02-15-2004, 04:09 PM
The best thing about FFX is that you can break HP limit and damage limit!!

The first time ever that you can do 99 999 damage!!!

02-15-2004, 06:41 PM
But 99999 is still a limit, and you can easily beat the game without getting hp and damage even close to 9999, so I don't consider being able to break the hp/damage limit as the best thing about this game.

I'd say the best thing about X are the graphics, but sadly those great graphics happens to be this games downfall.

02-25-2004, 03:38 AM
How are the graphics the game's down fall?

02-25-2004, 11:26 AM


The characters in general. They are all so unique.
The cutscenes!!! @_@ They are awesome!!!
And the dialogues are just great!

Tidus:"Sounds exactly like the stuff an old man would say!"
Auron: "Forgive me!"

"Lady Auron" :cool:

Landlord of Sector 7
02-29-2004, 10:45 PM
First of all.
1.) The characters were pretty standard for FF games. Nothing Special.
2.) Cutscenes take away from the game because that is just a lot less time that you are in control of the characters.
3.) Voice Acting SUCKED in that game because they put the emphasis on wrong words, they didn't talk smoothly and they sounded like idiots.
4.) Lastly, I think the funnest(sort of best but sort of not) was fighting all the made monsters that the man at the Calm Lands makes for you. Maybe the best thing would have to be the awesome FMV'S.

03-02-2004, 11:26 AM
Because the makers figured they have awesome graphics (and rightly so) lets show them off every chance we get. Which leads to too many cutscenes and too long of cutscenes. I don't know about the rest of you but I didn't like watching a cutscene for ten minutes, playing the game for five minutes, and then watching another ten minute long cutscene.

03-02-2004, 11:29 AM
I don't know about you, but I liked that. :P I liked the cutscenes, and the amount of them.

The best thing in my view was the atmosphere. No other FF game had me this... oh, I dunno, fascinated, excited., worrying, moved.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-02-2004, 11:59 AM
CUTSCENES BLOW!!!! Seriously that is the game's biggest downfall because how much of the game do you think is when you are actually in control? Maybe like 32% or something like that.

03-03-2004, 02:45 PM
Final Fantasy 10 was not the first game to have 5 figure damage, as Eden the GF from FF8 could cause 5 figure damage.

and also on FF10 if you set the Aeons cut scenes to short it also cuts there overdrive short, so if you get Anima and give here 255 strength and do oblivion with her it totals the damage rathere than loads of individual attacks, she can doo over 500,000 damage so that kicks the 99,999 damage limit...

The Joker
03-03-2004, 03:17 PM
What I liked about this game was more than anything, the gameplay:

1) You can switch people out in battle
2) You can adjust equipment in battle
3) You can have more than 9,999 HP and 999 MP, which is fair as some sidquest enemies will be substantially powerful.
4) Trigger commands such as talking, using environment, etc. I liked the fact you can try something different in situations. Though I wish they would've done more with it.

03-03-2004, 08:24 PM
Heh, that's easy: Best. Writing. Ever. X just has the most well executed/coherent story in the series.

Yes, the voice acting could be pretty cheesy at times, but it generally improved as the game advanced. Everything that came out of Wakka's mouth sounded great from the start, and the vast majority of Auron's dialog was spot-on as well.

The greatest moment in the game is still the Yunalesca fight though. Seriously, HOLYCRAP! :D

X is my favorite in the series, with VI and VIII close behind. I still haven't had time to play my copy of X-2 though. :/

Landlord of Sector 7
03-03-2004, 09:18 PM
Yeah um...Wakka and Auron and Kimhari and Lulu were all fine but Tidus and Yuna were not very good at all. As for the best thing, I think it would be the uniqueness from the other ones. With the extra aeons (Yojimbo and Magus Sisters) the Calm Lands guy, the break whatever limits, the process of getting ultimate weapons and the overdrives were all unique and that is what made the game what it is.

Bahamut ZERO
03-03-2004, 10:52 PM
Auron's character rocked. He was just perfect in his role.

And the story is not as empty as people claim. Sure, there were times when the characters may have irritated me, but in real life, no one is perfect. Everyone has their faults. And the characterisations for that story were good. Tidus WAS needed in the plot to give it solidity and a fresh outlook that resulted in the eventual change at the end of the game. Just as Yuna WAS needed for the determination to drive through that change.

Oh: Best thing about the game? Besides the emotional impact of said story, I reckon the switching of characters in battle. If someone was getting creamed, then at least you had the option to save them and put someone else in. Plus each character doing better damage on certain types of enemies was quite nice.

03-04-2004, 09:51 PM
I liked the battle graphics mmm they were spectacular, i dont know why some people say that X was the worse cos it was good. But i was wraped with the relationship between tidus and yuna that made me want to play even more i just love the love relationships in the final fantasy series.

