Cloud's Clone
02-16-2004, 12:40 AM
Is it just me or do other people like Xenosaga? I thought that the game had a very deep story, probably the deepest RPG story I've played through since Final Fantasy 7. The combat could have been better, but the graphics and story were enough to keep me tuned to it. If you haven't played Xenosaga, I suggest you play it.

The Joker
02-16-2004, 01:12 AM
I absolutely cherish this game. All the techincal aspects (graphics, sound editing, voice acting...) and has "Despite a host of involving gameplay mechanics that most RPGs can only envy, Xensaga's crowning achievemenet is its story." (a perfect quote from game informer)

Mini quests, the depth of the battle system, its variation, its characters being unique...I love it. Its story, deep (even to a point of being lengthy and over written) still touches me.

Lightning Mage
02-16-2004, 11:25 PM
Xenosaga, well let's see.
Graphics: Amazing
Story: Deep, awsome
Gameplay: Blah

To me it was great but the gamplay was a little boring. To many cutscenes in my opinion.

I give it a:
7 outta 10

Cloud's Clone
02-16-2004, 11:45 PM
Well, at least I'm not alone.

Evad D'Aragon
02-17-2004, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Lightning Mage
Xenosaga, well let's see.
Graphics: Amazing
Story: Deep, awsome
Gameplay: Blah

To me it was great but the gamplay was a little boring. To many cutscenes in my opinion.

I give it a:
7 outta 10

The cutscene were too many at first but it got more balanced over the game. However, once you're about halfway through you realize you never have enough money to buy all the upgrades for you A.G.W.S. and so you keep either fighting the same ennemies over and over again or play poker at the casino. It can get ...boring after a while.

It's still one of the best RPGs on PS2 though. I'm eagerly waiting for Episode II.

02-17-2004, 06:19 AM
I played Xenogears and well.. i watched my bro played it, followed the storyline.. and I loved it.. i loved the cutscenes esp!!! And tat psycho Rubedo.. i cant wait for Ep.II

Evad D'Aragon
02-17-2004, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by FFFanatic
I played Xenogears and well.. i watched my bro played it, followed the storyline.. and I loved it.. i loved the cutscenes esp!!! And tat psycho Rubedo.. i cant wait for Ep.II

RUBEDO ? Don't you mean Albedo ? lol


Rubedo is actually Jr. And Nigredo is Gaignun Kukai.

02-17-2004, 09:42 AM
Oh yea it was Albedo.. sorrie it was last Dec when i beat it... yea i cant wait to see his face again..

02-17-2004, 10:29 AM
Some guy at my work named Joseph likes it an awful lot.

I seriously do need to pick up this game. I don't have anymore excuses now that it's so cheap.

Cloud's Clone
02-17-2004, 11:56 AM
Well,Ndi, I believe you should pick up this game because besides the Final Fantasy and Resident Evil series, this is the only game I'm probably gonna play every new game they release for it. It does a good job of telling a good story, and each episode goes deepier into a characters roots. The next episode will focus on JR.

The Joker
02-17-2004, 01:48 PM
I thought the gameplay was its strongpoint. The battle system was a lot deeper than other RPGs I've played in a while. Use items for abilities, eventually learn them, different types of enemies with weakenesses you can use, everyone is unique with different tech attacks and weapons, unique spells even though some can be goes on. :( The fact they do away with random battle and you can use stealth to escape enemies, run from them, or even set up traps and have an advantage was a lot of fun. Not to mention the whole series of mini games, sidequests, and so on.

I have to agree the cutscenes are a bit on the long side, though I actually love them. You are given the option of skipping them if you want so I don't see the problem with it. Maybe a "condensed" version might have been nice to those who don't have the patience to watch the scenes.

Cloud's Clone
02-17-2004, 04:08 PM
Well, lets just hope that part 2 lives up to what its supposed to be.

02-17-2004, 04:56 PM
I've never played this game, but supposedly my nick is in there some where so I might pick it up. To be honest even after hearing all these great things I'm hessitant to buy it because of what a friend of mine told me about Xenogears, that it took him over 100 hours to beat. I just don't know if I want to get into a game that long, especially since it's a five part series.

Cloud's Clone
02-17-2004, 05:47 PM
The graphics for the next game are going to be alot better, the battles will be slightly different,and there will be a new character added to the party.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
02-17-2004, 10:25 PM
I've never played this game, but supposedly my nick is in there some where so I might pick it up.

Yeah, the Durandal (not quite your nick, but meh). It's the baddest warship in the Xenosaga universe, apparently. As it slaughtered hordes of Gnosis with ease.

I'm looking forward to getting to see KOS-MOS and that confrontation with U-DO which we got a glimpse of. As well as the whole Albedo/Rubedo thing.


What was with the guys in the robes which turned out to be dead peeps? Virgil and all returning was a switch, but it seemed Chaos knew them, and Virgil called him "Boss"--though in somewhat of a derogatory/mocking fashion.

It also seemed Albedo wasn't really all that much of a "Bad Guy" in the storyline other than his sadistic little pleasures, based on what was said about him by that guy that was over Vector in the ending movie sequence.


