Cloud's Clone
02-15-2004, 12:28 AM
Supposedly, Square-Enix said that if the next playstation system couldn't play original Playstation games, they would make a remake of the game. This was said by the games creator in an interview with a gaming magazine. If it is true remains to be seen. There is always the chance that a version of the movie can be made into a game for the PS2. So, we can all just cross our fingers and hope for the best.

02-15-2004, 08:38 AM
i dont really want a remake that could ruin what is already beautiful, its good how it is.

02-15-2004, 01:53 PM
Originally from _D3viL_Hunt3r

i dont really want a remake that could ruin what is already beautiful, its good how it is.

Ya I agree with D3viL Hunt3r because the game already has a lot of fans, and just like The Matrix kept the people thinking,until they made sequals, and it ended. The same might happen for FF7, we will stop thinking about it, if we know how it turns out.

02-15-2004, 04:23 PM
PSP port would be nice.
I don't really want a remake. I'm looking at Twin Snakes screenshots and am think 'THAT'S Meryl?' I just don't like it.

Cloud's Clone
02-15-2004, 07:16 PM
Keep in mind that it's just a rumor guys. I still think that a remake with added features(new weapons,bosses,more side missions,etc)would be nice.What about a game based on the movie? Doesn't that sound like a good idea?

02-16-2004, 06:36 PM
i swear to any diety; That's got to be the worst idea in the history of gamemaking!
When you see the movie, the graphics are awesome and you don't control the characters which makes the movie enjoyable..when you make a game about have to totally degrade the graphics..and once you control the charcters in the movie?!?!..the movie turns to crap..nothing more than dung..manure..shit-on-a-stick..This type of behavior will not be tolerated!!

02-19-2004, 10:57 PM
i think they shudnt remake the game jst update it. hve everyfing the same, the storyline and everyfing. all they shud do is jst update the graphics of the game. thn it wud b perfect

02-19-2004, 11:00 PM
I don't want FF-7 remade beacuase that means that the next PS won't play any PS-1 Games at all.

02-19-2004, 11:00 PM
The graphics arent actually that bad if you look at it. Remember the WEAPON DEPARTURE Cut Scene. That was some good animation for a game that was made in 1997 huh?

Ark Mune
02-19-2004, 11:59 PM
they could just fix up all those shitty translations and typo's. I mean, yea it must be a hard job translating everything perfectly, but game testers are suppose to pick up on those things and then tell the scripters or who ever to fix it so they wouldn't have to remake a game to be perfect.

A remake is uneccessary, all that would be fixed is the text errors, but that and the graphics is what made the game. It is not the graphics and errors in text, it was the storyline and in-dept characters that got everybody hooked.

02-20-2004, 12:34 AM
There was a sort of a remake of it already.... though it's not exactly a full fledge one, it was just fixed up.

But if the record ain't broken, don't try to fix it.

cloud strife 21
02-20-2004, 12:36 AM
hopefully the graphics wil be a lot better and that will be a great enhancement for ff 7:)

02-20-2004, 03:12 AM
Too bad Sony's confirmed that PS3 will be backwards compatible with PS2 and emulate PS1 games - so that good old FF7 PS1 will still work on your beautiful new CELL-powered machine.

Apart from that, i'd say that FF7 for the PSP is almost a certainty - a lot of the 'greats' from the PS1 will no doubt make it, including FF7, MGS and Gran Turismo.

02-20-2004, 03:28 AM
There was a sort of a remake of it already.... though it's not exactly a full fledge one, it was just fixed up.
You're referring to the corrections that were made in the PC version, right?

02-20-2004, 08:09 AM
They ARE going too release a ps2 FF VII, thats the truth, mr FF Director person said so..

They say they might release it after FF VII:AC because they said they could use some of the scenes from it and ass it too thye game...

Well thats the news.