03-06-2004, 08:45 PM
No No I say the cut scenes and cgs are the thing I like most about ff. I agree with landlord the charecters were nothing special with few exeptions (Auron and lulu). And I also agree with Misao I dont mind the cut scenes.:D

But the thing I liked most was not the plot or story itself but rather the emotion within it.;)

on another note Im currently playing xenosaga and gameplay is almost non-existant ya know alot of cut scenes compared to xenogears. Any I personally like a shit load of cut scenes! But I can see the point some people are trying to make about FFX.:eye:

I also thought kiamari was gonna be kinda cool but when I acually got a chance to play X he was just to savage. Talking about him self in the third person and stuff. Like landlord said pretty standard stuff as far a charecters.
sorry!:notgood: :notgood: :notgood:

03-06-2004, 10:14 PM
The best thing should be the graphics I suppose? Well yeah, and Yuna for sure.... (>.<)

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-06-2004, 10:19 PM
Best thing about FFX?

Tidus disappears at the end.

It ends.

That's about it.

Well, the graphics were decent as well, but by no means any reason to call it a great game.

As for storyline... well, nevermind. It was like any movie, it may have a good storyline, but hideous voice actors/casting will kill any chance of someone enjoying it.

03-06-2004, 11:39 PM
i agree with everything odin just said!!!

03-06-2004, 11:58 PM
I never had a problem with the voicing. I guess it would have been easier if i had a previous ff game that had voicing and could compare but since it was the first...

03-07-2004, 03:22 AM
The best thing about FFX?

I can have a heck of a lot more fun playing it than I can sitting here listening to people whine about insignificant crap. :D

Landlord of Sector 7
03-07-2004, 03:28 AM
That is true but the entire point of this thread is so people can whine about this crap. If you don't like it, why look at it? It's your own free will and you can do what you want with it.

03-07-2004, 03:55 AM
Mm, it's more that I clicked the link from the e-mail in my inbox telling me there were new replies hoping maybe they were more than just "I don't like this because it's bad." It's perfectly fine with me for people to bash the game, I just prefer they have logical reasons behind it.

Although I have yet to find many places online where that occurs, so I guess it was too much to hope. :|

(That, and I've been feeling particularly snarky doesn't really bother me that much.)

03-07-2004, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
That is true but the entire point of this thread is so people can whine about this crap. If you don't like it, why look at it? It's your own free will and you can do what you want with it.
Sorry, but I must disagree. This thread has the title "Best thing about FFX", not "Worst thing about FFX".

03-07-2004, 12:48 PM
Yeah thats what I thought. :whatever:
beside's who hate's X
That's crazy talk!:notgood:

03-08-2004, 10:01 PM
x as a hole is a good game..nomatter what any1 says...thats just there opinion....
er.....the best thing about x is that it is good......:whatever:

Landlord of Sector 7
03-08-2004, 11:27 PM
The best thing about X is the fact that it was made on the PS2 so the technology is nothing we have ever seen before therefore, making us think it is better.

03-08-2004, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
The best thing about X is the fact that it was made on the PS2 so the technology is nothing we have ever seen before therefore, making us think it is better.

*sighs* please tell your joking.......

03-10-2004, 12:05 AM
I like the story line and game play, its not the graphics that make a good game its the indepth and story. I think ten had good of both of them. It is a good game if people dont like it well thats theyre opinion and it doesnt bother me cos i dont care weather they like it or not, aslong as i play it through and enjoy it ill be happy and as i wait for the next title ill be saying BRING IT ON!

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-10-2004, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Misao

Sorry, but I must disagree. This thread has the title "Best thing about FFX", not "Worst thing about FFX".

Yeah, and the things I mentioned are the best things about it, IMO. The thread is "In your opinion, what is the best thing about FFX?", if I read the first post right. Not, "Everyone say how awesome the game is, regardless of your true feelings on it." or "You can only say what you think the best thing about the game is if it's one of the following: Voice acting, music, characters, weapons, armor, magic, Aeons, Graphics and Ending. And it must be a positive-sounding statement."

Oh, btw, my remarks were positive things about the game, albeit a bit more realistic.

03-10-2004, 08:38 AM
Odin, I didn't direct my post at you. I directed it at Landlord, mainly because he used the expression "whine about this crap". I really don't want to have anyone "whine about this crap" in here. Whining is to say what is bad about a game. I've had this a bit too often lately, and about every thread seems to go into this direction sooner or later: Someone saying how bad this game is. Once more, I tell you... and I'll go to FFVII and ruin every thread by expressing my dislike for this game. It'd be only fair. T_T

Now post what you LIKED about FFX. If you think it's Tidus disappearing at the end, alright. But don't continue listing everything else that you thought was less good afterwards. It's getting boring. :( And I can also use my brain and conclude that you did not like the game much if you say: "Tidus disappears at the end. That's it." Don't underestimate us... :notgood:

03-10-2004, 08:42 AM
I liked Blitzball a bit, actually. It was a fairly decent mini/side game.. thingie.

That's about it. ^~

03-10-2004, 12:40 PM
the Blizball mini game was class. But it took so long to do...

But I still think it was super cool.