Never did complete that sidequest for the robot parts... probably should have, as I hear the summon you get from turning those parts in to the crazy Robot scientist was quite cool to watch, and powerful.

Cloud's Clone
02-17-2004, 10:43 PM
The summons were very cool. There were more than one. Each time you turned in a Robot Part, you would get a slightly stronger summon. So it really payed off to go and find the Robot Parts.

Lightning Mage
02-17-2004, 10:50 PM
I prefer Xenogears, it was cooler. For you who didn't play it, you should. It's like a prequel or somthin'.:D

Evad D'Aragon
02-17-2004, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by Cloud's Clone
The summons were very cool. There were more than one. Each time you turned in a Robot Part, you would get a slightly stronger summon. So it really payed off to go and find the Robot Parts.

Heh, simply put : Erde Kaiser ( the complete robot ) can whipe out Albedo in one attack. How strong is THAT ? ;)

Cloud's Clone
02-17-2004, 11:28 PM
Well, as long as there are more confrontations between Albedo and the gang in part2, I'll be happy. He added a real sadistic side to the story. He also did some stuff that made you want to kick the shit out of him. A true villian.

02-17-2004, 11:43 PM
*sigh* why do we always miss out on these great rpg's in PAL territories?!

02-18-2004, 12:35 AM
I loved xenosaga, one of the best games ive played in a while.
I can't wait for the next one to come out... but
I don't like the changes in the characters there gonna make.
I like the way they look now :P

Evad D'Aragon
02-18-2004, 12:12 PM
I like the new Shion. But don't really like the new KOS-MOS... But overall I like the new style. They look more realistic and that will show in the cut-scenes.


And I think Jin is going to rock. I want to see that sword-fight with Margulis.

The Joker
02-18-2004, 02:12 PM
I have to agree with that. Shion looks better, but KOS-MOS' cyborg look is ruined. They've made her look too human like the rest and took away her unique look completely. :(

02-18-2004, 11:33 PM
yea KOS-MOS was cool in her own way in XenoSaga..

02-19-2004, 07:25 PM
Yeah, the Durandal (not quite your nick, but meh). It's the baddest warship in the Xenosaga universe, apparently. As it slaughtered hordes of Gnosis with ease.

Probably reffering to the same thing as my nick, just a slightly different translation. A warship is fitting for that name, now I'll just have to wait until I've got a lot of free time and play this game.

Cloud's Clone
02-19-2004, 08:03 PM
What will the new character look like? I hope they use some type of sword or nunchaku or something.

The Joker
02-19-2004, 08:25 PM
What I still don't get, is why I couldn't let Ziggy or KOS-MOS use the gears...I found that particularly dumb. Sure, they might be robo/cyborg, but so is MOMO and she can use it. Besides, you'd think something machine oriented could control a machine even better.

02-20-2004, 11:32 PM
Maybe they're tryin to imply tat cyborgs r better than those gears?? Haha

The Joker
02-24-2004, 02:06 AM
Funny....I hardly used gears except as lambs for really large bosses.

Cloud's Clone
02-24-2004, 06:41 PM
I used them very sparingly Gandalf,usually just in the big boss fights.

02-28-2004, 01:53 PM
the thing you need to remember is that this was only the fist "epesode" in the game... i can't waitfor the next one.

I'm a true chaos fan (for note, in the game his name is in all lowercase letters)

heh ^_^ i always equip the swimsuit to him, looks awsum especialy wiht his "angel blow" attack.. i think it's angel blow.. i don't know exactly... hey .. i havn't played any video game not on gba for over a month so...

i also loved the hi-low gamein the casino place. i did really well. the slot machine was ok... but i wasn't that good at it.

*possable spoiler i don't know...*

the ending was just ok.. i mean.. it wasn't a real ending.. but it was good. they coudn't realy end it i guess because they needed it to be open for the nextgame in the series right?

also i hear that Shion's brother plays an important part in the next game.

*end possable spoiler i guess*

ok well that's all i got for now. later *waves*

The Joker
02-29-2004, 05:18 AM

I would've liked it had they combined the two. :(

I like larger games...ones that don't leave you hanging for the sequel either.

I'm hoping the second one will have more new gameplay mechanics and additions of abilities/commands to the first.

Landlord of Sector 7
02-29-2004, 07:35 PM
Xenosaga is cool. Short but sweet

03-01-2004, 01:58 AM
Originally posted by Gandalf

I would've liked it had they combined the two. :(

I like larger games...ones that don't leave you hanging for the sequel either.

I'm hoping the second one will have more new gameplay mechanics and additions of abilities/commands to the first. i think there are soposed to be 6 in all...

Landlord of Sector 7
03-02-2004, 09:59 PM

The Joker
03-03-2004, 02:25 AM

Big queston for debate.

Are Xenosaga and Xenogears directly related somehow?

I've heard there is a book about Xenosaga...that gives pictures and further depth of stuff, but there is no direct connection between them, I'd love to read the actual material to them. Be a large book though...does anybody know if this is adpated to something or what?

In any event...