02-20-2004, 09:50 AM
personaly i don't need or realy desire a remake, but if they did do a remake they should do ONLY the following:
1.better graphics
2. NO voice overs, would ruin the voices in our heads:notgood:
(well that sounded insane)
3.don't change the story at all, or the battle system or just about anything that would change the gameplay:notgood:
and finally
4. if they did add anything it should only be stuff like a couple new materia, new minigames, and maybe an increased dificulty option

well that's about it, i think most of you guys would agree with this

02-20-2004, 07:40 PM
NO voice overs, would ruin the voices in our heads
Well, it's not like they aren't going to ruin the "voices in our heads" anyway when they release Advent Children.

Lt. Lady Nyru
02-20-2004, 11:56 PM
I'm kinda torn on the matter.

On one hand, I'd like like to see just the better gamplay graphics. I wouldn't mind it if it looked like the battle scenes.

But on the other hand, Cloud looking like a chick in CG mode makes me sad. Don't get me wrong, I like the AC version, but I always pictured him with less of a baby face and with a bit of a scrawnier frame. I like that Cloud.

02-21-2004, 12:22 PM
I really hope they don't do a remake of FFVII or any other FF. Instead Square-Enix should put all the resources that it would take to remake this game into making their new titles as good as they possibly can.

Cloud's Clone
02-21-2004, 06:57 PM
I am seriously hoping for a remake. They should keep everything the same and just make the graphics better. They could also add a few new monsters, weapons, materia, and a few other features. It would be considered a classic like its "father". Just an updated classic

Bahamut ZERO
02-21-2004, 07:07 PM
I'll put this as simply as possible: If Square remake FF7, I won't buy it. I have a copy already. It works fine. I will only replace it if it stops working. I will not pay money to buy a copy of a game that I already have. Full stop. If Square wanna grab more of my money, they should just finish FFXII quicker.

And release Chrono Trigger and Cross in the UK.

And release FF3(j) whilst they're there.

So come on Square, get on with it. Bastids.

02-23-2004, 03:02 AM

02-27-2004, 12:57 AM
I really want them to remake ff7. id want to see better graphics and the voices in Kingdom Hearts were fine so id like voice overs, although i didnt like sephiroths voice. anyways, if they do remake it they should probably remake it for ps2 also cus a lot of people probably wont have psp yet, i know i wont

Landlord of Sector 7
02-27-2004, 09:50 PM
I think if they make a remake it should have 3 things. 1.) Better graphics for only field and world graphics, I LOVED the battle graphics in ff7!!! When I first played it I was like "Whoa, Cloud looks so clear and awesome!" 2.) A CARD GAME!!! The card game in ff8 was the most fun I've ever had in an ff game and it was so fun collecting all the cards to modify them or just to know you got them all. 3.) More side-quests. I think that the ends of FF games are the best parts cause your free to do whatever you want and there should be more to do with that time that you are givin.

02-28-2004, 02:51 AM
i ink th@ a card game wud ruin it. it jst wudnt feel lyk FFVII. they shud jst update he graphics and fix a few typos. THATS ALL!!!

Landlord of Sector 7
02-28-2004, 03:34 AM
NO WAY!!!! A card game would be very healthy for ff7. Sure we wouldn't want it to be the happy go lucky card game like on 8 and 9 but if there was something to do with playing cards I think it would be great for the game.

03-01-2004, 07:40 PM
You guys actually enjoy the card game in FF8? I hate it. It totally sucks and it was boring for me to collect the cards in the first place besides using the one techique to turn it into items or something. If Square ever do remake FF7 ( which I hope not since the FF7 on PSX is already a hit and classic ), the card game should be out. Maybe more side quests or mini games are much more fun and enjoyable. I know I did in Gold Saucer:)

03-01-2004, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Alpott87
They ARE going too release a ps2 FF VII, thats the truth, mr FF Director person said so..

They say they might release it after FF VII:AC because they said they could use some of the scenes from it and ass it too thye game...

Well thats the news.

Well, someone is a bit behind. A whole heap of internet sites (including IGN) posted that story, about the Final Fantasy Storybook series - rereleases of FF7-9 on the PS2.

