10-30-2012, 01:01 AM

-Identity_Crisis 3rd Compilation Album-
Un-Believe CHAOS (http://uptobox.com/ezc2bzqdvo7f)

Release date: 2012.10.30
Catalogue number: IC-HC004
Label: Identity_Crisis (http://www.wix.com/hardmuser/identity_crisis#!)

Composed by: Arzest (01)
Hard Harmonizer a.k.a normalflat (02, 11)
nnn (03)
QUIL (04)
Noizenecio (05)
XampaNoiD X ikaruga (06)
chocoxina (07)
pocotan (08)
Shirasawa.A (09)
6th (12)


01 Automatic
02 Rindou
03 Another
04 Slam It
05 Gain
06 The Eye of Sirius
07 Jail of Hedonism
08 反発神経回路 ~Resistance~
09 cheetech_dance_
10 Kick 'Em All
11 She is not a fool (Hard Harmonizer Remix)
12 Dominate your device (Live Mix)


The featured artists:

Arzest <01>
Blog (http://arzestmusic.blog.fc2.com/) Soundcloud (http://soundcloud.com/arzest) Twitter (http://twitter.com/#!/Arzest)

Hard Harmonizer a.k.a normalflat <02, 11>
Blog (http://hardharmonizer.blog48.fc2.com/) Soundcloud (http://soundcloud.com/hard-harmonizer)Twitter (http://twitter.com/#!/HardHarmonizer)

nnn <03>
Soundcloud (http://soundcloud.com/nnn-1) Twitter (http://twitter.com/#!/nnnhc)


QUIL <04> [Q'z Records / H.P.G. Detonator]
Q'z Records (http://qz-records.blogspot.pt/) Soundcloud (http://soundcloud.com/quilzswf) Twitter (https://twitter.com/QUIL3594)

Noizenecio <05> [SOLIDBOX RECORDS]
SOLIDBOX RECORDS (http://solidbox.web.fc2.com/) Soundcloud (http://soundcloud.com/noizenecio) Twitter (https://twitter.com/noizenecio)

XampaNoiD X ikaruga <06> [W.T.F. Records]
ikaruga Soundcloud (http://soundcloud.com/ikaruga_nex) Twitter (https://twitter.com/ikaruga_nex)
XampaNoiD Souncloud (http://soundcloud.com/xampanoid) Twitter (https://twitter.com/oraorasagi)

chocoxina <07> [Hukagyaku Hardcore]
Hukagyaku Hardcore (http://hukagyaku.net/) Soundcloud (http://soundcloud.com/chocoxina/) Twitter (https://twitter.com/chocoxina)

pocotan <08> [Login Records]
Login Records (http://www.usamimi.info/~alveinryu/) Soundcloud (http://soundcloud.com/pocotan) Twitter (https://twitter.com/pocotan85)

Shirasawa.A <09> [Fluid-Tek Recording]
Fluid-Tek Recording (http://ftrec.web.fc2.com/)

Soundcloud (http://soundcloud.com/xanvel) Twitter (https://twitter.com/XANVEL_85)

ILLEGAL WAVE RECORDS (http://iwr.xxxxxxxx.jp/) Soundcloud (http://soundcloud.com/6th)

Art by オレンジ君
pivix (http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=50359)
Album Organized & Customized by Identity_Crisis (http://www.wix.com/hardmuser/identity_crisis#!)


Track 02, "Rindou", features partial extracts of episode 1 of Bunny Drop (Usagi Drop) both in music and voice cast. / Music by Suguru Matsutani

Track 03, "Another", features partial voice cast extracts from the anime ANOTHER.

Track 10, "She is not a fool (Hard Harmonizer Remix)", features partial extracts of Episode 8 of Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
both in music and voice cast. / Music by Yuki Kajiura
This track was originally composed by normalflat.

Note that none of these tracks are arrangements from the featured anime. These are original compositions, but feature also, some extracts of original music compositions of the anime noted.


10-30-2012, 08:59 AM
Thanks for the info, didnt know you where so into the music... Gonna check this later and throw some lines, ok?

Edit: Listened and BTW, amazed. I've never been into Hardcore music, but i listen A LOT of Touhou music U^^. So more or less im familiar with Tano, Moro, Sketch, you know, the basics... I liked it ^^.

Question: �What is your role in the label Orie?

About the artworks: The covers seems to be a mixture between C4D's and Fractals (nowadays A LOT of people use that for their covers U^^, in music is a must haha).

And first i though it was a Future GPX Formula arrange xD. You know, because the opening title.

10-30-2012, 01:41 PM
I'll give this a listen, I'll never miss Identity_Crisis releases!!! Thank you.

10-30-2012, 05:43 PM
Orie Complies the music and decides what makes it and what doesn't. And obviously which tracks from where fit best together to make an album. He also picks out the best picture for the cover art, and all artwork inside the album itself.

Oh, all poems within the pages are Orie originals.

*feels otherwise useless to the process* >>;

10-30-2012, 08:59 PM
you should alredy know that Identity_Crisis is not just me. It is both of us. ;)

Just to correct you a bit.
This is not a bootleg kind of work. This is original work.
We work on concept albums. And the art is provided by a fix artist. It is not random encounter at all. And the same for the music.
All music, art and poems, are all one big message to be learned.
Music is not just music, and art cover is not just art cover, just because it is. Everything has a meaning to be there. You just need to See it and Hear it. The track titles and the lyrics and voices in them have everything to do with the album title and the poems.
As well as the cover.
In fact. If you think of the word "Belief" you will look at the cover art and see something that will be very different if you look at it thinking in the word "chaos". It is a psychological brain exercise. What do you see? Might be real or not.

"Identity_Crisis shows you the real Crisis of the world beaneath the forget Identities."
- RF?-

I could explain what each track means, but, Identity_Crisis is all about your mind, your self, your inspiration.
The poems are just clues of what is all about in the music. Figure it out with your own Inspiration, and show us you are not a robot with no thoughts of your own.

12-18-2012, 02:05 AM
New Upload link