10-30-2012, 07:53 PM
Hello everyone, new to FFshrine!

I'm starting a Final Fantasy Challenge I never thought I would ever complete. No Junction of all 4 disks. I'm new to streaming as well on twitch so do not have a big following at the moment, but I have a passionate devotion to FFVIII. If I was ever going to have the motivation, twitch streaming would be it. Drop by and check out my current progress, chat with me, whatever you want! If you like the content please make sure to follow!

Thanks a ton! FFVIII rules!

FFVIII_SuperSeeD (

10-31-2012, 03:50 AM
Welcome to the FF-Shrine!
Awesome to see someone as devoted to FFVIII as you. Good luck with your black belt quest!
Don't you have some vids on youtube?

10-31-2012, 05:04 AM
Welcome to the FF-Shrine!
Awesome to see someone as devoted to FFVIII as you. Good luck with your black belt quest!
Don't you have some vids on youtube?

No, I dont have any youtube content. Although I have seen some no junction videos on there. I'm going off the Gamefaq's guide written on it... I'll be streaming tomorrow around 2pm-3pm est. At the moment I'm grinding to over level 30 and attempting to get a Lazer cannon from a Behemel. Pretty monotonous stuff, but it must be done!

10-31-2012, 10:47 PM
Thats too bad, cause I'm not familiar with Twitch.
I wish you the best on your quest nonetheless!