Sakaguchi later quashed those rumours, and the so called 'remake' was later rumoured to be a sequel - FF7-2. That was rumoured about the same time FF10-2 was rumoured. When FF10-2 was officially announced, the hype machine for FF7-2 started up -

Until Square Enix made a press release, and showed off FF7:AC. AC is the remake, the sequel, whatever - it's the last well be seeing of FF7 for a little while.

Originally posted by 1_W1nged_Angel

Square Enix Europe ARE bastards. We haven't got Xenogears or Final Fantasy Tactics here, just because the then Square Europe couldn't be stuffed translating them into all the European languages - hence, no PAL release.

03-01-2004, 09:04 PM
could you post the websites with that information cus id really like to see it, thanks.

03-02-2004, 05:30 PM
card game in ff8 was glorious, the one in ff9 was the gaay one, but a card game might be good in ff7, if it was in the gold saucer, more minigames yay:D is what i'd say

The Joker
03-02-2004, 07:12 PM
I'm not torn on the matter. If you don't agree with it, you don't have to play the new version.

I would love to see the PS3 or whatever version because I know so many games get held back because of technological reasons. Vagrant Story for example, was said to be incomplete because it called for way too much and the PS1 couldn't handle it.

For all we know, there could've been things that wanted to be done with FF7, but in the end, just couldn't be done because they didn't have the scope or hardware to do.

Improved graphics, higher sound quality, and a few extra sidequests with OPTIONAL (notice I capitalized that...for a reason) voice acting.

However, being there is nothing substantial on this yet...I digress. :(

03-02-2004, 10:26 PM
I say leave the PS1 games alone for now. It would be interesting to see some of the 2d games translated to 3d on the PS3 though.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-02-2004, 10:58 PM
Thank you Strife-x for seeing things my way or (our way) and I agree with the stuff about not being able to do all the stuff (ex. Bringing Aeris back to life) but I think that it would be healthy to remake certain aspects of the game. Especially mini-games because that game was sort of short on mini-games. I think it would be cool if they had a sport game (like blitzball)

03-03-2004, 09:28 AM
No problem landlord;)
More minigames=hell of a lot more fun
even though ff7 had some cool minigames like chocobo racing and snowboarding(my favorite) some more wouldn't hurt ,
i completely agree with you::thumbs up::

Landlord of Sector 7
03-03-2004, 07:57 PM
Well I completely agree with you too *Gives a thumbs up, and then another thumbs up* The snowboarding game was awesome but it lacked depth and realism which is what would have made it cooler. And I always thought the B-ball game was fun for a little while but that was about it on mini-games in 7. And it would be cool to have some new ones like Go-cart races in the desert (but only if you have defeated Ruby Weapon in your first ff7 game (see that is a tricky one) other wise he will eat you and it is game over.

03-03-2004, 11:55 PM
I dont think a remake of ff7 would be a good idea, i would definatly get it if they did make it but its best to leave something that is good as it is in other words with ff7 they should quit while theyre ahead

Landlord of Sector 7
03-04-2004, 12:02 AM
But they aren't ahead with it anymore. They still have huge fans of it but there isn't anyone buying it at a high price anymore and that is what they want. You can go on saying that they really do care about their fans but the truth is always the same. They care about money more.

03-04-2004, 12:53 AM
I dont think remaking the game would be a bad idea, but I think it would be a waste of time and money. I think they should focus on not messing this movie up. I was really disappointed by The Spirits Within, and if this is anything like that, and it ends up damaging the name of FFVII (which was my favorite FF, btw), I'm gonna be really pissed. I'm just kinda mad about AC because Cloud is living alone and not with Tifa!

03-04-2004, 05:01 AM
square should not make a remake @ all....

cloudfan said they should update the graphics and put the voices from kingdom hearts in there?!?!?

omg u know how to make a great game bad...

yeah will get "i see dead people" (sora) to play as cloud yeah???

yeah and goofy could be sephiroth that would be great!!!!!

no voices period!!!!

and for the graphics...errr nah i wouldn't like to see the graphics updated....maybe if the had the same style to it..

if they try to make the graphics all realistic and shit it just wouldn't
be the same...

who agrees???

darkness of eternity
03-04-2004, 07:44 AM
i don't think that they should add voice overs, i prefer it when the other characters actually know each others names, not like in X where noone knew tidus' name.