03-10-2004, 01:30 PM
Screw blitzball that sucked! Why do they force you to play it in Luca I hate that Dam mini game sooo Much! And if it didint suck enough square goes and makes it even twice the lame in the sequal.:confused: Other than that I enjoy X;) ;) ;) ;)

03-10-2004, 01:33 PM
Well, at least you're not required to WIN it. :P In FFIX, as far as I remember you're required to win some card games during the tournament.

Bahamut ZERO
03-10-2004, 02:49 PM
It took me a while to get used to Blitzball, but I kinda got addicted to it over time. Hell, it was quite good fun to kill an hour playing a league game or two, and using Tidus to just trounce the opposition. I think he was the only player who ever used to score for the team when I played. XD

I should've spent more time to learn Jecht Shot properly... =/

03-10-2004, 03:21 PM
No way, Blitzball was quite a bit more absorbing than the card games, which were too easy anyways so having to win them was a non-issue.

03-10-2004, 09:59 PM
blitzball is the best mini game in any ff game...shit...i'v spent atleast 20 hours playing it!!!

03-11-2004, 12:39 PM
Are you on Drugs? That mini game is the worst its just so dam lame!!!:notgood:

Damit where has my sig gone this is pissing me off!!

03-11-2004, 03:04 PM
Blizball rocked, it was so deeply absorbing that I hardly stoped playing it.

I mean you can even scout players and teach your players new abilitys, it is totaly the best FF mini-game, it even shows the Chcobo breeding game in FF7 how tacky it was in comparison.

03-11-2004, 03:58 PM
Hey Fucknagga The chocobo breeding was rad compared to bitchball!!!! I dont care how many hours that mini game can ubsorb am I the only one who realizes that it sucks ass!
I dont know about you guys but it was an annoyence rather than a mini game for me!!!:whatever: :whatever:

03-11-2004, 04:32 PM
am I the only one who realizes that it sucks ass!
Yes, it's just that you're the only intelligent person in the world. The others - that dumbasses that dare have a different opinion - all suck. I mean, just imagine! They actually disagree with you!! Now don't we all know your opinion is the only right and great one?

End of sarcasm.

Stop fighting over something this idiotic. Continue in PMs as much as you want, but I am not having this thread be turned into a
"Blitzball sucks!" - "No!" - "Yes!" - "No!" -retarded, very retarded!!! whining.

03-11-2004, 05:12 PM
Misao I liked your post all the way up to "End of Sarcasm".
No really I gotcha!:lol
What was this thread about again? oh ya another cool thing I like about ffX was the ctb system this makes it different than all the other ffs that and the fact that you control your aons!;) ;) ;)


Landlord of Sector 7
03-11-2004, 07:03 PM
Yeah the controling aeons was a big plus. I think another good thing about it was the overdrive system. It was just like 7's except seven's won't let you attack when you have a limit break and this one does.

03-11-2004, 08:56 PM
Best thing for me in FFX - probably the story.

The game mechanics made it, for me, the best FF so far. The battle system was soooo much more intuitive than previous FF's (FFVII I'm looking at you!)

I liked the Sphere Grid (especially because I have the PAL version).

I liked the fact that Blitzball was the first minigame I actually enjoyed playing, to the point that I concentrated solely on playing it for hours on end. Mind you, the whole goal was getting that Jupiter Sigil.

I even liked dodging lightning. Now I must go and purchase X-2.:cool:

03-11-2004, 10:12 PM
Another thing I liked was there sphere grid because everyony and anyine could learn every move avalable.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-11-2004, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Misao
Odin, I didn't direct my post at you. I directed it at Landlord, mainly because he used the expression "whine about this crap". I really don't want to have anyone "whine about this crap" in here. Whining is to say what is bad about a game. I've had this a bit too often lately, and about every thread seems to go into this direction sooner or later: Someone saying how bad this game is. Once more, I tell you... and I'll go to FFVII and ruin every thread by expressing my dislike for this game. It'd be only fair. T_T

Now post what you LIKED about FFX. If you think it's Tidus disappearing at the end, alright. But don't continue listing everything else that you thought was less good afterwards. It's getting boring. :( And I can also use my brain and conclude that you did not like the game much if you say: "Tidus disappears at the end. That's it." Don't underestimate us... :notgood:

Sorry for the delayed response, didn't check email notification or subscribe to the thread.

I wasn't all that crazy about FF7, either, or any of the FF games, to tell the truth. Not to the point of "fanboy fanaticism" that seems to be so prevalent anymore. To me, the FF games are like good books. Not as good as the Dune saga, or Lord of the Rings, by any means, but still good.

So your whole thing about going to the FF7 forums and going into every single thread and saying how you don't like the game isn't going to bother me at all--especially since I don't even check that forum unless I see that someone is looking at it on the Who's Online page and the thread title they're reading seems to be interesting.

A thing about FFX that I liked? Controlling the Aeons. Now, if they'd had more of them, and cooler ones, I'd have been impressed with the game enough for that to overshadow the hideous voice acting. Maybe even the storyline, too, which was too reminiscent of Ernest Hemingway for my tastes.

03-31-2004, 10:27 PM
I like the graphics because the FFX only has that superb graphics.. :rolleyes: