02-11-2004, 08:43 PM
FF:U just got released on DVD in Australia yesterday, as part of the marketing campaign for Final Fantasy X-2, and being the good little FF fanboy I am, I ran to my local JB DVD Superstore and bought it.

Now, previously to this, i've heard mixed reports on FF:U - some good, some bad. Some people claim that there's nothing connecting it to FF except the name and a chocobo, while others say it's a story as epic as any game.

Now, i've only seen 4 episodes (only Volume 1 was released - Volume 2, which will contain the next 4 episodes isn't released until March), and so far - i'm in love. Sure, the characters lack detail - but as so many people have said, this game is slightly connected to Final Fantasy V. If FFV was translated into a cartoon, I think Bartz, Boco and crew would look exactly like Ai, Yu, Lisa, Kaze and Chobi. Also, the lack of character detail is made up for by the beautiful effects - the battle between the two monsters at the start of Episode I (WEAPONs?) was exactly like how a battle between two summons should be. Even though i've guessed exactly what the monsters are by now, I won't spoil it for any of you.

Also, what the characters lack in detail, they make up for in depth. Yu, the quiet boy and his bossy sister Ai are looking for their parents, and while braver than most 12 year olds would be, never seem unbelievable. Lisa, the happy Misato-like older girl traveling with them, refusing to show her past, pulls of the 'bigger, cool sister' role perfectly.

And then there's Kaze. He's like Vincent, only...with more personality. Except he doesn't have a personality. It's hard to explain, but he's man of few words, with an amazing weapon - the Magun, that can summon FF's normal crew of helping monsters. When you hear him say "It's moving..." you know within a few minutes, you'll be up for a visual treat of kick-buttiness.

The only bad points I can see so far is that it may not have the emotional depth of the later FFs - it looks to just be a fun adventure, like FF5 was. But i'm not complaining - so far, FF:U has been a blast, and i'm looking forward to the remaining 6 volumes.

Anyone else here who has seen FF:U, i'd love to hear your thoughts on it - no spoilers please though, as i'd like to keep the series a surprise to me. Some things you need to see for yourself.

Lightning Mage
02-12-2004, 12:31 AM
I have the first 3 DVDs and I like it quite a bit. I think they put a little to much detail into the Summons and not enough in the characters. But Kaze kick so much ass. In japan I read that they had like a cell phone RPG game to go along with the series. That would be cool if they translated it.:D

02-13-2004, 06:52 PM
I just saw this today, asked my friend who was into anime what he thought as neither of us had heard about it. His responce, "Eh."

I couldn't deside, so I picked up the first DVD. As soon as my wife gets off work, I'm picking up the other 2! I really like it so far.

As a side note, I also picked up the last 2 RahXephon DVD's. So to tally, finally finished one Anime series (RahXephon), picked up a new series (Final Fantasy: Unlimited), and two to go (.hack//sign, and Chobits.)

02-14-2004, 07:52 AM
Sounds cool

02-15-2004, 12:38 PM
Damn you Lee, now I have another thing to buy. I was on the edge here and you just pushed me over into the "spend your hard earned money, Mandi" zone.

02-15-2004, 02:54 PM
Ah~ FF:U was so much fun watching it.

I downloaded them... a long while ago!
But stil, when I watch them again I start to grin when Kaze shows up! I love him!!! XD

I want it on DVD too!! >_< I wish I could just buy them without worrying about that problem with import DVD�s wich can�t be played on PAL-thingies... =_=

But it�s true. FF:U is inspite the cool characters and storyline not really loved. ExS, your the first one saying you love FF:U! When I say that I looove it the only thing I hear is: "Oh~ FF:U... looks stupid to me!"
Wheeee~.... ;_;

Be prepared for some really awesome scenes!!! XD I know you�ll love them all!!! Wheee!!!!
But, Yu is the boy and Ai is the girl. ^-^

"Lady Auron" :cool:

02-15-2004, 08:58 PM
Maliris, I live in Australia, which is a PAL country - so far, we've only got Volume 1, but if we have it, you should have it soon - after that, the release schedule is once a month... which means i've got to wait another 6 months to see the entire series ;_;

Oh, and Mandi... save up your money and shout Merl and yourself a plane ticket, so you can come for my wedding, dammit!

02-17-2004, 04:42 PM
How come everything anime related is related to FFV? :(

02-17-2004, 07:45 PM
I dunno...those folks over in Japan must love their kooky job system. And fat chocobos.

Lightning Mage
02-17-2004, 10:47 PM
I do have to admit, FFU gets a little repetitive. When Kaze summons they just reuse the Magun clip.

But who cares? When Kaze summons it kicks serious ass.:D

Ark Mune
02-21-2004, 05:33 PM
i want to see ff:U but their r no DVD packages in Nova Scotia.

02-22-2004, 10:36 PM
Isn't Canada region 1? You could just import from America.

03-30-2004, 04:09 PM
I just part 3 of ff:u. It was'nt what I thought it would be.

Garnet aka Dagger
03-30-2004, 06:11 PM
I have heard of FF:U from loads of different people,but I have never seen any of it before. They all say its really kool so I do want to check it out.

04-16-2004, 03:49 PM
I think FF:Unlimited is actually pretty good, except my fiancee begs to differ and thinks it sucks and that Chocobos are spawns of Satan.

But it does get pretty repettitive after awhile with Kaze and his summons. Because he does the same thing over and over again.

I only have the first 3 dvds, but i'll probably be picking up parts 4 and 5 in the near future.

04-16-2004, 06:09 PM
Chocobos are spawns of Satan. O_o

The Wolf
04-18-2004, 04:06 PM
Just bought the first DVD myself and loved it, I agree heather it does get a bit repetative, but I still love the bit where he loads up the Magun:D its just so cool:) but whats up with that "soil" thing?:angel:

04-21-2004, 11:13 AM
Unlimited is pretty decent for an anime series, i have enjoyed the first 3 episodes and am planning on watching the next two this afternoon after my last final of the year
the series though is not up to par with other others because yes the summon graphics are amazing but character detail really draws away from enjoyment, looking at the same old bland faces and bodies gets kinda old.

personally i enjoy the darker side of anime i.e. the section from kill bill for all of you that have seen it you know what i mean
and Ghost in the shell was tight

anyway my opinion on ff:u story line good, summons a bit better humans need work and villians to kiddy, I want some darker themes.