03-04-2004, 08:00 AM

03-04-2004, 10:29 AM
a remake isn't necessary but could be good, i think we can all agree on that there shouldn't be voices, shouldn't mess with story, leave it as it is pretty much

the only thing i think they should change is update the graphics a little(not battle, the walk around graphics) and add some new features like new materia and more minigames, about half agree and the other half disagree with this

but we all agree that the original is great and doesn't need a remake, but i wouldn't mind one

p.s.-go karts eh? ::strokes chin::

Landlord of Sector 7
03-04-2004, 11:55 AM
Not really go karts. I couldn't think of the name of them but now I can. Dune buggies! And then Ruby Weapon would bury his claws and come attack you like th graboids on tremors!

03-04-2004, 12:30 PM
A FFVII remake would be stupid, but no, Square will make it, and ruin the original, because we're all morons who'll go out an buy it anyways.

If they make one.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-04-2004, 12:40 PM
They aren't being morons. They are trying to look out for the better of the company. Tell me, would you be happy if Square went down the drain becaues they were going to make a game but then they looked on this one forum website and saw that everyone was against it and so they didn't do it which caused them to loose millions?

03-04-2004, 12:41 PM
dunebuggies, even better

landlords right a remake may not be gay, for example the remakes of of the other ff's were cool, like ff6 was hot, and ff4, actually all the remakes were hot,
so why not 7's

03-04-2004, 09:56 PM
i dont know about u guys but i think the "if it isnt broken dont f*cking fiks it" saying is great!!!!

how about u guys???

Landlord of Sector 7
03-04-2004, 10:36 PM
Where did you get that saying? Final Fantasy 2 and 3 weren't broken but they made them here differently as 6 and 7. Final Fantasy 10 wasn't broken but they made 10-2 which some people liked (and they weren't even TRYING on that one) Final Fantasy 7 isn't broken but they are making a movie sequel that could ruin the whole thing(don't sound like it is too promising.) They are trying to make money and don't really care if there are people saying that the original will always be better. And if AC does badly, I don't think people will care much. Now that I think of it...this is all just an elaborate plan. Square wanted to make FF7AC really bad and make it so everyone hated it so people would not care as much when the remake of it in a game came out and then more people would buy it. (NOT REALLY!)

03-05-2004, 03:09 AM
Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
Where did you get that saying? Final Fantasy 2 and 3 weren't broken but they made them here differently as 6 and 7. Final Fantasy 10 wasn't broken but they made 10-2 which some people liked (and they weren't even TRYING on that one) Final Fantasy 7 isn't broken but they are making a movie sequel that could ruin the whole thing(don't sound like it is too promising.) They are trying to make money and don't really care if there are people saying that the original will always be better. And if AC does badly, I don't think people will care much. Now that I think of it...this is all just an elaborate plan. Square wanted to make FF7AC really bad and make it so everyone hated it so people would not care as much when the remake of it in a game came out and then more people would buy it. (NOT REALLY!)

what the f*ck....did u just say?!?!?!

03-05-2004, 03:26 PM
A remake is out of the question....I mean, If they reamke FFVII then whats stopping them from making FFVIII-2 or FFX-2867??? I give Square a few years before it goes to hell...How tragic.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-05-2004, 03:34 PM
The end part of that was just joking but I am saying simply that they are trying to make money. The only reason that I put it like that was because if I would have said that they just wanted to make money people would start to criticize me about not explaining myself but I guess people are criticizing me anyways.

I don't think there is ever going to be a FFX-2867 or whatever and i don't think that they will remake any other ones because none of the other ones had the same impact as 7 did.

03-06-2004, 10:58 AM
Wow what a Gay time everybody is having here. Can I add my 2 cents worth?

