54
24. Magic Helmet/Kara’s Kaper M53/M54 1:50
25. Kara Commands M55 0:51
26. Kirk’s Dilemma/Magic Helmet #2/Operation Spock/Operation Montage/Spock Is O.K./Spock’s Fugue M56/M57–60/M61/M62/M63/M64 7:05

Total Time: 31:45

Fred Steiner Library Cues
From “Elaan of Troyius”:

27. Meet Elaan M13A 0:33
28. Elaan in Trouble M26A 0:14
29. Bad Kryton M33A/M33B 1:23
30. Battle Stations M45A 1:01
31. Goodbye Elaan M62A 0:15

From “Spock’s Brain”:

32. Meet Kara M12A 0:28
33. Poor Spock M14A/M14B 0:21
34. The Question M22A 0:38
35. Kara Motif M26 0:09
36. Corpus Spock M33A 0:33
37. Hello Luma M34A/M34B 1:28
38. Scientific Fight M47 0:32
39. Overstings M48A 0:30
40. Spooky Spock With Overstings M52 tk 3+M48A 1:13
41. Brain Box M50A 0:09
42. Spooky Spock M52 tk 4 1:11
43. Kara’s Kaper M54A 0:28
44. Kara Motif (Fred Steiner rehearsal and master) M26 0:56

Total Time (27–44): 12:51

Total Disc Time: 75:50
Season 3, Disc 3

The Enterprise Incident
Music Composed and Conducted by Alexander Courage
Episode #59, Recorded 8/5/68
Aired #57, 9/27/68

1. Main Title* (soprano version, monaural; arr. Courage, cond. Hatch) 1:01
2. Aberrated Captain* M11 3:04
3. Surrounded/Temper, Temper M12/M13 1:14
4. Unfair Exchange M14–20+M14–20B 1:04
5. Vulcanian Cahoots M21 3:34
6. Hemmed In*/Vulcanization M22/M31 0:48
7. Konked Kirk M32 3:42
8. Vulcanized M33 1:13
9. Kirk Rekirked M41 1:21
10. Back From Dead/Commandeered M42/M43–50 6:31
11. Back to Business M51 2:13
12. Stolen Device M52 2:51
13. Reworked*/Deposition/Sweaty Scotty M53/M54/M55–60 1:50
14. Free Enterprise* M61 6:19
15. Ear Bob* M62 0:36

Total Time: 37:56

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry

Plato’s Stepchildren
Music Composed and Conducted by Alexander Courage
Episode #67, Recorded 10/25/68
Aired #65, 11/22/68

16. Giant Dwarf* M11 0:45
17. Meet the Folks/Soaring Syringe M12/M13 1:09
18. Episode Titles M14 0:45
19. Delirium Parmen’s* M15–20 2:34
20. Reluctant Guests/Psychokinetic Effect M21/M21A 0:30
21. The Frog (Alexander’s Song) (vocal: Michael Dunn) M22A 0:27
22. Slap Unhappy M23 0:41
23. Cut Off/I Hear You Calling M24/M25+M25A 0:45
24. Psychokinetic Shenanigans/Stopped Cold M26/M31 1:17
25. Groveling Kirk M32+M32A 2:46
26. Dancing Spock M33 3:49
27. Spock Brought/New Talent M41/M51 0:54
28. The Aristocrats/Flung About M52/M53 1:24
29. Maiden-Wine† (vocal: Leonard Nimoy) M54A 1:18
30. Orgy Porgy M55–60 5:58
31. Brain Bout M61 1:51
32. The Little Visitor M62 0:38

Total Time: 28:06

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry
†Composed by Leonard Nimoy, Published by Adajul Music (BMI)

Whom Gods Destroy
Music Composed and Conducted by Alexander Courage
Episode #71, Recorded 10/25/68 (With “Plato’s Stepchildren”)
Aired #69, 1/3/69

33. Arab Hootch Dance (Hootchie Kootchie) LM133 1:44

The Way to Eden

Songs by Arthur Heinemann, Charles Napier and Craig Robertson
Music Director: Wilbur Hatch
Episode #75, Recorded 11/20/68
Aired #75, 2/21/69

34. Beam-In Sweetener M6 0:04
35. Looking for a New Land (vocal: Charles Napier) MV1 1:31
36. Like Hail (vocal: Napier) MV3 0:13
37. Hey, Out There! (vocals: Charles Napier and Deborah Downey) MV2 2:48
38. Far Out Jam (William Pitman) M8/MV5A 1:14
39. Headin’ Out to Eden (vocal: Napier) MV4 1:04
40. Headin’ Out to Eden (instrumental tags) M7A tk 2, 1 0:24
41. End Title* (soprano version, monaural; arr. Courage, cond. Hatch) 0:43

Total Time: 8:15

Total Disc Time: 76:21

Is There in Truth No Beauty?
Music Composed and Conducted by George Duning
Episode #62, Recorded 9/6/68
Aired #60, 10/18/68

1. Enter Marvick*/Enter Miranda† M11/M12 1:37
2. Ambassador Arrival*/My Life Is Here†/I Must Know/Starship Party* M13/M14/M15/M21 3:35
3. McCoy’s Toast/Quite a Woman/Marvick Pleads M22/M23/M24/M24A 5:26
4. Marvick Mad/Marvick Berserk/Marvick Dies M31/M32/M32A/M33 5:56
5. Unknown Void/Sentimental Jim/What Is Ugly?†/Why? M34/M41/M42/M43 3:56
6. Blind Miranda/Mind Link†/Spock—Kollos M44/M51/M52 4:54
7. Hero Spock*† M53/M53A/M53B 3:38
8. Don’t Move/Spock Out/No Change/Miranda Mad†/Miranda’s Farewell*† M61/M62/M63/M64/M64B/M64A/M64C/M65 7:19

Total Time: 36:39

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry
†Contains “Mr. Spock” Composed by Gerald Fried

The Empath
Music Composed and Conducted by George Duning
Episode #63, Recorded 9/6/68
Aired #67, 12/6/68

