11-02-2012, 06:26 PM
Hi Guys, my first topic! :D

This might be a very rare download... I don't really want to say how I got this soundtrack but I just happened to get it :D

Bill Rudgard - Road Wars.rar ( is the download link..

There shouldn't be a password on the file but if there is; it should be rw-br

It isn't a big soundtrack list but nevertheless more than what is out there right now;

1. Black Ice Crash
2. Derry beat
3. Crash 3
4. Crash 4-160
5. Crash 5-166
6. Crash 6-166
7. Crash 7-167
8. Crash 8-170 Dark Attack
9. Crash 9-Spaced

I have absolutely no idea about the random numbers - perhaps BPM?

Anyhoo, enjoy!

08-26-2013, 11:16 PM
Awesome! Thanks for this - been looking for ages!