Okay I say that they should make a remake for FF7 so that it can run properly on the PC. My version runs perfect in win95, but it crashes on 98 and ruins the PC on Xp. They got to tweak thwat portion of the Game! IT's sicklening killing Dyne 28 times ina row without being able to progress on.

And if they were to remake the game they should add better graphics. I still hear flak from other people about the way clouds arm look. IT'S IRRITATING CAUSE THEY DON"T APPRECIATE THE GAME.

03-06-2004, 11:59 AM
its better that they remake it....but only the graphics... and more monsters and new techs.. and also new limit breaks would be great...

03-06-2004, 02:12 PM
Zikan - that problem you're describing is a known bug. There's a patch for it. If you need help finding it, PM me and I'll get you hooked up.

03-07-2004, 11:21 PM
Well... my dier opinion about them making another version of FFVII just to accomidate another PS consule model is as follows: Disgusting. For Squaresoft to try and make another version of FFVII (Or just to enhance the first one for the PS1), I think, is down-right theft in my mind. They only do it to try and make a penny. They made an original, and it was and still "is" a hit all over the World, as it even states on the back of the d*mned case you buy the game in. If anything, Squaresoft is trying to get the silly idea into consumers' heads that "More" and "New" is better. That's not precisely true, but, then again, that's all that money-makers think about, right? I say, just leave a classic RPG alone, and make something else.. don't ruin the original with something to over-run its style. ^_^

Landlord of Sector 7
03-07-2004, 11:34 PM
Even so that is the way the world works and I'm sure that they are thinking hey some people might like this so we could make money off of it, ya think?

03-08-2004, 08:57 PM
Yeah well... I guess that you've gotta point there.. about the profit-bizz.. then again, the World does work that way, if a product keeps being bought and made, then I guess its "Buyers Beware" if it doesn't live up to the Consumers wants. *Gives a shrug.* ^_^ Man, we could go on all our lives about this debate, but it always has an ending somewhere. Just sayin', that post was my opinion, nothin' more.

03-08-2004, 10:42 PM
honestly some company's have no respect 4 there own games....
seriouslyi mean...look at sonic(don't even bother try to argue the case this just my opinion)back in the day sonic was without question the best game around....look at it now....i played the new 1 for 5mins then put the controller down...
and look at devil may dry.....capcom must have thought "yay they liked it,we have some money,lets make a sequal" they done the same with street fighter(even i loved there games)'s a disgrace!!!!

Landlord of Sector 7
03-08-2004, 11:01 PM
Umm......ok I am not going to argue but I will say that I'm guessing Square thinks it will be healthy for a new one to come out? And what happened to General Final Fantasy?:erm:

03-08-2004, 11:03 PM
I have to agree with you...if Square cared about whether or not we'll like what they produce as much as they wanted to sell it, we wouldnt have had such results are FF: THE SPIRITS WITHIN...boy, that was a waste of an hour and a half...and it sickens me, not because it was bad, but because when I talk about REAL Final Fantasy (like VII) to people who otherwise know nothing about it, they use that nonsense to draw conclusions about the games. VII will always be one of the best FF's ever, and, while I admit that while playing it recently, I wished the graphics were updated, I do like it the way it is more than I would risk them screwing it up.

03-09-2004, 06:43 PM
I totally agree with kdbeeharilal on this one. I haven't seen "FF: The Spirits Within," but from those that have seen it... they said that they'd never go and see something like that without consulting a Physician first. I couldn't help but laugh.. but anyways! Yes, companies only care about one thing: Making and taking. They make the product, (Whether it's completely coded or not, because FFVII wasn't done with its coding..) and then they sell it without letting the public know. Squaresoft needed another month set-back on FFVII to make more editions to the 3rd disc, if I'm not mistaken, and for the final battle to take up an entire disc, as well as some looooOOoooong screensaver, and not to even be able to SAVE it!*Growls, tearing down Squaresoft's doors!* The only thing I can say is this.. either the FFVII movie kicks butt or I'm sending in a complaint!!*Sighs, smelling the air..* Alright, I'm done on making my opinion and point heard. ^_^ But.. still.. *Rumbles on...*

Landlord of Sector 7
03-09-2004, 07:49 PM
Umm...first of all DrkAeris I was the one that he was agreeing with just so you know. ANd yeah the fact that the movie might suck will be sort of like a double-edged sword for them because if it does suck and they make a game, some people will buy it in hopes of if being better than the movie but then some people will not buy it saying it will be AS bad as the movie.