9. Starship Again*/Nova Phase/What Happened? M11/M12/M13 2:01
10. Lost Trio/Enter Gem/The Vians/Kirk Stunned/Force Field/Kirk Healed M14/M15+M15A/M16/M21/M22/M23 4:26
11. Vian Lab/The Subjects M24/M25 1:55
12. Cave Exit†/Star Trek Chase/Slow Motion Kirk M26/M27/M28–30/M28–30A/M28–30B 3:17
13. One Specimen/Kirk Tortured/Kirk’s Agony/Help Him/Vians’ Threat M31/M32/M33/M34/M35 4:54
14. How’s It Going*/Spock’s Hypo/Spock Stuck†/McCoy Tortured/Gem Wistful M41/M42/M43/M44/M45 3:52
15. Poor McCoy/Bedside Manner/No Interference/Time Grows Short M51/M52/M53/M54–60/M54–60A 6:33
16. Don’t Touch Me M61 2:07
17. Vians’ Farewell/Off Again* M62/M62A/M63 1:51
18. Empath Finale*† M64 1:05

Total Time: 32:24

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry
†Contains “Mr. Spock” Composed by Gerald Fried

Requiem for Methuselah
Brahms Paraphrase by Ivan Ditmars
Episode #76, Recorded 1/15/69
Aired #74, 2/14/69

19. Pseudo Brahms Esq. M26/M26A 2:22
20. Pseudo Brahms Esq. (alternate ending) M26 2:13

Total Time: 4:37

Total Disc Time: 73:53

And the Children Shall Lead
Music Composed and Conducted by George Duning
Episode #60, Recorded 8/9/68
Aired #59, 10/11/68

1. Main Title* (soprano version, third season mix; arr. Courage) 1:02
2006 Recording Conducted and Produced by Gregory Smith
2. Triacus*/What Goes Kids? M11/M12 2:41
3. Triacus Burial/Kooky Kids/Reluctant Kids M13/M14/M15 1:49
4. Strange Feelings M16–20 1:30
5. Starship Again*/Instant Ice Cream M21/M22 1:04
6. Busy-Busy/Tommy Tired/Here Comes the Gorgon/Kids’ Whammy #1 M23/M24/M25/M26 3:59
7. Standard Orbit #1*/Starnes’ Tape/Kids’ Whammy #2/Tommy’s Whammy/Standard Orbit #2*/Whammed Crew*/Starnes’ Story M31/M32/M33/M34/M35/M36/M36A/M37 5:36
8. Mislead Innocent/McCoy Mad*/Out of Orbit*/Call the Angel M38/M41/M42/M43/M43A 2:56
9. Kids in Control M44–50/M44–50A/M44–50B/M44–50C/M44–50D/M44–50E 7:14
10. Scotty Whammied/By Whose Orders M51/M52 2:01
11. Last Whammy M53/M53A 1:30
12. Gorgon Summoned/Gorgon Zapped* M54–60/M61 5:07

Total Time: 36:56

*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry

Third Season Library Music
Conducted by Wilbur Hatch
Recorded 6/25/68

From “The Cage” (Alexander Courage):

13. Survivors (M21) LM100 1:41
14. Bottled (M31) LM101 1:51
15. Monster Illusion (M42) LM102 2:46
16. Monster Illusion (tag) (M42) LM102A 0:09
17. The Kibitzers (M44) LM103 0:40
18. Vina’s Punishment (M51) LM104 1:54
19. Vina’s Dance (M62) LM105 1:52
20. Wrong Think (M73) LM106 0:42

From “Where No Man Has Gone Before” (Alexander Courage):

21. Act 1 Card (M13) LM107 0:37
22. Crippled Ship (M22) LM108 0:54
23. Speedy Reader (M24) LM109 1:05
24. End Title (M64) LM110 0:23

From “The Man Trap” (Alexander Courage):

25. First Goner (M14–21) LM111 tk 3 0:48
26. First Goner (M14–21) LM111 tk 4 0:49
27. Dressing Down (M23) LM114 0:07
28. Monitor Gizzard (M25) LM113 0:13
29. Monitor Gizzard (M25) LM113A 0:09
30. Lazer Dazer (M45–51) LM112 2:43
31. Dodo Girl (M52) LM115 0:09

From “Catspaw” (Gerald Fried):

32. Drugged (M25) LM116 1:23
33. Mace Fight (M61) LM117 0:59
34. Mace Fight (M61) LM117A 0:18

From “Friday’s Child” (Gerald Fried):

35. Down the Throat (M58) LM118 1:13
36. Arrows (M61) LM119 1:25

Total Time (13–36): 25:40

Composed and Conducted by Gerald Fried (With “The Paradise Syndrome”)

37. School Chum (“Shore Leave” M23) LM125 0:32
38. Mr. Spock (“Amok Time” M14) LM128/LM128A 0:57
39. Contrary Order (“Amok Time” M16–20A) LM129 2:58
40. More Soup* (“Amok Time” M26–30B) LM126 2:00
41. More Soup (“Amok Time” M26–30B) LM126A/LM127 1:05

Total Time: 7:41

Conducted by George Duning (With “Is There in Truth No Beauty?”)

42. Act Out LM131 tk 1 0:14
43. Act Out LM131 tk 2 0:13

Total Time: 0:30

Score Alternates

44. Ambassador Arrival* (“Is There in Truth No Beauty?” by Duning, M13A) 0:15
45. Out of Orbit* (“And the Children Shall Lead” by Duning, M42A) 0:14
46. Final Curtain* (“Spectre of the Gun” by Fielding, M63C) 0:13
47. Unfair Exchange (“The Enterprise Incident” by Courage, M14–20A) 0:15
48. Tromba Sweetener (“Plato’s Stepchildren” by Courage, M25A) 0:23
49. The Aristocrats (“Plato’s Stepchildren” by Courage, M52A) 0:16

Total Time: 1:48

The Savage Curtain
Episode #77, Recorded 1/24/69
Aired #77, 3/7/69
Music Composed and Conducted by Wilbur Hatch

50. Drums/Salute to Our President Fanfare MX/M1/M1A 1:30
51. Salute to Our President Fanfare (outtakes medley) M2/M3/M4/M5 0:52
52. End Title* (soprano version, alternate ending; arr. Courage, cond. Hatch) 0:41
53. Paramount Television I.D. (Wilbur Hatch) 0:05

