02-12-2004, 08:06 AM
How do you get past the Black Mages when they attack you? The ones after the Festival of Hunt? I've tried heaps but i always die is there something i'm doing wrong?
If someone could help me it would be great.
Lone Wolf a.k.a. Pyro Zidane

02-12-2004, 08:58 AM
Cant remember that part, please explain which exact part it is and describe where you are, oncwe you remind me, I can tell you everything about FF IX

02-12-2004, 10:13 PM
If your are talking about the part where you are in gizamalukes grotto. The first time you go in you must go to the right and talk to the wounded soldier to get a bell. Use that bell on the door. When you go through the door you will have to fight 1 pair of mages, after you beat them the will give tyou another bell use that bell to go through the center door or the right. There a moogle will say her husband is traped under a big bell. Give her your kupo nut and the moogle will be free. After they go into the right door follow them and talk to both of them. Dont go up the vine, if you do go up the vine you will have to fight the Grand Dragons that are LEVEL SIXTY. Go back to the room where the moogle was traped and as you go back the girl moogle will give you another bell. Then you have to fight Gizamaluke.

Vivi FF
02-13-2004, 08:10 PM
Black Mages aren't all that hard. Two attacks from Zidane and Freya should be more than enough. Equip their strongest weapons and equip Man Eater if possible. Pick up Quina at Qu's March if you didn't. His attack power is random, but it could get up there with Zidane and Freya. Plus any fourth character will help you out.

02-14-2004, 01:57 AM
-> Vivi FF
Well I think LoneWolf01 is on the very first time fighting them, so can't finish them by only few attacks.

Not much tips, but just equip yourself well and then fight... If you having troubles there then I don't think you can fight the boss right after the Black Mages (Same place), remember to synthesis The Ogre for Zidane before fighting the boss so it can cause status effects when attack and more damage.

02-16-2004, 03:25 AM
thanx every1