03-10-2004, 09:43 AM
this whole discussion is making me pissed at square-enix, if they screw us over with this movie then there is only one thing to do:

03-10-2004, 09:57 AM
So you're saying that if Square Enix "screw you up" you're rioting. Geez, don't you have more to worry about in your lives?
You're acting as if Square Enix has to serve you, fulfill you your every wish. Especially if it concerns your terribly overrated holy grail, FFVII.

You expect Square Enix to satisfy your every demand. With this expectation you will not be content with Final Fantasy VII AC. You'll probably bitch about the smallest things that you personally would have done differently. And of course come up with complaints like "I always imagined Cloud to have a different voice," and "They should have revived Aeris/ should not have revived Aeris" and "I think Sephiroth should have walked from the left to the right instead of from the right to the left."

So you want to riot in case you're disappointed? For heaven's sake, how childish can you possibly get?

You're getting pissed at Square Enix because of this discussion?! I really don't know what to say abou this. It's a good demonstration of how idiotic some so-called Square "fans" are.

03-10-2004, 10:24 AM
Goddamn, take your xanax and pipe down. I can't believe how het up some people get about these games.

03-11-2004, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by Misao
So you're saying that if Square Enix "screw you up" you're rioting. Geez, don't you have more to worry about in your lives?
You're acting as if Square Enix has to serve you, fulfill you your every wish. Especially if it concerns your terribly overrated holy grail, FFVII.

You expect Square Enix to satisfy your every demand. With this expectation you will not be content with Final Fantasy VII AC. You'll probably bitch about the smallest things that you personally would have done differently. And of course come up with complaints like "I always imagined Cloud to have a different voice," and "They should have revived Aeris/ should not have revived Aeris" and "I think Sephiroth should have walked from the left to the right instead of from the right to the left."

So you want to riot in case you're disappointed? For heaven's sake, how childish can you possibly get?

You're getting pissed at Square Enix because of this discussion?! I really don't know what to say abou this. It's a good demonstration of how idiotic some so-called Square "fans" are.

:eye: DAMN STRAIGHT:eye:

Bahamut ZERO
03-11-2004, 10:30 AM
I've just read what I said, and the reaction to it. :) Most amusing.

I suppose what I should've summed up me saying was, no one is going to force you to buy the game. If you're happy with the memories of FF7 that you have, don't buy the new game. If your current copy runs fine, then great. If Square leave everything unaltered bar graphics and sound, then there's no point investing in it.

I mean, if someone had a NES and a working copy of FF1 for it, would they have wanted FF1 for the PSX? Chances are probably not.

And I am angry with Square Europe because they DON'T treat Europe as a proper market, and DON'T offer us games that are absolute quality, thus forcing us to find other ways (emulation) to play these games, and then COMPLAIN because we're playing them. Hell, they COMPLAIN when we chip our PSXs and PS2s to play games we import...

Yeah, anyways, that's my final point. If Square wanna remake this game, fine. I won't feel the need to buy it, and you guys shouldn't feel the need to either if it's really annoying you because it'll "spoil" the game for you. If you don't play it, you'll never find out if it did "spoil" the game for you. :)

03-11-2004, 09:31 PM
u have a great point there....(i better move out this damn europe soon)
but really....can you honestly say the that s-enix will release ff7-2 or a remake and you WILL NOT buy it???

03-12-2004, 12:11 AM
More than likely anyone that adores FFVII is going to buy any item that even has the logo of the game in the magazines, on a piece of paper, anything that has to represent it. ^_^ At least I know that I would.