Total Time: 3:16

Total Disc Time: 76:18

Enjoy, William

12-06-2012, 05:37 PM

12-06-2012, 05:40 PM
Well, William, let's hope nobody answers your post with "Reply With Quote", otherwise this thread will explode in no time, page-wise! :)

12-06-2012, 05:50 PM
Yes, I was worried how that would play out, if my post was SO big that it went over to the next page, hehehehehehe


12-06-2012, 06:11 PM
35. Looking for a New Land (vocal: Charles Napier) MV1 1:31
36. Like Hail (vocal: Napier) MV3 0:13
37. Hey, Out There! (vocals: Charles Napier and Deborah Downey) MV2 2:48
38. Far Out Jam (William Pitman) M8/MV5A 1:14
39. Headin’ Out to Eden (vocal: Napier) MV4 1:04

12-06-2012, 06:22 PM
I'd just be happy with 320! Otherwise I'll never get to hear these. Simply outside my finances :( Anyone?

same here .... 320 will be all ok for me ....its far too much as i live in the uk and simply outside my affordability ...

12-06-2012, 06:23 PM
35. Looking for a New Land (vocal: Charles Napier) MV1 1:31
36. Like Hail (vocal: Napier) MV3 0:13
37. Hey, Out There! (vocals: Charles Napier and Deborah Downey) MV2 2:48
38. Far Out Jam (William Pitman) M8/MV5A 1:14
39. Headin’ Out to Eden (vocal: Napier) MV4 1:04

So that's your highlight of the box? Than you are not Herbert, I presume? :)

12-06-2012, 09:06 PM
WHAT??? Holy crap, that is great. You guys are so lucky to afford this set, I am totally jellous. I see that they also are including some more sound FX in the set as well, that will be very welcome. It would be funny if they turned out to be the exact same sound FX that Williamtaylor1969 already gave us. LOL.

12-06-2012, 09:48 PM
Hmmmmmm, Mr. Scott has been conspicuiously silent today!

You alright there, my friend?

Did you have a minor stroke when you saw that tracklist? Hehehehehehe :)


12-06-2012, 10:58 PM
Still waiting on mine to ship, this is torture.

12-06-2012, 10:59 PM
Still waiting on mine to ship, this is torture.

Mine shipped!

12-06-2012, 11:03 PM
We'll i've ordered mine 15mins after the order page was up. Unfortunately the status is now 2-3 days to ship & since I'm in Australia, it might take a little longer for it to arrive (i've selected expressing shipping, but considering that it's the xmas season expect delays). Glad to see some of you's have gotten yours. I only hope that mine arrives before I leave work for the holidays.

12-07-2012, 12:20 AM
Still waiting on mine to ship, this is torture.

Yes, I ordered within minutes of it going up and mine is still "Pending Review."

12-07-2012, 12:29 AM
Mine left California last night. I'm waiting to see where it arrived, hoping it'll show up tomorrow or Saturday.

12-07-2012, 12:32 AM
I am further back in the cue then. I ordered mine 25 minutes in, and my status hasn't even been updated. It's blank! :( I shall continue to sit by the window, look outside longingly, and pine for what is to come. *sigh* ;)

Yes, I ordered within minutes of it going up and mine is still "Pending Review."

12-07-2012, 02:33 AM
I might have said this before, but since this set is $225, there's about zero chance that I will be able to afford purchasing this. Therefore, I will be patiently waiting for somebody to mp3 this and share it here.

12-07-2012, 02:38 AM

12-07-2012, 07:49 AM
Hmmmmmm, Mr. Scott has been conspicuiously silent today!

You alright there, my friend?

Did you have a minor stroke when you saw that tracklist? Hehehehehehe :)


Almost!! That is the Holy of Holys of track list!!!!! I almost shad a tear after reading it...something I thought we would never see...*sniff sniff* my apologizes a little carried away. :)

Yes I'm okay!


12-07-2012, 10:30 AM
Almost!! That is the Holy of Holys of track list!!!!! I almost shad a tear after reading it...something I thought we would never see...*sniff sniff* my apologizes a little carried away. :)

Yes I'm okay!


Mr. Scott, please! Not in front of the Klingons!

12-07-2012, 05:10 PM
Order is still pending. :(

12-07-2012, 06:13 PM
Mr. Scott, please! Not in front of the Klingons!

HEHEHEHEHE, that is a good one! :)

Actually, the person over at LALALAND that put in my order called last night and we are having lunch today, so I can pick up my sets in person! (OHYEAH!!) :)

On a sadder note, I got a nasty PM from a person calling himself "Scorebuff", and using alot of the terms that "GWENT" had used previously, even calling me "Pal" in the PM title! He accused me of trying to claim credit for this box set, and how I was a "fraud" regarding this situation, and I cannot think of anything that I have ever said that would lead someone to that conclusion, but then again, Gwent was really mental to be sure, so if anyone encounters this person, steer a wide path away from him, as I will be doing!


12-07-2012, 08:43 PM
HEHEHEHEHE, that is a good one! :)

Actually, the person over at LALALAND that put in my order called last night and we are having lunch today, so I can pick up my sets in person! (OHYEAH!!) :)

On a sadder note, I got a nasty PM from a person calling himself "Scorebuff", and using alot of the terms that "GWENT" had used previously, even calling me "Pal" in the PM title! He accused me of trying to claim credit for this box set, and how I was a "fraud" regarding this situation, and I cannot think of anything that I have ever said that would lead someone to that conclusion, but then again, Gwent was really mental to be sure, so if anyone encounters this person, steer a wide path away from him, as I will be doing!


Ooh, sounds like a stalker to me. Not sure I have seen you say you put this box set together. But you might be that evil version of William from that other dimension where spock had a beard.......Ulp! if you are your probably going to kill me to keep me quiet. ;)

I think steering clear is a good idea.

Wish I could afford this set, but having two children a wife, a mortgage and a very low paid job.....Well lets just say that I wished I believed in Father Christmas/Santa :(


12-07-2012, 11:24 PM
Well, Fantastic Friday, I got the sets!!! I'm like a kid with an early Christmas, looks like my wife and oldest daughter are going to be spending the whole weekend at the malls, while my youngest and I totally overdose on TREK!!! :)

I'll let you know......


12-07-2012, 11:29 PM
Cool William!

Enjoy Friday's Child for me!

12-07-2012, 11:43 PM
Always loved the Kirk/Spock fight music from Amok Time.

12-08-2012, 12:18 AM
Yes, I have to tell you that the stereo tracks are GREAT!!! :) The main themes in stereo are SOOOOO clear!


12-08-2012, 12:34 AM
william .... thanks for your updates will you be posting ? thanks!!!!

12-08-2012, 01:39 AM
Mr. Scott, please! Not in front of the Klingons!

I guess it is better then sport 'n a woody!! ;)


12-08-2012, 01:40 AM
Well, Fantastic Friday, I got the sets!!! I'm like a kid with an early Christmas, looks like my wife and oldest daughter are going to be spending the whole weekend at the malls, while my youngest and I totally overdose on TREK!!! :)

I'll let you know......


Darn. I was just about to ask you to ask the LaLaLand guy about Filmation's Masters of the universe soundtrack (they've fairly recently dropped a Borg cube sized hint at F M S board that they're going to release it, though still no details. Hopefully it won't be the same disc that comes with the new DVD set).

12-08-2012, 01:47 AM
HEHEHEHEHE, that is a good one! :)

Actually, the person over at LALALAND that put in my order called last night and we are having lunch today, so I can pick up my sets in person! (OHYEAH!!) :)

On a sadder note, I got a nasty PM from a person calling himself "Scorebuff", and using alot of the terms that "GWENT" had used previously, even calling me "Pal" in the PM title! He accused me of trying to claim credit for this box set, and how I was a "fraud" regarding this situation, and I cannot think of anything that I have ever said that would lead someone to that conclusion, but then again, Gwent was really mental to be sure, so if anyone encounters this person, steer a wide path away from him, as I will be doing!


As far as I know you have never claimed any credit for this box set! Just another person to add to the ignore list....Sounds like someone has been at the crack pipe again!! Thanks for the heads up William.


---------- Post added at 04:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 PM ----------

Well, Fantastic Friday, I got the sets!!! I'm like a kid with an early Christmas, looks like my wife and oldest daughter are going to be spending the whole weekend at the malls, while my youngest and I totally overdose on TREK!!! :)

I'll let you know......


Now that is a way to O D!!


12-08-2012, 03:27 AM
No, this "Scorebuff" has got to be GWENT, it sure feels like him again, and I knew that he has been lurking around. Oh, and BTW, there is no "Evil" William at all, most who know me, know that I am fairly mellow all of the time, if I get mad about something, it's gone in 5 minutes or less! :)

Now, back to the score at hand, I have sampled most of the tracks, and they are really clean and clear, although mostly mono, which is good. Unlike Neil, LALALAND didn't try to have someone fuss around with the quality, and try to make a fake stereo sound, just cleaned up the tracks and kept them pure! No "Spacial environment" sound on these tracks. But I was looking at the tracks, and thinking that there are some episodes missing. I will have to look at the episode guide and cross check it to the track listings, marking off one episode at a time. I can do that and listen to the music at the same time, hehehehe

It would be nice if they could release volume two of MORE music and sound effects, in the near future. BTW, the SFX are not even close to the ones that I posted here, so....I hope that they will come up with alot more! PLEASE???? With the 3 CDs of TOS SFX, I only had about 10% of the total sounds in Doug Grindstaff's directory, so there are more out there!


HR Pufnstuf
12-08-2012, 03:55 AM
Hi William,

I'd be all for a TOS boxed set part two with more SFX, music outtakes and alternate takes, etc. BTW, where is Neil Norman? No mention by anyone of him being at the Egyptian ceremony on Monday, no interviews (like the boxed set producers at and other sites, etc.)?

HR Pufnstuf

12-08-2012, 04:17 AM
No "Spacial environment" sound on these tracks.


The insane amount of echo? That was downright retarded of Neil. Only a deaf person could possibly pretend that it sounds good.

12-08-2012, 06:05 AM
I'd be surprised if there is anything left off the set. I've been cross referencing each cue from the tracklists as they were shared on the FSM board, and comparing them with my (now defunct) DVD rips. It looks complete to me. Won't know for sure until my set arrives in the mail - but I don't think you have anything to worry about William. :)

No, this "Scorebuff" has got to be GWENT, it sure feels like him again, and I knew that he has been lurking around. Oh, and BTW, there is no "Evil" William at all, most who know me, know that I am fairly mellow all of the time, if I get mad about something, it's gone in 5 minutes or less! :)

Now, back to the score at hand, I have sampled most of the tracks, and they are really clean and clear, although mostly mono, which is good. Unlike Neil, LALALAND didn't try to have someone fuss around with the quality, and try to make a fake stereo sound, just cleaned up the tracks and kept them pure! No "Spacial environment" sound on these tracks. But I was looking at the tracks, and thinking that there are some episodes missing. I will have to look at the episode guide and cross check it to the track listings, marking off one episode at a time. I can do that and listen to the music at the same time, hehehehe

It would be nice if they could release volume two of MORE music and sound effects, in the near future. BTW, the SFX are not even close to the ones that I posted here, so....I hope that they will come up with alot more! PLEASE???? With the 3 CDs of TOS SFX, I only had about 10% of the total sounds in Doug Grindstaff's directory, so there are more out there!


12-08-2012, 08:07 AM
Glad to see that William has now gotten hold of his copy and I'm sure he is going to make everyone jealous.

If this set ever comes to the UK, it going to be well over the �200 mark due to VAT, import charges and Retail mark up (ie profit)

BTW ............ Has anyone noticed that this release has come out at the same time as the 1/350 scale original USS Enterprise model kit from Polar Lights, or did they arrange to release it at the same time.

12-08-2012, 03:01 PM
Yes, I noticed that. Funny that you mention that, night before last, I was reading Paul Newitt's review of the kit, and it is impressive!!! Back in the 70s I wanted to start a model kit company called "BIG kits" and have oversized models like that. I got the idea when I saw all the old Aurora prototype models, which were twice the size of their kits, and I thought "I want a kit THAT size" hehehehe

Well, not to worry people, they are coming!