Whoa...6. Ok...I guess 2 or 3 large games maybe? Or one extremely large game....heh, just me.

03-03-2004, 11:35 PM
ok this is what i got my brother. They are 6 parts to the Xeno Series, Xenogears being the 6th installment. And each part will be a separate game and not be combined with each other.

I did notice one thing that XenoSaga and Xenogears were related to each other. Did u notice that the save points in both games were almost identical? Hmmm...

The Joker
03-19-2004, 02:51 AM
Does anybody know the story behind The Zohar, in the real world?

I was looking at an article, and there was a book titled The Zohar. Some kind of Jewish religion symbolish of some sort. Anybody know?

03-19-2004, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Evad D'Aragon
I like the new Shion. But don't really like the new KOS-MOS... But overall I like the new style. They look more realistic and that will show in the cut-scenes.

I agree completely. To be honest, the way the girls look is making me enjoy some of the cutscenes less. The only female character I'm really happy with as is is KOS-MOS.

I suppose I'd rather KOS-MOS look less cool then have every girl in the game look that goofy.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-30-2004, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Gandalf
Does anybody know the story behind The Zohar, in the real world?

I was looking at an article, and there was a book titled The Zohar. Some kind of Jewish religion symbolish of some sort. Anybody know?

That's kinda funny, considering each of the emulators and the primary/real Zohar bore the names of Catholic saints.

As for real world story behind it, no friggin' idea.

Life Uttered in Mutero
05-07-2004, 12:56 PM
No, you definitely aren't alone. Xenosaga is stuffed with character development the likes of which I still haven't seen rivaled (and that's essential to any would-be good RPG), and the battle system is absolutely superb. Its only flaw is it might be too intimidating perhaps (or at least to the casual gamer), you'd have to be an uber hardcore gamer to immerse yourself in it w/o becoming bored at times. But overall it's a deeply enriching thrill ride into the cosmos, an epic space opera which is only the beginning of a much larger picture to come. And I'd consider it only a small step below the newer Final Fantasies (X and X-2).

05-08-2004, 08:24 PM
Xenosaga was cool. But I still like Xenogears better!;) Yeah I know I'm a purist but whatcha gonna do?;)

Life Uttered in Mutero
05-10-2004, 01:48 PM
Xenogears was better, but only slightly.

05-12-2004, 11:01 AM
Xenosaga is great............when does the second part come out?

07-04-2004, 05:02 AM
I happened upon this site while looking into some information concerning Xenosaga: Episode II.

I feel I need to make some corrections because no one else seemed to catch the bad info.

I prefer Xenogears, it was cooler. For you who didn't play it, you should. It's like a prequel or somthin'.

Xenosaga Episode I is actually the prequel to Xenogears. Unfortuantely Xenogears is a games based on the story that is Xenosaga. More on this in a bit.

They are 6 parts to the Xeno Series, Xenogears being the 6th installment.

Play Xenogears again and wait until the very end of the credits. It's reveal that it's part 5 not 6. In actuality Xenogears is a loosely based adaptation of part 5. I think you'll see something a little similar but if you play the games from episode one to that point the storyline will make more sense.

was looking at an article, and there was a book titled The Zohar. Some kind of Jewish religion symbolish of some sort. Anybody know?

Here you go:

Xenosaga was cool. But I still like Xenogears better! Yeah I know I'm a purist but whatcha gonna do?

Hard to call you a purist considering that Xenogears was episode 5 and merely an adaptation. One of the gripes of the origianl developers was that they didn't like the final product and many of Sqauresoft/Square's decisions regarding it's development.

Haru Glory
07-10-2004, 04:48 PM
**Minor Xenosaga Ep. II Spoilers Alert**

Xenosaga Ep. II takes place a few years after the events in Xenosaga Ep. I. Realians are on rampage, the universe is in chaos and someone is behind it. You start of with Chaos and a new character (go figure who that is) and in a really cool Anti Gnosis Weapon System (A.G.W.S). The A.G.W.S were really useless in the previous game but fret not, they are now much much better in terms of strength and speed. Sadly, the extremely long cutscenes returns in this episode. Though some of you might like it but I find it annoying sometimes because I had to sit there and watch a "movie" when I was supposed to be playing a game. Even so, Xenosaga Ep II is great so far eventhough I didn't get far because of the cut-scenes and all. Definitely worth getting it when its released where you live.

07-19-2004, 11:42 PM
xenosaga was kinda confusing at first but as yu play more and more it started to become clearer and clearer but i don't realy like games those kinda games that much ^_^ but that is just my opinion right?!

07-20-2004, 05:47 AM
I love Xenosaga, alot. I never finished it, but I'm very very close to the end. =( I never finish games.

BTW, the swimsuit goes on Shion, not chaos you silly silly person. =(.

And Jr. is god. My other characters just Boost him and he fires away.

10-08-2004, 07:48 PM
xenosaa is an awsome game I cant wait untill the second one comes out.

10-08-2004, 10:06 PM
I like Xenosaga as well. I like the new charcter models as well (Shion looks hot). Although I heard some bad things about it, I wait until I play myself then decide if I'll continue to play the future installments of the series.