I'm not becoming obsessed with it or anything like that, but it's just the fact that... well.. I know that Square's going to think up different ideas for their Movies, games, books, etc., etc., and that's cool by me! I can always depict the things that I find... "not suitable" to become suitable for me! ^_~ That way, there's no "Hey! He can't say that to blah blah blah, he has to say it to blah blah blah."

Even though I'm over-joyed with the release of FFVII AC, I don't think it the best idea to make a FFVII - 2... it would only contradict the thinking of what truly happened in the end.. when Cloud grabbed Tifa, and said, "I think I can meet her... there..." I DO NOT believe that anyone wants to have their belief upon what he means to be turned around! I know that I certainly don't.* *Nods with a dier agreeing look.*

Landlord of Sector 7
03-12-2004, 12:20 AM
DrkAeris I really like your attitude torwards all this. It seems like you are always thinking of it on the positive side and that is always a really good thing.

Bahamut ZERO
03-12-2004, 06:27 AM
Originally posted by boogybro87
u have a great point there....(i better move out this damn europe soon)
but really....can you honestly say the that s-enix will release ff7-2 or a remake and you WILL NOT buy it???

A sequel I might buy, because I have already bought FFX-2, and have enjoyed the emotion in that storyline.

I will only buy a remake of FF7 if my old copy spontaneously combusts. I mean, why should I own two copies of the same damn game for? There's no point.

03-12-2004, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO

A sequel I might buy, because I have already bought FFX-2, and have enjoyed the emotion in that storyline.

question: what storyline:eye: :confused:

03-12-2004, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Strife-x

question: what storyline:eye: :confused:
If you couldn't find the storyline in FFX-2, it means you're stupid, or haven't been trying. In both cases: Shut up and don't disturb me with such idiotic nonsense.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-12-2004, 12:48 PM
There is a storyline in X-2 just not the best we have all ever seen but it isn't ALL bad. It looks like we are going off topic here so I have a question. BahamutZero, you said why should you have two copies of the same game right? Well what if they end up making it a different storyline because I'm sure that you have X AND X-2 right?

My mistake Misao (Directed to your post after mine)

03-12-2004, 12:51 PM
The dragon said he'd probably not buy a remake. A sequel he said he would buy, and he mentioned FFX and FFX-2 as an example.
A remake is not a remake. A sequel is the same game again on a different platform and maybe with some differences here and there. A sequel continues the story, thus telling a new one.
He said he wouldn't buy the same game/the same story again.

03-12-2004, 10:12 PM
why would anybody buy the remake to resi 1 or twin sankes on the gamecube??? cos of the the new teature and improvements....event tho i dont approve a remake....god damn if they bring it out im still gonna by it!!!

Landlord of Sector 7
03-13-2004, 03:21 PM
Because they can.

03-13-2004, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
DrkAeris I really like your attitude torwards all this. It seems like you are always thinking of it on the positive side and that is always a really good thing.

^_^ That's really nice of you to say Landlord sir!*Gives a salute.*

If anything deserves the positive reactions to FFVII, it is the strong storyline. It's kinda obvious, but also it's suspensful, beautiful, funny, cute, powerful, tranquil, etc. I can't find another story line just as revolutionized as this, in any game that I've played or in any book/movie that I've seen. No offense to the other versions of FF, like 9 to me, because even though I didn't get that far in FFIX, it probably is good, but it didn't catch my attention right in the beginning like FFVII.

Well, back onto topic...

Even though my opinion has been stated, the facts are still out there. Either Squaresoft is just making up rumors to the consumers so that their wallets are packed full of $$$ in hopes of purchasing the game as soon as it hits the shelves, or their just frauding the public, though I'd find that both funny and revolting at the same time. ^_^

Bahamut ZERO
03-13-2004, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by Strife-x

question: what storyline:eye: :confused:


The storyline where upon someone is searching for the one she loves, even if it is only a slight glimmer of hope, and her search takes her on another adventure where upon its important for her to be strong once again for the planet.