12-08-2012, 04:11 PM
Yes, I noticed that. Funny that you mention that, night before last, I was reading Paul Newitt's review of the kit, and it is impressive!!! Back in the 70s I wanted to start a model kit company called "BIG kits" and have oversized models like that. I got the idea when I saw all the old Aurora prototype models, which were twice the size of their kits, and I thought "I want a kit THAT size" hehehehe

Well, not to worry people, they are coming!


Only problem is finding somwhere to put them.....and then when you've found somewhere trying to convince the wife to let you put it there. Mind you, I have a friend who's wife has let him put a 5ft Naboo strfighter on their livingroom ceiling.

12-08-2012, 10:19 PM
Only problem is finding somwhere to put them.....and then when you've found somewhere trying to convince the wife to let you put it there. Mind you, I have a friend who's wife has let him put a 5ft Naboo strfighter on their livingroom ceiling.

My ex-wife adamantly refused to let me display any of the models I had built over the years, and thats one of the reasons she is an ex. So now I display whatever I want with no repercussions from anyone, oh I've had some friends and family look at them like I was some kid stuck in my teens, but if they don't like them then they don't have to come over to my house. It's not like I have them hanging all over the place, they have there own room (which is nice) if you have the extra space. Sci Fi men need a man cave where we can dream, read or listen to our music in peace. Just my thoughts...

Now back to our regaler scheduled program..."TOS Music staring WilliamTaylor & Soundtrekker"!! "Funding provided by "The Daystrom Institute"


---------- Post added at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:02 PM ----------

Yes, I noticed that. Funny that you mention that, night before last, I was reading Paul Newitt's review of the kit, and it is impressive!!! Back in the 70s I wanted to start a model kit company called "BIG kits" and have oversized models like that. I got the idea when I saw all the old Aurora prototype models, which were twice the size of their kits, and I thought "I want a kit THAT size" hehehehe

Well, not to worry people, they are coming!


I think we have all built or glued model kits together when we were kids, but I'm with you William!! I would have loved to have a over sized kit of the Enterprise! Hell, if I had the extra money and room I'd build a Studio Grade (read 11 feet in length) model of TOS Enterprise, lights with all the bells and whistles...then I build the refit and on and on....hehehehehe


12-08-2012, 10:32 PM
I have the Art Asylum TOS enterprise in my office. It and the blu rays are about the only Trek things I have left--and the yearly calendar. I just don't have room for a ton of stuff like that; I'm happy keeping it all in my office. I do think those forthcoming Trek busts look pretty good though.

Oh, and I got my shipping notice today!

12-08-2012, 10:40 PM
Living in the UK, we won't get to see this set of CD's, and even if they did get over here, with the austerity measures put in place by our "wonderful"(sarcasm) leader we couldn't afford them. :(



12-08-2012, 10:46 PM
Living in the UK, we won't get to see this set of CD's, and even if they did get over here, with the austerity measures put in place by our "wonderful"(sarcasm) leader we couldn't afford them. :(



That Sucks BIG Time!! got to love a Government that spends more then it takes in! (Read US Government) I wish I could do that, Print my own money and not face any repercussions...some of us have to live with in our own budgets.

Rant Over...


12-08-2012, 11:17 PM
THAT was a "Rant"???? Hehehehe, I guess my half page smackdowns are something more than a rant then, hehehe. Really need to adjust my meds. :)


12-08-2012, 11:38 PM
THAT was a "Rant"???? Hehehehe, I guess my half page smackdowns are something more than a rant then, hehehe. Really need to adjust my meds. :)


Your meds are fine William! ;) Personally I enjoy your rants!! makes for every good information (being a insider and all) so we get to see a side of Hollywood most people don't know or even hear about!! I love to hear about the "Prima Donnas" they make for good conversation to my kids....So Continue Ranting William!! :)


12-09-2012, 12:12 AM
i need me some trek music. can't wait

12-09-2012, 12:34 AM
I got my set!

Its pretty great.

12-09-2012, 01:03 AM
Someone share! Please, the suspense is killing us all in Europe!!!!!

12-09-2012, 01:47 AM
What you are hearing is called "Print-Through"; a function of having the layers of tape wrapped on top of each other. In professional circles, the R2R Master Tapes are "played out" so that the end of the reel is on the outside; this produces print-through (which will happen anyway) to show up as a "Post" echo rather than a "Pre" echo. Either way is a function of analog tape, and can also be heard on cassettes. It is alsop clearly audible on LP pressings made from R2R Master Tapes. The effect is variable in terms of volume level and location, but in the worst cases, you can here as many as 5 Pre or Post echos!

12-09-2012, 03:16 AM
That is correct. Some techs call it "Ends out" or "Tails out" but played out is a better term, as the tape is actually played, so that the layers of tape are all even, instead of rewinding quickly, which would leave uneven layers, which could warp the tape, causing dropouts or shifting sound. I wish that I could go back in time, take all the music and primary vocal tracks, as well as the SFX recordings and transfer them to a digital format, such as DAT or CD gold master or something like that. Also, it would be good if I did that, to instruct the techs to record everything in STEREO, and instruct Gene to film all the episodes in 2:35 widescreen, with 4:3 format taped over the viewfinder, so the visual could be adjusted for the future TV screens!

Wouldn't that be nice?


12-09-2012, 03:19 AM
And then have John Williams score an episode ;)

12-09-2012, 03:21 AM
jerry goldsmith while you're at it... why not

12-09-2012, 03:32 AM
oooo...and Horner, "borrowing" themes from Kahn, thus predating his own work, from which he can then borrow.... :awsm:

12-09-2012, 03:57 AM
oooo...and Horner, "borrowing" themes from Kahn, thus predating his own work, from which he can then borrow.... :awsm:

Speaking of which - anyone noticed a subtle homage to TOS music during the nebula scene? Specifically, the theme that plays in WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE as the Enterprise approaches the galactic barrier. :)

Though it may not be a homage... still, sounds somewhat reminiscent.

12-09-2012, 04:02 AM
Speaking of which - anyone noticed a subtle homage to TOS music during the nebula scene? Specifically, the theme that plays in WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE as the Enterprise approaches the galactic barrier. :)

Mind posting a comparison [video]?

12-09-2012, 04:05 AM
Mind posting a comparison [video]?

Actually never mind. Upon listening it again, it's a different melody.

12-09-2012, 04:09 AM
Horner composing something that reminds you of someone else's work? no way!

12-09-2012, 05:21 AM
Someone share! Please, the suspense is killing us all in Europe!!!!!

You are not the only one who is waiting, but please remember there are people here who have ordered it, and yet it's not been dispatched.

The only person we know who has the music is William, and the chance are he won't be ripping it as he's most likely pugged into the CD player enjoying he music with his youngest.

The saying, "Good things comes to wait"

Wait we shall and one day it will appear either here or on the internet as a torrent in a country that has no rules about copyright.

12-09-2012, 06:53 AM
Received my set today. It was all I hoped it would be, and much much more. Incredible.

12-09-2012, 08:13 PM
Scotty, I have had 2 kits of Polar Light's 1/350 refit kit. The original release, which I built, but gave away. Ant the rerelease, with the aztec detail decals and metal stand. But I have not built it yet. No room and failing eye/hand coordination. But they are big, and quite awsome. I highly recommend them.

So, does the new box set mean that all other TOS sets can be chucked then?

12-09-2012, 08:17 PM
im so hoping someone posts these soon or PM messages me .... i cant wait to hear them!!

12-09-2012, 08:21 PM
So do I mate, so do I, seeing as I'm too poor to afford the set :( this is the only way I'll be ever able to hear them.

12-09-2012, 09:25 PM
Scotty, I have had 2 kits of Polar Light's 1/350 refit kit. The original release, which I built, but gave away. Ant the rerelease, with the aztec detail decals and metal stand. But I have not built it yet. No room and failing eye/hand coordination. But they are big, and quite awsome. I highly recommend them.

So, does the new box set mean that all other TOS sets can be chucked then?

I've been watching several youtube sites, along with Steve Neil Garage (Steve Neill's Blog ( [Steve worked in Special Effect's in Hollywood) on building the Polar Light's kits. The model is very impressive, but I want a 11 footer I can build from scratch. I understand the health problems, I myself have a failing heart with a pacemaker/defibrillator...which can be shocking!! hahaha but I still want a big one with all the bell's and whistles! guess its a guy thing!! I have several AMT kits built when I was a kid, even built several others (From Star Fleet Technical Manual) from using AMT kits and what else I could find, bought several from Think Geek and on and on it goes. One of these days I will build the Polar Light's TOS and Refit, thats why I wanted the pictures you have, to make sure it is as accurate as possible.

I have not listen to all of it yet, but I would not chuck out the others! it depends on the discerning ear! and what I mean is, most people want stereo, 5.1 surround sound or higher! but, when they hear mono they are just turned hold on to your other CD's Amanda. So far the TOS CD set is great! I can not recommend it enough for die hard TOS music officando's.


12-09-2012, 09:40 PM
So, does the new box set mean that all other TOS sets can be chucked then?

any prior box sets were likely the 3 volumes of gnp cds collected, so yes.

i will still hang on to my rips of the VS and label X re-recordings; they are not the originals but are interesting enough as reinterpretations... i would keep those.

12-09-2012, 09:46 PM
Scotty, I have had 2 kits of Polar Light's 1/350 refit kit. The original release, which I built, but gave away. Ant the rerelease, with the aztec detail decals and metal stand. But I have not built it yet. No room and failing eye/hand coordination. But they are big, and quite awsome. I highly recommend them.

So, does the new box set mean that all other TOS sets can be chucked then?

Yes and no.
The quality is superior, but some of the themes have been combined into single tracks which makes the old releases unique.

12-09-2012, 09:48 PM
Well, there are the three GNP, 2 Varese, and 2 Label X, plus the sessions shared by William here

12-09-2012, 10:53 PM
I'm not getting rid of my GNP 3-volume when I get this behemoth. No reason, they'll all be collectible :D

12-10-2012, 12:26 AM
the library down the street from me as a kid had the first gnp vol. of TOS on vinyl...

how i'd love to have that LP

12-10-2012, 12:40 AM
Why not have the CD? Unfortunately, Neil really messed the quality and the sound of the Cage album, he had sent it (alledgedly) to a contact in Japan to be cleaned and revamped, as he did with the SFX tapes as well (without my knowledge or permission, I might add) and they were just BAD, especially when you listen with headphones, which is where I live, hehehehehe :)

And, thanks for placing me in the same breath as Crescendo, Varese, and Label X! I am truely humbled.....


12-10-2012, 12:48 AM
William will you be posting at least one of the cds ? ;-)

12-10-2012, 12:55 AM
What phones do you use William? I have Sennheiser HD600's best cash ever spent!

12-10-2012, 01:00 AM
What phones do you use William? I have Sennheiser HD600's best cash ever spent!

Hey, nice phones khitomer. Even though the question was for William, I use either my Bose QC15's or my Bose Mobile On Ear. Both of which sound fantastic. What do other people use out of interest?

12-10-2012, 01:09 AM
I've been watching several youtube sites, along with Steve Neil Garage (Steve Neill's Blog ( [Steve worked in Special Effect's in Hollywood) on building the Polar Light's kits. The model is very impressive, but I want a 11 footer I can build from scratch. I understand the health problems, I myself have a failing heart with a pacemaker/defibrillator...which can be shocking!! hahaha but I still want a big one with all the bell's and whistles! guess its a guy thing!! I have several AMT kits built when I was a kid, even built several others (From Star Fleet Technical Manual) from using AMT kits and what else I could find, bought several from Think Geek and on and on it goes. One of these days I will build the Polar Light's TOS and Refit, thats why I wanted the pictures you have, to make sure it is as accurate as possible.

I have not listen to all of it yet, but I would not chuck out the others! it depends on the discerning ear! and what I mean is, most people want stereo, 5.1 surround sound or higher! but, when they hear mono they are just turned hold on to your other CD's Amanda. So far the TOS CD set is great! I can not recommend it enough for die hard TOS music officando's.


