11-06-2012, 08:52 PM
Not my rip. For those who are able - EnJOY.

01. Gonna Fly Now - DeEtta Little & Nelson Pigford
02. War - Vince Di Cola
03. Philadelphia Morning - Bill Conti
04. Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor
05. Going The Distance - Bill Conti
06. Reflections - Bill Conti
07. No Easy Way Out - Robert Tepper
08. Vigil - Bill Conti
09. Fanfare For Rocky - Bill Conti
10. Adrian - Bill Conti
11. Training Montage - Vince Di Cola
12. Alone In The Ring - Bill Conti
13. Redemption - Bill Conti
14. Hearts On Fire - John Cafferty
15. Overture - Bill Conti
16. First Date - Bill Conti
17. Go For It! (Heart & Fire) - Joey B Ellis & Tynette Hare
18. Conquest - Bill Conti
19. Butkus - Bill Conti
20. Burning Heart - Survivor
21. The Final Bell - Bill Conti
22. Rocky's Reward - Bill Conti

11-07-2012, 12:42 AM
128 kbps?

Don't waste internet space.

11-07-2012, 01:28 AM
128 kbps?

Don't waste internet space.

Thank you. this won easily the "stupid comment of the day" award.

There's no rule about quality. he has it, he wants to share it. it might interest some. and he put the quality in the subject.

in other words, your comment was as unnecessary as it was rude.

to the OP: thank you.

11-07-2012, 01:31 AM
128 kbps?

Don't waste internet space.

If you wanted to save internet space you wouldn't have posted this stupidass comment.

Thanks for this; I really like the scores to the Rocky films.

11-07-2012, 02:36 AM
So why not just upload it with 48 kbps the first place and you're all gonna be happy forever???

11-07-2012, 02:54 AM
Does this have that unreleased track that plays in the final round in Rocky Balboa? It sounded a lot like Rabin's work for Remember the Titans. not sure if that's what was used though....

11-07-2012, 02:54 AM
Hey at least he`s sharing, i don`t see any shares from you ...

11-07-2012, 10:27 AM
128 kbps?

Don't waste internet space.

Thanks man, for showing us the enlightened path.

Where would we all as a community be without the your deductive reasoning?

I for one when I read your comment immediately thought of another space, the space between your ears but since you deem to be the auteur
to know what constitutes a waste of internet space and perhaps what should and should not be posted on this forum who are we to question?

I would be happy with 48 kbps - as long as I can hear music.

11-07-2012, 11:16 AM
Hey at least he`s sharing, i don`t see any shares from you ...

Nothing shared, no threads started, no "Likes" given and a member since Nov 2009... a real contributor.

11-07-2012, 02:53 PM
Am I supposed to apologize for I'm a quality-oriented soundtrack lover?

Interesting how a mere little comment on quality issues triggers a flood of aggressions, bigotry and even hatred on this platform.

Yeah, let's start a bloody witch-hunt or at least some kind of Klu-Klux-Clan-like burning of those impertinent insolent users who dare to shake their heads at 128 kbps.

The lack of any reasonable quality minimums is the real crux and makes effective navigation at ffshrine more time-consuming than necessary in comparison to other reputable collector's sites.

Sorry for sticking to the facts and not contributing to all these neurotic existential orientations uttered in most comments. It can be cured though: Lay down and cry a little. It helps (you).

11-07-2012, 04:31 PM
Here are covers for Rocky Saga (i didn't make this).
I found it in the web.
Rocky+Saga+(Bootleg)+-+Front.jpg (image) ()
Rocky+Saga+(Bootleg)+-+Back.jpg (image) ()

11-07-2012, 05:43 PM
Here are covers for Rocky Saga (i didn't make this).
I found it in the web.
Rocky+Saga+(Bootleg)+-+Front.jpg (image) ()
Rocky+Saga+(Bootleg)+-+Back.jpg (image) ()

Thank You Brandon Heat.

11-07-2012, 07:21 PM
Hi there, with the Rocky CD�s I have and some additional downloads, I�ve made a better quality version (except two files, they are all in flac), of this. Remember that this upload is a "compilation" of different CD�s and other downloads, so probally different volumes, looks like THIS SCREENSHOT ().

Try it HERE ( with the password rocky


11-08-2012, 01:31 AM
Am I supposed to apologize for I'm a quality-oriented soundtrack lover?

No, you're supposed to apologize for being rude.

Interesting how a mere little comment on quality issues triggers a flood of aggressions, bigotry and even hatred on this platform.

Mere little comment? As i said, it was rude. If you don't like it, leave it alone. And i must say, you're pretty good with the hatred yourself.

Yeah, let's start a bloody witch-hunt or at least some kind of Klu-Klux-Clan-like burning of those impertinent insolent users who dare to shake their heads at 128 kbps.

Again, i don't give a sh*t what you think of 128 kbps. In fact, i don't care for 128 either, but i care even less for, dare i say it, rudeness

The lack of any reasonable quality minimums is the real crux and makes effective navigation at ffshrine more time-consuming than necessary in comparison to other reputable collector's sites.

Yes, i'm sure you are all welcome at reputable collector's sites with what you have produced here so far...

Sorry for sticking to the facts and not contributing to all these neurotic existential orientations uttered in most comments. It can be cured though: Lay down and cry a little. It helps (you).

The facts are that in 3 years, you haven't shared anything, haven't started one single thread and haven't clicked "Like" once. That's also not contributing. Try being nice. Try clicking "Like" just once to show your appreciation. Post something encouraging, but if you have nothing positive to say, hold your piece ( i KNOW i didn't in this case, but believe me: You will NOT find me biting someone's head off without reason)

In short, this is a rather nice forum, i've found some great stuff here in variable quality. I try to help out whenever i can, but behaviour such as yours ruins the feel of a forum.

11-17-2012, 07:44 PM
Am I supposed to apologize for I'm a quality-oriented soundtrack lover?

Interesting how a mere little comment on quality issues triggers a flood of aggressions, bigotry and even hatred on this platform.

Yeah, let's start a bloody witch-hunt or at least some kind of Klu-Klux-Clan-like burning of those impertinent insolent users who dare to shake their heads at 128 kbps.

The lack of any reasonable quality minimums is the real crux and makes effective navigation at ffshrine more time-consuming than necessary in comparison to other reputable collector's sites.

Sorry for sticking to the facts and not contributing to all these neurotic existential orientations uttered in most comments. It can be cured though: Lay down and cry a little. It helps (you).

And who are YOU to judge people ?

Maybe Conte has a slow connection and prefers not to spend his whole afternoon uploading flac ?


Collectors sites, huh ? I know a lot of these.

And I know a lot of these are either full of dead links and upscales 128k rips made to look like 320. you're a real connoisseur, hum ?

well, at least you're a real jerk.