@Landlord, basically what Misao said. I only bought FF1 and 2 for the PSX because they were never released over here in Europe, with Square Europe being the total... Yeah, I'll stop myself there, I said I was trying to be positive...

No offense to the other versions of FF, like 9 to me, because even though I didn't get that far in FFIX, it probably is good, but it didn't catch my attention right in the beginning like FFVII.

The storyline for 7 didn't really kick in until the flashback scene at Nibelheim, and that was 6-7 hours into the game. The story of VIII and IX both kicked in fairly quickly in comparison to that.

I suggest you try and finish IX at least once, because it has one of the best crafted endings of the series.

03-13-2004, 05:11 PM
best crafted?:erm: personaly i enjoyed ff9 very much one of my favorites, the only problem is......
the randomness that is necron, how random is a last boss you never heard of, i mean if they mentioned him in some way before i mean power to ya necron, but no,
Necron=completely random

Bahamut ZERO
03-13-2004, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Strife-x
best crafted?:erm: personaly i enjoyed ff9 very much one of my favorites, the only problem is......
the randomness that is necron, how random is a last boss you never heard of, i mean if they mentioned him in some way before i mean power to ya necron, but no,
Necron=completely random

This has been discussed in the FFIX forum, so I will not add to it here. Follow the link instead. :)

03-13-2004, 05:27 PM
uh, thanks

03-13-2004, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO

The storyline for 7 didn't really kick in until the flashback scene at Nibelheim, and that was 6-7 hours into the game. The story of VIII and IX both kicked in fairly quickly in comparison to that.

I suggest you try and finish IX at least once, because it has one of the best crafted endings of the series.

Yeah, I probably should give FFIX a shot, can't hurt right? ^_^ Thanks for your opinion on that Bahamut.

Other than that anyways, I guess that I really shouldn't judge a book by its 'inside' cover, and then not even read/play it all the way through. Friends of mine said that they've played FFVII and thought that it blew, others didn't, while others also played FFIX and said it rocked and others said that 9 blowed, so I guess that everyone has their own opinion on it, but that's just it: that's my opinion. Nothing more!

But what really made me confused is that.. those that said that they didn't enjoy FFVII wanted there to be a sequal to it... that's what really noodled up my noggin, hee.

03-13-2004, 09:41 PM
if this person is your offence but i bet this person isn't really into his/her rpg's or games with great stories?!?!

anywway i think you should work your way through ff9.
reasons being:
storyline of the whole game is great(especially when u get to disk 3) the combat system is probally the best on the ps1..
the only reason i prefer 7 is the story and that it is the original....the reason i even play fianl fantasy.
but when you find out about zidane past in 9, you'll just want to play it...great game, 10/10..
those are my opinions so dont try to argue them!!!

03-13-2004, 09:50 PM
What's this thread about? Are we even talking about an FF7 remake anymore? Unsubscribing...

03-14-2004, 01:19 AM
umm......................................A remake would suck ass. There Agent you happy?

darkness of eternity
03-18-2004, 08:51 AM
i was just thinking...quite one if statement can turn in to a full blown argument and then slide horribly off topic...any how i personally loved ff7 and would probably go and buy a remake, when i'm at home playing it i'm often sat there thinking, this game would be twice as good if they remade it with better graphics and obviously analogue compatibility, because it really starts to hurt my thumb sitting there holding d-buttons and X just to move around. but the graphics are probably the only things i would have them change in a remake, no new limit breaks, that would mean ruining a perfectly decent final battle between cloud and sephiroth; no new side quests, the amount they have is enough and each of them is fun in it's own way, possibly some new materia...maybe...

03-18-2004, 12:28 PM
What!!!! its all about holding down x and the d pad i hate the auto running it really annoys me.

03-19-2004, 04:24 AM
:eek: u r crazy! its annoyibg holding down the buttons like that, u r a silly goose, thas what u r, a silly goose! :eek:

03-19-2004, 02:35 PM
Pssh what do you know mate holding down x is great you do however have the option to turn it off. I'm so used to it i even hold down x on the new ones even though it does nothing.