12-10-2012, 01:29 AM
I remember buying that record waaaaaaay back in 1985 (when I was 15 years old). I still have it too (at my parents house - I should really go and get that). I remember at the time being blown away by how many cues I recognized and how much of that music had been recycled in the 3 seasons of Trek. My first stop when my boxset arrives later this week is to pop in disc 1 and journey back in time to listen to The Cage and Where No Man Has Gone Before once again. I'm still pinching myself over this boxset. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be fortunate enough to own every last note. A milestone! :)

the library down the street from me as a kid had the first gnp vol. of TOS on vinyl...

how i'd love to have that LP

12-10-2012, 03:13 AM
I'm still pinching myself over this boxset. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be fortunate enough to own every last note. A milestone! :)

Indeed it is and well said!!


12-10-2012, 03:14 AM
Ah, yes, well, that came from an old reel to reel that I gave Neil so he could see if it was a "Viable project", the next thing I know, he's got thousands of albums and cassettes out on the shelves of Tower records, and my original master tapes are sitting in some studio in Toyko!!!!

And, Scotty, I know Steve Neil, and his ex-wife Ve Neil, who both did work on STTMP and other projects from TREK as well. Steve had told me that the original Klingon headpiece molds were sitting out in the weather on the back lots, behind buildings 32 and 34, along with some destroyed model pieces from the first and second films, so I rushed over to the studio, but found nothing. Steve had seen them over 6 months before that, and they could have been anywhere, but chances were that they were just thrown in the trash, if I read my studio creeps correctly. I once saw one of the orignal bridge chairs, the blue with the black leather tops, that was thrown in a compactor of some sort, crushed, and then it was thrown in a dumpster!!! I could have cried right then and there!

Some people in the studios really SUCK!!!


12-10-2012, 04:10 AM
Ah, yes, well, that came from an old reel to reel that I gave Neil so he could see if it was a "Viable project", the next thing I know, he's got thousands of albums and cassettes out on the shelves of Tower records, and my original master tapes are sitting in some studio in Toyko!!!!

And, Scotty, I know Steve Neil, and his ex-wife Ve Neil, who both did work on STTMP and other projects from TREK as well. Steve had told me that the original Klingon headpiece molds were sitting out in the weather on the back lots, behind buildings 32 and 34, along with some destroyed model pieces from the first and second films, so I rushed over to the studio, but found nothing. Steve had seen them over 6 months before that, and they could have been anywhere, but chances were that they were just thrown in the trash, if I read my studio creeps correctly. I once saw one of the orignal bridge chairs, the blue with the black leather tops, that was thrown in a compactor of some sort, crushed, and then it was thrown in a dumpster!!! I could have cried right then and there!

Some people in the studios really SUCK!!!


Enough to make a grown man cry!! I'm sure you read them correctly William, and I hope they have a rotten retirement. Steve Neil is a good guy and a great artist he has past on quite a few pieces of info on building models, which is the main reason I watch his videos. I don't know if you have heard but his current wife has cancer and she fall a few weeks ago and broke her hip, so both of them are having a tough time, but Steve keeps going. To bad you could not sue Norman and dump him in the trash or better yet in the trash compactor! Hell I'll push the damn button.

The more I re-read you comments about what they dumped in the trash the more I just want to brain them!! what butt wipes!!


12-10-2012, 12:24 PM
Now, back to the score at hand, I have sampled most of the tracks, and they are really clean and clear, although mostly mono, which is good. Unlike Neil, LALALAND didn't try to have someone fuss around with the quality, and try to make a fake stereo sound, just cleaned up the tracks and kept them pure! No "Spacial environment" sound on these tracks. But I was looking at the tracks, and thinking that there are some episodes missing. I will have to look at the episode guide and cross check it to the track listings, marking off one episode at a time. I can do that and listen to the music at the same time, hehehehe

It would be nice if they could release volume two of MORE music and sound effects, in the near future. BTW, the SFX are not even close to the ones that I posted here, so....I hope that they will come up with alot more! PLEASE???? With the 3 CDs of TOS SFX, I only had about 10% of the total sounds in Doug Grindstaff's directory, so there are more out there!


I'd be surprised if there is anything left off the set. I've been cross referencing each cue from the tracklists as they were shared on the FSM board, and comparing them with my (now defunct) DVD rips. It looks complete to me. Won't know for sure until my set arrives in the mail - but I don't think you have anything to worry about William. :)

William, as far as the pure music is concerned (I'm not speaking about SFX), I completely agree with what Verisimilitude says: all the music composed and recorded is part of this set! The producers had stated repeatedly that they looked at all the tapes and tried to figure out which takes were used for the final prints. Then they looked for cues which were never used and added them, too. Yes, there were roughly 70 hours of tapes they had found, and the set has 17 hours, but the remaining cues are, as I understand, just double takes, so ALL the music is represented at least once on the set! But if you really find something you feel was left, let us know! ;)

---------- Post added at 05:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:08 AM ----------

Hi William,

I'd be all for a TOS boxed set part two with more SFX, music outtakes and alternate takes, etc. BTW, where is Neil Norman? No mention by anyone of him being at the Egyptian ceremony on Monday, no interviews (like the boxed set producers at and other sites, etc.)?

HR Pufnstuf

Maybe he was too ashamed for the crappy GNP records he released, or he didn't want to see William there (for obvious reasons)! Am I right, William?

---------- Post added at 05:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:15 AM ----------

No, this "Scorebuff" has got to be GWENT, it sure feels like him again, and I knew that he has been lurking around. Oh, and BTW, there is no "Evil" William at all, most who know me, know that I am fairly mellow all of the time, if I get mad about something, it's gone in 5 minutes or less! :)

Now, back to the score at hand, I have sampled most of the tracks, and they are really clean and clear, although mostly mono, which is good. Unlike Neil, LALALAND didn't try to have someone fuss around with the quality, and try to make a fake stereo sound, just cleaned up the tracks and kept them pure! No "Spacial environment" sound on these tracks. But I was looking at the tracks, and thinking that there are some episodes missing. I will have to look at the episode guide and cross check it to the track listings, marking off one episode at a time. I can do that and listen to the music at the same time, hehehehe

It would be nice if they could release volume two of MORE music and sound effects, in the near future. BTW, the SFX are not even close to the ones that I posted here, so....I hope that they will come up with alot more! PLEASE???? With the 3 CDs of TOS SFX, I only had about 10% of the total sounds in Doug Grindstaff's directory, so there are more out there!


I remember buying that record waaaaaaay back in 1985 (when I was 15 years old). I still have it too (at my parents house - I should really go and get that). I remember at the time being blown away by how many cues I recognized and how much of that music had been recycled in the 3 seasons of Trek. My first stop when my boxset arrives later this week is to pop in disc 1 and journey back in time to listen to The Cage and Where No Man Has Gone Before once again. I'm still pinching myself over this boxset. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be fortunate enough to own every last note. A milestone! :)

Yes, that's how I remember it also. In 1985, I was 24, and that first ever Star Trek LP was a must-have for me! I have that vinyl still today (also at my parents house - how funny!), and won't get rid of it, for nostalgic reasons. But this new box set is the final HOLY GRAIL, which should end the history of TOS trek music on CD once and for all!

12-10-2012, 02:19 PM
My first Star Trek Soundtrack was "Star Trek II". In germany in the early 80s it was very difficult to get ANY Soundtrack. And I was such a fan of John Williams, Bernard Hermann and many more. I was so happy to get that one and played it the whole day. My sister said, Horner�s music would be like "Hunting Horn Fanfares", but when I listened to the music, I was able to "see" the good Enterprise in my imagination.

The music of TOS TV series was very, very good and the first album (of the TV series music) I got in germany was the music of the pilot episode. I was frustrated! Later I found also the music of the Corbomite Maneuveur, Charlie X and others. Some of THAT tunes show for me the ESSENCE of Star Trek (music). So I am very excited for the TOS Box.

Sorry if I may write a little too "german" english. I follow this forum since quite a while and it makes fun to read, so I just thought,... it would be time to say something, too. ;)

12-10-2012, 02:35 PM
My first Star Trek Soundtrack was "Star Trek II". In germany in the early 80s it was very difficult to get ANY Soundtrack. And I was such a fan of John Williams, Bernard Hermann and many more. I was so happy to get that one and played it the whole day. My sister said, Horner�s music would be like "Hunting Horn Fanfares", but when I listened to the music, I was able to "see" the good Enterprise in my imagination.

The music of TOS TV series was very, very good and the first album (of the TV series music) I got in germany was the music of the pilot episode. I was frustrated! Later I found also the music of the Corbomite Maneuveur, Charlie X and others. Some of THAT tunes show for me the ESSENCE of Star Trek (music). So I am very excited for the TOS Box.

Sorry if I may write a little too "german" english. I follow this forum since quite a while and it makes fun to read, so I just thought,... it would be time to say something, too. ;)

No problem, shran, your "german" english is good enough to comprehend what you're saying (in my case, that's because I'm German myself! :) ). Yes, it WAS difficult to get the various soundtracks back then! I remember, that my first Bernard Herrmann LP was a 3-LP-box with the Decca-Recordings of Herrmann's re-recordings from London (Psycho, Marnie, Vertigo, Fahrenheit 451, and some of his Fantasy scores), and I didn't find them in Germany, but in Paris, while I was there on a journey with my schoolmates ("Klassenfahrt"). My very first soundtrack LP was STTMP, and that was the start of my huge collection of LP's and CD's with film music. Later in the 80ies, I got much of my scores from the "Tarantula" shop in Hamburg, which was specialised in soundtracks.

12-10-2012, 04:36 PM
Thank you! In my opinion your photo shows the enemy in the new Star Trek movie ;) Just my opinion. My first Herrmann - LP was "North by Northwest". Love it! :) I had ordered the record in the U.S.A. and waited something around three month until I got it. ;)

12-10-2012, 09:27 PM
Got home from work, there it was waiting for me, wonderful!! herd two disks brill!!!! lets hope LaLaLand do the same for other classic's like "The Invaders" and "The Outer Limits".

12-10-2012, 09:36 PM
Anyone going to upload this thing yet so us poorer people can share in the pleasure?

12-10-2012, 09:53 PM
any have it now. But uploading a 15 disc set takes a LONG time. Each disc will require two arts, so 30 links. and we all know they will get deleted before anyone gets them all, so why bother posting OPENLY....

NO, I do not have it, so no pm please.

12-10-2012, 10:04 PM
Anyone going to upload this thing yet so us poorer people can share in the pleasure?
any have it now. But uploading a 15 disc set takes a LONG time. Each disc will require two arts, so 30 links. and we all know they will get deleted before anyone gets them all, so why bother posting OPENLY....

NO, I do not have it, so no pm please.
Yep, absolutely Amanda, it would probably be there for an hour at the most before they are gone. You've got to realise Valkyna that there will be people here who are from Lalaland, and, whilst these sets are still available, they will be keeping an eye on the forums for anyone posting links. I think it will be a while yet before we see these.

12-10-2012, 10:51 PM
If I could, I would buy it immediately.

12-10-2012, 11:18 PM
WOW, I'm getting really ticked off, I had TWO posts, one on this page, and a second one, on page 11, just 30 minutes ago, and now they are both GONE, as well as page 11!!!! W T F???

AND, Comicjoe's links to the Star Trek Youtube videos as well have been deleted!!! :(

Here are the Youtube links, and a couple of more:

STAR TREK After They Were Famous Part One - YouTube (
Star Trek - Shatner and Nimoy " 1966 Interviews" - YouTube (
Star Trek TOS Bloopers & Unused Scenes 1 - YouTube (


12-10-2012, 11:41 PM
I think you mixed up the threads:


12-11-2012, 12:06 AM
any have it now. But uploading a 15 disc set takes a LONG time. Each disc will require two arts, so 30 links. and we all know they will get deleted before anyone gets them all, so why bother posting OPENLY....

NO, I do not have it, so no pm please.

I agree here. Posting the CDs is a mistake, even with the URL's being shorten or altered to hide them, search engines will still find them.

If we can't have the music here then I'd imagine that this is the same for the CD booklets. I would love to read/look at the notes from all the sleeves in the CDs just so that we get to see all the hard work that went into the research. Behind the scene information has always interested me and 15 cd of booklets would be great, but no it is best wait and see.